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If life was a game and money was points... by LikeASet, April 03

This is just a thought experiment.

If you had to start from nothing, and wanted to make a million dollars in the most efficient way possible without breaking any laws of course, what would you do in order to do so?

When I say nothing I don't really mean nothing like homeless bum. Let's take a typical person that would be on this site such as myself. Here is the hypothetical starting situation;

- Don't have to worry about current living situation, let's say you moved back in with the folks
- You have a college degree (I myself have a BS in Finance), but resume would only appeal to entry level positions
- You have a mind that is strong in logic, pattern recognition, and systematizing.
- You are a commute away from upper middle/upper class cities

When I think about this I imagine going a low variance route in which one obtains a typical administrative/salaried entry level position (40-60k USD/year), working a second job during evenings/weekends that is hobby-like (ex. piano lessons, in my case fitness training which would supply another 20-40k year), and then dumping excess income into real estate. I guess nothing unusual here.

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Musk should by spets1, March 30

Launch a Hubble 2 telescope into orbit. And call it "THE MUSKeteer"
Hubble 1 was made back in 1996 or something, step up the tech!


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Road to 500$ by fadopoker, March 29

hi i am new in liquidpoker , my name is fahd from morocco , create these thread to track my progress playing zoom poker.
my starting bankroull is 20$ and hope will move up limit.

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Arbitrage Sports Betting by dryath, March 28

Whats up LP?

So I am wondering if anyone here is into Arbitrage Sports Betting? - If so would love to chat to any of you about it / what you do / how you do it. It is probably different for me in Aus, as I believe they restrict the bookies that we can use to only Aus ones? - But im sure the general theme is the same.

Seems like there could be some good money to be made, but flying under the radar my be difficult. I dabbled a little bit at one bookie, and they were quick to limit my promotions and ability to 'odds boost' my bets at once / day.

As a life update, I moved away from poker, went back to study (Finance), found it really tough getting work for the first few years in a related field, but eventually got there and am now working as a Financial Accountant (which surprisingly I really enjoy) - had you asked me if I ever would have wanted do that 5 years ago, I would have balked at the idea.

Anyway, drop me a comment anyone on sports arbitrage / life / anything else.

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Spring by RiKD, March 27

The birds are singing, the sun is out. It is the season of spring. I will be moving to Charleston, SC. Joseph Campbell had a saying, "Judge a society by it's largest buildings." Charleston has a beautifully constructed bridge and historic churches. Can I look past the cult of religion for amazing architecture and culture? I just can't call it yet. I only need a handful or more of free thinkers to feel at ease or just some quality religious folk who don't encroach on the subject. I don't want to hear about Jesus just as much as they don't want to hear about how the universe and each and every one of us are in ruins with no redemption.

You know, I am still chasing coffee that my sister had from like months ago. It was some local stuff and they use water infused with some Colombian sugar that is custom there.

I like sex. I like sugar in my coffee. I like a perfectly ripened mango. I am underplaying sex. The animal nature of it. The build up. The release. The potential for frank conversation. Something about a cigarette afterwards. The cigarette that leads to having a cigarette after everything. The cigarette break. The cigarette that leads to having a cigarette before everything. As the tobacco toasts the muses play their song... Until they don't, and there's anxiety, and there's headaches, and there's motherfucking motherfucker. A part of me wants to be open to do anything. Line of coke? Por supuesto. I want the smoke break, the 5 min. breather, the nicotine in my veins, in my brain. I want a coffee and a cigarette. I want a decanter of wine all the time. I want to drown in cognac. Smoke 5 blunts and down some chodine. I want fresh summer corn on the cob with plenty of butter. I want blow jobs. Lots of blow jobs. Enthusiastic, skillful blow jobs. If someone has a comfy couch and some heroin I want to be down. I am a crazy motherfucker. I am an addict. There is no permanent escape besides death. I am cool with intermittent transcendence. A larger being of peace and serenity. Just a little bit of freedom from some of the pains of the world. Blow jobs are nice though. I miss blow jobs. They make me want to get my act together. Make big money and have some big fun...

