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live pokers,how do they work by Dogan0s, December 06

Hi LPers,
been playing alot in both stars and in a EU donk site.
managed some 2.5BB/100 in nl100 in stars and just stopped since
my winrate in that Eu donk site is like 10BB/100 or so..

Been 1 month since Greece added poker in casino's and i went today for the first time to play in the 2/5 table.
what i saw was ofc way different from online , but ppl with live expirience , what am i supposed to do with hands like AJ/A10/KQ and 99 and below pairs ?
I raise like 40 and get 4-5 callers.sometimes they even call pf with JJ+ and just push the money in in every single board with no overcard from their pair.

Is it better to get way more passive pf and just limp with AJ/A10/KQ (AQ aswell ?) and just aggro with nuts or strong hands since they are prob gonna pay me with worse?

gl at tables all

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One last brag - my big milestone by PanoRaMa, December 06

Been on a blog posting spree, but I guess this month is full of brags. On August 30th I wrote

  I'm close to about 100k in earnings this year but I don't want to graph it until I actually have 100k in pure cash profit without counting rakeback and tourneys. Hopefully I can make it because I've always wanted to have a $100k graph within the same calendar year (I always make a new database after each year).

I got disgustingly close at one point: 99731.89 then the poker gods decided it'd be funny to engage the doomswitch, and I shot down to ~79k almost immediately. That was a pretty depressing time. But I'm glad to say that I've started running well again and I've finally done it :D. I know sickos like Andrew Song and Fayth post 100k graphs within a single month but this is unprecedented for me, especially considering the small amount of hands I have on the year, so this really makes me happy. I made a pretty farfetched goal last year of hoping to make 200k in 2010, and while I'm nowhere near that, for once in my poker career I actually have this nice feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment.

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recent ownage by K40Cheddar, December 06

Yeah I'm glad I gave up rush

Poker is a lot easier when you sit fish on your right.

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coasting by nolan, December 05

930k VPP, almost there

This jam will help.

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december? by superfashion, December 05

had to cash out a bunch of my roll to buy christmas presents as i've been jobless since october but i've started playing a bit again. feels good to be back on the grind.

mostly 9/12tabling 5nl at stars...hoping to move up and get back to 25nl+. probably going to try to play like 60k hands for december.

gl at the tables and happy holidays LP!

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Poker / Life by NeillyJQ, December 05

Hey LP, been a while since I blogged so I figured I'd get one in here;

Spent the last few months getting my life together after an insane 6 months living in a party house in LV, was good times but took its toll n my roll.. ;-)

Boredom was creeping in harder and i was feeling more stagnant day by day after moving back to my hometown. Something needed to be done. Watched every biggame (<3 scott sever or however u spell his last name)

Got my inspiration and won the 11r.

I cashed out a fat 6k+ chunk, paid back a couple debts and left myself a lil to grind up. Taking that 6500 and getting a nice 1 bedroom apartment near the strip and going to play live 3-4 days a week.

MTTs sundays with FPP buy-ins from grinding. (40,500 to play warm up mil and the 2nd chance)

6max cash games online, 40 hrs 24 tabling (graph located below)

Now this is a job with sunday bonus and im pretty confident im gonna take down atleast one sunday in the next 365 days =) top 100 in warm up 3 times in about 10 tries, thats the most likely, warm ups so sick soft too tho. that fcking mil is full of land mines though, lil tougher to bink that fucker.

Some may ask why switch to 6max after a year off of 6max and a losing PTR Graph, this is an extremely valid question.

After going through some insanely large swings in mtts, i've learned tilt control very well. i'm in much more control of my ego now and realize playing hu is silly gambling, where i always want my edge. I can make a large amount doing this, be in correct mind for casino and have live roll too and still play MTTs. This is what we call having our cake and eating it too. I went through some serious mental overhauls in the last couple years and have learned a lot, i've been very solid in the cash arena for the last year.

A few other reasons;

A. to stay in cashgame mindset
B. the games are soft and hourly is nice
C. Can have more of a life and get laid more and drink more
D. I can stop sessions after a few hours, opposed to 20 hr mtt days
E. Never have to be staked again
F. god i can go on all day ;-)

NL50 / 1/2 - 1/3 live + sunday majors and a few random mtts on the side for now, if i make great hourly @ NL100 / 2/5 i'll play them at 12-15k when the games are soft, if not just play nl50 / 1/2.
300/day = 100k a year, seems very do-able this way. Add in SUndays and random MTTs, very exciting =)

Ticket is bought to arrive in Las Vegas on 12-10-2010, if anyones out there definitely get ahold of me here or fb or w/e

3rd times a charm for vegas, first time won 25k and left, 2nd time left with 1.5k and had the time of my life, this time im doin it for work, doin it serious, and goin to the top of live cash / mtts / working hard to reach the mid limit games in 6max.

