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downswingssssss by salutary, November 27

epic fail month ><

50bb tables + mass tabling to try and get sn, sometimes i wonder if its even worth it

back to 100nl to rebuild i guess ><

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HEM weird problem :/ by Eluflop, November 27

hei guys,
i have lately noticed that my HEM keeps calculating my $ won or lost wrong. Every time i win lets say 500$ HEM shows +400 or +440 or some other number little less than my bankroll shows. It always shows little less. Lose or win :/. I don't know, I noticed this like 15 sessions ago, since then i always check before and after the session and it's been wrong for all the sessions. wtf ?

Can anyone explain this or has anyone expierienced this ?

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Hypnotize MEH by spets1, November 27

Nice shot.
does she have a soul?

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Le journey, day 2 - watch me fail by adeny, November 27

Up early, playing some pokers. Nice way to start my day off. I'll try to post more interesting hands but I can't get much action and when I do it's usually like this:

Submitted by : adeny

***** Hand History for Game 1111111111 ***** Poker Stars
$2.00 USD NL Texas Hold'em - Saturday, November 27, 01:52:39 ET 2010
Table Almeisan III Real Money
Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: Player1 $2.09 USD - VPIP: 50, PFR: 6, 3B: 0, AF: 2.2, Hands: 34
Seat 2: Player2 $1.92 USD - VPIP: 17, PFR: 1, 3B: 0, AF: 6.7, Hands: 217
Seat 3: Player3 $2.68 USD - VPIP: 24, PFR: 0, 3B: 0, AF: 0.8, Hands: 34
Seat 4: Player4 $0.74 USD - VPIP: 12, PFR: 5, 3B: 0, AF: 1.0, Hands: 95
Seat 5: Player5 $0.61 USD - VPIP: 35, PFR: 15, 3B: 0, AF: 1.7, Hands: 34
Seat 6: Player6 $2.02 USD - VPIP: 21, PFR: 6, 3B: 0, AF: 6.5, Hands: 34
Seat 7: Player7 $2.00 USD - VPIP: 17, PFR: 5, 3B: 2, AF: 1.4, Hands: 179
Seat 8: Hero $4.74 USD - VPIP: 8, PFR: 6, 3B: 3, AF: 4.3, Hands: 25180
Seat 9: Player9 $0.68 USD - VPIP: 43, PFR: 29, 3B: 0, AF: 0.0, Hands: 7
Player4 posts small blind [$0.01 USD].
Player5 posts big blind [$0.02 USD].

Dealt to Hero [KhKd ]
Player6 folds
Player7 folds
Hero raises [$0.08 USD]
Player9 calls [$0.08 USD]
Player1 folds
Player2 folds
Player3 folds
Player4 folds
Player5 folds

Flop (Pot : $0.19)

Hero bets [$0.20 USD]
Player9 calls [$0.20 USD]

Turn (Pot : $0.59)

Hero bets [$0.60 USD]
Player9 calls [$0.40 USD]
Hero wins $0.20 USD

River (Pot : $1.39)

Hero shows KhKd
Player9 shows TsTh
Player9 wins $1.33 USD from main pot

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No Privacy For You by k2o4, November 26

Xrays, groping pat downs, nude scans - the TSA has gone wayyyy too far.

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Ty Engage (+Thin Red Line) by LemOn[5thF], November 26

Engage has become easily one of the top 3 posters when it comes to Low Stakes forum, always coming in and in (what I imagine) is about 30 second churning out ideas and all available options. And we really appreciate it my man!

Have a looksie here: And Engage's response about our us SSNL players' thinking to find reasons to fold somewhere, b/f c/f or even c/f right away:

  On November 25 2010 09:17 HeRoS)eNGagE wrote:
so you guys bet the turn with? set and ak?
wow you guy must be hard to play
note on guy '' he suck 3 bet shit and check turn if he doenst have nut and fold if i bet becuase he suck hardcore so i must bet sec pair in his face when he does that easy money''
if you 3 bet him pre with that you MUST have a reason
and that reason should brings you to bet call turn ou check shove or w/e
its 4 handed and the guy raised every hand o n button and cutoff
+we are oop wich make vilain range wayyyy bigger(preflop and on turn)
i see alot of regs here calling twice with 88 99 KJ AJ AThh etc etc
people are bad
people dont all play like you
if you want to play KQo oop 3 bet pot
play it for real
dont play it like a faggot its wasting money

