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I need $1800 FTP by player999, December 10

done ty exalted

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moneybookers down? by sweetbread, December 10

Is anyone able to access the moneybookers website? I've had no luck for the last hour or so =(

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I need $250 Stars by player999, December 10

not anymore I dont

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hi there pls help by r0mx0, December 10

hello to all LP'ers

I would like to ask you for some help.I need to clear some bonus till end of 2010 at stars and need somebody to send me 500$, i'll send to your FTP first... thnx a lot

ofc send some extra $ how much do you want from busto kid ?

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neteller support ? by PplusAD, December 10

Hm since i got a new computer the auto password remember firefox function can no longer be used
I know what my password is but i am unsure about 1-2 letters in terms of Cap or non Cap
Yay i did manage to do it wrong 3 times in a row and my account is now closed ... ( 330€ still in it) does not answer to e-mails
+1 403 451 8020 -> expensive number ?
Live chat support ( i couldnt find any)

Does anyone have any recent phone number ( preferably free)
for contacting their support ?

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beating micro stakes pt3 by mnj, December 10

part 3: a few final words

vacuum ev =/= real or true ev

opening Q5o against weak blinds although in a vacuum may be +ev may or may not be truly ev. there are a lot of intangible concepts here and therefore this entire section may somewhat be neglected, but i'll try to explain. if you are playing over 6+ tables and open a wide range that consists for example Q5o it may be +ev to just fold it and pay more attention to more quality hands or hands currently being played. you may have a hard time keeping up with an aggressive dynamic where the blinds have finally caught on and may be willing to 3 bet light. when playing mass tables there is always a risk of paranoia when you get 3 bet across tables and this may induce retardedness 1 every few thousand hands that will stagnate your winrate. also there is some argument that if you are easily tiltable and have a hard time resisting double barreling you should prob cut back on wide ranges.

hand reading
- accurate hand reading helps you bluff when your behind but more importantly helps you make razor thin vbets. piecing hand ranges together through information from pf, flop and turn is quite hard to do and will take alot of practice. i suggest playing 4 tables max and practice hand reading in uninvolved hands as well.

shot taking
-do it often. do it aggressively. shot taking (for me at leasT) makes you a little bit more desensitized to money (which i think is somewhat neccessary). it helps you play your best game with no consequence for money when you move back down to your own limits. because it's like playing for chump change. it sorta removes a sense of fear and intimidation. also taking shots may help you realize that you aren't so bad after all. that the skill difference is marginal. playing for higher money may also motivate you to reach that limit in the future. when i reached 1/2 i was amazed that stealing the blinds yielded 3 whole dollars. 3 mcdoubles. real substantial monies vs nl25 where you win .35.

horizontal vs vertical learning
-lately i feel that my fundamentals have expanded. like you learn about hand strength. and then position. and then blind play. and then 3 betting from the blinds. and then calling 3 bets in position. and then 3 betting in position. and then how imba and unexploitable position can be. this is what i consider horizontal learning where you are learning somewhat newer information and newer skills. personally, i feel as though there is not that much more for me to learn horizontally. however vertically alot of my skills are laughable, shabby, and exploitable. vbetting includes much more than getting value over 3 streets for instance. i vary my bet sizes so infrequently, i reuse the standard lines i've developed and run them into the ground. i suppose you can consider it "creativity" but what it really comes down to is developing your current skills vertically so you are much better and adept at vbetting, 3 betting, etc. i can tell you for a fact that it still blows my mind how i don't vbet larger. although preflop/cbet sizes should be somewhat standardized there is still so much room to increase winrate through a little bit of thinking about the simplest thing, bet sizing.

although it may be somewhat relaxing to mindlessly grind away over 10 tables and solidify good strong lines and simple ranges, it behooves you to try your utmost hardest to think deeply about the game whenever possible and to try to max out all your current skills while still learning new ones.

lastly, the part no one wants to hear
-there is nothing wrong with playing poker as a hobby. furhtermore there is nothing wrong with being a losing poker player. there is something wrong though if the money matters. if money spent on poker should be spent elsewhere like family, bills and savings. i hope you are either smart enough to know when to quit, or have friends around you who love you enough to put themselves in hard and awkward spot to make it known to you of a potential problem. this is prob a somewhat delicate subject and this is all i have to say about that.

in conclusion, i hope this guide is helpful and having received lots of generous help and tips myself this is my way of paying it forward.