Hah, butter and religion. What is a vegan athiest to do?

What are the odds on 300 lb. born again by next year? Hah.

I don't really want to go to work tomorrow but how many people do? That is some really amazing shit. That has got to be some hack on life or make enough that you just don't give a fuck. My job is not aids but it kind of sucks and I am not getting paid anything. What am I doing in regards to that portion of life? It is not going to change either by moving location. I will probably be worse off for a bit. Until I hit the beaches. Jesus may save some people but beaches save me. I will go work on a fishing boat or pick collard greens. I will eat rice and beans like the enslaved Africans and get skin cancer for being out in the sun too much. I will have to find a new skin cancer doctor. I will have to find a new psychiatrist so I don't terrorize the city with manic insanity. I am now in somewhat annoying stasis. It will have to do. It will have to do. I do my best to improve my perspective. I am doing better now from my synapses to my guts to my external world than I ever had and there is still distaste? Yes, many flavors I dislike but I must ingest. Sometimes I wonder if I were just not meant for this world. I just don't quite fit in right or maybe I just haven't found the right spot. I am a bad searcher or seeker yet a lot of things have gone right in my life. Things seems to work out. I get acclimated swimmingly. I could just be writing through my anxieties about moving. I could just be writing through my anxieties about everything. I have fears, resentments, and anxieties whether I want to acknowledge them or not. Many time these things are what are blocking me in life. I resent Kanye West for being so free with his expression and having the success and potential for freedom. I fear just not finding anything out in Charleston and being stuck in a menial job with out much funds or free time or friends.

Hope everyone is swell. If anyone is in Charleston lemme know.

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1year1mill - festival clip by 1year1mill, March 25

One of our most important life quotes by Randy Pauch is "Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun!"
We sure did and we are thrilled to share some short clips with you guys

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Free Man's Worship by Loco, March 24

"That Man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man’s achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the débris of a universe in ruins—all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand. Only within the scaffolding of these truths, only on the firm foundation of unyielding despair, can the soul’s habitation henceforth be safely built."

- Bertrand Russell, Free Man's Worship

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1year1mill - 3rd weekly report by 1year1mill, March 21

Our 3rd weekly report is finally outside and results might surprise you!!
Check it out what happen to us for the first time on this challenge!!

"If it don't make money, it don't make sense!"

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shrooms by jeremy5408, March 19

hello everyone,

did a small amount of shrooms for the first time with some moon rock, both for the first time in my life at age 28. and really i'm just bothered that we receive so much advice on how to live our lives, on what to do in highschool, and what to eat for our diet, and what occupations to choose, and how to fall in love and what to love.

mass, blanket advice usually is too reductive to be all that useful and fails to introspect on all the nuance that makes blanket advice so easy to prescribe.

i wish doing shrooms was as universally prescribed and recepted as going to college. i can't overstate what it does for empathy and game changing that can be.

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Back to Life by RiKD, March 17

Back to life, back to reality

Back to the Gggrrriiinnnddd. Work went by pretty quick today. Pretty smooth. Most situations in my life these days are better than when I walk in the doors and punch in. I shudder at the thought of doing it again tomorrow. Today was just ok but I have 4 more days before I am off again. That is the grind. I start my leisure time with some Nicolaas Jaar but it does not have the same magic. I wore it out. The dopamine was deciding to be coy. At least I can get fed. Do I need this food? No but I don't need to fast for the night either. A pound and a half of red seedless grapes is a good start. I eat the things like I use to drink decanters full of red wine. Oh, how I love red grapes. I wish I did not eat the bread and left over soup quite as mechanically as I do. It's good but sometimes I long for some exceptional chaana masala with extra buttery naan bread and pistachio kulfi. Perhaps some shrimp and grits with an entire pecan pie. Fried chicken, mac n cheese, collard greens. The list goes on. My inner fat fuck wants to emerge. Retrogression yo-yo is a future possibility. I am somewhat angry as I type some of this out. I bang on the keyboards with the frustration of not eating a burger and fries with a chocolate milkshake to die for. That I will be dying for. Claude Cardiovasuclardisease and Suzie Stroke are coming for me. Danny Dementia and Carrie Cancer. Some pretty tough blokes and bitches. Why do I always worry about this stuff? How to manage life. It is a tough one. I just want to escape.

