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Learning to Perfect Your Poker Face by raty, August 05

haha awesome -1 replies

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PS VIP store resale value by Spitfiree, August 03

Anyone has an idea if getting the oakley & porsche design sunglases from the sale has any value in terms of reselling?

Glasses aren't bad at all to wear, only thing that annoys me is the PS logo on them

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Need stars for PayPal by lostaccount, August 03

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looking to sell action by lostaccount, August 02

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year so far... by hiems, August 01

not sure what i'll do going forward.

since i have been in vegas i have earned income in the mid 30kish range with something
like a ratio of 21k poker 9k earned from job and some bitcoins monies. i'm using when I arrived here in oct as my calendar month so i have 2 months left to claw out a pretty average, high variance income with questionable sustainability. i moved into the meridian apartments a couple of months ago and its a pretty convenient location. but id say id attribute my savings rate mostly due to a lack of paying taxes. I drive a shitty car and I also feel skeptical of finding a woman of sufficient standard.

been playing poorly of late and I have had a bad session today. I have noticed that alot of people burn out nearing the completion of 1 year, and I am going to being my 11th month out here now. I mean even if I do everything right long term, what can I accomplish? I am starting to meet and talk to more regulars and also starting to see how the 10/20+ level winners operate here and they seem pretty beastly. It is also difficult meeting all of these rich tourists and rich locals at the wynn and not introspect upon myself and feel some sort of anger/drive/guilt/envy etc. I really would not like to be one of those grinders turned dealers despite it being rational in many ways. I love what's going on in downtown las vegas and I want to be a part of it but I wonder if I have the savvy and will have the financing from poker to accomplish something noteworthy in that arena. still got 30k but its distributed all over the place in multiple checking accounts, cash, ira, bitcoin, etc.

no idea what I'm going to do. any suggestions?

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Why you should be prop betting!!! by Joeingram1, August 01

I was driving to the gym this morning and I got inspired to write about why prop betting is important and why more people should be doing it. I also said on twitter that if I failed to write this today I would be paying out 1kusd to some lucky retweeter. This is a prop bet (more freeroll) that I will not be losing

What is a prop bet? In the poker world it is considered anything you might side bet on doing against another person. For example, some of the prop bets I've done are playing 50k hands in a day, playing 600k hands in a month. The bets don't always have to be as extreme as those, they can be as simple as you betting another person on who plays more hours that week (I did a bet like this before with some poor soul who did not have a chance )

Why do people prop bet? Some people do it because they see a chance to make a large amount of money assuming they are wiling to take on a good amount of action against. Some people want to challenge themselves. Some people want to try to make a name for themselves.

Okay, now that we got the basics out of the way, lets talk about why prop betting in poker is important for you to consider doing. The number one reason I initially did my first prop bet is because I really enjoyed the challenging of trying to do something that no one else had ever done before. Every prop bet doesn't have to be as dramatic as this but trying to do something where you are actually going to have to bust your ass to do can be an incredibly positive long term choice. If you are able to win the bet, your confidence will be super high and in the future you will feel much better taking on anything. Even when you fail at winning the bet, assuming you worked you ass off and tried your best, you will have a better understanding of what hard work in poker is. The confidence I have gained myself is something that will probably stick with me forever.

The easiest way to get a prop bet started is to come up with an idea and ask your friends what they think about it and if they want to make a small/big wager against. It might be something that you can compete against each other and that way you both push each other. Another way to get action is to post on the poker forum that you frequent and see if anyone is interested in betting against you. You will need set in place rules, a reliable escrow to hold the money, and a judge(s) to handle any problems that might come up for most prop bets. I think coming up with challenges that you and your friends can do is one of the best sources of motivation that exist in poker (outside of someone saying you don't understand the game you frequently play).

If you are at the small/micro stakes level and want to get your name out there, doing something crazy is the best way to do it. I know some people don't play poker to get any sort of recognition and only play for the money but I think most people enjoy being recognized for something. It can be a great way for you to meet new people that might be following along or that play in the same games you do. I met my San Diego roommate (without him I never would have moved to California) during my first prop bet when we started chatting on twoplustwo and then on Skype when we found out we lived close by. Networking like this can be important for your growth as a poker player. It can also be stepping stones to having a podcast that people enjoy watching .

I don't think most of this will be new information for the mid/high stakes guys out there but for the recreational/micro/small stakes guys this should be something you seriously consider doing more of. I think even for the more established players, taking on something very challenging could be what you need to bring back the passion for the game you once had. If anyone has any questions about anything, it could be a prop bet you have in mind or you might need a judge for your prop bet. Feel free to message me here in the comments, private messages or on twitter @joeingram1 or on facebook.

