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Motivational Video for a change by whamm!, February 13

after reading thru blogs of bad news, running bad myself, + Show Spoiler +

I found this ... hope it helps you out there who need it as well

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problems frying egg by bigredhoss, February 13

im trying to fry an egg, i put some olive oil in the pan and turned heat to low-mediumish, but the oil was fucking exploding everywhere, as in like, i was scared to get close enough to take the egg out. there was oil landing on the floor 3-4 feet away from the pan.

i have fried eggs before in my life but it has been a while, this has never happened to me before though wtf is going on?

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fmmmml by El_Tanque, February 13

my only form of entertainment (what i play Tiger Woods 11 and watch 30ROCK on netflix on (my ps3)) has "died". The good 'ole "flashing red light" problem. Anyone know how to fix it? I'm dying here.

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DOWNSWING OVER (I hope) by Spicy, February 13


Got back to even so many times just to get my hopes crushed

I love you all

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$764 in 760 Tounaments by Gadget, February 12

This week I've played the most volume of my life. I switched to 90 man KO's and have been 16 tabling them, with 2 MTT's mixed in. Apparently this is the maximum at FTP? Has anyone gotten them to increase it past 16+2?

I've been having some confidence issues lately, so I decided to start at the bottom and work my way up. My plan was to play the $3.30's until I made 200 BI's. Then I would move up to the next limit and repeat the process. Out of the 8 days I played so far I've only had 1 losing day. I've won around 235 BI's so far. I'm currently mixing in some $6.50's. GRAPH!!!!

Also, the way FTP calculates TLB points makes it possible to be competitive even with micro BI's. The top 200 get entered in a 12k package freeroll.

Let me know if its possible to play more than 18 tables at FTP. Thanks.

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Guess what happened by player999, February 12

A) everybody went all in and I made $$$
B) internet disconnection

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LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL by K40Cheddar, February 12

I thought this was hilarious

Submitted by : K40Cheddar

***** Hand History for Game 28141017673 ***** (Full Tilt)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, February 12, 04:25:45 ET 2011
Table Apollo (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Schenker777 ( $136.03 USD )
Seat 2: Barracuda51reg ( $10.50 USD )
Seat 3: RabbitCarrot ( $20.00 USD )
Seat 4: NDC573 ( $33.10 USD )
Seat 5: DeathSymphony ( $24.20 USD )
Seat 6: BEEFY7 ( $21.56 USD )
Seat 7: K40cheddar ( $25.70 USD )
Seat 8: c1samd ( $11.06 USD )
Seat 9: SPBbob ( $12.83 USD )
Barracuda51reg posts small blind $0.10 USD.
RabbitCarrot posts big blind $0.25 USD.

Dealt to K40cheddar AhAd
NDC573 folds
DeathSymphony folds
BEEFY7 raises $1.25 USD
K40cheddar raises $4.00 USD
c1samd raises $6.75 USD
SPBbob folds
Schenker777 folds
Barracuda51reg folds
RabbitCarrot calls $6.50 USD
BEEFY7 calls $5.50 USD
K40cheddar raises $21.70 USD
c1samd calls $4.31 USD
RabbitCarrot calls $13.25 USD
BEEFY7 calls $14.81 USD
K40cheddar showsAh,Ad
c1samd showsKs,Kh
RabbitCarrot shows4d,2d
BEEFY7 shows7s,7h
K40cheddar wins $4.14 USD

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $74.42)


Turn(Odds) (Pot : $74.42)


River (Pot : $74.42)

K40cheddar wins $3.12 USD from main pot
K40cheddar wins $26.03 USD from main pot
K40cheddar wins $42.13 USD from main pot

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Anyone do this ? by try, February 12

I have been playing a while and got good enough to easily beat 25nl.
I have a mental issue with poker that forces me to cash out anything I lose 4 buy in's. Its keeping me from being successful at poker.

So here is what I do.

Every month on pay day I say "I guess I'll try my luck at poker again"
This week I bought at 500.00 after 3, 12 table 4-6 hour sessions I'm up to 850.00 and 30 vip's away from a $75 pokerstar bonus.

Now my most recent session I went from 730 to 930 then started to lose until I stopped at 850.00 Now to me I considering this a horrible losing session but why? I increased 120.00 but its enough to make me cash out feeling like I'm losing to much of my own money.

