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I feel like I just got swindled. by Arirang, November 29

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some1 can help me with wow? by srojitas1, November 29

hi, im just looking for help to buy wow liccenses.. so i would like to buy 3 full wow liccenses that is 20 each one for today and tomorrow i think.. so any1 who can help me ill send 80, mb or ps or ftp, ill send first pm me if u r interested

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need stars have ftp by lostaccount, November 29

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need 1k on stars will send FTP by darckman, November 29


i need 1k on stars will send ftp i send first to someone know on the forum,ty

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SHURIYUKEN by thewh00sel, November 29

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Rush Week by Sanity, November 29

Anybody else participating in this? If you get 1000FTP in rush for all 7 days this week, you get a $250 bonus, and its gonna get me to put a lot of volume in at NL50, so its a win win for me.

One question though, how will this affect my rakeback? Will it take $250 away from my rakeback, or a smaller percent? I'm not sure how it's calculated and don't wanna be playing this much rush for no reason if its just gonna take it all away from my rakeback. Thanks for reading, GL at the tables.

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Uh by edzwoo, November 29

Dad: Hey Eddie, before you go back to Champaign let me give you your mail that was sent here.

Me: Dad, how long have you had this jury summons for me?

Dad: A long time lol

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RIP Leslie Nielsen by LikeASet, November 28

Actor from the naked gun series etc.

Died from Pneumonia complications at age 84 November 28 2010.

Old Comedy legend. He be chillin with that Dangerfield dude right about now.

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What do you guys think about this desktop? by LikeASet, November 28

friend found this, i might consider too.

what do you think bang for your buck wise? I'm planning to use this for Diablo 3, unreal tournament games, starcraft, running HEM,stars,music,browsing at the same time, streaming vids etc

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glad to be back by mnj, November 28

thanksgiving was a wonderful break.

i feel fully recharged.

Let's do it real wideeeeeeeeeeee!

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Looking to transfer $200 from PS to FTP by SpeedyJack, November 28

My PS$ for your FTP

post/pm, i can do less too

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Chargers-Colts by YouGoTGoT, November 28

Lookin for 20 on each (Home team in CAPS):

Chargers +3 OVER COLTS

OVER 51.5

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Anybody use FT Table mods? by exalted, November 28

My hud covers a lot of the table and as such, I have probably lost hundreds of dollars failing to see if someone is in the hand or not.

Classic things like the c-bet into one...whoops two people and minreraising a ninja preflop raiser.

Therefore, I'm hoping to at least mod my FT cardbacks (make them preferably a bright gay rainbow). Has anybody else done this and can share what they use?

I checked out this:;sa=view;id=354

which looks pretty good but seems expensive for a bunch of .jpegs.

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TRL2: Calling & 3Betting by LemOn[5thF], November 28

Part 2 of Thin Red line introductory video. This is about 3betting, and determining 3betting frequencies and ranges. For Non-3bet pots, or note on why I need to review all this so badly please see my previous post. Author is Grindcore, a guy that owns with red line with ridiculous winrates and is one of the best video makers when it comes to adjusting to villains.

This part is more useful to SSNL players, everything will be more or less obvious to you better guys, but please read if like me you need revision.

Green - My comments
Blue - Cliffs (added at the bottom). DO NOT criticise cliffs without reading the section please. They are for you lazy guys, and are done by me = they may wrongly interpret the author.

Without further ado:

Two types of ranges:

This is simple, just best hands. If you 3bet 5% de-polarised range you pick aces, kings and keep going down in value until you have 5% of hands

2) Polarised
1 Part is for value (QQ+)
1Part is a bluff (J9o).

Polarised or De-polarised
You should evaluate how often you will get called, and how often you will get 4bet.

A) Polarised
Lets say a theoretical opponent only 4bets or folds, he NEVER calls a 3bet. Lets assume we can't call his 4bet profitably and we can only fold/shove.

We should ask ourselves what is the worst hand that we can shove for value. Against nitty players this will be QQ+.
When you hold a hand like KQo pre-flop and you think its profitable to flat, by 3betting it you are losing that equity and you might as well 3bet with a hand like 72o. Cards do not matter in this example when you 3bet and fold to a 4bet(ignoring blockers), because you will never see a flop anyway.

B) De-polarised

Now imagine you have a calling station. He will flat a lot of 3bets and rarely 4bet. Now KQ is easily re-raised for value. Against this type of opponent we will not have two, but only one range - a value range which is the top of our range.

Position and polarisation
A lot of players will play 4bet/fold out of position and will call in position. When we raise from the blinds the preflop raiser is likely to call with relatively wide range. It will almost always be a good idea to 3bet a de-polarised range out of position.
Naturally, when you are in position (e.g. BU v CO). They will play more 4bet/fold, so we should polarise our range.

However note that this is not always true, e.g. against a fish you should be still 3betting de-polarised range from any position.

