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Celebrity gamblers of past by yoeythamas, February 26

--- Nuked ---

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In Japan by Silver_nz, February 25

Time to spend,
A couple of grand.

Here for 1 year on working holiday visa. I'm traveling around for now, to cities that interest me, so I can decide where to settle down and find a job. Yeah, probably English teaching, seeing as it's hard to find anything with computers or engineering with only conversational level Japanese skill.

Finding some underground poker games would be fun though.

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hate poker by fira, February 25

when i beat someone HU and they tell me i've ruined their lives, beg me for chips, i say no, they tell me to kill myself. it was for play money btw.

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Pokerstars US deal by Ryan Neilly, February 21

Hey guys, After Caesars blackballed Pokerstars for a few years keeping them out of the US, they have teamed up with them now that they are under Amaya. They are going to aggressively be pursuing many bills etc.

heres a good link.

This could be sweet.

Also on Pokernews you can see that Cali is doing a lot having 3 tribes now willing to allow pokerstars and 2 opposed, when it was 0-5, things are progressing, and another bill was put in today although its just a start for the year as it won't do much imo.

GL guys,

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150 stars for paypal by Fujikura, February 20


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Still grinding but loving it??? by The Dean, February 19

Let us start this post off by looking at a very common example taken from a $0.50-$1.00 game that I play in. It had been folded around to the cut-off player who raised to $3.50. Now in online poker you need to have as much information as is possible to form your decisions but in this hand then my opponent was new to me. I held the Qc-Jd on the button which was clearly a hand that I would have raised with had my opponent folded.

They had a stack of $98.50 having gone through the blinds once after buying in for 100bb. My stack was 117bb on this table and my choice here is between calling the raise, folding and three betting. I do not know my opponent but I have a hand that fares well against what is probably an average range of a position stealer. At the level of online poker that we are playing at which is NL100 then most players are pretty strong as a rule and will open their ranges from position to steal.

The best players use a piece of software that is absolutely free called PokerStove although I use and prefer Equilab. This helps you to visualise the hand by way of equity. We need to put our opponent onto a range of hands and then find out how our hand stacks up against that range. I think that my opponent would raise with any pair and certainly any Broadway hand. They would also raise with suited aces and many suited connectors and kings. Using PokerStove allows us to see that this is around 30% of their total range as a minimum in online no limit Texas hold’em.

So entering my Q-J hand allows me to see that against a 30% range that my hand has around 46% equity against that range which is very good considering that I also have position. That is simply too much equity to fold even though folding isn’t really all that bad in a vacuum. You at least have to make your opponent feel uncomfortable about raising with too wide of a range because they will deny you many opportunities to make money. Three betting is also an option but you can see how having a fair indication of our opponents ranges allows us to see what a good play is here but more importantly to know why we are making the play that we are.

In online no limit Texas hold’em poker then it is often remarked how “any two cards can win”. This is true but only when looked at within the confines of a single hand. Unless you begin to look at the long term profitability of poker hands rather than the short term then you will find it very difficult to become a winning online poker player.

To know that you have 46% equity against your opponents estimated range is to know where you stand in the hand or to go some way towards understanding where you are. You could three bet them as part of your short term poker strategy with a hand like 7-2o but what happens if your raise gets called? The profit potential of your hand is so low that it is difficult to win money by any other way other than bluffing and this makes playing the hand in the first place a long term mistake in no limit hold’em.

Carl Sampson is a professional poker player who plays online at

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tilt by traxamillion, February 19

I used to be a tilt box but years have passed and I am older now. I have played millions of hands of this game with plenty of huge downswings and feel like I have seen just about anything. Especially live play is just rote at this point with automatic decision after another at a slow pace while often times i'm just on my phone to stay productive.

So tonight I'm in a 3/5 game at the local casino I go to and for the first time in as long as i can remember I just packed up and went home early out of tilt.

everyone 100 effective about. utg makes it 10, mp calls, I call with A4cc on the button, sb makes it 30 and utg calls and I call.

Flop is As7c4s.It checks around to me and i bet 75 and both call.

turn is the Qc making a AsQc7c4s board. Sb leads all in for a bit more than the pot like 380 into 320 or something roughly that size (we all have similar stacks; i cover utg and sb covers me by like a dollar) and I get ready to call while UTG goes into the tank for like 2 minutes. He is a huge donk and just thought the action was on me. When he realizes it is on him he snapcalls all in.

While UTG is sitting in the tank i was chillin figuring I was going to have to hit versus SB's AQ 90% or maybe his QQ if he was stubborn enough on the flop. He flashes his KJss to me though for some unknown reason thinking i already called or something iono so I perked up a lil when I saw I was the massive favorite. I call (obv calling no matter what).

SB shows KJss and UTG shows 103ss (lol live poker- why i put up with it though). Obviously river is the 5s or the 8s one of those. Owned

Pretty standard beat I mean I play PLO mostly so i see worse every other SNG. I literally almost never get tilted by results if anything I might get a little frustrated if I make a bad play but I don't really even do much of that anymore. I guess its just the time issue. Live is so slow I know its gonna be a couple days of grinding before I even find a spot that sweet again. I can't move up or open a bunch of tables.