I just want to escape. From the job, from the circumstances, from cancer, from death. My leisure time starting at 9pm makes it a bit difficult on a Thursday night. I get taking care of pets, same ole same ole dinner of habit, dishes, and then read or watch tv. I have been going with Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdain. It lets me vicariously travel and eat the great meals I am longing for. Well, would it not be better to work towards getting to some of these places I want to go to and truly living life? Am I a case of someone that is living a life of quiet desperation? Uggghhh, I don't want to live a life of quiet desperation! I also don't want to get too far out of my shell. I am not even sure what that means. I was thinking there is a life that is quite a nice fit and there is a life where I give up my shell for some crazy shell that does not fit me and never will. I don't know if I like the fit of my life now. I hate waiting games. I want to move to Charleston. I hope that is not running to Charleston. Wherever I go, there I am. No matter where I go, I have to bring myself. I am ok with myself these days. I still wish I had a passion, a meaning. I may have some direction. It just takes a while to get down the path. I better enjoy the path. Make the best of it. It is all I have. One day the flowers will bloom. The air will smell of a perfect faint, hint of magic. The next, all that will be clear is the sight of the dumb old mud road that never ends. Sing when you can. Dance when the feeling hits and please bring some friends along. Ask for help. Be grateful for this hell hole not resentful of this wonderland. Oh, the suffering. If we can just let go of the suffering and find ourselves on a porch in a rocking chair with a banjo and a giant cup of sweet tea. Cool breeze and harvest moon. We can sing songs of triumph and despair. We can escape the void. We can live.

I am interested in strawberries and dark chocolate. Bone Thugs n' Harmony. Creepin' on ah come up. What the hell am I creepin' on this time? Not a few million and fucking 10s. I am from Cleveland though. Cleveland is the city where I come from so run run. I must never forget my roots. They are a part of who I am. The good and the bad. I do have a love of money though. Who doesn't? How am I getting mine? I don't need much. Only about $2 billion. Nahhhh. Honestly, I heard recently that some people somewhere deemed that money does not buy happiness after $75,000. If I am trying to stay in a condo in downtown Large City and live that life I think that number is off but for most of us... well, at least me, that seems about right. Poker money was like lol. Just do whatever whenever and chasing the baller life. Shake my head. Man, I don't know. Everyone is different. This life can be tough. Just have to keep on existing. The fates will carry us regardless of what we want to do. They already control what we want to do. They control what we think, what we want to do, what we will do, and what will happen. Let's light a joint to that. Cheers! Champagne for all. Hot tub overlooking LA passing BIG blunts.

How do friends get disjointed? It is hard to stay real close with people living all over the world more or less broke and tied down. Just making it each month, no vacations, trapped. There are friends that live in the same city! Thank Zeus! Man, it's really just people I like spending time with. If I gotta move that's what I gotta do and find some people I like spending time with in the new city and people I really like I just gotta keep in touch from time to time. See how people are doing. Keep hitting that reefer sending me straight to heaven. Keep hitting these keys sending me straight to heaven. I don't need heaven or hell just give me some peace and serenity... and a gal with some perfect tits that likes to ride cowgirl. Fire in the fire place and a cup of green tea. Alright, that's about it for now. Honesty, serenity, tranquility, all that great stuff to everyone. Peace, love, I'm a hippy and may the fates and the muses be kind.

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Who wants to own? by RiKD, March 14

Who wants to own? I mean really own. Pwn. I think we all want to be a hero in our own story. The problem is much of life for most is mundane. It really is ok except many of us were not brought up to face that fact. At least I was not. I am not always dancing to Nicolas Jaar. That does not mean I won't chase it.