I also have a standing prop bet offer to anyone in the world for any type of PLO volume competition on Pokerstars


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handhistory batch upload by lhr0909, July 30

Decided to do this because of this:

It is probably pretty useful for people who just want to just put their HHs into LP.

Wrote this as a Chrome Extension so I submitted this to the chrome web store (Google verifies (malware/virus check) the extension before letting anyone publish so should be clean):

By the time this script is published, the uploaded hands are not going to be listed by default so we can really use this extension without flooding our hands section.

Video Tutorial on how to use this:

Live stream VOD on the programming process:
Source Code for the Curious (and proof of no virus LOL):

Next Version (lolwut):
1. Adding some menu shit other than just saying hi to Benjamin1, having some settings on it.
2. Making it so that it will list the first hand, and add the rest of the hands into the first hand as a comment.
3. Suggestions welcome.

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PLO25 - July by Bejamin1, July 30

Well, the BR now stands at a somewhat acceptable 2030. I'm working my way through learning 25PLO. At some point recently things started to click as I made major changes and thought I'd figured it out. The last 3-4 days though I've seemed to lack the same strength of focus and maybe that's why it hasn't been clicking as consistently. I find the hardest challenge in learning to beat this game is figuring out what's actually working for me.

Spots I know I need to work on:
1. Paired Boards
2. 3-Bet pots - particularly as the caller, and absolutely need to 3-bet good hands more
3. Lots of rivers and turns where I need to continue with my betting to get the fold instead of giving up sheepishly

Goals for Next Month:
1. 60-80k hands
2. Think more deeply about spots where I'm leaking and plug those leaks
3. Continue to develop my ability to focus for 2-3 hours straight on my A-Game
4. Reach PLO50
5. Cross the 50k FPP barrier, sitting at 31.5k now

Obligatory Graph:

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bovada and rivers by Gnarly, July 30

im up on carbon, but down on bovada. i fucking hate bovada, yet it's the one with zoom. i'd instantly quit them if carbon adopted the concept, but they don't seem to want to. maybe playing anon zoom isn't a good idea, even though im making the right moves more often than not. i just dont get it.

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robin hood by drone666, July 29

well, not exactly robin hood but whatever
some crazy variance going on, 2nd month in a row that im beating 80% of regs im playing and losing to random fishes

also, decided that I will sell all my stuff, break up with gf and move to southeast asia in October, prob Thailand, still not sure, so I'll backpack and see some countries and decide later, but will avoid the nerdhookergrinder lifestyle that most pokerplayers in Thailand have

Im getting old for this travel shit, I'm almost 28 now, have to travel the world while I still dont have kids


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another chick lol by LemOn[5thF], July 27

What a week men.

Saturday-that wedding.
Monday -shitfaced, talk about wedding, falied chat up bartender, home 4am
Tuesday - 2 beere, chill
Wednesday - 4pm go for one beer, 6am come home after heavy clubbing - pal got engaged
Saturday (today) - go for one beer, then to local club in my hometown. Got wrecked again. Home 7am

last 8 days graph (NL25 mostly):
+ Show Spoiler +

-plus managed 7 times gym in 7 days, one 2 phase day one rest day :D

Dunno where this productivity comes from
Prolly no fap for over a month+TI4 over+shitloads of low weight high rep gym+sprints+taking multi vit supps+BCAAs+meditate (esp when drunk, sooo much fun bitches poking into you+you ignoring them :D)but I'm this testosterone fuelled rage monster. I'm at 84kg, 103 when I got here 10 months ago fuck yeah :D
Loving it really

Chicks are fucking racist man, the moment you get fit suddenly so many want you out of nowhere. My childish charm was here all along...Hello... Why can't the fat race prevail? oO

Well...thanks for reading.
I mean
Week was crazy as fuck...decent volume too.
Prolly won't be able to keep it up tho :D

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Life After Poker by PanoRaMa, July 24

It's been 2 and a half years since my last blog post. I come to LP every now and then and check out some non-poker related threads, and it's awesome to see familiar names keeping the community going. I dropped a hint/some wishful thinking in one of my last blogs that I was quitting poker to pursue a career in software development (as in, mostly building web applications), hoping to end up as a junior in some startup in San Francisco somewhere.

Unlike some of the great players here, I never truly loved poker. I was too emotional and unstable to accept the swings, and that's not okay as a mid stakes 6max/hu player. I liked being good at poker, but I always knew I had to do something else, before I ended up like those old Armenian chain-smoking Commerce regulars who berate young internet pros, try to hit on cocktail waitresses, and live simply for the thrill of the bad beat jackpot.

