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Staking question by ClouD87, May 07

Hey guys. I'm in a weird staking situation and I would greatly appreciate your honest feedback.

It started when a trustworthy friend of mine suggested me to play on a chinese poker app. He told me he knows a guy who does staking deals and he was looking for players. I already knew action was going on these mobile phone apps at high stakes but I didn't want to play with my own money because I was warned of the high possibility of some cheating going on. My friend told me np you are getting full staking you don't need to put your money on the line.

After that I talked to the staking guy and he said it was full staking plus Make Up (which, as I was explained, meant that if I lost money along my run I would need to make it again before receiving further payments). Deal is he gives me 50% of the money during first week trial period, and if we are both satisfied I get 65% of my winnings when I play afterwards. I play first week very few hands, win something like 11k$ (So i get a bit less than 5.5k$), he pays me in bitcoins, everything is fine.

Right after the test week I start playing and I notice weird things going on. I get herocalled in impossible spots and I start lagging and disconnecting like crazy, also during hands that I might have won (you only have 15 seconds to make a move, if you lag you just auto fold even if you have the nuts). I am confident and my previous poker results testify my abilities of making money against recreationals, but I am either having a really bad run or I am not capable of beating these chinese recreationals or I'm getting scammed in some way. Even if it wasn't for the weirdest hero calls the real problem is the fact I get lag spikes very often and I don't get to play the hands I want to. I realize I can't win playing poker in this environment, but I still decided to take a break and come back after a week and see if the lag goes away...

I come back after a week and lag got even worse. App is still unplayable and I still get herocalled with utter garbage hands everytime I bluff in a big pot. At this point I'm down between 7k and 10k (without including test week), which is not much but I simply don't think I can make money in this condition. So I just message my friend and the staking guy explaining the lag situation and they both say I can't pull back because I need to make up the money I lost before going out of the agreement. Problem is I most likely can't win with these issues so if I keep playing I will just lose even more.

At this point I just want to get away from this situation before possibly losing more money. Here comes the part that confuses me: my friend says that I can't pull out before I remake the money. I tell him that I am probably going to lose money if I keep playing, then he further tries to convince me to play more. We go back and forth saying the same thing a couple more times until I make sure he understands I'm not playing on these chinese apps again.
So I tell him I'll just give the staker the money I won during the trial week and not play again to avoid losing his money. My friend says that I have to give the staker back all money I lost at the tables. I won 5k during trial period, lost between 7k and 10k afterwards, so basically he says I have to give him 2k-5k (or whatever the difference is) out of my own pocket to pull out.

Now I'm super confused. If I have to pay for the losses what's the point of the staking? I was playing nl3k deep with huge antes (which is beyond my bankroll capabilities atm) and if I lose I have to take the money out of my own pocket, but if I win I have to give 35% of the profit to the guy. How is this regarded as full staking? I would have never played these games with my own money and I wasn't told this when we talked about the staking. My friend says that if I don't give the 2-5k to the guy I'm basically scamming him and he further tries to convince me to play more on chinese apps.

I still have to talk to the staking guy, and before talking to him I'd like to get some more opinions before we get in a debate on whether I should give him the lost money or not. I just think the chinese apps are shady and I definitely can't play with the lag, and also if I have to pay for all the lost money I don't understand how he could call our deal full staking.

I will accept any suggestion, thanks in advance

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first time Vegas by dnagardi, May 06

Long time no blog...

I've started playing poker 10 years ago, reading the beginners articles on LP with the help of Filthy_au ex wc3 player. Grinded hard, learnt a lot from you, was a slight winner at NL200, made decent money to support myself while finishing university. Had the dream that when I turn 21 I go to vegas, and make some big money but that shattered when black friday kicked in and got most of my funds frozen. Luckily I've got all of it back since then, but never really continued playing poker since.