Well i guess that is why i went home to play on Bovada

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omg world sux by 2primenumbers, February 18

so I am like, omg world sux

put it ina blog

u c ?

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in Amsterdam by chris, February 18

In Amsterdam for the day on 24 hr layover. ...anyone around and want to meet up? Was thinking lunch/dinner/something if any lpers around.

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political question by MyAnacondaDont, February 17

In a society of your creation, would you give soldiers the right to vote on whether they fight in invasive/occupational war or would you have war be in the power of a few instead of those who fight it?

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Orange is the new black by NewbSaibot, February 15

lololo I'm so clever. Replaced this little diddy

With this little.... diddy

And yes I dropped the automatic for a stick. I dont know what I was thinking the first time, but already am loving being able to put the car in the correct gear in anticipation of my next move, instead of having to predict how the auto will behave and creatively mash the gas pedal to get the desired outcome.

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Interedasting by Mortensen8, February 15

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[nsfw]50 shades of abuse. by leleds, February 13

Well everybody has heard about the book and the movie about 50 shades of grey. jesus, i admit i have read the trilogy, just for fun. But, most of the people that has read them think of themselves as "oh im such a submissive or such a dom, im into bdsm, oh yeah i love whips" but seriously, that book has nothing of bdsm in it, is just abuse, Mr. grey is not a true dom, he just like to hit women, really, he doesnt give comfort after sex. Honestly bdsm is about to enjoy your body with ur partner in a respectful way in which both agree what to do and if any of both individuals want to stop, they have to stop. Other wise is abuse.

The point i want to make is that this movie is going to mislead and misinform hundreds and thousands of young teens, and probably is not going to affect them all but to some is going to. They might think of themselves as doms or subs and they are not going to make things right, *not saying there's a right way, but they are going to miss the most important thing that is respect, this also can lead to traumatize teens if they try stuff in the movie in not a safe way. They are going to even hurt themselves. How? Imagine bondage with a guy they think is "great" and then they want to stop but because of this misinformation maybe the guy doesnt stop, and even if the girl wanted to have sex with the guy in the fist place, if she wanted him to stop and he didn't it becomes rape, and this can traumatize her.

But anyways, my opinion is not going to stop teens to watch this movie or try this things, im not saying they shouldnt, im saying if they want to try them, they shouldn't take 50 shades as a guide. CUZ IS NOT.

What's your opinion?

thanks for reading, and even if you didn't thanks anyways. c:


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Everest Fee for Inactivity by punix, February 13

Yo sup LP,

When I was a huge whale back in the days (prolly still are) I made accounts on so many different poker sites where I could get some no deposit bonuses (out of my head I remember everest, titan, pkr, intertops pkr).
Mostly I gamb00led the rools away and left the site (sometimes there were still some cents left over with which I could not buy in again to the lowest cash games).

Now I got an e-Mail from Everest stating that after 365 days of inactivity they will start charging an inactivity fee that applies for all account that are inactive for more than a year but still have money in their accounts (I have like 35 cents). At least they were fair enough to tell me that if I withdraw that money no fee will be charged.

Lol'd hard. Is this common sense on the different Ipkr webshits? That seems super greedy and BS to me but ok I don't care enough to really complain about it.
Just wanna know which sites I will have to check again for accounts with some money left over which I need to withdraw before they start charging a fee.

So if you leave some money on these sites (or can not even withdraw because the amount is too small) and you stop playing it will be gone after 1y+!

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The Poker Life part 2 by Whiplash, February 12

Part 1 of my Poker Journey,_a_new_chapter.html

Hey guys and gals, I've been in Canada for a bit under 2 weeks now so I figure I'd give an update on whats up in Whip's world. My roomates and I got to Canada on Feb 1st and managed to find a nice place a bit outside of Toronto on our first day. We pretty much went straight to check out the place right after I got off the plane. It's on the countryside, which means no distractions as we grind poker. I got off the plane and started working immediately when I traveled to Korea, so I suppose this is some sort of pattern. We had to deal with getting Canadian bank accounts/depositing money/living expenses for the first week or so, so I haven't played much poker until last weekend.

I just borrowed 50$ from my roommate Everize to play with until I could get my wire transfer to Canada from my American bank. I played 2nl to get a feel for the games on stars since I mainly played on Bovada back in the states. The games were definitely more fun, people felt better on average and 3 bets all over the place! Eventually I got my wire and was able to grab a vanilla master card and used those to deposit 200$ on stars (but it was CAD... rip exchange rate lol). I started playing 5nl to see what it was like, since that's what I was playing over on Bovada. Everyone on 5nl seems to be better overall and play way more aggressive. It took a tiny bit to get used to it, but after my session today I feel like I've really got the hang of it and will most likely move up in a day or 2 to 10nl. I felt like playing 5nl allowed me to quickly improve in multiple areas of my poker game, it was an... interesting experience.