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One of the worst calls ever by Negreanu... by Carthac, December 10

Hello again everybody!

The Big Game started up again last week, and it has been fairly entertaining so far. I have really become a fan of the show, even though when I first started, I could not stand even the sight of it, as all I could associate the show with was that gay fuck blogger Jason Calanackis, or w/e the fuck his name is.

Anyways, there was a hand this week with Daniel Negreanu that I found particularly special. Daniel has been known to make some really awful plays, but I personally feel this may have been one of the worst for him in a while. I threw in a little of my own analysis, and you can take that as it is.

BTW, I tried to submit this to the hands section, and I couldn't get it to show the board cards properly, so ima just copy paste it here. Anyways, here we go

Oh, and heres a link BTW if you would rather watch the hand

The hand I am discussing starts at about 13:50

PokerStars Big Game: Hold'em No Limit ($200/400, 100 ante USD) - 2010/12/09
Table Strobe Fuck Light 6-max
Seat 2: Doyle Brunson
Seat 3: Scott Seiver
Seat 4: Joe Hachem
Seat 5: Daniel Negreanu (roughly 250k)
Seat 6: Phil Galfond (roughly 470k)
Doyle Brunson: posts small blind $200
Scott Seiver: posts big blind $400
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Joe Hachem: folds
Dealt to Daniel Negreanu: [As 2c]
Daniel Negreanu: raises $1200 to $2400
Phil Galfond: [Ks 8d]
Phil Galfond: calls $1200
Doyle Brunson: folds
Scott Seiver: [Jd Tc]
Scott Seiver: calls $1200

Typical garbage raise from the cutoff for Negreanu as he feels that he can play anything from the cutoff and button because he saw an online winner do it once. Galfond makes a very loose call, but with the implied odds to get paid off since Negreanu is a mega station and for how deep the two are, I do not blame him at all. Seiver calls for the same reasons basically

*** FLOP *** [8s Kd Ac]
Scott Seiver: checks
Daniel Negreanu: bets $3000
Phil Galfond: calls $3000
Scott Seiver: folds

Seems pretty standard so far. Negreanu getting value from possible 2nd pair type hands Galfond might have. Not really any draws you can flat with profitably here, so it is expected that Negreanu will slow down and play his hand as a bluff catcher

*** TURN *** [8s Kd Ac] Th
Daniel Negreanu: checks
Phil Galfond: bets $7000
Daniel Negreanu: calls $7000

Weird spot for Negreanu, as Galfond should be checking behind with K's, any weird 3rd pair type hand, etc. When Galfond bets, I see him as polarizing his range to either an ace+ or complete air. However, air makes no sense as Galfond would typically not 100% air float with Seiver in the hand to act behind him. Seeing as this board has only gutshots to draw to, I feel Negreanu can at most call one more bet, and even that is pushing it a little.

*** RIVER *** [8s Kd Ac Th] 6h
Daniel Negreanu: checks
Phil Galfond: bets $15,500
Daniel Negreanu: Time bank is enabled....
Daniel Negreanu: calls $15,500

*** SHOW DOWN ***
Phil Galfond: shows [Kd 8s] (Two pair, Kings and Eights}
Daniel Negreanu: mucks

You know Negreanu is known for some really bad calls, but this one is just outstandingly horrific. After Galfond bets, he puts him on either QJ or air. Out of all the common two pair possibilities, better ace hands, sets, etc. Negreanu puts him SOLELY on QJ, or A 100% COMPLETE AIR FLOAT THAT DECIDED TO DOUBLE BARREL A STATION THAT LED INTO 2 OTHER PEOPLE. WHAT IN THE FUCK IS GOING THROUGH THIS MANS HEAD?!

He looks at his hand, knows he beats NOTHING BUT A COMPLETE 100% BLUFF THAT RANDOMLY DECIDED TO FLOAT/FIRE 2 BARRELs, and decides 'I think I am good here a high enough % of the time to make this call.'