Now I'm 27, working as a structural engineer here in Budapest, Hungary. Occasionally still playing poker live and online but just for fun.
Now together with my family we are doing a US trip celebrating my father's 60th birthday and their 30th marriage anniversary with my mother. New York - Washington and.... Las Vegas trip

During the day we will be sightseeing but when the night comes I will be hitting up the LV casinos, probably grinding the NL 1-3$ cash games. And this is where I would like to hear your advice on which casino to go to, which is the nicest, where are the softest games? Is there something I need to know, like is there a mandatory tipping when winning a pot? Any need to know advices?
Also would love to hear from you guys the attractions we should see in LV with my family

Thanks LP

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Big in Japan by makan18, May 04

If I have to choose only one word, to describe what kind of a country Japan is, "specific" seems to be a suitable one. No other place that I`ve visited in the past, differed so much from the "Western World" than Japan - at least in terms of mentality. A country of a spectacular Skyscrapers, although You would find it difficult to comunitacte in English, even in hotels or restaurants. Very kind and friendly people, always willing to help You, yet a little bit aloof. Japan is a very homogenic country, over 98% of it`s population is japaneese. I was amazed, that sometimes I haven`t see

Tokyo has bewitched me for sure. The whole city was very clean and well maintained. I was a little bit surprised that there was not that many cars on the streets. However if You have such great public transportation system, owning a car may seems unnecessary. The system of public transportation the japanese people created, should be a role model for every other country. The kilometers of underground tunnels, allows You to move beetween several train and subway lines located on a single station. Architectural differences were also very interesting. Just dwo minutes long ride by a train was enought, to escape the neighbourhood of 300 feet buildings, I find yourself in the area of single-family homes, where time seemed to goes by slower. To sum things up, the way this gigantic oranism functions is truly remarkable.

Every foodie should definitely put Japan on his or hers bucket list. The sushi in fast service bars is kurwa sensational, the quality of food in average ramen restaurant is exceptional, and last but not least the taste of self-cooked beef takes away a desire to eat european steaks again.
During my voyage I have had a chance to taste at least dozen of ramen soups, and every single one was a little bit different, which turned an ordinary soup into a new culinary experience.

+ Show Spoiler +

Poker-wise March was another best month in my career. Just one month after the best score in my career, I had even a better one, all the more symbolic the first one with pre-rb score over 30k$. Given the fact that I only managed to play for 70 hours, my adjusted hourly reached almost 500$/h. Not bad, not bad at all... a

However it would be probably impossible to achieve a similar score in April. At the time of writing this piece, 1/3 month is gone and I managed to play for only 10 hours. Before I began my journey I knew that it would be impossible to grind full time, so my goal was to play just enough to maintain the mental sharpness. The time zone in Japan isn`t very good for poker. When the clock in the UK pointed 8 PM, it was 4 AM in Japan. I tried to play a bit after eating a solid breakfast ( very solid indeed, it was the best breakfast I`ve ever eaten in the hotel.)

These days it is very hard to find a decent games after 12 AM, and it`s very mentaly exhausting for me to play 150-200 hands per hour. Moreover I smoothly passed from the oging phase ( the period of very high productivity) into the deging phase ( the period of excessive drinking). However I`ve been working very hard since the September 2016, with only a short break for Christmas and New Years Eve, so I feel like I earned a longer break.
I`m in the middle of my trip, I`m gonna spend two more weeks in Thailand, after that I would return to the UK to continue my way of a peaceful grinder. The period of blessed laziness will have to be redeemed both at the gym and at the poker tables.

Live long and prosper,


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Comfort by RiKD, May 04

Comfort. I don't have to strive for a skilled blowjob while listening to BJork on excellent speakers so high I think I might die but then the comedown is full of gratitude and magic and an extremely powerful orgasm. That is pleasure. That is euphoria. That is samsara. A brilliant Tibetan word which basically means trapped in habitual patterns. One of the biggest patterns for me today is the comfort in the morning of rolling over and pulling the covers tight and enjoying some more sleep. I don't really have any place to be but it is a seductive pattern I don't really need in my life. I don't need to be sleeping 10, 12, 14 hours in a night.

