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a cool milestone by Seobombisgay, November 24

started my AP journey with a $50 deposit in June. Finally reached 10 digits with no rakeback.

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Looking to transfer $150 from PS to FTP by SpeedyJack, November 23

My PS$ for your FTP$

post/pm, i can do less too

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is FTP down? by HeRoS)eNGagE, November 23

i click on icon and i got a little empty box
i click on the empty button and it close

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EPT Prague - selling action ?! by sChOuA, November 23

Hey there

I'll go to Prague for the EPT Main event starting on the 13th of december.

The main event is EUR 5k + 300 buyin and its going to be my first big live tournament.

For those who dont know me, I'm playing since beginning of this year regularly the nl400 games and getting into nl600 and even 1k as of lately (I started grinding online in Nov 08 at NL10).

I'm up close to 100k this year, including rakeback so if i'm not on one big upswing i guess i can beat the games.

I'm thinking to sell action at 1:1 and just want to see if there is any interest here.
Please leave a post or send a PM if you are interest.

If i sell action the minimum is 5% (EUR 265).


PS: If someone else is going there which i dont know yet, shoot me a PM and we can meet i guess.

PSS: all my older posts got nuked because of a technical issue, so i'm not a scamer or whatever you can ask any mod for confirmation, just to have it clear :-)

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EYE DEED IT!!11 by Arirang, November 23

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Nice $1 Sit'n'Go by SolHeiM, November 23

So yesterday I played a $1 double or nothing sit n go at PokerStars and from that experience I came to the conclusion that I could probably get to top5 by just folding every single hand. Not this game however.

I went up against a round of player who seemed to employ this very same strategy, folding everything unless they got a high pocket pair or broadway cards. By adjusting my game, I was chip leader the entire game because everyone folded their hands. A lot of the time I ended up raising ~5-7 BB with absolute trash hands and raked in the money.

I think I played maybe 80% of my hands, yet I only saw the flop maybe up to ten times, five of those when other people called each others all-ins for eliminating the other player.

Are these kinds of styles common in micro-stakes sit n go tournaments? I've played some turbo ones but I've never really got any good hands and lost because I either played poorly preflop and postflop. Should I avoid turbo sit n go's all together? Are they bad for someone who's pretty new (~2500 hands played total or something)?

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20$ for a small work by FullBRing, November 23

20$ for the first who give a correction of this text asap. Will be shipped on neteller or paypal. Not mine, friends of mine but im fkn lazy for doing it for her.

What sort of model for the French welfare state in the 21st century ?
The welfare state is expensive. Too expensive for those who want to limit the expenses without estimating nevertheless benefits. However, it remains necessary to the social cohesion and to the working of the economy. Today, a new a welfare state has to appear, which will instruct better and more the French population.

Social protection in France is based on the principle of solidarity: the commitment is declared in the first article of the French Code of Social Security. The principle is used in a number of different senses. The idea seems, at first sight, to refer to co-operative mutual support. Some writers apply the term in relation to “mutualist” groups (friendly societies) and emphasise that people insured within national schemes (les assurés sociaux) are called to contribute and profit on an equal footing. Others stress that relationships of solidarity are based in interdependence. Solidarity is regularly understood, in this context, in terms of common action, mutual responsibility and shared risks.

The French system of welfare is a complex, patchwork quilt of services. This kind of arrangement is relatively expensive, and much of the focus of social policy in recent years has fallen on the control of spending, called “the hole in the social” (le trou de la Sécu). The main areas of concern are not dependency or unemployment, but pensions, because of the special privileges accorded to particular occupational groups, and spending on health care, where the stress on independent, market-led services (la médicine libérale) presents considerable problems in cost control.
Its important to notice that, the demographic ageing has too a consequant impact on the expenses and created an increase of needs of coverage care of the old dependent-persons.

All in all, since 1980, the expenses of social welfare increased from 2 % to 4 %. Criticisms are listened to denounce the financial weight of the system. Even if, its cost is important, it’s not nevertheless unbearable. Indeed, France is not the most lavish: 7870 euro are spent on the social welfare on average a year and per capita. It is situated behind Belgium ( 8240 euro), Austria ( 8380 euro), Denmark ( 8400 euro), the Netherlands ( 8770 ), Sweden ( 8840 euro). It seems necessary to develop the French social model of protection, with the aim of increasing the efficiency and answering the new needs.