It doesn't make sense I make 1500.00 a week at my job why should I care about losing 850 BUT I DO and I hate myself for it because I see my f list from starcraft like fayth and others doing great and its inspiring.

Maybe I need a poker therapist lol but I can really use the extra money poker brings. But a mere 200-300 a month due to my 3-7 day sessions before cashing out is not cutting it. I really want build up a bankroll to get up to 1-2.

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life is good by longple, February 12

another 10k$ day

cant complain on life/poker atm

sometimes its just nice

cant stop watching the clip, watched it probably 50 times soon over the last 3 days

makes me giggle everytime

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Epic Crash.. Worst night of poker by Jhyun88, February 12

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PUMPED by salutary, February 12

been doing some self reflection, and upon reading manyards blog everything seems much clearer

what is poker to me? money.

sure, its fun to learn and improve at the game, and sure, i enjoy the challenge of competition, but in the end, if there was no money in poker i'd still be playing stacraft. poker has given me the spending money to get through the last few years of uni. although ive never made it as big as most of the respected regs on these forums, ive still been able to fund whatever i wanted to buy and not worry about depleting my savings. but ever since i started work a year ago, the spark to win at poker just hasnt been there. ive had a few disaster sessions where ive lost a few k, and afterwards, instead of studying my mistakes i'd just write it off as running bad

i read somewhere that you shouldnt think of money as just a number, but things you can get with that number. so in my life, what do i need money for? in the next year i want to be able to purchase a decent place to move out in, as well as go on an overseas trip. considering the house prices in Australia this is impossible on my salary. in short, until i earn enough at work (hopefully within 2 years), poker is going to have to supplement my income.

i played about 5h of poker so far today, which is probably the most ive done in a LONG time! time to buckle down and grind out another few hours! FOCUS!!! i know if i work hard i can do this.

GL at the tables everyone (if you managed to read this far)

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6.5 hour session... by ChrisKim47, February 12

... so 6122 hands 6.5 hours 242$ up. Towards the tail end I started paying off all these short stacks with small pockets, which is just fucking awful. This one fish won all the pots he played vs me doing some crazy nonsense. We were sitting over 4 buyins deep, and he left after bout an hour, so I called it a session.

Heres some hands of this debauchery. He was 3betting so crazily it was awesome.

Submitted by : ChrisKim47

***** Hand History for Game 28123413078 ***** (Full Tilt)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, February 12, 01:20:01 ET 2011
Table Upset (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Zeus691 ( $25.00 USD )
Seat 2: dogura ( $32.34 USD )
Seat 3: AlexGerasim ( $28.88 USD )
Seat 4: owwwwn ( $47.94 USD )
Seat 5: matti93 ( $9.35 USD )
Seat 6: Hero ( $189.37 USD )
dogura posts small blind $0.10 USD.
Hero posts big blind $0.25 USD.

Dealt to Hero QcQh
Zeus691 folds
dogura raises $1.15 USD
Hero raises $4.00 USD
dogura calls $3.00 USD

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $8.15)

dogura checks
Hero bets $5.75 USD
dogura calls $5.75 USD

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $19.65)

dogura checks
Hero bets $179.37 USD
dogura calls $22.34 USD
Hero showsQc,Qh
dogura shows6h,7h
Hero wins $157.03 USD

River (Pot : $221.36)

dogura wins $63.68 USD from main pot

Submitted by : ChrisKim47

***** Hand History for Game 28123833954 ***** (Full Tilt)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, February 12, 01:47:39 ET 2011
Table Upset (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Seat 1: Ferrous323 ( $30.95 USD )
Seat 2: dogura ( $65.79 USD )
Seat 3: AlexGerasim ( $25.00 USD )
Seat 4: insomniac14 ( $25.00 USD )
Seat 5: Bavarese ( $27.50 USD )
Seat 6: Hero ( $161.85 USD )
Ferrous323 posts small blind $0.10 USD.
dogura posts big blind $0.25 USD.