I will say meditation is not one of these comforts. I am still trying to figure out the value in it. I have heard of a lot. It does not come easy. It seems like once I start seeing the thoughts arise it gets better. When I can really cover my breath, sensations, sounds with my awareness is when it gets to a good place. Fuck it, I rather eat a bunch of cereal, fill myself up with coffee, mindlessly scroll through some facebook, and come here. These blogs are definitely a comfort to me. If I really want to get serious about writing some stories these blogs are a complete waste of time but that is not necessarily what I want to be doing. I want to be shitting around in these blogs getting my thoughts out. Many times it is shit but many times I learn something.

I miss people. I was comfortable in Pittsburgh. It is good to get out of one's comfort zone but it can be difficult. Things here in Charleston have been not exactly what I expected. Not even really in a bad or a good way it has just been the way it is and certainly not ways that I was expecting. At the end of the day there is always posting on LP, reading, going to the beach, getting some good eats somewhere in the city, and exploring meetings. It might take me a bit longer than I may of thought getting situated in the meetings. It definitely is taking me longer than I thought to get medical insurance and set up with a psychiatrist and a therapist. It will likely take longer than I would like to get a job as well. Se la vie.

I guess I do post a lot of blogs. I guess it ends up being kind of like therapy. I just realized that now. I didn't intend it to be that way. I really just like this idea of comfort. Many comforts are bad for us. Alcohol is bad for me. Marijuana is bad for me. Huddling against the covers is bad for me. Although all of them feel great in the moment. If I didn't have to move from Pittsburgh. Why would I move? I was comfortable there. Great friends, great city but I DID move from Pittsburgh. I am not comfortable here yet, I don't have any meetings I feel comfortable in, I don't have any friends except my mom and dad. It is just one of those times of change and uncertainty. I have to be open minded and flexible. I quickly got angry that they have no diners open late before actually researching. The same with Buddhist teachers.

Oh well, I have my sister and brother in law coming this weekend. That should open things up a bit. Boredom. Boredom is one of the opposites of comfort. That is where I grasp at comfort whenever I can find it. That is when the mindless facebook scrolls start, perhaps more blogs or postings arise, and it is best to get some reading in. So, I will stop writing for now and get some reading in. I don't even know if I got through at all what I was trying to get through. Even as much as a Lazy Boy chair. It is comfortable short term but may lead to problems later where as sitting on the floor is relatively uncomfortable at first but the healthy way to go. If I am smoking cigarettes that first cigarette of the day is beautiful but I just reinstated a terrible habit. What comforts should we keep and what comforts should we fight to break free of?

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sorry i need to brag by SPEWTARD, May 02

im kinda sad this forum is almost dead but also cant forget that this is where my career began so long ago, started since nl2 posting here and receivin advice from high stakes ballers, made a lot of friends (my nickname was bongky by that time)

also here i met my currently friend/boss/coach/backer which took me almost from scratch to play donkaments.

no more words. ty lp

never give up.

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I dreamt last night that I murdered people... by RiKD, April 29

I dreamt last night that I murdered people and then masturbated and jizzed on them and their tv. I don't remember killing them I just remember their dead bodies and vaguely remember dragging them inside of a house. It may have not been their house or tv. I also dreamed that I borrowed a friend's car, lost control of the car, and ran someone over in front of a crowd. My dad listened to 11 hours of the NFL draft yesterday. That is crazy to me. I do resent the people drafted. Making millions of dollars to be aggressive gorillas. I killed a palmetto bug last night with fervor and aggression. In a way I think I liked it. In a way it killed a part of my soul. I almost lost control of my car yesterday going 90 through the mountains, talking on the phone, with one hand on the wheel. I fear hitting people with my car. I fear car accidents. I fear loss of limbs. I fear loss of brain function. I am actually a little afraid of palmetto bugs. I am afraid of them crawling over me when I sleep. I am afraid of picking one up and trapping it in my hands. I am afraid of it crawling into my mouth. Brazilian jiu-jitsu was a great outlet for aggression. When I take someone's back and sink in an RNC and they tap that means I could have killed them if I wanted to. BJJ. It really is a great game. I miss strategy games. What is the best strategy game on the market these days?