How does everyone drink their coffee? I drink mine black with some sugar. I like my days off because I can have 3-4+ cups of coffee and really enjoy it. Coffee and casually perusing some interwebz or coffee and music are much more enjoyable than coffee and preparing food on the clock.

I have to talk about bowel movements. I have been missing some lately and while it is not completely disorienting or anything like that it kind of is like something is off. A great bowel movement is something to behold. That is a bit strong. I just wanted to say it. I do not feel I have to go more in depth on this topic. Everyone knows. Everyone knows the joys of an exceptional bowel movement and the disconcerting air of a lack of one or a sub par one.

So, if I can get a great cup of coffee and a great bowel movement in that is the makings for a pretty swell day. Even if I can not that is some turmoil in the story of my life. It is not the Odyssey. but it will have to do. I use to think I was worthless if I was not on my way to making millions and fucking 10s. I only wanted to fuck 10s. I would look at the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue and say to myself, "Ya know, these women have some pretty great symmetry and shape to them. I will have to make a few million and have sex with all of them." That's a real hero. On his way to make millions and fuck 10s. Even when I was adventuring pretty hard I had to decide what I wanted to eat for breakfast, wait in line at the market, and do some dishes. I do not know if I will ever find my true passion, my true love. I suppose that goes for occupation as it does for women. That is ok though. I am not really searching for it. I am searching for better occupation. I am searching for compatible women and love. Who is not? Are these stories worthy of songs?

Ok. Now I think it may be time for me to make some soup! I wanted escarole but the market did not have any. We will see how it goes!

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Buy My PT4 first :) by Ryan Neilly, March 14


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Asian Adventure by makan18, March 14

February was kind of symbolic for many reasons. I played 90 hours in the shortest month of the year! I've spent 20 days at tables, so the average session lasted 4,5 hours. If I remember correctly, also the Post-Rakeback EV result was the best I have ever had. I'm very satisfied with my gameplay, I don't feel any pressure playing NL2k. Of course, as usual I had random speews, according to my calculations I lost 3-4 thousand US dollars in February. (A bit more than in January, however less if converted to ). Nonetheless, month after month I'm working on improving myself and making as few mistakes as possible, though I'm keeping in my mind that every now and then I may as well fuck things up

What's more I had to attend to plenty of bureaucratic matters, which I needed to take care of this year. As leaving the comfortable and snug corner to deal with paperwork always sucks me out of life energy, I've always had a tendency to postpone such unpleasant activities. I have to say that in the end, the level of service at English administrative offices is very high and the whole process was smooth and pleasant (except for the need to get up before noon several times - FML ).
I've also taken care of most of the stuff regarding my trip to Asia. I'm leaving for Tokyo on 21 March and I will spend there around 2 weeks, and then I'm planning 2 weeks in Thailand (most likely 10 days on Phuket and 4 in Bangkok). Due to the fact that my companion for the Japanese part of my journey is a psycho, it seems that there's going to be lots of moving around from one place to another. At the moment our trip includes:

- 5 days in Tokyo, and sightseeing in major places like Asakusa, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Harajuku and Odaiba, all the while trying out as much delicious food as possible
- a stop in Matsumoto to see the black castle there, followed by a stay in a ryokan in Okuhida Onsen, somewhere in Japanese Alps
- 2 days in Takayama, a smaller town, a bit touristy place, but with a traditional Japan vibe to it
- 1 day in Kanazawa, famous for Kenroku-en (one of Japan's top three gardens), a geisha district, and delicious seafood
- 5 days for the Kansai region of Japan, so a bit of Osaka, a marathon through the most beautiful places in Kyoto and a daytrip to Himeji/Hiroshima.

The Castle Black

An opportunity to travel to Vegas for WSOP has also appeared on the horizon. When I was starting out in the poker world, the participation in ME was my biggest dream, however in last several years I haven't felt particularly inclined to visit the city of Sinatra. As I'm a British resident and taxpayer now, I could enjoy no tax from any winnings earned in the city of sin. Not so long ago a news broke out that there have been some unfavorable changes regarding taxes, however, according to the organizers everything has stayed the same.