Unfortunately, since the beginingof the 2000s, the determination to limit the increase of the expenses is especially translated by a “hardening” of the conditions of access in social welfares for the most delicate and in one tendency to cross-post a part of the coverage on the private insurances. 
On the other hand, it seems difficult to speak about the reform of the French social welfare without speaking about the abrogation of the new law on the pensions …The minimum age of retirement in France is crossed from 60 to 62 years. The hardness of the work is only little taken into account: only the recognized workers disabled person will be authorized to retire in 60 years. So, all other workers who were exposed to risks subject to reduce their life expectancy, but who still have no declared handicap, are not taken into account. Maybe, it will be necessary that the reform was accompanied with mechanisms for guide seniors and the most fragile and help them to cope with the chances, the grims of the life?
Even if the financial difficulties of the health insurance and the pensions are in the centres of the debates today, it is especially at the level of the unemployment that the French system failed. The opinion has dress rehearsal think that the French unemployment is due to a lack of motivation. Now, the notion of equality of opportunity should be rethought, in a wage society very competitive and subjected more and more to the international competition.


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Better by NewbSaibot, November 22

Thx goes out to edzwoo for the stat critique. Lowering my 3bet seems to have really helped a lot. Although only 1800 hands, obviously small sample, but the gameflow feels very different without so much 3 betting now. Also just forfeiting my blind unless I have a value hand to 3bet with. 3bet was a solid 2.5 until last 500 hands or so when I just ran sick good and had lots of 3bet worthy hands in position.

My vpip continues to linger around 12%. Should I make an effort to bring it up to 16 or so? My range is still top 16% of hands, I'm just being very selective about position when I choose to play them which may explain the small avg.

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Paul Williams vs. Sergio Martinez 2 by PuertoRican, November 22

This past weekend, Paul Williams and Sergio Martinez went head to head in a second match, both trying to show the boxing world who is really the better fighter.

In their first match last year, both fighters were throwing massive blows back and forth, and it was probably the best match of 2009, but the decision was given to Paul Williams at the end with scores of: Pierre Benoist 119-110 for Williams, Lynn Carter 115-113 for Williams and Julie Lederman 114-114.

The second match was expected to be the fight of the year, but instead became the knockout of the year, with the fight only lasting 2 rounds.

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Look at his eyes when he's on the ground around 1:52

Fighter stats after this match:

Paul Williams: 39 Wins, 2 Loss
Sergio Martinez: 46 Wins, 2 Loss, 2 Draw

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Tradin' T$215 for cash by RYMJ9017MD, November 22

sold nvm kthxbye

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Weeee volume. by Arirang, November 21

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Stake Results by Gadget, November 21

Main Event - 643rd place - $904.14
6-max KO - ~1300th place - $0 + $120 for 3 KO's

Total = $1024.14

I'll do the math and send the money in the morning, I traveled all night home from a basketball tournament and went straight to playing poker for 10 hours and I'm really tired.

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Want FTP$ Trading PS$ by SpeedyJack, November 21

I'd like to trade my $200 on Stars for $200 on FTP.


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This weekend by Night2o1, November 21

Cool things that happened this weekend:
Friday: Went and partied downtown, had a bunch of fun.

Saturday: Played an epic 8 hour session 2-4 tabling for 2.2k hands, finish up 1bi lol.

Sunday: Was invited to an orgy lol

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Anyone know how to... by El_Tanque, November 21

...create their own website? like a legit website for a business? My friend and I are starting a business and we need a website. It's basically an online instructional workout. It would be like having a licensed trainer there in your home giving you a workout, etc. I won't get into specifics because we haven't decided 100% how we want to do this, but first things first, how do we make a nice, clean website?

I know there is HTML but that is like for beginners, and I don't know if it would look real well. Right now i am thinking about going onto moonfruit and using that, and trying to get a domain name so that it would redirect to Any other ideas??

Thanks for all the help!

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Goal Setting by LemOn[5thF], November 21

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'The reason most people never reach
their goals is that they don't define
them or ever consider them as believable
or achievable.

Winners can tell you where they are going,
what they plan to do along the way and who
will be sharing the adventure with them'

-Denis Waitley

What is a goal?
Definition: 1. The result/achievement towards which effort is directed; aim; end.
In poker if you have a clear goal you can start directing efforts toward that goal.

Example from fitness
This very common goal is not a good one, because it is not specific and does not include any measures.

Refined goal: I WANT TO LOSE FAT (as a proxy for losing weight).
This is a much better goal. It gives you a specific direction and you can e.g. focus on resources for fat loss. It still lacks specificity though and doesn't give much information.

Re-refined goal: I WANT TO LOSE 20lbs in 8 WEEKS
This is a big step forward. It is a specific and measurable goal. Without measurably you will not know how much closer you are towards achieving your goal.
This goal also provides a deadline, and gives you a sense of urgency. If you fail then your goal was either
A) Unrealistic
B) Your strategy has been infective/not as effective as it should have been

Here you have broken down your goal into specific and measurable targets that that you can include in your to-do list, it will be much easier to track progress and feel achievement. You have also decided to swallow your ego and set out to find professional help.
In poker this would mean Watching vids, letting Talented Tom tell you that you hate money.