  On November 25 2010 11:03 HeRoS)eNGagE wrote:
im an agressiv player so it change alot of you guys are sick nit
im getting called and shoved over with TERRIBLES hands
nl400 to nl1k
sometimes making the -ev play might be the best play in the long run
river is prolly a check, player dependent

My redline was always breakeven and I was always beating NL50 with ease

Now have a look here:

  On November 25 2010 11:04 HeRoS)eNGagE wrote:
also im pretty sure u guys have a red line going allll the way down

My reply:

  This is so true, and it never was my problem just became one when I came back after a longish break. I think this thread sums up why I am losing, I kept my wide preflop ranges and aggresive image and then didn't value bet thinly and did't keep aggression with the top of my range, started c/calling strong draws too much and folding way to often with the absolute top of my range.

I think I am just generating dead money by playing wide and trying to find reasons to pump money iwith marginal hands into the pot and then fold with tons of equity and a good hand and the top of my range.

And btw redline is correlated to my winnings and always was.

Now have a look here:
Here: (I folded)
etc etc.

I am a a dead money generating machine pretty much. And Engage helped me realise this (I'd imagine we have a similar image)

REDLINE - by Grindcore at DC
This dude is just awesome and wins huge money just by redline. I think his resources are the best for trying to fix a red line

I was very much following his advice and doing great, but I forgot all those things. This is a short overview of basics. I will post one more post on the rest of his 90 min video. Here are my notes in first 20 minutes:
Losing at non-showdown can be a leak, but doesn't have to be.

Your red and blue lines are from the most part dependent on how YOUR OPPONENTS are playing.
e.g. you cannot have positive redline against a bot that never folds and you beat him with blue line

Or an opponent that folds all hands but aces: It will be hard to beat him with blueline, but your redline will always be positive. It will be a big leak not to win at non-showdown against him or not to raise 100% of hands when you steal his blind.

At micros average opponents rarely fold and play close to the bot that never folds, so it makes sense to be winning by blue line. Very good players should be able to have break even redline at micros, but not having it is not a big leak
at NL100-NL200 you will encounter a lot of regulars that beat the micros. They learned the tight solid game absent of running big crazy bluffs. There is also a lot less fish at these stakes. In order to beat these stakes it becomes much more important to know how to beat the regulars.
And how do you beat a solid regular that doesn't get out of line and shows down strong hands most of the time? Well, it will be much easier to bluff him.
A lot of the regulars are weak tight (Well Grindore sees them like that ;o), it will be very tough to beat them in showdown, and the optimal strategy will be to beat them in non-showdown.

Here is his NL100 graph:
+ Show Spoiler +

And if you cry small sample this is his NL400+graph:
+ Show Spoiler +

How does the redline work?
Actually way less important than many people think. People that try to fix their redline are often fixing what isn't broken in the first place and just start to play like aggro monkey and lose even more money.
Value betting
You'd think vbetting is good only for your blue line. You vbet more you just get more value right? Thats not true.

Imagine a spot on the river when you have the best hand 75% of the time and you check.
You check: 75% pot gets added to the blue line (EV*POT)
Redline remains stationery.

You make a thin vbet here:
Lets say you get called 50% of the time when you bet, and you win 3/5 and lose 2/5. This might or might not be good for your blue line depending on the betsize etc (compared to a check).

Half the time when you get called, 60% of the pot gets added to your blue line.
But now 50% of the time you don't get called you are adding to your redline.
In this example both your red and green lines will go up when you valuebet thin.

Bluff catching
Again If you are capable of making hero bluff catches you naturally think about your blue line, because you win more at showdown when you catch a bluff.

Lets say you are getting 2:1 on the river, If you have 40% equity you can make a +EV call good for your green line.
60% of the time you lose
40% of the time you win.

If you fold:
Blue line remains stationery
Red line goes down by what you put in the pot already.

If you call:
Your blue line will 60% of the time go down, 40% of the time will go up.
Red line remains stationery (its better for your redline than folding).

So calling here when you have the odds to call is good for your Green and Red lines, but bad for your blue line.

Grindcore never tries to win at non-showdown, but always takes the most profitable action, but it so happens he wins through redline pretty much.

