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Day of The Fight by NotSorry, March 17

I couldn't sleep for shit was just too excited ended up watching Man with the Iron Fist and Rambo 2 til about 2-3am and just couldn't get comfy in this rock hard hotel bed and spend the night rolling around. Around 8 I just gave up and jumped in the shower to get ready for the day. Gathered the crew and headed out for breakfast in keeping traditions of my favorite fighter Fedor, I went with the steak and eggs, people are telling me I'm crazy and should just be eatting some fruit and whatnot, but if steak and eggs was good enough for the greatest fighter ever then it's good enough for me. The service was rather sub-par and the food took nearly an hour but I had more important things on my mind to care.

After breakfast we head out to weigh-ins being held at a local gym, was nice meeting all the other fighters and coaches. Everyone I spoke with was cool and respectful, shared some stories and some laughs while waiting for things to start off. I met my opponent, real nice guy we chatted for a bit about work and that the winner would buy drinks after the fight. Everyone made weight and we signed the last contracts making it official. Due to it being an amateur fight under the CAMO rules we had to get our gloves and shin guards checked off, neither of mine passed, they had some extra gloves to sell, one of the officials just gave me a set for free. However they don't carry shin guards so we had to rush around town to sport goods stores to find a pair matching their specifications.

Fights were scheduled to start at 6, so we had to be at the venue around 4 for the pre-fight medical screening, and a rules meeting among other things. Rampage, Frank and Ken Shamrock were there doing a press conference about a new show they are doing on SpikeTv and Rampage was launching his own fight promotion. After that it was a lot of hurry up and wait, if you ever been to one of these shows they never start on time. Was nearly 7 before the first fight and I was scheduled for the 4th.

Getting your hands wrapped is an experience in itself, like it's that next to last moment where it all becomes real, and I'm sitting there my mind becomes focused, the background noise fades off and it's just me and my coach preparing for combat. Nothing else matters or even exists at this point. The officials come over and sign off on your wraps and tape your gloves down it's intense. Ran a few warm up drills, did some shadow boxing and then it was time, the producer tells me I'm up next and we head out to the hall way. Pausing for what seemed like an eternity waiting for my next over the speakers thinking to myself, this is what it's about this is what I've given up so much for, this is for every early more, this is for every late night, all the bruises and injuries, all the time away from my family, all of it was for this.

The fans give me little to no reception while nearly going out of their mind for him, I started off well, using my speed to get inside his 88in reach and get my strikes off first and scored a solid take down which for a split second makes the crowd go silent before erupting in cheers for me while I'm getting in some nice shots on the ground, but I got a little too tunnel vision of hitting him that I stopped controlling him and he managed to get back up. Landed some big shots and rocked him a few times but just wasn't enough to finish him. I can't remember the last time I was this happy, having this much fun.

He's already got his hands at his sides breathing heavily. I'm laughing and got an ear to ear smile tattooed on my face, the bell for the start of the round can't come soon enough for me I'm so excited. We circle for a second and I come in with a big push kick under his jab sending him reeling back I try to follow it up with a big superman right into a left hook but my foot slips out and I almost fall down but managed to catch myself by then he clinched up and we played dirty boxing and knees for a bit, he's getting more volume of strikes in while I'm picking my shots and I manage to rock him a few times but I have a hard time pushing out of clinch against his massive arms, about 45seconds left I throw a big knee and slip giving him top position, my foots all stuck in the ropes so I can't even post out or anything I'm wrapping his arms and looking at the ref expecting it to be restarted in the middle but nothing so the round finishes out there.

We figured due to the way R2 ended that it was almost for sure going to him on the score cards so I'm going in looking for a finish and swinging with everything I got left, which at this point isn't too much. His hands are down below his waist and rush in swinging for the fences getting a few solid ones in before he managed to clinch, at this point just the sheer weight of him leaning over me in the clinch is an obstacle I push off a few times to get some strikes in but I can't seem to get far enough away and he keeps pulling me back in about 30seconds left I get a solid break away and start landing clean on him, a big shot sends his mouth piece flying and the ref pauses the fight at this point I just had nothing left I threw my very heart and soul into a few last knees and a hook but wasn't enough to get the job done before the bell rang.

Even before the judges decide I'm already disappointed in myself for getting tunnel vision and stepping away from our game plan and not finishing it in the first while I had him on the ground or getting in that knock out shot during one of the points I had him hurt, a million little could have, would have should haves come rushing forward. Judges saw the match in his favor, was heartbreaking for sure feeling like I let all my team's efforts in getting me ready for this fight go to waste, felt like I let the crowd down who after the take down in the first round were behind me cheering me on because I know I didn't show them my full potential. As I was leaving the ring the crowd starts cheering my name and I'm getting high fives all other the place and everyone's telling me "amazing fight" and the like, felt damn good and made me notice again just how much fun I was having in there. Took a few pictures and went to the back for my post fight medical screening. Then back out to watch the fight and hang with the crowd.