Dealt to Hero 9hJh
AlexGerasim folds
insomniac14 folds
Bavarese folds
Hero raises $0.75 USD
Ferrous323 folds
dogura raises $2.50 USD
Hero calls $2.00 USD

Flop (Pot : $5.35)

dogura bets $4.00 USD
Hero calls $4.00 USD

Turn (Pot : $13.35)

dogura bets $8.75 USD
Hero calls $8.75 USD

River (Pot : $30.85)

dogura bets $22.25 USD
Hero calls $22.25 USD
dogura shows5c,Qc
dogura wins $72.60 USD from main pot
Hero doesn't show9h,Jh

Submitted by : ChrisKim47

***** Hand History for Game 28124156415 ***** (Full Tilt)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, February 12, 02:10:50 ET 2011
Table Stratton (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: atlastonbnet ( $26.50 USD )
Seat 2: Hero ( $53.05 USD )
Seat 3: Chem_87 ( $45.98 USD )
Seat 4: DJLegendary ( $32.10 USD )
Seat 5: Bavarese ( $51.57 USD )
Seat 6: ukefan ( $25.00 USD )
DJLegendary posts small blind $0.10 USD.
Bavarese posts big blind $0.25 USD.

Dealt to Hero 8sAs
ukefan folds
atlastonbnet folds
Hero raises $0.85 USD
Chem_87 folds
DJLegendary raises $2.70 USD
Bavarese folds
Hero calls $1.95 USD

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $5.75)

DJLegendary bets $4.00 USD
Hero raises $11.00 USD
DJLegendary raises $25.30 USD
Hero calls $18.30 USD
DJLegendary showsJh,7h
Hero shows8s,As

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $60.35)


River (Pot : $60.35)

DJLegendary wins $61.45 USD from main pot

Submitted by : ChrisKim47

***** Hand History for Game 28121600050 ***** (Full Tilt)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Friday, February 11, 11:35:35 ET 2011
Table Stratton (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 2 is the button
Seat 1: Dont Get Worked ( $25.70 USD )
Seat 2: Hero ( $27.08 USD )
Seat 3: stevieberg ( $25.35 USD )
Seat 4: Greandal ( $34.87 USD )
Seat 5: Bavarese ( $40.32 USD )
Seat 6: Vakulada ( $25.00 USD )
stevieberg posts small blind $0.10 USD.
Greandal posts big blind $0.25 USD.

Dealt to Hero Ac3c
Bavarese raises $1.00 USD
Vakulada folds
Dont Get Worked folds
Hero calls $1.00 USD
stevieberg folds
Greandal folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $2.35)

Bavarese bets $1.70 USD
Hero raises $7.25 USD
Bavarese calls $5.55 USD

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $16.85)

Bavarese checks
Hero bets $18.83 USD
Bavarese calls $18.83 USD
Hero showsAc,3c
Bavarese showsTs,As

River (Pot : $54.51)

Bavarese wins $51.79 USD from main pot

Biggest hands of the lollernites:

Submitted by : ChrisKim47

***** Hand History for Game 28122832492 ***** (Full Tilt)
$25.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, February 12, 12:43:14 ET 2011
Table Kiowa (6 max) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Greandal ( $25.00 USD )
Seat 2: fmwlfsh ( $29.88 USD )
Seat 3: Adrianlow24 ( $16.27 USD )
Seat 4: A_MAXA_A ( $89.41 USD )
Seat 5: Hero ( $81.07 USD )
Seat 6: superstarr24 ( $25.00 USD )
fmwlfsh posts small blind $0.10 USD.
Adrianlow24 posts big blind $0.25 USD.

Dealt to Hero 4s4c
A_MAXA_A raises $2.50 USD
Hero calls $2.50 USD
superstarr24 folds
Greandal folds
fmwlfsh folds
Adrianlow24 folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $5.35)

A_MAXA_A bets $5.35 USD
Hero raises $16.50 USD
A_MAXA_A calls $11.15 USD

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $38.35)

A_MAXA_A checks
Hero bets $23.50 USD
A_MAXA_A calls $23.50 USD

River (Pot : $85.35)

A_MAXA_A bets $46.91 USD
Hero calls $38.57 USD
A_MAXA_A wins $8.34 USD
A_MAXA_A showsTs,Td
Hero shows4s,4c
Hero wins $159.49 USD from main pot

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Cheer up night! by spets1, February 12

Hey night.

We all feel like sometimes we're being coolered non stop.

Felt like we're hitting a wall

What you gotta do is step back, reorganize, get some sleep

hit the beach

hit the pubs

oh I know. Why not go camping?

How about some gymnastics?

Not your thing? Want to do something creative?
Learn a piano, its great for relaxing.

All im saying,just cheer up man.