I've been playing a mix of 6ring NL holdem cash games and zoom (4 tables), with pretty comparable results between them (over a small sample size however). I also spent a lot of time recently working on my HEM2 HUD and memorizing ranges. I have a nice preflop ranges excel sheet which I have parts in my head, but I want all that information on a snap's notice so I can play more tables more efficiently.

I know knowledge wise I've barley scratched the surface of poker. I am taking it step by step, building on basic concepts and slowly getting more and more information. I'm still trying to get into a good routine involving the gym and playing more hours of poker, and playing/studying a bit more each day till I am comfortable with the amount of time I put in each day. I'll also post a pic of my cash results graph, I know its quite a small sample size and only around 10k hands... but at least it's a positive graph! Please scold me and tell me to play more lol.

Oh I'm also going to downtown Toronto this weekend to check out a Dota2 lan/tournament, and that also gives me an excuse to check out Korea town in the area so I can feed my KBBQ addiction! I am actually ridiculously exited about this, since there was nothing Korean related anywhere near where I lived in the States. I'll post another blog most likely when I am comfortable with 10nl and am looking to move up beyond that. Lets hope that blog is sooner rather than later!

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Labels by leleds, February 11

Have you ever seen a person and only have thought one word for them? “Slut, gay, fat, anorexic, ugly, weird, attention whore” those are called labels in a simple way to say it. A way to explain labels is a stereotype or a social standard the society that surrounds you thought and implemented on your brain while you were growing up. This stereotypes or social standards can be from “only girls use skirts”, to, “let´s kill a woman with rocks because she wore a short skirt”.
This lessons that the culture, society and family thought us, go into our unconscious, making them part of the way we think. They go really deep in to ourselves because, think of a kid as an sponge, it absorbs everything in their surrounding, even if we don´t remember those lessons, they are there.

if you want to continue reading my post you can do it in here:
for not spaming liquid poker with things that aren´t about poker. Thanks if you continue reading it, and if you didn´t, thanks anyways. }


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Bitcoin by RiKD, February 10

How do you do LP?

I understand how bitcoin works but I had never had carried any currency there... until now. I have decided to practice what I preach and be an engaged + active user of bitcoin. I am not too concerned about it as an investment in money but rather an investment in knowledge. My position is that bitcoin is a more ethical currency and better system than currently exists and would like to figure it out.

So, unless the governments and corrupt centralized institutions of power have completely taken it over and/or it is tank city at this point:

How does one exactly go about getting started? Insights? Advice?


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q.q by mnj, February 09

sup lp,

sorry for all the saddish and depressing posts. i suppose this one will also be a bit on the melancholy side.

i have a co-worker who is straight up addicted to adderall. not the coolest or the most hard-core addiction i know. i get it. some of u kids eat that shit for breakfast.

it just suxs. i was concerned about 4-5 months ago and even though it was tough and uncomfortable on me, i did my best to talk to him about it. he would play it down. i really didn't want to get involved any further but god damn. it's just hard to see people lose everything and self destruct you know? so i gathered a group of friends and i don't want to call it an intervention but we sat down, the five of us, and just talked about all the things he has. a great job, great living situation, a car, great coworkers and friends and relationships and how i personally felt, that this could all be put in jeopardy due to his bad habits.

i feel like addiction is one of those things where you don't really realize how dangerous and what a monster it is until you see it in person. until you see it affect someone you truly care about.

i guess we use it too much in our vernacular in our daily lives? "i'm addicted to coffee" or "i'm addicted to my netflix" blah blah.

anyway i've spent like a month going to different vice anonymous and just interviewing people and asking how they got out of their addiction and what actually helps. seems like rehab hardly works, and treatment centers are super ethnically questionable, and therapy isn't a panacea either. from what i've gathered it seems like it takes years of extremely difficult effort, and concerted/active focus and cycles of trying to overcome but still stumbling and succumbing to w.e vice you have. and on top of that i feel like the people who actually were able to quit had to hurt someone close to them, directly cause harm due to their addiction in order to really re-evaluate their lives.


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All aboard the gains train by DooMeR, February 09

So here is a little collection of novice programs I think have their place. Let me know what you guys want to see next. I have some ideas I want to think about. I'll also have to do an intermediate series and touch on some things there because I know there are a lot of people out there that mess around with the weights and aren't necessarily novices but haven't really ever been on a proper program. So I'm toying with some ideas and I'll get back at you guys. Like and subscribe to see more shit. Any questions welcome. Comments are appreciated.

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Time to get started! by DooMeR, February 08

Hi guys. I made a new video for the new series I'm trying to put together of videos to help people get started. This one is about a program I would recommend to most people getting into lifting and definitely the one that would appeal to the broadest amount of people. It's kind of a catch all and gets you started no matter what direction you end up wanting to go in. So I hope you guys like it. Leave some comments and let me know what you guys think. Also like or subscribe (or both?) so I know if you guys are digging it. I'll be getting more indepth in the future but I wanted to keep it simple and scale up the information as we go instead of bombarding people with more than they can chew on. Also i appreciate everyone that actually is proficient at lifting commenting and critiquing. It's really helpful and you guys are awesome <3

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