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First live straight flush by DustySwedeDude, March 30

So I was playing some 25/25SEK (so like 4/4USD) live PLO the other day. UTG+1, who's a reg and decent enough for a live player raises the straddle to 125, I 3bet 8s6d5d4d to 450 or whatever, I get a coldcall from some other guy and some guy who's been running the table over pots it to around 2k. Not sure the sizes but something like that. Oh, and I'm like 13k deep and the 4bettor covers. The other two has between 5 and 8k I think. The 4bettor has ranted about how stars regs can't fold AAxx on any board and how he's won 8k USD in those spots from retards etc all night.

UTG calls, I call and the guy behind call. 8k in the pot, and the flop comes 6s3d2d which gives me the straight and a flushdraw. Also one out for the straight flush. That's nice. 4bettor checks, UTG+1 checks and I bet 5k into 8k, one fold, 4bettor calls and UTG+1 tank/folds. Turn is a off suit 4, which I guess is a fine turn for me. A blank queen or something would've been better, but whatever, at least it's not like 7d or something that would be weird. 4bettor checks and I shove whatever I have left, I guess like 7k or something. He tank/calls. River falls Ad and I show my straight flush. Dude shows AA and muck the other two.

33k SEK pot, so around 4k USD or something. Not huge, but biggest or 2nd biggest I've played live. Kinda neat.

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Internet Speed Help by chris, March 30

Hey LP,

You guys seem to be pretty tech savvy, so maybe you will be willing to help if you know how.

I have a 50 Mbps internet connection. Should be 50 Mbps download and 20 upload. I am pulling about 5-8 Mbps download and about 5 upload. A tech from the cable company came out and replaced modem and we did hard line testing, etc. and it still didn't change and she was able to put 75 Mbps once on her laptop, but only once, and was getting varied times after. The line connection is almost flawless and there isn't line distortion.

I am wondering if there is some kind of malware or the like on my laptop that could affect the speed and I am not sure how to find out. I got rid of Norton antivirus because it constantly slowed down my laptop.

I am on a 64 bit Windows 7 home premium, with 6 gigs of ram and I do not think I have any viruses, but maybe I do?

If you guys know of anything that could help, I'd be all ears.

Halp, LP, Halp!

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invasian by spets1, March 28

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So deep by NewbSaibot, March 27

so deep, put your ass to sleep. Thats how I'm going to play from now on. I'm going to play so deep it's as if a large black male has his erect penis so deep inside you that it pinches an artery shut and your butt cheeks begin to tingle. I've been half-stacking NL25 on Bovada for awhile with success before realizing that 50BB poker is heinous and puts you in lots of weird spots where you dont know if you should ship it in or just call/fold or whatever. You cant buy in for any less, and I've been avoiding fullstack play since the games are anonymous and I didnt feel like there was much EV getting set up with coolers vs random players. Then again it's bovada and everyone is terrible so there's certainly value in playing big pots.

But the real goal is to practice for live play again. I havent played live since last november, when I folded a 2000BB pot with a set because a fish shoved on me and they always get there. Of course he had 2 pair and is just being a fish, but it rattled me nonetheless. I didnt stop playing because I lost, but because live games always end up super deep, especially live home games where there's some expectation that you stay awhile. At that moment I realized I was not prepared for deep stacked play, and thus I cant play at all since I'd have to hitrun every time I doubled up.

Well fuck that, there's just too much money in these games to avoid them due to fear. So I'm going to start playing Bovada and basically never table change unless the game breaks. NL25 is a perfect limit to simulate live play (not too retardedly fishy but certainly no talent either). The players are trying to win, just like at live NL200. They just have huge leaks. Hopefully this way not only can I break my fear of assuming the worst suckout always got there, but I can start to hone proper value betting techniques. There's still lots of 200BB stacks at NL25 on bovada which is a start.

By the way anyone hear about that Malaysian plane? Crazy shit..

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Big Life Update + DFS by Sanai, March 27

Hey guys,

So some huge updates, much of it due to LP. A few months back I got heavily involved in daily fantasy sports as a result of Daut's first blog about his fantasy football performances. I was never a big fantasy guy before, but the daily variant ended up becoming a massive passion for me. I played almost exclusively basketball and it was the perfect time to get involved. Made accounts on the three biggest sites: FanDuel, DraftKings, and Draftstreet.