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Poker among other things by El_Tanque, February 12

Poker Blog: I am thinking about getting back into the swing of things. I haven't played in about 2 and a half years, but I've recently come into some money and am thinking about giving it another go. I wouldn't know where to start, like what site and how much I should invest in this, but I have recently come into some money, and although it's not much, I am a college student, and I'm trying to make saving money a priority. Nonetheless, after being snowed in and bored out of my mind for the last 12 days, I'm really wanting to get back into the swing of things, even though I'm not too sure if I'll have the time to dedicate into becoming the poker player I'd like to be. Small goals to start out.

What is the general progression of a player? Not so much time-wise, but 5nl, 10nl, etc, and is there any difference when moving up to when i should play fr or 6max?

What should I deposit? and also where should I play?

Other Things blog:
Life is going great. I've got an awesome girlfriend who supports me, however we are unfortunately in a long distance relationship, but I'd rather be with her than anyone else. I've also recently joined my university's newspaper reporting staff, and have written a couple of articles. I've changed my major to Mass Communications. I hope to be on sports talk radio as I really enjoy any form of competition. My favorite sport is Baseball, but any kind of competition (except nascar) I am always willing to debate and talk about.
I live in a small town, I have a job to support myself at a local recreational center mowing baseball/softball/soccer/football fields. It sucks, but hey, whatever pays rent. I enjoy the work. Since it is winter I've been working the concession stand at our basketball facility. I actually get to do that today, Saturday, for about 8 hours. :/

Anywho, I guess to feed my craving to play poker before I nyquil myself to sleep. Nothing like a little fake money

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February so far by K40Cheddar, February 11

Started the month playing rush like a super huge aggressor. Worked briefly until people started adjusting hard. Lowered tables to 2 instead of 4 in order to pay more attention to quality of play over quantity. Been putting an effort to post hands and get feedback more this month. It's helping a lot.

+ about $60 rakeback

= $85

Not great. Definitely room from improvement, but at least I haven't lost anything. Roll at about $760.

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oh well by Night2o1, February 11

wasted a couple of years of my life I guess, got hardly anything to show for it except a permanently stress-shriveled brain really.

going to take an indefinite break could be short or long

variance is the farthest thing from mild in this game.. just a headsup

damn I tried so hard

bleh I could be back quickly but im not going to try to make any predictions.

now to face infinite shame as I try to rebuild every aspect of my life as well as face my peers.. i only hope I have the strength of mind left to get back on my feet

i might come back and blog a bit about my time spent as a poker player but idk if I have the energy

thank you to all of you who put forth encouragement, hand advice, etc. over the years.

cu guys later

here's a graph

I do hope to one day make a triumphant return but that seems like a longshot

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Egypt: Mubarak GONE!!!!!!!!!! by k2o4, February 11

Holy shit, this is so inspiring, emotional, and flat out amazing. In 18 days these people were able to remove a 30 year dictator through mass protests and true people power. Democracy attained by the people, not by the barrel of a gun. Dictators the world over are shaking in their boots.

Watch the livestream, it's fantastic. An hour since the announcement and they're still celebrating like it just happened.

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3.5 hr session... by ChrisKim47, February 10

... ran pretty good made little over 8 buyins ($206.90). 3169 hands and 85$ in rake wow. Most I've been raked so far. Will put in another session later tonite, but will chill and play some BW on iccup first.

mdiesel in op [pain] for some games!

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Stars to FTP by fira, February 10

My stars for your FTP

Anywhere between $200 and $500 USD

PM me!

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January (yeah, January) by player999, February 10

After a session like this I feel like updating finally:

+ Show Spoiler +

So on january I started grinding hardcore. First week of play was simply the sickest week ever for a solid ~165 buy ins profit after rb

But then on the next week shit happened (-60bi)

+ Show Spoiler +

Lost 3k ish in one live poker sess too Anyway january ended up like this, ok for ~10 days of play:

+9.6k online grind
+2.4k rakeback
-0.5k live cash
-1.4k online MTT

= +10.1k month. Good overall I guess. At least I'm keeping the 5 digit streak going.

Feb I planned to grind like mad, but with that downswing and with college starting again (I had no idea it started on the 3rd already I was even planning on make the sickest prop bet ever for february), I have little time to play, so SNE is getting impossible. I still have hopes tho, will try to get to 100k this month and take it from there. Also breaking up with my gf last sunday didn't rly help my mindset

Feb so far, recoverin'

+ Show Spoiler +


VPPs: 43,604

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