I will write it again:

What is the best strategy game on the market these days?

Not that I want to get lost in strategy games when I should be meeting people in a new city. I need a new job, new friends, new home group, new doctors, new therapist, new bank, new driver's license, new hang out spots, new everything. It is not the time to be getting lost in strategy or fantasy. Not the time for escape. Which in a way just makes me want to escape.

Facebook is kind of shitty. I am no longer liking ANYTHING. No like or dislike. Maybe I will comment. Maybe. I just want something real man. What does that even mean? Fuck facebook but I won't leave it. It will just continue to cause some dissatisfaction. It is one of those short term comfort type of things. Junk food. Crack cocaine. Do I have any likes? Do I have any likes? I DO!!! I DO!!! nom nom nom nom nom nom nom. Get the fuck out of here facebook!

Waffle House. Pecan Waffle. Load it up with butter and syrup and a side of coffee. Enjoy! Bon Appetit!

I want some more coffee so ciao tios.

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Well, Pretty much, Buddhism by RiKD, April 27

It is great to just be out with people. Grabbing some pizza pies down at the pizzaria with the magic pies. Great crust, magical sauce. How do they make that sauce? It's so sweet. Maybe they put in some honey. It's a family recipe for the ages. I wanted to talk to a guy about Buddhism but ended up at a picnic table with some great people long into the night. It makes up for a mixed up day. No errands done but that is ok. Manana. I suppose I don't even want to talk about Buddhism anymore but here goes:

Don't read if you don't want to talk about Buddhism (unless you just want to talk about life and living that's cool):

So, there is always going to be suffering. Even if I am a buddhist monk I will suffer. I can eat a modest breakfast and meditate and help people all day but there will still be suffering. Suffering for me today means finishing some coffee, bored with the interwebz and 3+ hours until a meeting. What do I read? What do I do? Actually, a better example is RIGHT NOW. NOW. NOW. I get home from a great night with some great people and don't feel like going to sleep. What do I do NOW? NOW? NOW? I write some stuff and put NOW in all caps. The other idea is the idea of attachment. I will say 2 attachments that come to mind is a.) I would... actually there are a lot. I want to live. I want to wake up tomorrow. I want my limbs. I want my senses. I want my own apartment. I want to meet a compatible women and fall in love. How do we deal with these attachments in relation to suffering?
It just seems like every time I start getting into buddhism I decide I have to become a buddhist monk to achieve a desirable state. I need it to get the right dosage of happiness, peace, serenity, unsuffering. On the other hand just getting out and socializing with awesome people seems to be a great dosage of living. Dating and seeing where that goes is a great dosage of living. I want to fuck and I want some stuff but I don't want that running my life. That is pretty much what it boils down to. I want to fuck and I want some stuff but I don't want that running my life.

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have 110$ stars for 110 paypal by lostaccount, April 24

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How to bluffin in poker and life by PWorker, April 20

--- Nuked ---

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Rift For Poker Players by failsafe, April 17

hot showers may cost us billions, is the scientific result. questions remain.


so this is a pretty funny set of rifts i ran today after meditation with my new colleague "Tiki" who is a very traditional yogi in India. I also was involving a friend of mine from Thailand, who works as a barber and does poker-related stuff.

The results were really funny to me. This Monk has previously completed a level 70 Greater Rift with more than 5 minutes remaining.

Today we struggled through some lower tier rifts despite having vastly improved the build and gear.

We got good items at the end, but the runs were just super glitchy and rough.