One day in mid-January or so I was taking a break from making a lineup and started exploring the FanDuel site. I was mainly looking for promos, but the fact that FD started as a tech startup caught my interest. I'd been involved in co-founding a tech startup before and I'm knowlegeable about the community so I started reading up on them. I clicked over the Jobs section and saw that they were advertisting for a position that was very much in line with my work experience at previous startups so I applied.

Fastforward a couple months and here I am as the new Promotions and Events Manager for FanDuel. FanDuel is pretty much the undisputed largest daily fantasy sports site and they're expanding hard right now. A big part of that expansion is increasing the number and scale of live events. My responsibilities cover conceiving of, planning, and executing these live events from start to finish as well as helping across the board on promotions and user retention for all major online events.

My first big project which we just launched today is the World Fantasy Baseball Championship. It's the daily fantasy spin on the World Series of Poker: 11 distinct fantasy baseball events with $5mill in prizes spread out. All of this culminates in a weekend at the Vegas Cosmopolitan where we'll be playing out (live) the finals for 4 different tournaments, including the flagship Daily Fantasy Baseball Championship with a $1million first place prize.

Anyway, I know there are some daily fantasy grinders here on LP and you guys were my inspiration for getting involved in this industry in the first place so thanks! Don't hesitate to check out our NBA flagship event either ( As a FD employee I can't play on FD anymore, but we all have accounts on other sites to feed our addiction so I will always be available to talk picks and strategy.

And since I am an LP member at heart always, don't hesitate to hit me up if you guys have any issues playing on FD or have any questions about anything. Msg me here on LP or email me at


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Ideas for an essay in Finance? by Balzamon, March 25

Hello LP,

I've read some interesting threads about finance here, and I know a bunch of you are interested in topics related to economics and finance specifically. I'm about to try and find an interesting topic for an essay, could be about anything relating to finance, the first step are:

"A description of the research area and a problem
discussion ending up in two specific research
questions: one qualitative and one quantitative."

Should end up in 10-14 pages, not a huge essay but it's a course that is an introduction to how to write my master thesis next semester, and if I manage to pick a really interesting topic already this semester that would be a good start for the thesis. Not an easy task...

I dont read as much articles as I should do, so if anyone have read/know about a really interesting/hot topic feel free to post it, a link to the article/research in question would be great as well. In the end its probably easier if I pick something related with Sweden but all ideas are good

Its the period of annual meetings for companies during spring, and I was thinking perhaps something research related to them since it could be fun to attend a couple, not sure exacly what angel though. For example a friend is going to see how big influence institutional investors have on the meetings, seems like a good idea.

Bitcoin has interested me, and how big a impact a currency with zero transaction costs could have on the economy, but a fairly hard topic to research and many are on it already.

Shoot away, if nothing else I will hopefully get some good financial articles to read.

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Czech players? by sweetbread, March 25

I'm not sure if there are any who still regularly visit this site, but I have a quick question: My wife and I met with our accountant today, and she told me that all poker income is taxable. In other words, every deposit from Skrill or Neteller which reaches ANY bank account I have is subject to personal income tax.

I seem to recall reading in earlier years this was not the case. Was I/Am I mistaken?

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My New Podcast With WCGRider by Joeingram1, March 24

Hola LP world, I haven't written about any of my podcasts as of yet. I wanted to let you guys know about my 2nd podcast I have begun doing with WCGRider (link at bottom) and a bit of behind the scene idea's, thoughts, etc... that I have been having about the poker podcast world. I've already done a few episodes of a PLO podcast that I will be going a bit more in detail about soon on here but I am going to focus more on the WCG pod right now.

A couple of months back I had an idea to start doing podcasts, one forming around PLO hands, one around conversation style pertaining to the poker lifestyle/mindset/etc... and one where me/wcg rider do a 2 man podcast. We have known each other for about 6-7 years. Doug initially messaged me on 2p2 and asked me if I would be interested in being staked by him so that I would be able to move up a limit and also get some coaching. I had been posting some really sick 50nl and 100nl full ring graphs in the BBV forum and he looked for winning players that might be interested in playing a higher limit. I of course accepted and our poker relationship was born from that moment. We have stayed in touch over the years and hung out at different random times in different cities. He was in Chicago in December with his girlfriend and we did a double date while discussing this idea further. I think he is one of the most talked about people in the NL world right now but I think most of the talk that goes on is "i hate this mother fucker, he is a dbag." With some of the public comments he has made about being the best I can understand why many people might feel a certain type of way. I think a large percentage of the poker following population is also unaware of anything he did in poker/life before he started battling at high stakes HU which is also to be expected. By doing this podcast, I thought it would be a really great way for people out there to get to know more about him and also to get a better understanding of the poker journey to the top and that he isn't a complete asshole.