You can break everything down even further, and break down your goal into steps. You can then introduce these steps into your every day routine and that way you can easily take the steps, each day, and eventually reach your goal.

Application to Poker
Setting results-oriented goals in poker in goal can backfire. Instead you should set task oriented goals.

Say you play NL100. A good goal would be to e.g. read like 2 books and take notes, to have 10 coaching sessions or watch 20 videos along with BR requirement before you move up to NL200. You have to achieve these things before moving up even if you have the BR earlier.
By doing this you move up when your skill has increased, rather than when you just ran hot. If you allow your level of improvement to be independent of your bankroll you will become a better player faster.

It is important to break your goal to smaller steps like 1 chapter per day, coaching session every Tuesday or a video every 2 days.

-Means aligning yourself with people with similar goals and similar/higher level of commitment and drive to succeed.
An active group of people can hold you accountable and improve your motivation.
Although beware of getting into a group with negative attitude that might infect your mind. Try to get involved with even more ambitious and more devoted people that you are yourself.

Setting goals is very important and will help you in achieving whatever you want to achieve tremendously.
Don't set goals just to set goals. Break down your goals (Make them task oriented in poker if possible) so that you can use them in your daily routine. One day at a time baby.

Don't forget to check out LP people's general goals Here and post yours. In order to break down and refine a goal, you need to have an overall general goal in the first place and that is where you can go look for some inspiration.

Poll: Nutrition and poker from same author-would my notes be useful to you?
(Vote): Yes, post your notes after you watch it dude!
(Vote): TL,DR, whatever
(Vote): Useless

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Not working by NewbSaibot, November 21

Ok, am I still not playing tight enough lol? Maybe reduce my range in half again, play 5/5/3? All the 3betting is coming from blatant blind stealers with like 50% steal rates, or hands like AJs/AQo OTB vs utg/MP raises. I usually get a shit ton of folds so I'm pretty sure a lot of people are just opening 22+ and random suited connectors from any position.

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50 !!! by player999, November 21
inb4 downswing

And I just hit the 40 mark like 2 weeks ago, so sweet And I'm about to win HOTW finally, so its a double brag!!
Really close to the 6 digits now, considering rakeback+live poker.

Last 4 days:
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Moved up kinda, playing a lot more 115s now, was getting too bored. Have changed my cbetsize a bit lately:
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Also took one day to play MTTs because of HU boredom too. Lost flips for the CL to bust 11th in 2 tourneys, but got 2nd in another one to finish up at least. Still wasn't happy cause I lost to the biggest idiot ever at HU, the guy would call down any pair at the FT and raise any air 100% of the time. So first hand of HU he c/r me on the flop and I say to my friend on msn: "oh he's gonna donate on 1st hand already, he prob has J2o". Then on the turn I say "gg unless he hits his gutshot".

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And then at even stacks he open shoves next 5 hands, I get 99 he has AA gg, fuck tournaments.

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103k VPPs in 74 days now, 7k away from the bonus

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ChipMeUp guys - Combo MTTs by D_smart_S, November 21

Hey, guys, I just created an event on chipmeup and i want to promote it here since nobody has bought a share from me yet . here is the link:
here are some graphs:

First one is from Cake (Spermonium), 2nd from Pacific (LoLmart). Check my profile on chipmeup for more info. If you want to win some money along with me, chip me up!
Reserved 35 of the 45% i'm selling. 10% to go!
All sold.

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Plug me... by adeny, November 21

... My leaks, that is. Or is it even a leak? Maybe just bad luck.

Hi, I'm trying to learn to not suck, so I've been playing a lot. There's this one thing I keep losing to over and over. It's when I have overpair or top pair top kicker on a seemingly blank board.

I'm just going to post a couple of examples, there's 10+ of these over ~7k hands, I don't know if I'm supposed to be a master hand-reader or if I should just play the odds... Or something in between I don't know.

Maybe I just bet too weakly to maximize gain when I should be trying to protect my hand?

Anyways here you go, feel free to call me terrible etc.

Submitted by : adeny

PokerStars Game #53032978137: Holdem No Limit ($0.01/$0.02 USD) - 2010/11/21 12:00:44 CET [2010/11/21 6:00:44 ET]
Table Zerlina 9-max Seat #9 is the button
Seat 1: Mctwist09 ($2.79 in chips)
Seat 3: willsonnn ($0.83 in chips)
Seat 4: fucanto ($2.98 in chips)
Seat 6: Mix3rr ($1.09 in chips)
Seat 7: Valega :-D ($6.27 in chips)
Seat 8: HamsterXL ($2 in chips)
Seat 9: Hero ($1.51 in chips)
Mctwist09: posts small blind $0.01
willsonnn: posts big blind $0.02