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Another Day[9] Question by failsafe, April 14

it seems the limit of x/x would be 1 as x goes to infinity.

but what if we wrote x/y and the limit of both of those to infinity. then 1?

but now x1 in n and x2 in r

finally x1/x2 are we able to do this?

cannot only in r?

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End of a Season + I Need Help by RiKD, April 14

My final two weeks is up at the seafood market and I am finished there. It was a strange season. Strange hours. I mostly read diet and nutrition books, Camus, watched "Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdain" and HBO's "Girls." Now I am back with an 8 hour void. Perhaps a somewhat daunting void. I should be able to find ways to fill it. I have almost two weeks until I move to Charleston, SC. I am still in a state of unsureness in what I want to do with my life. Maybe you all can help. I need all the help I can get. I have a History degree. I have a poker and sales background. I do not think I meld well with coding and the like. It does not come easy to me and I have just never had the willingness to get into it. I do not particularly like multi-national corporation culture or maybe I was just not with the best fit company in my past. Academia intrigues me but it is a lot of money and a lot of work and I did not particularly like academia in the field of History or in general. Many times I just figure I will be a therapist or a nurse. I have thought about teaching but I do not know about that. Am I missing anything? What are you all doing? I am sick of being stuck in the mud of all this stuff and stuck in the mud of poverty. I need some ideas. I need some discussion. I need some help.

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so yeah BREAK17 by spets1, April 14

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Scientifically Running Below Expectation by failsafe, April 12

It seems it is scientifically possible to run below expectation on "RNG" for any length of time, probably this makes perfect sense when we think about "denumerable infinities" (basically bigger infinities).

Any sample size is relatively infinitesimal...

For instance if we say that 1/infinity is "the first infinitesimal", and 8000/infinity is the "8000th infinitesimal" we could just use a denumerable infinity of a factor 8000 times larger than the (unit) infinity in the first case. then the second case would be identical to the first case.

thus we see there is a logarithmic principle with sizes of infinity as with for instance "base ten" numbers.

it seems to be the conclusion that "LOVE" is a reciporical of bad luck. so if you "LOVE" someone you are doomswitched until event X.

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We Can Lead Lives of Dignity and Authenticity by RiKD, April 09

Alright, it is time to get this as pink as pussy business in the rear view mirror. It was a decent run. What heterosexual male does not like vagina. It is one of the wonders of the world. With that said I am more concerned with what freedom means to everybody? What does freedom look like? What prisons exist for us? Do we even desire freedom?

I went on a walk today by a river. The surface sparkled illuminated by the sun. The breeze had a faint smell of the trees blooming. There was good conversation being immersed with other pleasantly happy and high walkers and bikers. I feel free in those moments.

I feel free listening to stimulating music sipping on an excellent coffee typing some words out. Until I can not find the right words............... Ok. It is ok to not have the right words. It leads to some meditation on what the next words should be. I listen to some music, I take a sip of my coffee and it flows.

I am addicted to flow. Flow state. I live for that shit. Just thinking about it I want the adrenaline. I want to drive as fast as the car will let me. I want some fucking cocaine. Let's take a bunch of molly and head to a rave. Different experiences. I have never felt as connected as I was rolling MDMA at a small venue rave. I want to get back to dancing, drumming, and chanting. I will always listen to my music loud. I have to live this life at a certain type of frequency. A vibe. That is mine. Let's hope it resonates with some people! It sucks to be alone. It sucks to be isolated. I need a little help from my friends, I get by with a little help from my friends, I am gonna try with a little help from my friends, I get high with a little help from my friends. That sums it up the best I can think of. I want to go out to the magical forests and do shrooms. Why not just a coffee shop with a mixed group of people? That is quite lovely. My mascot is the dolphin, who live better than we do. They are the next level purveyors of awesome in the seas. Eat some anchovies and chill. Go for a swim. I WON'T SPEND ANY MORE TIME ON THE DOLPHINS EVEN THOUGH I WANT TO!

