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a realization... by Helmet, February 10

pairs ain't shit in plo!

that is all. thank you.

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16 BI day by SpasticInk, February 10

feels good

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My First Bloggity by itsABOOTime, February 10

Hi, Been lurking around for a month or so now and figure I should make a blog. Mostly this post is just to say hello and introduce myself but gonna put my Poker goals for the year down here at the bottom so I can look back and see how close I came or how far I surpassed them at the end of the year.

I'm currently playing 10nl 6max, I was a 100nl player and probably winning a bit because of rakeback about a year maybe year and a half ago. Then I moved up to 200nl got owned and sort of ragequitted. But I guess I'm an addict cause I'm back to give poker another go. Hopefully I won't make the same mistakes as last time and be successful.

That pretty much sums up me and my poker history. Cya at the tables and gl hf.

2010 Poker Goals
-Be a winning 100nl player at the end of the year
-Learn basics of other Poker games(omaha/stud/whatever else)
-Stop calling river check raises against players who never bluff its so fucking bad
-Stop playing if you get tilted.

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Shit that my customers say to me - #3 by Arirang, February 10

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Introducing, MTT wins by hahaufail, February 10

Oops, accidentally deleted this blog post :/

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Update by attik34, February 10

Haven't been feeling to well the past 2 days so the volume hasn't really been there. Feeling better today so hopefully I'll get in a big day.

Since the starting the stake over Tuesday:

Played: 25 $6.60 90 man KO's
Profit: $9

Got one win in there and one small cash. I feel like I've been bubble boy alot which I'll chalk up to variance for now. Plan on a big session today though.

That being said I've started playing WOW again. And I'm actually really proud of how I'm handling it right now. I know that sounds dumb, but if any of you have played it, you know that its easy to find yourself on 15 hours straight and not even realize it. I've been playing but in moderation. I absolutely have to make sure I do not get involved with raiding, because that is what eats your soul the most.

Well, I suppose that is it for now, run good me!

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Week 2 Beginnings by Advant1, February 10

So it's week 2 since I've begun. (Look @ Previous entry if you dont know)
I was going to update on Week 1 but I was at my girlfriend's and felt lazy to do so, so I'll recap here.

Anyways, I've gotten off PlayMoney and finally started cash on PS.
Depositing $15 to start with @ $0.02/$0.05NLHE I'm not doing TOO bad.
Been only been playing about 3 hours now and I'm up $4.00.
Though in those 3 hours I've dipped to about $7ish but I've managed to scrape my way back up - your right though, cash and playmoney are 2 totally different playstyles.

I'm continuing to read up on articles here and there, familiarizing myself more with fundamentals and such. Times I lose hands are when I'm an idiot and decide to call with losing hands - which brought me back to the basic rule (@ this stage) of "Winning by playing less hands". Playing real tight and overlooking the process as a bigger picture.
Yes I know the math is google-able but I still don't understand just by reading it. I'm more of a practical person - or maybe I'm just a dummy who can't do simple poker math?
Anyhow, it's 4:30 in the morning and I'm going to stop playing for tonight before I start losing, and will pick up tomorrow afternoon&night again.

NOTE: I'm still trying to figure out the math in all this though - right now I'm kind of playing by sense and strong hands, not really knowing the percentage & math of this.
If anyone would be kind enough to take their own time explaining it to me over MSN or something? Would be greatly appreciated!!!

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shot at 25nl... by ChrisKim47, February 10

... is going terribly. started somewhere at the beginning for february. Over 22k hands, I'm running 631$ under EV.

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German Electro OoO by LikeASet, February 09

lol wooooo

someone translate plz

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Epic fail by gawdawaful, February 09

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Shit that my customers say to me - #2 by Arirang, February 09

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Feb 9th by Pokerpoopy, February 09

Crap, I got sick. I missed 3 or 4 days, no bueno in a month that already has only 28 days. Feeling a bit better finally, so I will start grinding the shit out of this game and get to 600K by end of feb. GL at the tables y'all.


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A little peak in my wordpad documents by Mariuslol, February 09

Hey, decided to clean up my pc, found lots of my old wordpad documents. Way to much to just throw it all up here, but thought I'd toss up a little here and there since a lot of you guys seem to appreciate my blogs, gives me an awesome feeling aswell <3

Oh, I'm putting it in spoilers. Some people might not be interested or care about some of it, then they don't have to scroll past it or annoy themself, simply don't klick the spoiler =]

How to be confident "To have faith in oneself"

+ Show Spoiler +

How to smile

+ Show Spoiler +

How to Dance

+ Show Spoiler +

Happiness <3

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How to look approachable

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A lot of the stuff I like learning about is often about areas I feel I've been lacking, since most of my life I've been gaming. I think you get a bit introverted when you spend a lot of time at the computer, but I found out by learning about it, the confidence and outgoingness (wonder if that's a word) happens so much easier and faster with some knowledge to back you up whenever you feel like changing the scenery.

Hoping to continue to post more frequently, all the best <3

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The irony of it all by DustySwedeDude, February 09

My (former) room mate moved out yesterday. Within 24 hours I got a girlfriend. The thing I said about him being the worst wing man in history seems to hold true.

"But I tell you that I can't live in service
Like the doctor who was born for a purpose
Rudie can't fail"

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Dog farts by attik34, February 09

So if any of you are animal experts, my dog has the worst, most god awful farts ever. How do I fix this. Switched foods, and it did absolutely nothing. It's VERY difficult to breath right now. Help before I suffocate.

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shameless brag by nolan, February 09

FTP players confirmed terrible

and the jam i was bumping on repeat:

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we love meat but ... by whamm!, February 09

watch "farm to fridge" on youtube.


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Best anthem ever. Salute by ChrisKim47, February 08

Seems like this was pretty recently. After listening to her I can't stop saluting.

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solid state disk help by the cleaner, February 08

I´m a ssd noob. however I´m putting together a system, based on

DFI LP MI P55-T36 MICRO-ITX board / intel i5 / 4gb ram. I´m kind of on a tight budget, since i allready spend alot for a monitor and rest of the system, so I´m looking at these 2 ssds.

Ozc Vertex 2e 60gb (105€)
intel x25-m 80gb (160€)

I´m currently using a 74gb raptor setup for OS and database, so capacity wise any of these 2 is good enough for me.
If performance is similar i would like to go with the Vertex to save some bucks

if anyone has experienced with these harddrives, i would appreciate some advice.


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Shit that my customers say - #1 by Arirang, February 08

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