Gonna be livin it up hard in the city too, just avoid those damn rhinowned nights etc Easy to have a blast in vegas for $100-$200, don't need to go blow umteen thousand, although easily done, i'll let the true ballers ball for now on, til i hit my wsop :-)

Dedicated, focused, Ready.


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My FTP ur PS by YouGoTGoT, December 05

Need 500

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nl10 progress+month so far by Gigabeef, December 05

Have ran well and feel like I'm actually understanding these limits and playing well too.

Currently 4tabling and table selecting extremely hard, things have gone damn well tbh. I moved up to nl10 at the start of November and got hit around a bit after initially running really well, which affected my confidence a bit, so moved back to nl5 even though I was super rolled for it to make myself feel comfortable again.

Well I am glad that I did, because once I was feeling confident again and had built some of the money back that I had won and then lost at nl10, I tried again with much better results. I read through some really epic threads about the microstakes again, the responses to my last blog post helped greatly and something seems to have just clicked into place for the time being and I feel like I'm really being extremely concious of what everyone is doing around me at the tables, not tilting or calling bets where I am obviously behind, playing in position FAR more than oop etc. One thing that I have been putting active work into is double barrelling on good turn cards which has been going great so far.

I don't have a massive sample but I do feel quite strong in a lot of situations now at nl10 and have faith in my BR management to be able to keep learning and improving and hopefully take some shots at nl25 in the near future!

November at nl10 (shots at nl10 and trying again after moving down for a bit):
+ Show Spoiler +

December so far:
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All of nl10:
+ Show Spoiler +

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MTTs by player999, December 05

Played donkaments today. Bubbled 2 nice FTs. Finally won the $22 HU tho, after top 3ing it like 15 times, winning it was a pride thing
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Also had my biggest online score:
+ Show Spoiler +

Mixed feelings about it tho, I wanted to win
But this pre-FT hand makes me feel better
+ Show Spoiler +

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Father wants to learn to play poker by Carthac, December 05

Hello again everybody

So my father, for his birthday, decided that he would like to get better at poker. I was kind of hesitant at first, as he possesses some of the WORST possible habits as far as general poker goes. He loves to chase draws, he tilts very easily and wears his emotions on his sleeve. When he tilts, he plays way too many hands, and loves to make blatant bluff raises with absolute air. On top of this, he does not stop at 1 buy-in. He is willing to put down 2-3 BI to attempt to chase his previous losses. His mindset, as the best I can explain it, is one that if he started with 200 and made it to 400, but then left with 300, he views it as walking away down 100 dollars.

Even though I knew all of this, he still expressed to me that he really wanted to get better at the game he has played (horribly) for so long. I am a micros grinder, and have a poker coach myself. I know basic stuff, but do not have the deepest well of knowledge yet in the game. My strategy was to make him a huge nit for the time being, then graduate on when he understood more and if he really wanted to stick with it.

I begun teaching him, even bought him Skylansky's book, and tried to talk through hands with him. It seemed like he was listening, but nothing was really sinking in. I let him play a few nl10 FR games on my acc on stars to become more accustomed, and he could not even control himself there as I would catch him playing random garbage from terrible positions. When I asked him about it, I felt like a school teacher disciplining a child about not doing their homework, which I was not comfortable with. His response was "I got bored." I explained to him why he shouldn't do that, why it is bad, etc. etc. But once again, it seemed to go in one ear, and out the other.

For his 50th birthday, my mother decided she would do something special and invite our family and friends to go to the casino, so he could play poker, we could all eat together, and just have a good time. My mother and father are not poor by any means, but are still on a tight budget. My father went to the casino, and I tried to get him to play a limit game, but he opted to try and play NL200. Once the cards did not come fast enough for him, I believe he fell back into his old habits. Ends up he loses 500 dollars, as I guess he snuck to the ATM at some time, and is the only one that does not have a good time at his birthday. Add this to the dinner bill they insisted to pay, as my mother had budgeted money for this, and I believe they are down about 650 tonight. I was told later on that my mother and father were fighting on the way out.