Deadmau5 on speed is always an experience. That is kind of where I am at now. Coffee is relatively weak speed but enough of it and it is still speed. Fuck this on a day like today I should be outside or lounging and reading a great book. Phoning a friend always seems to work. HAVE FUN LP! DRINK COFFEE BUT NOT TOO MUCH! WELL, DO WHAT YOU LIKE! COFFEE OR NO COFFEE DO WHAT YOU LIKE! THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOME UNPLEASANTNESS! SOME THINGS MORE SO THAN OTHERS! PUSH THROUGH IT AND IT WILL NOT BE SO BAD IN THE FUTURE!

Four more days at my job and then moving excitement and then realization that I have to find a new job and then the realization that oh shit I do not know what I am doing with my life. Going to a bunch of different meetings and then finding ones I like and going to those regularly is a fun proposition. Likely, I find some people I like spending time with. So crucial. Finding that job that covers reasonable expenses and gets me out of poverty and has me kind of fired up at some points is the puzzle. There has to got to be a solution for that but I have yet to find it. Something I am mostly into and ready to go most days. Whatever jobs that just barely cover meager expenses is the recipe for meh. It can be recovered through great friends, a healthy amount of gratitude and being helpful. Maybe I just get back into bodybuilder mode where I am at the gym all the time. Getting high through barbells. I would rather take walks on the beach and chill. Eat some shrimp and grits and chill.

I want more tattoos. My sister just got something quite fierce and dope. No funds, no tattoos.

There was a young lady sitting out on the patio where I was at today. Cool tattoos. I loved her sunglasses. She orders a bottle of Rose for herself. Man, that's my kind of woman. Straight horrible for me at this point but I am glad she exists. A Nicola Six type of character I always seem to be attracted to. I was with another Nicola Six type of character last night with a group of people at a diner. She is like a version of Nicola Six in recovery. This is the one I had an intense manic episode in her home and it was quite awkward for a while. It is nice to know some time has past and we could just have a normal chat. She is a really cool chick. That is what I will tell her, "You are a really cool chick, thanks for being awesome." The world just needs cool people that are awesome.

So, another chapter and things have not really changed. Job situation is tenuous. Women situation is underwhelming. I feel like I have learned more though. I have more knowledge and confidence than I did before. I still have hope that things will get better. Perhaps, I have to have this hope. It is some wiring that keeps me going into the future. Hopelessness just leaves me depressed and alone and isolated. That is no place to be. The fates will tell my story I am just here for the ride. It would be pretty cruel to be in the same situation I am in now when I am 50. It could always be worse though. I should be thankful for what I do have. This life will never be perfect. I am addicted to experience. Transcendence can be found in the mundane. Hell can be other people but it does not last just like the absurd or negative thought does not last. We can lead lives of dignity and authenticity.

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5 step plan by NewbSaibot, April 09

You'd think I'd have more details or a more well thought out process for how to get back into poker, but you'd be wrong! What I bring to you is my little 5 step plan, the details are more or less assumed.

1. Disregard females
2. Acquire currency
3. ???
4. ??????
5. Profit

Ok in all seriousness here's the plan,

[x] Get a job
[x] Get a car
[ ] Build a new roll
[ ] Play with new roll
[ ] Go pro.... again.

Those of you with keen eyes will notice that not only have I made it to step 2, I actually have a car now! I bought a 2004 Saab, an interesting choice, some may call it stupid others may call it unique. Saab is out of business which is part of the reason you can get a car like this under 3k, but during their legacy they made a rather unique car. In fact I kinda feel like Saab was ahead of their time with many of the concepts and technologies they introduced. I guess it was supposed to be a budget luxury line that wasnt total crap. Nonetheless their cars have a very different appearance that has aged quite well for a 14 year old car. It still looks classy and modern like any 00's BMW/Mercedes if you ask me. While hunting for cars I learned 2 valuable lessons; never buy from a dealer and everything under 5k looks boring and old as shit.

