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My PS ur FTP by YouGoTGoT, November 19


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Photography Question by Jas0n, November 18

Can someone tell me at 1:35 into the video what the plastic/clear stands where the gun is mounted on is called? Thanks


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Adventures into nl10 by Gigabeef, November 18

So I tried moving up to nl 10 and actually ran really hot, which was lovely and also boosted me significantly into nl 10 territory. However something went horribly wrong as I proceeded to lose 6BI pretty quick and then break even after that. Small sample, but 6BI down is pretty bad, I'm sure I can improve what I'm doing 10000x to minimise these losses. Still it could be worse.

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It seems a little strange to me, there seem to be waaaay more aggressive fish at nl 10. I've been trying to tailor my play to the individual players and am also trying to practice and improve my valuebetting, however sometimes I think that I'm overthinking things and making it harder for myself.

I know that I'm terrible at dealing with 60/40 type aggronuts who 3bet about 20% preflop and raise a plenty postflop, but only if they are the ones betting. It feels like if I just try to wait for a good hand against them I end up spewing mountains of chips folding and when I do get a good hand, they shut down because I cbet or bet the turn and not them. Not sure what to do generally here.

Also I'm not sure how to deal with 10-15% 3bets from some guy in the small blind when I open otb and I'm more likely to just leave the table than to do anything about it in the game itself.

Lastly, I feel really uncomfortable 3betting for value with any of the unpaired hands. Even if I know they will call with worse preflop, if I miss the flop I have no idea whether I am ahead or not and don't really want to cbet bluff into a 3bet pot with A high knowing that they will call with all sorts of random pairs, but don't like the idea of check folding every time I miss either. You just don't hit top (or middle depending on villain) pair that often to make nice value money it seems.

My most hated thing of all is when I raise to isolate a limper preflop, get a call, limper checks so I cbet the flop and get called. We both check the turn and then he bets ~3/4 pot otr. I feel totally helpless to this and it happens a lot.

I think I need to sort out my thought process tbh, trying to remove these kinds of inconsistencies atm. I feel as if it should be simple to see what to do against each villain of a certain type in the micros but I feel confused instead unable to come to the right idea on how to play against them.

Right now I'm playing a mixture of 5nl and 10nl, but hope to feel 100% confident to move to playing 10nl all of the time soon!


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Need some help by chisp, November 18

Hello LP, I made a second account as I want to remain anonymous on this, but I frequent LP a decent amount.

I'm a fairly nerdy guy, and I don't have many friends, but the ones I do I spend a good portion of time with. Over the years, many of them have moved away to various colleges

My friend, after getting in a bad car accident over the weekend, died today of his injuries. I have been doing my best since the crash to tell myself he is going to be good as new, but now I have literally become emotionally frozen. I have no idea what to do...

I am extremely depressed atm. He was the guy I have been hanging out with, drinking with, playing poker with, etc for about the past year, and I don't really have any other friends left. I'm thinking about going to see a therapist or someone to talk to about it, but I don't think my health insurance will cover it and I don't have much money at the moment.

It is making me angry as I write to be even talking about this, because why should I be worried about how I feel right now? My friend is dead, and his parents are feeling likely just unspeakable pain. This makes me feel even worse, and very selfish. It is making me analyze everything that is negative about myself, and I feel more depressed than I have ever felt in my life.

Anyone have any advice on what I should do? Would really appreciate it right now. Thanks

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My PStars $ for Paypal by NotSorry, November 18

Looking to trade my $95 on stars for $90 on paypal, so I can preorder GT5 and Cata.

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intro by nightstarts, November 18

Hey all,

I've been a long time lurker and just started posting here recently. I figured I should introduce myself a bit. I've been playing poker (both online and offline) for a while; I played SNGs during the glory days of PartyPoker (where minraising every hand was a viable strategy at the low limits) and got into cash for a bit last summer -- worked my way up to beating NL 5 before I quit to finish school.

Anyhow, I am now an itinerant graduate student, so I decided to get more serious about poker. I'm currently trying to move up from NL 10 (which will hopefully happen soon if the current +15 BI, 6k hand upswing I'm on is not just a heater). Hope to talk some poker with you guys and get to know some of you better!

PS: What sort of bankroll / comfort level would you guys suggest moving up to NL 25 with? I feel pretty confident playing against almost all opponents at NL 10 right now; would taking shots at NL 25 w/ 20 BI be reasonable?

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Money & the Perception of Being Happy: Part 1 by DarkDevildog, November 18

Ok well this blog is mostly for me as it is a way to convert my thoughts into something readable and later hopefully into actions. Honestly TLDR but worth it in my opinion.

I have soo many points to make in this blog and sort of don't know where to start so i'm just going to start typing and let it flow from there.

