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The royal court by Mortensen8, March 23

So after a hiatus from training for a long time weirdly I lose weight when I don't train because I have a fast metabolism. My initial plan was just to do the normal bodybuilding stuff and I'm sure it would be easier to gain weight that way, but after coming across Matt Furey and I have looked at freeletics and stuff now I want to just use bodyweight training maybe some weights. I don't really care about looking massive more after functional strength know a lot of people say matt furey is a fraud or something but I don't listen to them. Any thoughts?

Wtf is up with embedding? just me?

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Great song amazing footage solar eclipse by Mortensen8, March 22

Where I was unfortunately didn't see the corona for clouds it only came back right after so caught a little glimpse but the change from light to dark was freaky still. These guys got really lucky very few places you could see it. Change to hd.

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Retiring Poker- Post career options by AndrewSong, March 22

I have been wanting to retire from poker starting sometime last year. I wasn't sure then but I'm pretty sure now that this isn't the life I want 5 years down the line.

I've been dreading playing poker for almost a year. I can no longer say I play poker for a living since that would be cutting my self short with the little amount of time I play this game. I'm still ahead of the curve, however I haven't been making much money for quite awhile. I'm still winning, in the bottom stakes I play(5/10-10/20). Last 6 months, I did slightly better than break even after losing over $250k in the highest stakes I play. My gf used to ask me why I continue to play 25/50+. I would facepalm every time trying to explain to her that it's the same guys I'm playing in lower tables except that 25/50+ is even easier because there's always one guy playing recreationally. She did not get it and I continued to lose.

Moving forward to this year, things changed drastically. I've been seat scripting for quite awhile now while starting games at my main stakes giving me access to all the good games. That isn't possible anymore with the saturation of scripting market. All my good games are earned by playing vs excellent players and by being KOTH on sites that allow that. I completely dropped 25/50+ out of my game after several bad beats and now things are carrying over to all the stakes I play. Running even worse but this time I can not get enough hands as I want. I'm up slightly for the year but I can't help to feel that I've been losing every single day even on days I win. Preflop coolers has been completely unreal and although I know things will change some day, I'm at a point where I don't care anymore if I have to accept this as part of our job. I feel that I made the decision to retire rather too late but I'm still glad I'm deciding to quit when I have some chips left to pay the life blinds. I'm throwing in the towel.

Last couple weeks, I've been looking for what I can do. Panorama's victory blog post had a lasting impression on me so naturally I spent a lot of time looking at coding. I started taking HTML&CSS lessons on codeacademy and on week5 of CS50. I'm hoping to be efficient in Ruby on Rails quickly and learn everything I can. I know there are a lot of guys here who were in similar position as me. I've always had a special heart for LP and did what I can to give my advice on poker hands(hey! im greenstar) so please, if you have advice for me, drop a line!

ps. obligatory graph of last 2 months

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NBA Daily Fantasy Sports by Daut, March 21

Despite success in season long football leagues for the past few years, I was pretty unsuccessful playing DFS. I would deposit a few hundred bucks at the beginning of football, swing up and down a bit, and eventually lose it by the end of the year. I tried out basketball last season, but I knew basically nothing and lost some more money.

Roothlus (the poker player) convinced me that I should give NBA DFS another shot this season. It's more fun, predictable and beatable than other sports. For instance, if Lebron scores 20 points, 4 assists and 4 rebounds thats a pretty bad fantasy game while 30 points, 7 assists and 7 rebounds is a great game. the variance in game to game results is much smaller than other sports like football or baseball.

So at the beginning of the season I threw another $250 on both fanduel and draftkings with the intention of treating it just like poker when i started. I was essentially starting as a .05/.1 NL player and trying to work my way up without ever shooting my roll and using safe BRM.

It turns out DFS is just like poker. You play other people in a variety of cash games and tournaments and the site makes money off rake. The most common cash games are 50/50s (half the field cashes for 1.8x) and HUs (1 on 1 with another player). And tournaments work the same way as in poker, with 10-25% of the field receiving money with top heavy prizepools.

I tried to never put >20% of my roll into play on any given day and split my action between a few lineups to reduce variance. Fanduel went great right from the start. I was winning in cash games and I got 2nd place in a tournament for $1500 early on which allowed me to start playing a bit bigger. Draftkings...not so much. Basically lost every day there until my $250 deposit was gone. I didnt care too much because I could get all the action I wanted on fanduel and i was doing well over there.

Since that initial tournament cash, I have not cashed in another tournament for more than $700. Despite this lack of big scores, I have run up my roll on fanduel despite still not really being an expert on basketball. After the all star break, I redeposited $500 to DK and have run it up there, and started playing on victiv and am winning there.

Fanduel results since early november, provided by a really cool tracking site similar to PT and HEM built by liquidpoker's Panorama:

if you notice, I made a lot of my money in very low buyin 50/50s. its very easy to enter a lineup you like into tons of contests and just let it go to work.