We decided to make it official and record our first podcast together a couple weeks ago. I started out with an outline of about 20 different potential talking points but I quickly realized we really wouldn't need any talking points because everything flowed out really well. I know that Doug is going to be the far more interesting person and the one that most people listening are going to want to hear so I decided to take a more interviewish approach to it but also including some ideas of my own on different topics. I noob'd it up in a couple different places over the first one but overall I really enjoyed that angle of things and I am really excited to start doing more with different people in poker. I'm hoping to stay away from the traditional "what is your poker story" angle and try to focus more on a bit more exciting things about the poker life.

I released this podcast last Thursday and overall the reception has been really good. I hope you guys enjoy the first episode and feedback good and bad is much appreciated. So far I think I've done a really good job on taking all feedback in and thinking about ways I can improve on my podcasting all around.

**I actually thought I would go more in-depth into my whole podcast mindset with things but I realized most of that is more relevant to the PLO write up , what happened to youtube videos automatically embedding in the posts??

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Are Women in Poker Underestimated? by dharmender, March 24

--- Nuked ---

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Are Women in Poker Underestimated? by dharmender, March 24

--- Nuked ---

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120hz by NewbSaibot, March 24

So I finally got me one of them newfangled 120 hurts television sets, the kind that gives everything the "soap opera" effect as it has been coined. Holy shit this thing is wild, I spent all afternoon watching random shit on netflix upscaled to 120hz and it's sooooo weeeiiirrrddd looking. I cant tell if I like it or hate it. On one hand the picture comes in so insanely clear you can actually follow the eyelashes and pores on peoples faces as they move around on screen. But of course it also exposes flaws in the production and makes every movie set look just like, well a movie set. Suddenly the whole show is completely fake and you know you're watching a movie instead of this portal into another world. Peter Jackson and James Cameron are signing off on this saying it'll be the next big thing. Apparently the 1st Hobbit movie was filmed like this but I never saw it. Going back to "normal" movie mode of like 24fps or whatever was consistently jarring. Even movies I have already seen in their original format were suddenly jittery looking as all hell, almost as if the original was completely fucked up and needs to be recut. It's like "damn is your camera broken?" kind of filming. After about 5 minutes or so I'd get used to it again, and of course the scenery would seem much more realistic, since the missing frames kind of help blur out the details that you catch when you're running at 60fps.

The one truly fascinating thing was watching documentaries. Since documentaries are usually filmed at a slightly higher frame rate anyway, the transition simply made even an HD documentary transformed into like a SUPER HD documentary. Then it dawned on me, if they could make movies look as good as a documentary, by having the utmost in background details and realism (you know, the kind of things that already exist naturally in a documentary because it's not supposed to be staged), then movies would become like REAL FUCKIN LIFE YO!!! And I dont mean movies filmed to look like a documentary, like Cloverfield or Blair Witch or whatever. I just mean if set designers just made sure to include enough detail that the scenes literally looked exactly like they would in real life, we will be taken into the next echelon of fantasy from any filmmaker who can execute this. I just imagine the budgets would have to be even higher since you would need hundreds of people polishing each set to make it real. Which by the way is probably a failure in and of itself since it's the very act of staging a set that creates an inherit bias of falsehood. The best real set is a REAL set. Either that, or they just start filming in real locations that have already been "lived in" to create the fine detail and micro chaos necessary to make it convincing to the human eye.

And then there's this

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help by JosephCalgary, March 23

I donated 50,000 dollars, money i won from poker, 2 years ago to
I'm now poor, unable to play poker profitably, have no college degree,
I want my money back.
I asked for it back but they said no
What do I do from here? Any ideas?