A couple years later, I'm happy to say that I work as a software engineer for an amazing, fun, fast-growing (I joined around ~15 employees, we have 42 now) startup. My days start at 11 am, I get paid very well (zero variance!), I'm mentally engaged most of the time, I lift weights 3x a week, I have a fantastic girlfriend, and am only getting better at what I do each day. Two years ago I was just a college dropout who only knew how to play poker and not much of anything else.

I can't think of a time during my poker career where I could just post a brag like that and not have to post any beats. Back then, I never could say that life was great, but it is now. I hope everyone here finds something similar, whether it be in poker or not.

I still miss some of the poker thrill though - my buddy Aaron just placed 36th in this year's WSOP ME and it was really exciting sweating him all week. Right now, I live out my thrills through a 50nl home game with coworkers, a far cry from the thousand dollar pots I played for not too long ago. But I found that the boringness of a salary makes me much better with money - with poker money I just spent it partying and on dumb shit. With a salary I actually save and spend mindfully (feel free to ask me about this sort of stuff) - my hopeful goal is to be able to retire by 35 (I'm nearing 26).

I'd love to try and help anyone who is or was in a similar situation - trying to figure out what to do post-poker, etc. For starters, I wrote a Quora answer on part of how I went from being a loser dropout to getting a job in a field I had no prior experience in: - the gist is, good poker players have a work ethic unlike most people, even if you're lazy as hell and only put in 20k hands a month.


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Oct 21 2010 by Highcard, July 23

I think about time, about moments. I am drawn to moments and treat the present (passing) moment like a drug. Addicted to moments, I find it difficult to move forward. I will exhaust myself in a moment, chasing the short term memory loop. I find unfettered beauty when I give my consciousness the opportunity to filter out the noise of living. No thoughts of food, of breath, of reality. Beauty can be found in every event, in every tear-wrinkled-cry. No matter, the cruel betrayal of reality dances on beauty like unrelenting rain.

Reality can crush the soul, turning minds to fraught...actions attacking from wayward direction... overwhelmed, selfishness can overcome and project from the mind.

+ Show Spoiler +

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Challenge by jvilla777, July 22

tldr post

I’m a winning recreational player up to 25nl 6 max, but lost all motivation and stopped playing last year.

Poker is not my main source of income but it is one of my favourite hobbies, so my roll was just sitting there and I hardly ever cash out.

This year tho after not playing for so many months I decided to challenge myself, to beat the zoom games. Not in a mathematical view of xxbb/100 but in terms of how many buy ins I can win.

I have the same feeling of motivation at the moment for this game as I did when I first deposited my first $30 on PS and wanting to build.

Even tho I’m over rolled for 25nl, I started the challenge at 2nl zoom.

Goal: win 50 buy ins at each stake from 2nl up to 25nl zoom games 6 max. LETS GOOO BRAAHHS

(2nl graph)

(5nl graph)

(Current 10nl graph)

Some cool hands last session

Submitted by : jvilla777

File: HH20140721 Klinkenberg #8 - $0.05-$0.10 - USD No Limit Holdem.txt
PokerStars Zoom Hand #119055161561: Holdem No Limit ($0.05/$0.10) - 2014/07/22 3:57:35 AEST [2014/07/21 13:57:35 ET]
Table Klinkenberg 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: tomasz0208 ($10 in chips)
Seat 2: sawadabr ($24.02 in chips)
Seat 3: aspid_AA ($11.24 in chips)
Seat 4: Anne Rafaely ($9.84 in chips)
Seat 5: Hero ($14.47 in chips)
Seat 6: marcator93 ($10.37 in chips)
sawadabr: posts small blind $0.05
aspid_AA: posts big blind $0.10

Dealt to Hero 9h9c
Anne Rafaely: folds
Hero: raises $0.20 to $0.30
marcator93: raises $0.60 to $0.90
tomasz0208: folds
sawadabr: folds
aspid_AA: folds
Hero: calls $0.60

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1.95)

Hero: checks
marcator93: bets $1.30
Hero: calls $1.30

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $4.55)

Hero: checks
marcator93: bets $3.20
Hero: raises $9.07 to $12.27 and is all-in
marcator93: calls $4.97 and is all-in
Uncalled bet ($4.10) returned to Hero
*** FIRST RIVER *** 9sAsTc5h 8h
*** SECOND RIVER *** 9sAsTc5h Ts
Hero: shows 9h9c (three of a kind, Nines)
marcator93: shows 9dTd (two pair, Tens and Nines)
Hero collected $9.98 from pot
Hero: shows 9h9c (a full house, Nines full of Tens)
marcator93: shows 9dTd (a full house, Tens full of Nines)
marcator93 collected $9.97 from pot