I know I know we're supposed to be beyond superficiality and looks, but I knew if I got a 98 camry that I'd hate it and be looking to sell it ASAP which would prove to be a losing financial decision longrun anyway. It doesnt have to be amazing, just something I fricken want to drive, and in my budget pickens were slim. Even if I did decide to go the camry/honda route, that entire line of cars seems to be built for the needy. Every one of them I checked out was just horribly abused. Essentially poor people dont take real good care of their cars, and I started I feel like I should flat out avoid the entry level Japanese line since their history is just gonna serve as beaters for low income people like myself. You have to be very patient to find that one car that is listed under 3k that someone actually took good care of and is just parting ways with it because it's time to move on. All the others are trash being dumped before the engine/tranny blows up.

So along came this Saab, and man I love this thing. Besides the looks it's just so different. Saab re-invented the wheel at every opportunity which overall just kinda gives the car its own theme. The door handles open different, the seats recline different, the dash layout is different, the buttons are different, the ficken ignition switch is in the middle next to the e-brake, everything is just done differently. It just makes it feel like you're driving a new kind of car, even if it's just new to me. But anyway I'm so happy I bought this because I really feel like it's a keeper car. It'll look just as good in 10 years and does everything I want it to. I'm also a bit proud of myself to be honest; that I've made it this far and cleared two huge milestones and that I actually own something, something with NO PAYMENT. It's mine. Within the next few months I hope to be taking shots at 2/2 NLHE live again and just praying for a good run so I can get back to living life and not just living for the weekends (or in my case, every other weekend with this fucking lame job I've got). Cant complain though, I have a used luxury car in good condition, a roof over my head, and food on the table.

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Has Diablo Failed Us? by failsafe, April 06

So I've been practicing Zen meditation now for 7 years and have gotten to the point where nothing can die without negatively affecting me. My average day is running something like -30BB/100 as science. I've gotten so far into it with Thai masters that literally nothing can wrong in the universe without it making my life more challenging. It's impossible to turn a blind eye to anything. I've been in such bad straits for so long now that the Chinese have literally sent Shaolin to my town to instruct me in "not being so bad".

But what I've learned from this is that even if you can have a 10:1 KDA average in DotA2 and not be able to get above 800 MMR (without overdosing on drugs), real life is surprisingly easy. The last time I overdosed on drugs I did die or something and ascend into heaven and was above 800 MMR but was reset when I was res'd by the Shaolin, and am below 700 MMR again.

But living a healthy IRL is really easy. Sure to be GM in anything takes work and practice, talent and motivation, and so on. But even high Diamond league SC2 equivalent is well than more than enough to live a super healthy life.

Probably 50-100 hours of knowledge and 1000-2000 hours of practice can make us super healthy individuals with just aerobic and anaerobic training. It's ultimately cheaper and possibly easier to eat healthy, get plenty of rest, and then train for an hour or two five days a week.

Interesting almost every Starcraft player, DotA player, etc. ever has put in 50-100 hours of knowledge and 1000-2000 of practice, which would be like the equivalent of high GM in most health concerns.

So it seems like high diamond Starcraft II or DotA 2000~3000 MMR is more than enough to be a hometown high GM or national mid GM in fitness. Of course I've also done karate, and I think most people would be satisfied with a black belt, which probably does not take more than 500 hours maximum (unless you are really hardcore). I don't know how much time I really put into my black belt in TKD but I think it was probably not as much as 2k hours.

But I've got 2k hours on my dota account, and am still < 700 MMR, which shows that dota is really hard compared to IRL.

But yeah, my IRL human is doing pretty well. I've written a book at around ~70k words somewhat unedited, created a video game at probably an hour or so playable time, but quite sophisticated.

My IRL human has recovered from schizophrenia, psychosis, anxiety, phobias, different health concerns and is almost completely grade A again except for a pinched nerve in the neck.