Idk, maybe I am off on all of this, but when I watched it, my jaw almost hit the floor. Maybe I am wrong? Feel free to comment on anything

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Isnt EV FUN??? by aznricebeast, December 10

ALl .25/.5 and .5/1 HU

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Today by OpWestAcct, December 09

About 2-3 weeks ago I told my self that a downswing was inevitable. That surely soon in the future I would run worse than I thought possible. Before I started playing poker again I had already experienced this. I went through 2 downswings over 40 buy ins and another for about 25. Well, it's here. It started off slow - Just barely managing to break even over the sessions I played this week. But today there was no mercy whatsoever. From what I remember over the 4k hands I played today I had 4 sets beaten, trips were no good 3 times, top two lost 3 times, if I made a flush or a straight today I am 100% certain it did not get paid off. I ran my AK into AA/KK 4 times. And ran my QQ/JJ into AA/KK 3 times. And of course AK > my KK FTW! I don't know what to really do or think right now. I am deathly afraid that this downswing will be like the other memorable ones where it lasted over a month. Just a solid 45-60 days of losing in the most disgusting fashion possible. I lost 14 buy ins today - 2 of which I remember I clearly tilted off - I usually use a stop loss but I just didn't think it was possible to keep losing the way I was - But it didn't stop.

Month so far

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still going strong by K40Cheddar, December 09

Probably gonna take a shot at NL 25 next week after I finish my finals, although I do feel like I'm in my comfort zone right now and like being a consistent winner. I don't really care about the money, I'm just trying to get better.

Gl to the rest of month for all.

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yay a star by Seobombisgay, December 09

im ranked 11th in avg profit for the super turbo 6max 11$-35$ games. Below is also my graph for this month so far. That huge dip is playing 125$-250$ husng against regs to keep my game sharp(was down 1.5k then ended the session +400). by january i will be taking epic shots so prepare for a -+5k swings

and this gsl is pretty epic. i got the season ticket to watch liquidjinro play! gl and destroy my fellow koreans

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S&G Br management ? by RaiZ, December 09

Alright here is the deal:
I've almost never played S&G or MTTs and i went from 120 to 100 playing exclusively satellites with 2$ fees or lower. Is that bad ? I remember that the BR for playing S&G was like 100bi and mtt is 1000 or something. But that was from a personnal point of view from a LP player. I'd like to try it out and see how far i can go because i got a little tired of cash games and almost everything that's poker related around my country is tournaments only. The live cash games are almost non existant except in big cities where i don't live or too far from where i am. There's also an issue with the rake which here in france is way too high from your standard (2 or 3 times higher (!)).

TLDR : Proper way to play tournaments from a cash game player ? Have no books except harrington's and can't watch videos without subtitles (i'm deaf).

Thank you for your patience

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uhmmmmmmmmmm by Joeingram1, December 09

session today

total on this computer, still up ftw

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My birthday already? by Svenman87, December 09

Fuck - it seems like I just turned 19... I blinked and I'm a 23 year old man now :'[

Bleh well anyways gonna party it up hardcore this weekend.

Nothing to really update - been playing a lot of League of Legends.... Fucking awesome game! Also I have been showing my business plan to a few different people looking to get some $$$ backed. So far I have like 5k of my own and another 5k from an investor. The nice thing is I don't really need all that much so another 5k-10k and I'd feel comfortable with starting it up.

Anyways I hope everyone has a great day and an awesome weekend! ^_^

Have a shot for me!

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My birthday already? by Svenman87, December 09

somehow dbl post? :3

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Final Tables by player999, December 09

Four of them.

Now I'm winning money this year at MTTs, last week I was down 13k lmao, insane heater

Thank you Ryan, sick how much I improved after talking to you.

Need to sleep now its 8 AM

EDIT: oh, just noticed:
[x] 100k

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beating micro stakes pt2 by mnj, December 09

if part 1 can be considered "basic game plan" than part 2 can be called "3 bet pots and exploitation." but really they are pretty much the same thing.

poker can be summarized by exploiting and adapting. a perpetual game of rock, paper, scissors. many games are like this. a popular one being starcraft. wrestling if you've ever done it or know anything about it. mma to a smaller degree.

its like pokemon. if he sends out a charmander then send out a squirtle.

our basic game plan covered in the last post works because it exploits opponents tendencies to make undisciplined calls. i feel as though this strategy should work fine and crush those limits in single bet pots. now onto 3 bet pots.