A friend and I started talking and somewhere in our conversation I stated that i don't like our government. At all. I mean a government is important if certain countries literally invade our country, or if a individual decides to go on a killing spree but a governments job, in my opinion, is to maintain order and peace in a designated area(in your border). This might come as a somewhat shock to some of you seeing as I am currently active duty in the Marine Corps(the most testosterone driven group of animals in the world) but really what is a government's job. In my opinion a government should not limit a person on what he or she should do unless it involves destruction or harm to another person. But this isn't really the point of this blog. The reason I'm writing this blog is because i think there is something really wrong with this nation we live in. The United States. I can't say anything else about any other country because I've only visited other countries for brief periods of time and don't really have a huge sample size to base any thoughts off of. This country is based purely on propaganda and what companies want to tell you. The companies like to convince and sell sheep (people - but I'll call them sheep in this blog) products that we've fallen into a sort of enslavement for. This country's foundation for being happy is money, material goods, and "freedom". What is freedom. There are multiple types of freedom in my opinion. There is freedom to do what you want (which is what this country is "built" around) and there is freedom from everything else. This country is lacking REAL freedom. The freedom to not be tied to the T.V. every single night or the freedom to not get the new iPhone 4.0 when it comes out or watching a new episode of a T.V. show. Our country is built around soo much technology and stupid idea's that we have literally become a slave to the working environment just to satisfy a small % of that need. This country is built around happiness? Most people have to work 8-10 hours a day at some shitty job just to buy a decent house, some essential things(food and other things). My friend, Izack, told me this and i think it makes a lot of sense, "we only know ourselves, to the point of which society has molded us, to believe that we are this way. money hungry, materialistic, class oriented, constantly worrying about physical appearance and all types of other pointless shit that we've been socialized to believe in the 'normal' way to think. it has a lot to do with us just following our parents". I think is is extremely true.

There is a lot more that could go into this blog but i think right now this is a good foundation for futures thoughts. And this is only a Part 1. I could care less if you agree or disagree with this as these are my thoughts.

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need comp help by Highcard, November 18

I finally found something usefull:
I have had the same problem many times. I was able to remove the virus but repairing the damage, e.g., IE or Firefox will not open. I tried a host of things, namely, resetting IE but what I found today was that I went to the Crogram FilesInternet ExplorerConnection WizardRun inetwiz.exeselect Connect Using LAN if you are on a Local Area Network, Check Auto Discovery of proxy server, uncheck manual proxy server if checked. Skip setting of email (optional). Hope this helps although you have connectivity, I had none.

That seemed to work out for explorer but Firefox still not working. hmm


Firefox now working, thanks norway

I am wondering if anyone knows of some good computer forums to submit computer errors and get quality free help. My friend somehow had malwarebytes mess up her comp and know she can't get online with firefox/explorer.

Firefox says "The proxy server is refusing connections" - firefox is configued to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.

She was never on any proxy servers or set that stuff up. So i have no idea what the deal is, if she got infected by a bot network and now her comp deleted the pathway but also messed up the explorer part too, idk.

What I do know is she can still connect online and can connect to windows live messenger and send messages. Basically her internet is fine just can't use Firefox or Explorer. It is weird.

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cool shortvid/song by Night2o1, November 18


somethin a bit different, dancehall

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The basics by LemOn[5thF], November 18

Ok I concur. I am definitely not at my previous levels of skill yet..
Every single time ever I have been 4 tabling before the break no matter at what limit I was a 3-5BB/100 winner, and my only issue was that I return to multi-tabling and dump stacks when I burnout (Read my old blogs with 'Tutbotilt' in them).
Well, now thats really gone and whats more I can't even 6 table breakeven NL50.

My focus has been on advanced topics after my break, but I think in all that excitement I forgot to refresh the absolute basics.

This is me 4 tabling NL50 now:
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And this is me 4 tabling NL50 before my break/before I started playing dota 8 months ago:
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The concepts below are basics that I need to refresh, at the end are important points. I will write this in several blog posts as I go through the basic concepts.

[ BLUE] - Flaws in my current game/logic
[ Green] -My comments

-I will post various basic topics as I see fit/when I have time and energy and in the end combine everything into one blog post with index etc.
Let me know if there are any specific topics that you have trouble with (As I am likely to have trouble too) and I will try to research them/summarise and post them with my comments.

1) What is NL Hold'Em and how do you make money?
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2)On the flop - With initiative
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3) Notes
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4) Math
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-Consider how profitably cany you play a hand based on position, villains AND your current state of mind. If you are tilted and are likely to make mistakes tighten up! Also, always be able to clearly say what is your plan on the next street (including when raising PF!)