The Standard game
How you play against unknown, average player at the game you are playing.
Is the backbone of your game.
You can deviate from your standard game once you get reads.

Most players don't deviate from their standard game enough. They make basic adjustments like value a bit more against a calling station and bluff less, but many players are very limited.

E.G. a player that folds a lot to cbets. Your adjustment should be to cbet a lot, even 100%. His adjustment should be to stop folding to your cbets. But people don't make these types of adjustments almost at all, and are capable of only really crude and obvious adjustments, and they stay quite close to their standard game.

If you find even a small leak in a regular's standard game at SSNL you can exploit it over and over again because they won't pick up on it. First level where people really start adjusting well is NL600.
At NL200 the very best regulars are capable of adjusting, at NL400 only the better ones and only at NL600+ you can assume that most unknowns are adjusting to you.

Preflop deviation: Opening
You can change your pre-flop ranges without changing your frequencies by adding more 'Strong' hands or 'Pretty' hands (strong hands are hands that make big pairs like AKo, pretty hand don't make pairs byt make a lot of draws like 9Ts)

Lets say you are opening 25% from CO. Of those 20% is pp, broadway any As and you always open them. The last 5% you have a choice - Offsuit aces OR suited connectors (strong/pretty hand).

Against weaker players suited hands go up in value. They are not bluff catching enough and will not pay off your value bets. Semi bluffin >value betting.

Against calling stations that don't fold bluff catchers, semi-bluffing goes down in value, but value betting goes up in value. Strong hands > Pretty hands.

e.g. 3 stations behind you ->fold hands like 79s, but raise hands like A8o
3 Weak regulars behinf you -> 79s is now way better than A8o because semi-bluffing will have much better value than vbetting.

You also have to pay attention to position. If a player that doesn't like folding IP you should play tighter and use more strong hands. It will be hard playing against him with pretty hands OOP (This applies not just to fish but many regulars BVB or CO v BU).
When you are IP it will be much harder for him to adjust and people also play tigther oop.

Who gives you action?
Usually the button and big blind are most likely sources of action for you and people tend to play tighter in the small blind.
Fish are likely to call regardless of position.

You shouldn't have a standard opening range from any position, you should look at players who are likely to give you action and ask yourself ' what should be my opening range in this spot?'. You should have unique VPIP and PFR for every spot that you open because villain composition and their position will be unique most of the time

What is your image
Did you just show down a huge bluff a couple times in lst few orbits?
Probably a good idea to tighten your opening range

Were you card dead and your VPIP is low?
Well now you can get away with much more and you can steal wider range as you will get more gredit.

Many times you can you can steal 100% of hands.
If you raise 3X in SB. The big blind has to defend with 40%+ of hands if he isn't, you are instantly showing a profit on your steal even if you open fold every single flop.

Almost no TAGs are defending 40% hands in their BB at SSNL.

As a rule of thumb, if VPIP of villains <20 you can open 100% of hands on button or small blind. (OF course if you do it so often they might pick up on it and start 3betting you light, so pay attention to that).

To be continued . . . (Calling, 3betting, and very detailed discussion on use of specific STATS/how to deviate against specific leaks)

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Let us go on a journey by adeny, November 26

Shall we?

From rags to riches? Well, I'm hoping to at least go from terrible to bad.

The battle plan:
- $50 bankroll
- NL 2 FR
- 2-4 tables
- post every losing (or weird) hand here. (not EVERY hand but y'know.)

The goal:
- NL 5 (i know right, so sad.)

Hopefully you fine folks will find the kindness in you to help me! Or at the very least not flame me.. :3

See you when I'm done eating and have played some hands!

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Possessed! by Arirang, November 26

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Day 79 by player999, November 25

Have no motivation to play online atm, not putting any volume. Only 4k VPPs away from my goal so there's really no point in playing, I find it hard to set money goals, it just creates frustation. Really really bored with the grind, so I moved up but I run sick sick bad at the 115s because apparently -150k fishes hit gutshots always. Also really busy with uni.

Today tho I went to play some live 1/2 3-card holdem and in a short 3.5 hours session I busted everyone at the table (~10 ppl) except one guy (who didn't wanna play HU for some reason ), for a 2.5k profit, so that was nice. 3-card holdem is the shit, basically you get pairs every hand and hit sets every other hand and stack ppl when you do because no one folds anything ever its live poker duhh.