Cliff: The more likely villains are calling a 3bet, the more you should de-polarise your range and the more likely they are to 4bet or folding the more it should be polarised

How do you come up with a polarised range?
A lot of people do it by feel. E.G. A guy gets dealt Q5s OTB and faces a raise he will think: 'Should I 3bet him? MMM.... M.... Nah not this time.

Instead of doing it by random or by feel, you should:
1) Have a range that you are 3betting with 100% of the time.
2) Have a range that you are folding 100% of the time.
Note: I can see many of you will disagree here ;o

Lets say the deck is rigged, and all we get is either A9o preflop and A2o preflop. We are going to 3bet our opponent 50% of the time. The ones doing it by random/by feel would be 3betting 50% of the time with A9o and folding it half the time, and 3bet 50% A2o and fold it 1/2 the time.

But it doesn't really make sense to 3bet A2o one orbit, and then fold A9o the second orbit. A9o is of course a more profitable hand. A more profitable strategy would be to 3bet A9o 100% of the time, and fold A2o 100% of the time.

You can apply this example to different hand types. e.g. K8s vs Q4s. If you want to 3bet a guy 15% of the time, and do it for value 5% of hands (TT+ AQ+) and add 10% bluffs, you shouldn't be randomly bluffing 10% of the time. You should instead Come up with top 10% of your PF folding range the best hands that you are folding are the best hands to be 3bet bluffing.

To know what hands you can 3bet bluff,you have to know what your calling range is (as it determines your folding range).

Lets say PF, CO opens and we are OTB with KXs. We have to ask ourselves : 'What is the weakest KXs that we can call profitably with?' Lets say its KTs, and K9s is not +ev to flat. Now K9s should be a 100% 3bet. Even if we want to bluff the guy with a low frequency, K9s is still a 100% 3bet.

You can then increase your bluffing frequency by simply dropping down in kicker. E.G. if the weakest you 3bet is K8s against one guy, and you encounter another guy that has 5% higher fold to 3bet, you can now drop down to K5s. You still fold K4s 100% of the time, but you are 3betting K5s K6s K7s 100% of the time.

Cliff: Your 3Bet bluffing range should be the top of your range that is not profitable to flat pre-flop

The value part of your polarised 3betting range:
Just ask yourself 'What is the weakest hand we can profitably 5bet shove all in when we get 4bet?
If the answer is QQ+ AK, then that should be your value range.
!If you can't profitably 5bet shove hands like AQs, JJ when you get 4bet, you shouldn't be 3betting them!

You can see this in the low stakes forum a lot, someone 3bets JJ when his 3betting range should have been polarised and then asks what he should do ;o. Or the geniuses 3betting QQ IP against fit/fold turbonits and then asking what to do against a shove

To know the top of your folding range you need to know your calling range.

What hands can you call profitably PF? That depends on the EDGE(skill advantage) you have on the players, and the READS you have on them.

Scenario A) A very good player is opening 25% hands on the CO.
Scenario B) A very bad player is opening 25% of hands in the CO.

We are OTB. Here we can call a lot wider in scenario B) than in scenario A). Therefore the top of our folding range(and hands we 3bet bluff with in a polarised range) will be a lot different in both scenarios.

For example if we can call the good player with KJs suited only, and KTs is getting thin, then KTs is the top of our folding range and it should be the first hand we start 3bet bluffing.

Against the poor player we can call even with K7s, so now K6s will be the top of our folding range and will be the first hand we 3bet.

This concept is not explained very well in many instructional videos. Just because Galfond can call a 4bet with QTo oop, doesn't mean you can.

Or not to go to extreme, flatting even AJs in position can be unprofitable against a villain that has relatively tight ranges and completely outclasses us.

This is why standard ranges suck, and how reality check and being realistic about your abilities are so important.

Your opponent's fold to 3bet and 4 betting tendencies determine your 3betting frequencies and range.

Example1: Imagine a player that is so tight he even folds pocket aces to a 3bet. He is so afraid of a bad beat, and he has a weak heart so he just doesn't want to risk a heart attack so he just folds AA to a 3bet.

Even a hand that is a clear foldcall pre-flop like 66 or JTs is now more profitable to 3bet because we win the pot 100% of the time.

Example 2: Imagine a guy that NEVER folds to 3bets. We should NEVER 3bet bluff him, just raise with value.

Cliff: To come up with your 3betting range: Lets say you have QXs. Evaluate what is the worst QXs you call call with (lets say QTs), and then start adding Q9s and the higher his fold to 3bet is the worse kickers you add.

100bb Poker: 'Strong' hands are better than 'Pretty' hands when 3betting
You should give higher priority to for example suited kings than suited connectors when 3betting 100bb deep.