why 3 bet?
-opponent will call with lots of dominated hands
-opponent will fold a large majority of the time
-you have position and the proper skill advantage to win many pots post flop.

for the most part these are the main reasons to 3 bet a hand. @ micro stakes however opponents rarely call with dominated hands. opponents do however fold a large majority of the time. so what is the proper strategy for this?

something i've never heard anyone else do, that i myself used relentlessly at these limits is flatting AA KK QQ JJ in the blinds all day vs button opens. in my experience button opens are extremely wide and therefore many ppl fold to 3 bets. so why raise AA KK here? they rarely have a flatting range and most likely have a 4 bet range of AA KK themselves. 3 betting AA KK here is not that + ev. what is + ev however is flatting AA KK here against WIDE button opens. they will miss several flops and you can win flop cbets and turn cbets VERY often. to a lesser extent opponents will value town themselves over 3 barrels. and although very rare, you will be able to out cooler many players here with TOP SET. as stated this happens very rarely but nevertheless is an important segment in winrate.

therefore 3 betting hands like KT, A2-A7 in the blinds against a button opens is a good adjustment since they rarely flat and only 4 bet nuts.

wait so my 3 betting range is polarized to only garbage handS? my answer to that is pretty much. there are obviously always exceptions. but for the most part i 3 bet bluff almost exclusively @ nl50 and below.

-squeezing is when you 3 bet an opener and a caller.

so given that the original opener is somewhat late pos or has a wide range what are good hands to squeeze here? take a moment to think of a range that most exploits this. (there are multiple right answers)

+ Show Spoiler +

i don't think my game is anything special and by no means is my range suggestion here the ultimate guide or say all. it is just my preference and my comfort zone over playing many hands @ micro stakes.

final note about AK.

its the nuts. or is it?
most lpers will prob be disgusted in my suggestions here AK is the most over played hand at micro stakes. the fact that you have blockers to AA KK and are flipping with QQ often makes it profitable to ship in at higher limits. however shipping AK against nits @ micro stakes is not a good idea. you will very often see AA and KK. i remember when i played micro limits i was happy or relieved to see QQ's. ducy this is a problem?

AK makes VERY strong top pair hands Kxx Axx board that you will get LOADS of value. i don't mind calling AK in the blinds 3 way or on the button 3 way. there is SO MUCH value in flatting dominating weaker kickers.

final note 2: reads
- you usually need only basic reads the 2 most important ones in my opinion is barreling frequency and calling frequency.

1-barrel monkeys (they cbet all flops and only 2 barrel with strong draws or top pairs)
- my personal favorite, exploit by calling with anything on the flop and fold weaker hands to a turn barrel. bluff or bet river when checked to. or? c/r the flop often (try figuring out a decent range here)

2 barrel fiends
- flat stronger hands like AA KK and AK. when you flop a good hand like an overpair a strong top pair hand or sets, just c/call 2 streets or c/r turn. or c/call turn bet river small to induce.

calling stations
-check back med pairs and A highs. (although once you get better you can actually vbet both these hands with proper reads)
-barrel strong pair hands

gl to you. obviously i hope my short guide can help you some through some of the specific guidelines, but

-do read other guides
-do constantly think about poker (ranges, exploitation strategy, potential future leaks in your game against stronger opponents, reads, how to get reads, what one hand showodown may say about opponents overall game plan/strategy/way of thinking.

the following articles didn't help me much till much later but i think these were pretty well written and informative (in order of what i think to be most important),_Why_and_How_-_Basic_Game_Approach

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beating micro stakes pt2 by mnj, December 09


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"Yesss!" by OpWestAcct, December 09

Is what I said today when I flopped my first set in 9k hands in a three bet pot with 55. Me and villain are 230bb deep. "Unbelievable" is what I said at the end of the hand when we got it in on the river after he turns a set with 99. Two other funny hands:

I 3 bet button with 55 - he flats - Flop J46r - I cbet - He flats - Turn 5 - I c/shove and he shows 78s.

I 3bet light with A5s - 50bb SS cold calls - flop 456 - I shove - he shows 45s. Who cold calls 1/5th of their remaining bankroll with 45s?

This month has been so frustrating.

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Going to LA, need weed by lostaccount, December 09

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