Dealt to Hero KcKs
MihoRedd joins the table at seat #2
fucanto: raises $0.06 to $0.08
Mix3rr: folds
Valega :-D: folds
HamsterXL: folds
Hero: calls $0.08
Mctwist09: folds
willsonnn: folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $0.19)

willsonnn leaves the table
fucanto: bets $0.16
Denis Riv joins the table at seat #3
Hero: calls $0.16

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $0.51)

fucanto: checks
Hero: bets $0.10
fucanto: calls $0.10

River (Pot : $0.71)

fucanto: bets $0.64
Hero: raises $0.53 to $1.17 and is all-in
fucanto: calls $0.53

Hero: shows KcKs (two pair, Kings and Eights)
fucanto: shows 6c6h (a full house, Sixes full of Eights)
fucanto collected $2.90 from pot

Total pot $3.05 | Rake $0.15
Board  3c3h8s8h6s
Seat 1: Mctwist09 (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: willsonnn (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: fucanto showed 6c6h and won ($2.90) with a full house, Sixes full of Eights
Seat 6: Mix3rr folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 7: Valega :-D folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 8: HamsterXL folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 9: Hero (button) showed KcKs and lost with two pair, Kings and Eights

Submitted by : adeny

PokerStars Game #53029850267: Holdem No Limit ($0.01/$0.02 USD) - 2010/11/21 9:33:44 CET [2010/11/21 3:33:44 ET]
Table Fredegundis V 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: twocut ($3.04 in chips)
Seat 2: bazsanszki ($0.82 in chips)
Seat 4: nammax ($2 in chips)
Seat 5: BratWu ($5 in chips)
Seat 6: dodge321 ($3.94 in chips)
Seat 7: NaDTriNa ($6.13 in chips)
Seat 8: Hero ($1.70 in chips)
Seat 9: kslacker2 ($1.84 in chips)
BratWu: posts small blind $0.01
dodge321: posts big blind $0.02
Yahan588: sits out

Dealt to Hero AcAd
NaDTriNa: folds
Hero: raises $0.06 to $0.08
kslacker2: folds
twocut: calls $0.08
bazsanszki: calls $0.08
nammax: folds
BratWu: folds
dodge321: folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $0.27)

Hero: bets $0.06
twocut: raises $0.26 to $0.32
bazsanszki: folds
Hero: calls $0.26

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $0.91)

Hero: bets $0.30
twocut: raises $1.34 to $1.64
Hero: calls $1 and is all-in
Uncalled bet ($0.34) returned to twocut

River (Pot : $3.51)


Hero: shows AcAd (a pair of Aces)
twocut: shows Qd9d (two pair, Queens and Nines)
twocut collected $3.34 from pot

Total pot $3.51 | Rake $0.17
Board  3s9sQh6c4s
Seat 1: twocut showed Qd9d and won ($3.34) with two pair, Queens and Nines
Seat 2: bazsanszki folded on the Flop
Seat 4: nammax (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: BratWu (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 6: dodge321 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 7: NaDTriNa folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 8: Hero showed AcAd and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 9: kslacker2 folded before Flop (didnt bet)

Submitted by : adeny

PokerStars Game #53029759976: Holdem No Limit ($0.01/$0.02 USD) - 2010/11/21 9:29:00 CET [2010/11/21 3:29:00 ET]
Table Kalypso II 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: MillieMutt ($1.85 in chips)
Seat 4: Emby59 ($4.96 in chips)
Seat 5: ktire1982 ($1.87 in chips)
Seat 6: Hero ($1.52 in chips)
Seat 7: TheBigChees1 ($0.87 in chips)
Seat 8: O`Capuchina ($2 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind $0.01
TheBigChees1: posts big blind $0.02

Dealt to Hero AhQd
O`Capuchina: folds
MillieMutt: folds
Emby59: folds
Trader820 joins the table at seat #2
ktire1982: raises $0.08 to $0.10
Hero: calls $0.09
TheBigChees1: calls $0.08

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $0.30)

Hero: bets $0.10
TheBigChees1: folds
ktire1982: raises $0.18 to $0.28
Hero: calls $0.18

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $0.86)

Hero: bets $0.20
ktire1982: raises $0.78 to $0.98
Hero: raises $0.16 to $1.14 and is all-in
ktire1982: calls $0.16

River (Pot : $3.14)


Hero: shows AhQd (a pair of Queens)
ktire1982: shows KcKd (a pair of Kings)
ktire1982 collected $2.99 from pot

Total pot $3.14 | Rake $0.15
Board  7d4dQc8sJh
Seat 1: MillieMutt folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 4: Emby59 folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: ktire1982 (button) showed KcKd and won ($2.99) with a pair of Kings
Seat 6: Hero (small blind) showed AhQd and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 7: TheBigChees1 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 8: O`Capuchina folded before Flop (didnt bet)

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