Good 3betting hands 100bb deep that should be the start of any 3bet bluffing range are the off suit aces - they have an ace in them so they are all relatively strong hands, but on top of that they have a blocker effect. Just by having the Ace its some 20% less likely that villain holds TT+ AQ+.

The more likely villains are calling a 3bet, the more you should de-polarise your range and the more likely they are to be 4bet or folding the more it should be polarised


Your 3Bet bluffing range should be the top of your range that is not profitable to flat pre-flop

To come up with your bluff 3betting range: Lets say you have QXs. Evaluate what is the worst QXs you call call with (lets say QTs), and then start adding Q9s and the higher his fold to 3bet is the worse kickers you add.

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Feels good.. by killThemDonks, November 28

bitter sweet.... still down like ~500 on the month .

quitting poker as soon as I run good.

I'm looking for a transfer of $200-$500 Paypal (mine) for moneybookers (yours). Anyone?

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Decided to play poker by blade55555, November 28

So I was playing Poker alot back in May and stuff while playing the sc2 beta. Well after starcraft 2 came out I haven't had any inspiration to play poker. I decide to log on my poker stars I just felt like playing in a tournament today. I had 2.63 cents left. I decide to play in the 180 man 2.20$ tournament for the hell of it. Nothing exciting happens then the blinds get to like 100 and i'm at like 1300 chips not getting any good hands. I get AA 2 people shove so I call and win the hand with a 3 of a kind.

Awesome things are going well for me. Some point in the tournament when the blinds were 600 and I hadn't been able to win any hands I get QQ and lose so i'm down to like a thousand chips again and there were still about 80 people left.

I get A/J same suit diamonds and shove. 3 people call me and I win, well its a start. I shove with 10/10 and a guy calls me and I win. I kind of get lucky with these shoves and people calling me with hands that confused me (2/7 off suit lol).

So anyway somehow I make it to the final table. 3 guys knock eachother out within 2 minutes. I get KK and shove as the blinds were 1.5k by now. I win and get to 30k chips. I get A/J hearts. I shove, another guy shoves with 9/9. I get the Jack on flop. Last card he gets another 9 so I go down to 15k chips. Then I get 10/10 and out of a bit of frusteration I shove and same guy calls me. I win vs his 99 which he got again. Then from there I won the whole tournament with the final hand was my AK vs his A7 with me getting the king on flop.

Just thought I would share so won 108$ and probably going to try to get back into poker again. can call me a fish or whatever but sure was fun and exciting when I only planned on playing this one tournament for fun as I was bored

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Amantasticulous by OpWestAcct, November 27

I have never in my life seen such an amazing sequence of college football games like this weekend. Every big game (including Georgia vs Georgia Tech) was down to the last minutes. So sick - Go Auburn!! And rofl at the biggest upset (Nevada vs. Boise State) Since Appalachian State vs Michigan 3 years ago.

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Scientific experiment by mikeymoo, November 27

Step 1: Weigh yourself.
Step 2: Take a crap.
Step 3: Weigh yourself again.
Subtract weight 2 from weight 1. This is the weight of your crap.
Mine was 1.8lb.
Thought LP was the best place to post this discovery.

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I'm so l33t by NewbSaibot, November 27

Heeh... last night I played some NL50 live and wore sunglasses at the table for the first time. I thought I would feel douchey and attract unwanted attention at the table, but turns out I felt quite comfortable in them and think it actually helped my game. Everyone is friends with each other so just a friendly casual home poker game, but I did receive many accolades for how pimp my glasses looked, being smoke gray mirror finish and all. Not sure how much of it was just jive and how much was legit, but they all seemed to act like it made me look more fearsome at the table and they were less comfortable engaging me in pots. LOL i know how gay all this sounds but it did help my confidence and thus helped me play a more solid game.

The real reason I brought them was so I could study players without them noticing. Im not quite comfortable staring someone down, and since this is a homegame I dont want to look like an asshole like Tom Dwan or someone doing it either. As a result I feel confident I picked up some pretty rock solid tells, in the sense like who stares at the board when they have a real hand vs who stares at their opponent when trying to bluff etc etc.

Anyway all was fun and I think I'll start wearing them all the time now hehe. 4 BI win for the session.

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Random Thought~ by wobbly_au, November 27

Say we got to choose the way we were born into the world, out of the below criteria how would u choose.

We are given 20 points to allocate into 4 categories each category ranging from 1 to 10.

1. Health.
1 Born with aids and brain cancer
5 Average Joe
10 Super immune system would never ever get sick

2. Looks
1 Born with 8 fingers and a deformed skull
5 Average Joe
10 Brad Pitt

3. Intelligence
1 IQ of 30
5 IQ of 100
10 Enstein 99999 IQ

4. Enviroment your born in
1 Born in warn torn iraq
5 Born in a middle class family in a middle class country like China
10 Born as the sole heir to a billionnaire King in the USA or something.

Im torn and wouldnt know what to choose~

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