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God by JosephCalgary, March 22

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Pre-Flop Hand Reading by dharmender, March 21

--- Nuked ---

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crimea a river by spets1, March 20

+ Show Spoiler +

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Version 3 is underway by whamm!, March 19

going to build version 3.0(3rd attempt lol) soon and although my 2nd setup is going decent and I see relative crab growth and moulting, I still need to tweak a few stuff like DIY skimmers and algae scrubbers for both ammonia and phosphate. Im also still looking for a cheap labor guy here since I fired the first one and the 2nd one was a complete drunk but ok worker and just left so now I need to find another guy to oversee and maintain everything while I work on looking for suppliers for running the commercial scale system Im planning e.g. 500 to 2000 heads of crab with 2k modules for each cycle just to start

Im going to some province up north for some rigorous hands on training on crab hatchery and grow out so that I can build a somewhat incomplete but reliable supply chain, setting up a hatchery company so that the crab farming grow out and soft shell company can purchase crablets and juvis there. I plan to specialize mainly in crustaceans and probably some mollusk since I find fish boring and besides crustaceans fetch a better price. Plan is to proceed to shrimp then finally to either lobster(if its culture is feasible) abalone seems easy but takes over a year so not sure about that one.

Recirculating aquaculture is very tricky and somewhat expensive to do if you don't know what youre doing, that's why my main focus is to DIY every damn thing if possible - the options for automation are so vast and expansive that its easy to burn money and eventually give up. The training broodwar and poker has helped so much in being so obsessed about learning this thing and coming up with the best build order I can use haha. I still have years of learning to do but for now I feel I can start small and test the markets and everything else related to the business aspect of the seafood business.

Crabs are honestly very sick creatures, they will eat their own kind at the drop of a hat (since birth). I stopped eating crabs after starting this whole journey of crab culture lol. I even think Crabs fighting could be a good underground betting sport like cockfighting since they will kill each other just for territory alone. Soft shell crabs are yummy though, but yeah I don't trust these fuckers one bit. Soon LP, soon.

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Books! by LemOn[5thF], March 18

Up until now I've been using time between sessions to:
- watching family guy, new girl, movies shitloads of stuff like that
- browsing rofl thread
- time on facebook
- porn
- news portals
- watching dota pro games

I played around 90 hours this month already, 53k hands so far and brain's getting overloaded, I also ran rly bad so I am roughly breakeven for that time so really need to change the load I'm putting my mind under and start using computer more strictly for work only.

So during my maintenance day I decided I will do something pretty awesome between sessions instead
- read books
- sleep
- exercise (love shooting hoops, a public place is 5min by bike)

So far the effects are beyond awesome!
Books force my imagination to work, taking focus off poker unlike films and calm my mind etc.

last week I read these bad boys:,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU02_.jpg

This week these two are on my plate:

I very much look towards recommendations.
In the past I only read text books, and books by thaleb, stumbling on happiness, economics etc. but that's not what I'm after
- I want books that are written in a way of a story, engage my imagination to the max and if they make me positively think all the better.

The instant millionaire had all of these but was super short. Carnegie is awesome, it's self development but told in a way of stories.
And Clarke is just awesome sci-fi, really engaging but positive with grand messages - development of humans our relationship to the whole universe good sci-fi that makes you think. Childhood's end was just sick good for that - the book's about utopian society where menial work doesn't exist and last chapters about what would you do if you were the last human on earth with years to spare.

I also look for fun short books that I could read between sessions and get the sense of accomplishment "fuck yeah finished a book" in short period of time. Borrowed some Hemingway so that should be fun.

Baring that in mind, what books would you recommend and what books would you read if you were to lose TV, Shows, skype and the internet forever right now?

No boobies today btw, didn't fap in a week and it seems to be good - I even had morning wood for no reason for the first time since a very long time :D I sure as hell ain't gonna stop fapping but aim is to use my imagination instead of porn.
EDIT: Books, fap without porn - seems like I'm attempting to turn back time and live like people did ages ago.

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PS RB micro by Spitfiree, March 17

I've been playing PS micros and at thia point I wont be able to go higher than Gold star so I've been wondering what to do with FPPs. Do I let em pile up till i move up or do i play sunday storm fpp sattelites , which are 235 fpp 2/6 get 11$T and 2350 fpps are 25$ rb. They re quite easy @ sundays so im def grtting more EV out of them than the bonus. However if i potentially reach plat star am I losing a lot of EV ? Not quite sure of PS s system and whats best

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ez $1k by Seobombisgay, March 17

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