End note
I have applied these things and my red line instantly flatted out instead of going down and money won went just right up.
This thinking used to be the foundation of my game and is all coming back. I have even started talking out loud and explaining what exactly am I going to do on the next street before seeing it, just as I was doing automatically before but have forgotten since. I also suddenly remembered how I used to fight for the small pots and bluff like a madman and appear aggro, but when the big pots came I had the better hand most of the time.

All the study time and hand analysing is for nothing when you don't have the basics down and apply them in everyday grind.

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New to the site! by Tensai176, November 18

Hey guys,

I've recently come to a cross-road in my life where I feel like my education teaches me very little about what I would like to do in the future. I am doing semi-well in school, I have a part-time job and still try to find time for my hobby which is Poker.

I've been playing leisurely for quite a time now, home games, $1 stakes online but now I feel like it's time to step up and become serious and I started on my way by making a $300 deposit on Full Tilt about a month ago. I've grinded a lot to bring it up to around $538 but I feel like it's taking way too much time and that excluding the bonuses I receive, I'm only making like $5/hr.

I consider myself a decent poker player and I feel I am one of the three best players at all the tables on the $6 and $11 stakes. Maybe I need an ego-check, maybe I need to read some more but just wondering, is this how you all started out? Did it ever feel... Pointless?

Don't get me wrong, I love the game, I love playing it, and if I'm anything, I am competitive and I have the drive to get better at things I enjoy doing. Poker is one of these things and I believe I have the potential to become a winning player.

I'm not planning on dropping out of school I'm just wondering what little advice you have on starting players like me =) and hopefully I can make money to pay for school and etc. Hopefully we can become friends too in the long-run =)


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i tried by Exhilarate, November 18

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omg hu tilt by aznricebeast, November 18

just played a mega MEGA fish for 1.5 hrs and he ended up totally destroying me in the last hand(lost the biggest pot of my life right there) he hit every runner runner flush possible i ran the exact opposite my sets were good 0/2 times .

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My FTP vs Your STARS by BEFO, November 18

Need 1k on stars for my 1k on ftp. Please post if you can help

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NL2 update by AfterLife, November 18

I have switched to 6 max because its easier you can play more hands per hour and they players are twice as bad.

So this are my overall results.

My next update is gonna contain a lot more information then this one , I m gonna post some hands and etc...


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My PStars $ for Paypal by NotSorry, November 17

Looking to trade my $95 on stars for paypal, so I can preorder GT5 and Cata.

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Weee Sawww by OpWestAcct, November 17

Just finished my 4th session at NL 100. Getting a fucking grip of this limit and starting to shit on the regs. For the first time in my life I am playing well within roll and it's given me something great. I am the type of player that HAS to have 40+ buy ins behind. I love to make moves and maximize my fold equity in many spots and put tons of pressure on the opponent. Of course I fail sometimes and people hero call me but that's why I have another 40-50 buy ins so I can try some more =D. At first I felt like I was getting ran over and even though I am double barreling a lot of spots I shouldn't and making some spewy calls I feel much more in control. It also shows too because the first couple of days the regs were 3 betting me every chance they had and now they have backed off so much.

Below is a graph of my journey of building up another online roll. Began at the beginning of September on NL 10 with $100 (Also took about a month off in this time)

Plus about $1600 in rakeback and a couple tourney cashes early on.

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Heads up EV not rewarding me :p by aznricebeast, November 17

feel like im playing great. But it can get Frustrating! break time

For technical analysis-

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Donations for Christmas! by Fayth, November 17

Well hello there folks! I'm making this blog post so just like last year I will be taking donations to go and shop for a bunch of christmas gifts for children who wouldn't be getting anything otherwise. I will be putting myself probably around 1000$ for that and I'll be taking any donations from $0.01 to $1 000 000.00 (if you're willing to put more I might think about it!).

You can see the post from last year showing what I did there ->

There's also something new this year that I'm going to do, my father and I and probably 3 other poker players willing to accompany me from quebec will go to a place where homeless people shelter and basically try to fix their life. We should go there during lunch time or dinner time I'm not sure yet and we will serve the meals, this place also only runs from people donating so I was hoping to donate 500$ myself and 500$ from various other donators for a total of 1000$. Also for the gifts for children I will be putting 1000$ myself and everything exceeding the first 500$ donated will go for the gifts as well.

I will try to take pictures for the 2 events (shopping should be done during first week of december and the serving meals to homeless people will be during 2nd week)

So yeah that's my plan for this year, if you're willing to donate you can send the money to
ilir3 on Pokerstars
OMGDTDROP on Fulltiltpoker

Be generous!


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Dropping out College by GoTuNk, November 17


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