So my question to you all, after tonight, should I try to continue to teach him if he asks, or should I simply cut it off and hope he stops playing, as he typically becomes very frustrated about poker and stops playing for a long time after he loses. His lack of self control and emotional stability seems to be a complete mismatch for a game like poker, and I do not want him to continue losing money when my parents are already on a fairly tight budget.

Advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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cu ftp by craimeariver, December 04

bad blog is bad

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Need help Propokertools down by Highcard, December 04

Hey so is down, and I am wanting to do more calcs. What other sites have same/similar software for PLO hands/ranking...

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Awesome Real Life Heroes by k2o4, December 04

Just watched that movie the other night (It's instant view on netflix gogogo) and what a bunch of heroes.

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Ducks vs Beavers by SeanBam, December 04

I'll take action up to $400 on the duck -16.5. PM me or reply in here and i will confirm it.

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hello by mnj, December 04

just ended a 2/4 shot, some random ramblings, stream of conciousnesss

-lost a bit at 2/4 (combo of a few suck outs, light tilt graduating to mild tilt)

something i realized recently is that everyone at 2/4 and prob 1/2 know how to play solid. i think for the most part of my time at micro stakes/low stakes nlhe my greatest strength was playing in position with a wide range of hands while dabbling in 3 bet pots.

i played 2/4 today with just 2 tables with alot of focus. my 2 specific tables played relatively passive and although the time came for me to be the aggressor (in multiple spots) i simply passed as i didn't want the variance. however because i did this i was essentially passing up my edge. i don't feel like i have that much of an edge in these games in single raised pots.

there is alot of room for growth. i think i have all the experience and knowledge to win at 1/2 and 2/4. but the biggest problem is that piecing everything together. parallels can be drawn from single and 3bet pots, position is always key, stack/pot ratio is always in mind. like i think i know nearly all the considerations, it's just a matter of putting all the information together and reaching a thoughtful conclusion. its like learning alg 1 and 2, calc, differential equ, linear algebra and then going on and producing a thesis or a theorem of your own. it's using everything you've learned up until now to read deeper on every flop, and narrow people's ranges and pin point game flow like temperature.

playing 2 tables of 2/4 really opened my eyes as well as expanded my mind. yes it was uncomfortable but the new stimuli was sought for, and my heart hasn't pounded so hard in a very long time.

also what is your buy in rule at nl400? 25? 30? start taking shots at 20?

also it's x-mas and i may share a few tips on how i broke away from micro stakes over the course of the month.

also sc2 is as addicting as sc1

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Update on badrun by Drakk, December 04

Apparently we won't get nothing happen to us, one of the guys wanted to plead guilty and the crown attorney even told him he shouldnt.

So i guess i only lose my money there with no added fine

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DS Breaker by PanoRaMa, December 04

Been a struggle, but i'm so happy to not be hugely in the red anymore. Thx to all the people who put up with my constant whining on aim/skype, that's the only way I know how to vent

A video representation of the latter half of the graph:

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Getting a new car!! by Rocketshiptrip, December 04

Thinking about this one tbh

Seems like a good investment atleast!

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Help with my logo and banner design for my site. by whamm!, December 03

I dont have poker money left so i cant pay , but i can when i start playing again next year. its a simple site for my locale and its not poker related, ive already scouted the competition and even though my site is kinda terribly designed, im pretty sure itll be somewhat profitable enough to pay some bills along with my poker grind - not to mention it is fun since i can interact with people and meet them in eyeball events and such.
id definitely appreciate the help since good logos and banners here are expensive(100usd) and usually cheap fee ones are gay. im kinda semi broke atm but i can upload money next year for any arrangement/consultation work with someone who has vast webdevelopment experience in html,xml,php. thanks guys.

If you're stuck in the micros I can offer you help there as well, just dont ask me about 100nl lolz

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Forever badrun by Baal, December 03

So im running 44 buy-ins below equity, and i dont even feel ive been that unlucky there, but i usually get coolered at least twice as much as sucked out on, i can honestly say that if i ran neutral i probably should be 120 buy-ins over what i have now at 1knl, all my plans on investing in small businesses and buying an STI are all gone now, lol some people wont even ever get it like Fayth just doesnt believe me (an all the other HSNL regs) that nanonoko just runs like the sun, and he is probably top 1% in the bell curve of luck and only the few of us who are down on the other side of the curve will understand it.

On the bright side im really close to be named Online Pro, im just waiting the final call if i also lose this by some reason its gong to be really hard to take.

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