Over the last weeks I've been indulging myself in the music of sir Elton John, what a splendid gentleman he is.


My next post, will be from the Country of Cherry Blossoms


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Best hands of February by Caveman aka GREMOO!! by 1year1mill, March 11

Here is your chance to check out a bit of an inside Caveman's game strategy!!

If it don't make money, it don't make sense!

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Day off thoughts by RiKD, March 09

Ahhh, it is my day off. No alarm clock. The coffee tastes better. The music sounds better. Time to live how I want to live. You know, I do not hate my job. I do not like it but I do not hate it. It is not really a job I should be at for so long. I think the difference is the last couple of days (and more) I have been making a lot of progression to better situations. It has been like I do my part and then it is out there in the universe and I get on with living life instead of fixating on potential outcomes. Understand the universe is going to unfold however it is going to unfold, clean house, get on with living, be helpful.

I was pretty high this morning. Great coffee, dancing to Nicolas Jaar, cooking up some bomb stew. That is a great recipe.

I have been going minimal. I gave so many clothes away. It was liberating. I think I need to go back to a buzzcut. I was looking through some past stuff I wrote for future authoring and I was way too much into haircuts, boots, clothes, and nice restaurants. It is probably all based in the desire to be cool and fuck attractive women. I am cool with that. I do not see the desire to be cool and fuck attractive women going anywhere anytime soon but I do not have to chase on fleek.

You know it is the weirdest thing. The compulsion to watch porn has vanished. Not to say that it will not come back 2 fold but it is just not a thing for me. It is strange to me that I used to watch people acting at what voyeurs may like. I used to watch it a lot. It has been a while since I masturbated. A gorgeous friend in a backless dress at a wedding overwhelmed my libido. Most times it is a mosquito buzzing around. That time it was a locomotive demanding a hand job. A locomotive with giant bull horns demanding a hand job. The whistle was a blowin'. My hand obliged.

That might have been a weird thing to write about. That's ok.

I think that's about it. Time to go feed the pets. My poor dog is likely to be walked rarely the next 2 weeks due to my work schedule and the weather. I feel bad for him. He is a great guy. Well, it is mostly my parents dog but I am watching him for the next 2 weeks. We'll see when we can get him outside a bit. He is used to 1-2 walks a day. The cats are cool. They are just up to some mischief every now and again and really, really like food.

Ok. Thanks everyone for allowing me to share. We are all just spinning around on this rock in unfathomable depth. We are all going to die. Will it be cardiovascular disease? Cancer? Car crash? Suicide? I do not know but it is all sort of heavy sometimes. I need some stuff to smooth it out sometimes. Make it nice sometimes. Make it sweet sometimes.

Ciao LP

Take care

Consciousness is crazy

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2nd two-weekly report by 1year1mill, March 06

Hi guys,

Want to see how are we doing with our challenge? How much we made those days and what is going on in our grindhouse?
Here is our 2nd two-weekly report (20.2. - 6.3. 2017).

Hope you'll enjoy watching and don't forget to subscribe for moreeee videos!!


"If it don't make money, it don't make sense!"

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1st attempt at the challenge by 1year1mill, March 03

Want to see how we started our challenge and how did our first day look like?

Here is the video:

If it don't make money, it don't make sense!

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Mogli reviews a $19,000 winning session and shows by 1year1mill, February 26

Hi, guys!

For the finish of this month, we prepared you a short video where Mogli reviews a $19,000 winning session and shows some CRAZY Hands!!
Check it out!

"If it don't make money, it don't make sense!"

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Can I Buy Nembutal online by suicidonembu, February 26

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It's been fun.. by jvilla777, February 25

Well this might be GG for Pokerstars in AU. If thing bill passes I'll most likely use my roll and focus on sports betting.

But it's fun..

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