The tracking site is a little buggy for draftkings, but i've deposited $750 this season and have my roll up to $4k, and on victiv ive run a $1k deposit up to about $3k in the past week. So overall, including some bonuses and FPPs im up about 26k this season, all started from $500. I've basically grinded up from micros to midstakes in 4 months without any prior knowledge of NBA.

tips if you want to start playing:
-trust your projections. if your optimal lineup is 290 points, and a lineup you personally like better with players you trust more is projected at 275, throw it in the trash. It's ok to audible a pick over machine projections occasionally, but make sure your lineup is as close to the optimal projections as possible. In general I dont like to give up more than 1% in points for lineups i like. Those points add up over the season and they are where you get your edge.

-use good BRM and start smaller. most poker players who come into DFS just shoot it like they are playing the same stakes in poker/DFS, yet their DFS skill is much lower than their poker skill to start.

-play lots of smaller buyins. It's better to enter your 1 lineup into 100 $1 cash games than to enter it into two $50 cash games. players get better at higher stakes and the only downside to playing more lower stakes games is the time it takes to register them.

-a lot of edge in NBA is due to injuries. its a long season and rough sport, there are often tons of late scratches and random rest days. if a starting player goes down, and his cheap backup is slated to get 30+ minutes, he will often do well. minutes = money. stay on top of the injury news, know the depth charts/rotations, and who to plug in when starters miss a game.

-treat it like a job. i work all day on registering, tinkering with lineups, reading injury reports, figuring out where the projections may be off and which players i should trust/not trust, etc. it's a lot of work, but its not quite as intense as poker. from 9am to 2pm I basically spend 5-10 minutes out of every 30 minutes checking news, registering for more contests, tweaking lineups and the rest of the the time i am free to do other things like run errands, walk my dog, beat off, take a shower, whatever. then from 2-4 i am working really hard on lineups since lineup lock happens at 4pm PST, and then from 4-6pm i check if there are any changes i need to make for the sites (draftkings only for me) that allow changes to be made after the first games started. i dont really even have to watch the games but i do because basketball is a fun, high paced game with the most athletic people in the world.

if you want to sign up i suggest playing mostly on fanduel and draftkings. by far the biggest sites with the most players and largest contests offered.

theres a month left in the NBA season, and probably a 1-2 playable weeks of playoffs after that. i will be working hard for that time, and theres still time for everyone else to play too. and if NBA isnt your thing, baseball is starting soon, and there's also NHL, MMA, golf, soccer, and college sports. something for just about everyone.

good luck to anyone who plays and anyone who decides to give it a shot.

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HotS keys anyone? by Drakk, March 21

edit: d0ne sry

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HEM Question by jvilla777, March 20

For the HUD, is it better to be using "use session stats" than not, and just have the entire hand database for each player?

note: for cash games tables

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definitely on drugs by Rinny, March 19

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H.H.H. by Highcard, March 18

There was a time, once, when I, as a man, thought about the world and the possibilities. Looking down at my hands, the yesteryear's memories swirled and creased to become the man I am today. Somewhere, trapped within those memories was the time I wondered which possibilities would take root. Happenstance, Haphazard, Hogwash.

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super trivial live hand check by mnj, March 13

-playing poker with some co-workers (maybe the other ppl think i'm trying to impress my co-workers but i dunno)
-game is 2/5
-i was playing pretty aggro and raising/cbetting lots of flops
-drunk guy gets moved to this table, i lose 3-4 small hands in a row, cause drunk guy doesn't fold to cbets
-i play much tighter now

drunk guy limps, weakish/tightish regish looking guy raises to 25, random fish calls, i look down at AKo 2 from button, i should

a) call?
b) reraise?

+ Show Spoiler +

edit: holy shit i forgot how to post relevant informations.

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Zoom robot mode by RaiZ, March 12

Is it because of my fucking brain malfunctioning that i'm seeing waayyyyyy more monsters when trying to play 4 tables zoom robot mode instead of trying to play "smart" with only 2 tables ?

For 2 hours, I was trying to steal pots at CO, button and everything but everytime I was chasing any sets or draws, they would never fucking come.
Then when I went Terminator, everything were so great that I crushed the tables in no time (read at least +2 bi for each tables) in 1 fucking hour.

Hello brain, you sure u workin' good ? Or is that simply luck ? Or selective memory ? Argh.


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Prague by MARSHALL28, March 08

Hey ...

I'm visiting Prague for a few weeks. Staying in Prague 1 atm. Anybody around want to get a drink or something? I don't know the area too well.


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Upping my sauna game by RiKD, March 07

Hi All,

This is going to be a bit of a disjointed rando blog. Just letting you know now.