But what I've noticed is Diablo has failed us. Whether you're blind or not, high level Starcraft is accessible to you. Whether you're psychologically inept or not, mathematical poker still beats microstakes, whether you have bad luck or not, you can succeed in most games of luck, possibly even become infinite in hearthstone with practice.

But it seems Diablo is truly the most difficult game of all time. I cannot find any other way to power up in Diablo other than patience and grinding and running rifts. Since I am running -30BB/100 or so in all things thanks to the years of zazen, I cannot seem to find items, power up my character with sets, or anything like that. I always roll the wrong sets, wrong characters for seasonal items, wrong uniques, wrong ancients, legendaries, sets, and so on.

Despite it being my ultimate and final goal of all time, it seems I just cannot get on the top of the Diablo III ladder, and it proves to me this is the most difficult thing ever.

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1year1mill - 4th by 1year1mill, April 03

After first losing "weekly" report, we are more than happy to share our 4th "weekly" report's results with you. Check out what we lost and what we won!!
Btw, sorry for the low quality of video we had some problems with the camera.

Enjoy watching it

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after all this years... by drone666, April 03

*these years*

seems like I still can't manage my anger

player many hours last 2 months that resulted in 3 things:

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feels like im getting old and play poker isnt that fun anymore, helped with the fact that its been 1 year since pokerstars killed hu, now I have to grind vs player 1 and player 2 at anonymous tables or vs some ukranian multiaccounter that I can't trash talk because I dont know who he is...

feels bad and good at the same time

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As Pink As Pussy by RiKD, April 03

When you are getting pussy you gotta have it. The pink stuff. The good stuff. After a while the obsession dims. Spend enough time away from overly stimulating experiences it may flicker. Not to say asses will not be glanced at in grocery stores. I had a friend who was wearing this ridiculous t-shirt that showed way too much cleavage. You hear a song about double dees and it is hard not to think about it or find your eyes having a look. My brain controls my eyes, what controls my brain?

I drank too much coffee. I do not like drinking coffee at night but how can I turn down free pie, free coffee, and conversation amongst friends? Now, I got a bit of the coffee anxiety thing going on or it is all in my head. Either way it felt like writing was a better option than trying to sleep. I really do enjoy socialization over reading a book or watching tv. It was a fun night. I need more nights like this.

I put in my two weeks notice at work. It makes for an interesting dynamic. I have experienced some animosity. No, I would not say strong hostility. In some ways I just do not care but my conscientiousness overrides it. Plus, I have to do something. It is difficult to just stand around and be in the prison of a seafood market rather than doing the right thing and being on top of any and all tasks. Sometimes there are not any real tasks. That is when I can stand and think if I can stand it.

You know I do not really like magazines. Some are pretty cool to casually look through and may have some good articles but many are just kind of shite. I really do not like all the advertising either. I swear I can look through a magazine and be anti advertisements yet some of them will seep into my sub-conscious tampering with my life and weakening my third eye. I do not necessarily think I have to move out to the forests of Washington and eat a lot of mushrooms but I like my third eye and want to keep it healthy.

I wonder if there are people who never get effected by insecurities? Perhaps some monks somewhere. I should really change the question and drop the word never. I suppose being affected by certain things is human nature.

I do not control my brain or my environment...

I take vitamin D and vitamin B12 every day. My brain and my environment decided that was the right thing to do. It is so much more fun to talk about the fates weaving a tapestry of my life. Tonight I will get naked and paint myself and dance to Senegalese tribal music in honor of the muses. Thank the muses! I will get naked and paint myself and dance to Senegalese tribal music to thank the muses.

Good day, good night, farewell,
Whether sun or moon,
There is always the poon,
Libidos haunting,
Penises jaunting,
So it is said they have a mind of their own,
The gods and the brain are on the phone,

Oh, what a beautiful evening,
The sky is as pink as pussy,

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