Total pot $20.89 | Rake $0.94
Hand was run twice
Board  9sAsTc5h8h
Board  9sAsTc5hTs
Seat 1: tomasz0208 (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 2: sawadabr (small blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: aspid_AA (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 4: Anne Rafaely folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: Hero showed 9h9c and won ($9.98) with three of a kind, Nines, and lost with a full house, Nines full of Tens
Seat 6: marcator93 showed 9dTd and lost with two pair, Tens and Nines, and won ($9.97) with a full house, Tens full of Nines

Submitted by : jvilla777

File: HH20140721 Klinkenberg #2 - $0.05-$0.10 - USD No Limit Holdem.txt
PokerStars Zoom Hand #119061410444: Holdem No Limit ($0.05/$0.10) - 2014/07/22 5:58:50 AEST [2014/07/21 15:58:50 ET]
Table Klinkenberg 6-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Hero ($11.95 in chips)
Seat 2: Igorsss3 ($10.93 in chips)
Seat 3: yufeic ($10 in chips)
Seat 4: EasyRyderrr ($13.81 in chips)
Seat 5: vpokerok ($10 in chips)
Seat 6: Hertzog88 ($5.38 in chips)
Igorsss3: posts small blind $0.05
yufeic: posts big blind $0.10

Dealt to Hero 5s5h
EasyRyderrr: folds
vpokerok: folds
Hertzog88: folds
Hero: raises $0.20 to $0.30
Igorsss3: raises $0.60 to $0.90
yufeic: calls $0.80
Hero: calls $0.60

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $2.70)

Igorsss3: checks
yufeic: bets $1.70
Hero: calls $1.70
Igorsss3: folds

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $6.10)

yufeic: bets $3.20
Hero: raises $6.15 to $9.35 and is all-in
yufeic: calls $4.20 and is all-in
Uncalled bet ($1.95) returned to Hero
*** FIRST RIVER *** 2s8c5c4d 3s
*** SECOND RIVER *** 2s8c5c4d Qh
yufeic: shows QdQc (a pair of Queens)
Hero: shows 5s5h (three of a kind, Fives)
Hero collected $9.98 from pot
yufeic: shows QdQc (three of a kind, Queens)
Hero: shows 5s5h (three of a kind, Fives)
yufeic collected $9.98 from pot

Total pot $20.90 | Rake $0.94
Hand was run twice
Board  2s8c5c4d3s
Board  2s8c5c4dQh
Seat 1: Hero (button) showed 5s5h and won ($9.98) with three of a kind, Fives, and lost with three of a kind, Fives
Seat 2: Igorsss3 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: yufeic (big blind) showed QdQc and lost with a pair of Queens, and won ($9.98) with three of a kind, Queens
Seat 4: EasyRyderrr folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 5: vpokerok folded before Flop (didnt bet)
Seat 6: Hertzog88 folded before Flop (didnt bet)

I will keep updates for this challenge.

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flop two pair by Gnarly, July 21

such a bad month, still folding flopped two pairs cause i lose to straights 100% of the time i flop two fucking pair

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Smartwatch by NewbSaibot, July 21

Awwwwwww yeeaaahhhhh... for any of you tech geeks out there the new toy this week are android smart watches. While the term "smart watch" has been out for a couple of years thanks to other vendors, none of them could do it right without a major player like Google/Apple obviously. So Google released a new fork in their OS called Android Wear meant for smartwatches or anything similar in this ultra portable category. I saw some vids and talked myself into believing these things could actually be useful, plus I have been without a watch for a year since my battery died so I just said fuck it.

I just bought this lil guy in black

My first fears were that it would be some gaudy brick like monstrosity on my wrist screaming "NEERRRRDDD!" while making women's vaginas dry up like a.... like something that makes women's vaginas dry up.

Anyway I swung by my local Verizon store who had one on display without all the cumbersome security crap so I could actually wear the damn thing and get a good feel for it (which by the way I have the most amazing Verizon store in my neighborhood. They have a fucking bellhop at the door who's sole job is to just open the door for you and greet you, then they take your name and enter it on a tablet that uploads it to a sales rep who comes and somehow knows exactly who you are you without ever meeting you. They arent pushy at all, actually answer legit questions, bring out demo units from stock of anything you want. The whole store is just bustling with activity, lots of neat toys like drones and remote control devices that interface with your cellphone all on display and fully interactive for the customer to mess with. Gotta give Verizon credit here for creating this little tech mecca in their stores lately).