First of all:

Been listening to Beyonce's recent album. Love it. Great for drinking absurd amounts of coffee, cleaning up around the house and dancing ecstatically. Problem is, it is tough to top that high man. Been trying to recreate it for a few days now but coming off a juice cleanse not having coffee for a week and going on a caffeine, dancing, Yonce', cleaning house bender, life just does not seem worth living anymore...



Where you guys at. I have been trying to up my sauna game and it is lacking. Or maybe I am overcomplicating things. I just think of like a natural sauna in Finland or one of those sauna houses out in the country in Sweden and think, "Man! Those guys know how to sauna! I gotta travel over there and spend a few weeks just learning how to sauna!" Basically, I just went to the gym. Sat in the sauna with some gym bros for like 15 min. then I got out and took a shower and then went home. I felt amazing but it was way too cold outside and I was still super hot. Any tips, tricks, insights? I gotta up this sauna game to a respectable level.

Love and tolerance for the earth and mankind!


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Anybody still winning at poker? by Nitewin, March 06

I don't know if poker has gotten harder in the last 6 months or if I'm just burnt out. I played some crazy HU matches last year and swung almost 10 grand each way. Results were that my lack of care for money due to HU made me play recklessly in 6m throwing money around, which didn't end well. I took a few months off and now I can't get my groove going, lost 2 flips this session and not feeling good about my game or edge. Maybe it's my patience. I seem to be forcing plays rather than letting them come to me. There's still clearly fish but I can't seem to beat the games as of yet. What are your experiences 200NL+?

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opening a business by JohnnyBologna, March 03

well. poker is getting boring so i've decided to open up a nail spa.
location is in florida, a lot of middle aged retired white women here that like to get their nails did.

i myself dont have any experience with nails but my wife is a nail tech and her sisters are and they want their own shop so why not.

Never opened a business before so going to try and use common sense as a guide and try our best.
Of course location of the store is the gonna be main focus/foundation of the business and we are looking hard for a good location.

Only thing that concerns my is they want to buy a previous nail salon so then it would be ready to move in already without having to do much renovations. this seems fairly common because it would be much more work to start from the ground up when starting a new business.

This means we are going have to rely on providing exceptional service because obv the owner before is not doing so well to be selling in the first place.

my wife and her sisters do exceptional work so if we can just get an upswing or heater then that would be great.

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news app for chrome?? by julep, March 03

does anyone know of a chrome app i can use that tells me when an article by a specified author is released on a news website??

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Febraury reiew by Forrest Gump, March 03

Last best poker month imo considering one single player donate me 2K/m since December and I dont see him again. Volume was very low compared to last month because there's very few regs left I consider profitable playing, I table selected harder and I had a long fever the last week. Also I took some 30/60 shot at the beginning that gone wrong (there's a -75BB stretch there in less than 200 hands), but managed to stay green . I collected 7500 vpp only

Now I only have some intestinal pain from a week or so, so I'll have to table select even harder. Hope Im not celiac or something. Have to see a doctor if I dont improve

Books update:
1. Finished to read some training books ("supertraining" from yuri verkhoshansky, "overcome gravity", "superjoints", "relax into tretch" and "the naked warrior" from Pavel Tsatsoulin and "stretching scientifically" from Thomas Kurz)
If I have to recommend something is, dont read Tsatsoulin, he never talks about watching muscle soreness after stretching to be a problem. The big priority is muscle strenghtening of the muscles that are an obstacle to the splits. So there's a minimum strenght requiered before going into stretching imo or I'll risk losing standing balance/posture. So, deadlifts and light aductor leg flies are gonna be in my workout list and no more than 30sec stretches

2. Still reading "the black swan" from Thaleb. The guy is so intense and repetitive like if he was telling stories to kids. Dont think its a very worthy read

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PS to 5Dimes transfer by Floofy, March 03

Hello i would like to transfer 50$ from PS, to 5Dimes for sport betting.

I am willing to give a bit more, maybe 55$ or more.

Ideally i would like to deal with someone i can trust.

you can contact me via PM on here

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How valuable is VPIP/PFR/AF still?? by The Dean, March 02

Its always worth a chuckle reading some of your comments on here to my blog. If it was spam I would do it more often....think about it guys.....anyway... let us look at the three main online poker tracker metrics of VPIP/PFR/AF stats. These stand for “Voluntarily put $ into the pot” (VPIP)….. “Pre-flop raise percentage” (PFR) and “aggression factor” (AF). The VPIP stat measures how often you place money into the pot by way of limping, raising, calling a raise or completing the small blind. In short then it measures how loose or tight your online poker style is. The PFR statistic is pretty obvious regarding what it means but the aggression factor measures post flop aggression.