+ Show Spoiler +

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Quick Computer review? by Stim_Abuser, November 25

Well since im far to lazy to build a computer and i figured there'd be good deals right about now i thought id look for a new computer since mine is getting a little old.

was curious as to what people think of this computer? probably wanting to play some games ( not competitive games where i'll need 100fps or w/e ) just some of the newish single player games to play about when high/bored and dont feel like pokering. will this type of machine run them decently smooth?


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Anonymous tables on Prima by Almebeast, November 25

Played my first session in november today and noticed that they had added this annoying invention. All villains are just named player 1-5 and their avatars dont show. HUDs and notes become useless since stats for player 1 are gathered from all player 1s at all tables. Notes on player 1 appear on all player 1s. You cant even keep handwritten notes beside your comp since there is no way of recognizing a player after that session.

Has anyone played these things? My first impression was that the anonymous games seemed to be drawing all the fish (low stakes NLHE). They do however take away the edge of using stats,taking notes, table selecting etc. Even so I think they're probably more profitable for me than the regular games used to be. However, they're incredibly boring imo since they kill the history/table image aspect of the game.

Also, the regular games are now fewer and tougher since only the regs who use huds and/or take notes have any real incentive to play in them. So that's not really an option anymore.

I guess Ill be playing this crappy version of poker for a while and see how it works out.

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16 hours @ PLO50 by Spicy, November 25

When I haven't played poker in a while, I tend to not be able to stop after I start especially when the games are really good. It's 6am, and I just finished playing 50plo for over 16 hours. I don't know whether I should be happy that I've just had my best session ever or that I have problems quitting. I have such a huge headache right now. It doesn't feel like I've won.

Also looking for some PLO buddies, PM me if interested

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Looking to transfer $150 from PS to FTP by SpeedyJack, November 24

My PS$ for your FTP

post/pm, i can do less too

happy thanksgiving americans

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need more chat buddies in skype group by whamm!, November 24

we have a small group of LP members in our group but both dogmeat and lildean have sold their soul to the pokerstars SNE program and cant really chat until the end of the year lol. fujikura, me and some other people are still active most times and would like more non-shady LP guys in it - its been around for over a year and wed love to see it grow. you can avoid hearing the sound of updates or chatter if you find is annoying/disruptive theres an option in skype for it. it would be great to add more people in this group. we dont make any intrusive group calling shit so you dont have to worry about that haha. just pm me or fuji and well insta snap add you if you're not a 10 post Lp member - maybe 11 will do lol. peace guys and gl at the tables.

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$1050 for $1000 by 4Kingell, November 24

Ok I have some cash from a recent Vegas trip exploiting those 1/2 happy players BUT I would like to add some of that cash on to my FTP account. However the only way I can do it is to convert to GBP £ sterling and then convert back. I figure this will cost me at least $50 so I would rather give it to someone here.

What am I proposing?

I send (via fedex whatever cheapest insured) a VERY reputable US LP member $1050 USD and they credit my FTP account with $1000 once the cash arrives with them.

Any takers for a risk free $50 and to do me a big favor please PM me.

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Realistic Tourney Themesong by Night2o1, November 24

embedding disabled w/e click it twice :O rofl


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Sweet by NewbSaibot, November 24

If you leave the topic empty while creating a blog, the entire blog gets wiped out! 13/10/3 is apparently losing strategy vs 40/5/0 players. Gonna run a test. I am playing only JJ+ and AK+ for 1000 hands. GOGO!

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Help! (cpu parts) by LikeASet, November 24

budget - >1000$

will be looking at black november specials

amd motherboard vs intel motherboard? (along with compatible case)
then which processor?
then what video card/sound card?
then what ram?
then what hard drive?
then what disk drive? (including burner)
then what cpu fan/power adaptor?

Desktop for gaming, school, entertainment


will i be able to switch out my disk and hard drive from my hp lap top to build the desktop?

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across the universe by bongky, November 24

i made this mini tribute to beatles of one of my favorite songs.

if u dont like beatles just take it as it was a cover of fiona apple´s version.

im kinda noob tho.

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Baby Xmas/Bday Pics! by thewh00sel, November 24

Yeah you love it.

Now the Bday ones. She turns one on Dec 9. This is the card we're sending out.

That's it stalkers, more after the restraining order goes through on you guys.

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