Oh yeah, so I try on the demo unit and I'm instantly sold. It's perfect. It's comfortable, it's snazzy, the band feels great (the band looks like a cheap piece of shit at first but it's actually incredibly soft and comfortable. I still want to upgrade to a black stainless steel one though), it's light weight, the watch face isnt some huge unsightly eyesore gathering attention and the corners dont stab me in the wrist bone. It's just a really nice feeling watch. I buy it on the spot, get it all set up and so far I'm in love with it. It does exactly what I wanted it to, and that is remove the necessity to check your cellphone every time it beeps at you.

What you have to wrap your mind around is what the watch is really for; the purpose is to serve as a notification delivery system for your phone. Sure there are apps and stuff you can interact with on the watch by itself, but the big deal is that it ties in with your phone and just relays information between the two. The watch is not a standalone device, and the sooner you come to terms with this the sooner you can enjoy it. You arent supposed to be constantly fucking with it like you would a full featured phone. All it does is display whatever notifications are in your notification bar on your phone. While this doesnt sound like much it really bridges the gap between making your phone this total seamless experience with your life. One of my major 1st world problems is the struggle of having to whip out a 5" phone from my pocket hundreds of times per day. Or leaving it on my desk in a cradle so I can observe active notifications. The 2-3 seconds it takes to do this are converted into about a fucking nanosecond when you have it on your wrist. The phone wrist vibrates, you look down and boom, you instantly have your phil ivey twitter update. 5 minutes later you get an email confirming payment for something, BAM you see that shit and disregard it. Then your girl texts you whining about dinner and KABLAMO you swipe that shit into the trash, or maybe reply if you're a good boyfriend using voice-to-text.

You think it's silly right now, but once you acclimate yourself to it and get into the groove you instantly feel like you have saved 5-10 minutes of your life every day by not having to reach for your phone ever again. It's almost relaxing in a way, because you are satiating your phone addiction by having instant gratification at all times. Think of having unlimited crack if you were a crackwhore. The pipe is always lit with the effervescent tinge of smoke swirling from its tip at all times. You want a hit? By god have one my man, this one's on me. There are still dozens of other direct watch-to-phone interactions you can conjure such as changing profile status (silent/vibrate/etc), placing phone calls while driving using Google search (just say "ok google, call Sushi Taro" even though they arent in your phone book since it uses google search to identify the business name and lookup the number for you). The list goes on.

So to any of you tech guys who have been on the rail about one of these things, you'll love it. The market is very new so there's going to be tons of competition with lots of new devices coming up. Everyone said "wait for the moto 360, wait for the HTC" blah fucking blah. Yeah I'm sure my LG watch is going to get smoked by a competitor in no time flat, but right now it's amazing and I'll just sell them on ebay and upgrade my way through as I see fit. Losing $50 in depreciated smart watches every 3 months is an acceptable sacrifice to stay bleeding edge for a guy like me until the hardware/software fully matures and you can keep stick with a device. To be honest though I see no reason why this one wont receive plenty of love from LG and the community.

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Almost by LemOn[5thF], July 21

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Bond by Highcard, July 21

it is a lie

all the lie

the bond films

Sean Connery wore a toupee

all the lie has been used

Sean could have made bond the bald bad-ass super man but instead we had to wait 40 years for Jason Statham --
and he never became bond, instead, a none mainstream hipster-walking-muscle with a face

now bond has morphed into Hitler's super child: a blonde, blue eye, cyborg mind Terminator

the simulacrum of Man

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hearthstone brag by Seobombisgay, July 20

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massive fireballs of inflation by mnj, July 17

wasn't there a group of LPers predicting massive hyper inflation in the US? financial crisis happened when 2007? 7 years later inflation isn't even 1%. i mean we've only been printing @ 90billion a month for almost a decade

anyways some food for thought

i don't find david brooks to be super smart or insightful, but he seems genuinely concerned about what people, Americans as well as world citizens value in today's world. he talks about "resume bullet points" vs "eulogy bullet points". all in all i think a good read and a few insights although some of the stuff seems a bit over simplified (although it's bound to happen in such a short article which prob demanded 5 points in becoming DEEP)

interesting article albeit 90% anecdotal about the lagging reasoning part of our brain or the prefrontal cortex vs the amygdala or fear response and the potential misconceptions about our current cognitive therapy and its potential uselessness and along with anti-anxiety meds

joseph stiglitz tries to outline the "breakdown of capitalism" being more of a political issue rather than ideological one. how gains are privatized yet losses are subsidized by the american people. i think a really good job of voicing the concerns of the "occupy wallstreet" although that movement(?) has been gone for a long time.

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