Some years ago when tracking software first came into vogue then there was a greater disparity in opponent types in online poker than there is today. There is a big and very important reason for that and it can be summed up in two words…….better education! Your average online poker opponent will be well versed these days in all of the basics and advanced basics of the game. This means that their VPIP and PFR stats will be similar to other players at the same level. For example in full ring games then most players fall into a very narrow band of VPIP and PFR which kind of makes these stats much less effective.

The aggression factor is a metric in online poker that measures vital post flop aggression. As a rule then the average tight-aggressive or loose-aggressive player will be more aggressive post flop. However this is a metric that has less significance in no limit hold’em than limit because it is often correct to go into pot control in no limit and so checking and calling is often the right line to take. The AF metric is of much greater use in six max games than full ring where more players are aggressive post flop.

So the bottom line is that if you play online poker and you are not necessarily statistics orientated then you would be much better off playing full ring games than perhaps six max games or heads up games. Because you will be doing much more folding in full ring then it will take your opponents far longer to get meaningful sample sizes on you and this is especially the case when it comes to play on the river for example.

If you game is heavily statistics based then you will find that six max may be where your greatest strengths are because this is where you will be able to get the biggest edge over your opposition.

One key set of metrics in online poker that are just as important whether you are playing full ring, six max or whatever are your 3/bet stats along with those of your opponent. This can also be tagged along with your fold to 3/bet stats as well which indicates how often you raise and fold to a re-raise. The key reason why this is important in games like no limit Texas hold’em online poker games is because play in and around the blinds is far more aggressive. So the bottom line is that you need to learn which metrics and statistics are important in online poker and which are of lesser importance and then focus on the more important ones.

Carl Sampson plays online poker at

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Nietzsche On Reading and Writing by RiKD, February 28

Hi All,

Sometimes I just need some Nietzsche in my life: that crazy, brilliant, bi-polar, psychotic, sick, son of a bitch. I was feeling the love, strength, and hope and felt like sharing from the heart. Nietzsche's heart to my heart to your heart:

Of Reading and Writing

Of all writings I love only that which is written with blood. Write with blood: and you will discover that blood is spirit.

It is not an easy thing to understand unfamiliar blood: I hate the reading idler.

He who knows the reader, does nothing further for the reader. Another century of readers - and spirit itself will stink.

That everyone can learn to read will ruin in the long run not only writing, but thinking too.

Once spirit was God, then it became man, and now it is even becoming mob.

He who writes in blood and aphorisms does not want to be read, he wants to be learned by the heart.

In the mountains the shortest route is from peak to peak, but for that you must have long legs. Aphorisms should be peaks, and those to whom they are spoken should be big and tall of stature.

The air thin and pure, danger near, and the spirit full of joyful wickedness: these things suit one another.

I want hobgoblins around me, for I am courageous. Courage that scares away phantoms makes hobgoblins for itself - courage wants to laugh.

I no longer feel as you do: this cloud which I see under me, this blackness and heaviness at which I laugh - precisely this is your thunder-cloud.

You look up when you desire to be exalted. And I look down, because I am exalted.

Who among you can at the same time laugh and be exalted?

He who climbs upon the highest mountains laughs at tragedies, real or imaginary.

Untroubled, scornful, outrageous - that is how wisdom wants us to be: she is a woman and never loves anyone but a warrior.

You tell me: "Life is hard to bear." But if it were otherwise why should you have your pride in the morning and your resignations in the evening?

Life is hard to bear: but do not pretend to be so tender! We are all of us pretty fine asses and assesses of burden!

What have we in common with the rosebud, which trembles because a drop of dew is lying upon it?

It is true: we love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving.

There is always a certain madness in love. But also there is always a certain method in madness.

And to me too, who love life, it seems that butterflies and soap-bubbles, and whatever is like them among men, know most about happiness.

To see these light, foolish, dainty, affecting little souls flutter about - that moves Zarathustra to tears and to song.

I should believe only in a God who understood how to dance.

And when I beheld my devil, I found him serious, thorough, profound, solemn: it was the Spirit of Gravity - through him all things are ruined.

One does not kill by anger but by laughter. Come, let us kill the Spirit of Gravity!

I have learned to walk: since then I have run. I have learned to fly: since then I do not have to be pushed in order to move.

Now I am nimble, now I fly, now I see myself under myself, now a god dances within me.

Thus spoke Zarathustra

Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Frederich Nietzsche, pp. 67-69

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supplements by Santafairy, February 26

what do you guys do for supplements? i am not asking in reference to bodybuilding, although i exercise, but for being better generally, healthier - less dying, more/better energy, whatever. i don't know much or where to start. i know vitamins exist but do you just grab any multivitamin? or can it be like water poisoning where you wouldn't expect it but it's bad to take more than you really need? i know there's fish oil, i saw cranberry extract, i know melatonin is supposed to be a legit sleep aid. aspirin for heart?

I have no background with this so I want to sort out things that have no effect and things made by people like Deepak Chopra... what do you take or what have you had success with?

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