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BJJ update by Daut, March 17

I took my first BJJ lessons in the summer of 2008 with nazgul, mig, ket, tjbentham and a few other poker players. We only did 2 or 3 sessions but I really enjoyed it and decided to keep up with the sport after I left vegas. From that summer til probably about 6 months ago I continued training but at a very irregular pace. I would go 10x one month, suffer a small injury, take a few weeks off, then start traveling and somehow miss 8 months. Since then I have lived in new jersey, arizona, california, vancouver canada and spent a lot of time in vegas so it was hard to really get into a rhythm training wise. I would estimate over the 5 year period from september 2008 - september 2013 I probably only took about 200 classes. And since I took so many breaks and had so many months where id show up only 2-3x, I wasnt really getting any better. But the good thing was that I never really regressed.

A few months back I realized that where i live (southern california, specifically irvine in orange county) is basically the mecca for BJJ in the world. Most of the top guys are here and there are tons of great schools everywhere. I dont know how long I will be in california and I am not on the road as much as I once was so why not concentrate and try to put a lot of time and effort into the sport as I can while im in the best place in the world to study it? Especially since I have all the free time Id ever want. So I decided that any week where I was healthy id go in as much as I can.

this past week i finally got to put away my white belt for good.

Blue belt is probably the belt with the largest skill disparities between top to bottom (ignoring complete novice white belts). Some schools promote guys to blue belt super fast. For example, when I was up in vancouver I took a few classes at gracie barra vancouver, and they like to start guys out with quick promotions, so most people get their blue belt after 80 classes in order to keep newer practitioners excited about the sport. Consequently, when I was a 3 stripe white belt I was about equal to most of the 1 stripe blue belts there. Whereas some other schools refuse to promote and try to get their guys to world champion levels before giving them the next belt (mega sandbaggers)

Additionally, blue belt is by far the longest belt. Nobody gets a purple in less than 2 years and most guys need more than 3. So even though I am starting out a higher skill level than most new blue belts, there are 4 stripe blue belts who have 2-3 extra years experience on me and are much better. So now that I am starting to take it more seriously, there is still a large roadblock to competing at the blue belt level.

this week was the Pan American Championships, one of the bigger jiu jitsu gi tournaments in the world, and it was basically down the street from me. I had 3 teammates (one blue, 2 purple) and my professor (black) competing this year so I went out for the last 3 days and had a blast. My professor finished 3rd in the lightweight (168 and under) 29-34 year old black belt division which was pretty awesome to watch and the 2 purple belts did pretty well.

Even watching a teammate lose in the first round was a blast. So next year I am going to compete. The pan ams is the perfect tournament to do it. I am 29 right now (turning 30 next month) so ill be in a division with only 29-34 year olds, which means I likely wont be going up against some beast future world champion or ex college wrestler that just switched to BJJ and ill have a full year of blue belt to catch up in skill to the more advanced blues (and the top guys will be purple by then). Also its a big tournament so even though its a pretty small subdivision of the sport (29-34 year old, 169-181 pound blue belts) it still got 29 competitors this year.

Ill probably do a few smaller tournaments beforehand just to get the nerves of competing out of the way and to practice really going at full speed against someone of a similar skill level, but this will be the first tournament I really care about. 12 months to prepare, starting off the training right:

some pictures and videos of the guys from my academy:
round 1 match of my teammate jimmy (bearded guy), he ended up making it to the 3rd round/quarterfinals of the 29-34 168 pound purple division:

round 2 match of my teammate chris, tough match against a guy whose strategy throughout was to get a sweep then basically stall out and it got him to at least a top 3 finish:

a few pictures:
my professor is 2nd from the right:

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Some good stand-up comedy? by k4ir0s, March 16

Feeling down, link me some good standup comedy pls

here, have some trance to grind too

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Upcoming "TOOL Band" Album by failsafe, March 16

Futurists argue the TOOL Band project is one of history's greatest satires. I don't want to say too much now about how they've achieved the synchronicity that they have. The premise is this: Some investment was required in order to achieve paradise. What constitutes paradise and when it will occur is "anyone's guess."

Well, anyway, pictures speak louder, so please consider:

Suppose that paradise is a concept -- an experience of conscious beings. The goal in every sense is a question of mind. (And ultimately a question of "conscience, or Ethical experience or knowledge). I'm not stating that perfectly -- I apologize. How and why conscience is the fundamental driving force is a challenge for our current language.

So, you may have already guessed the significance of the attached images. Certain religious figures have endured great suffering on behalf of humanity (see this interesting depiction of Jesus -- more about this representation some other time). Anyway, certain great religious, ethical, moral teachers, etc. have suffered and sacrificed for the sake of humanity and have inspired others to do the same. Others, most notably Indian Brahmin, Middle Eastern leaders and certain Asiatic dynasties have monopolized the resource generated by this suffering.

Observe the picture of the Brahmin. A correct depiction is of the Brahmin experiencing an omniscient, almost omnipotent bliss. Well, anyway, I've said too much. Listen carefully to TOOL band tracks, especially from "Opiate."

What does the manipulation or monopolization of particular resources imply? Well, again I've said too much. Can't quite think of how to conclude... I guess I'd just reiterate that careful consideration of subtleties could lead the TOOL Band fandom to very unusual conclusions about their music.

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Addictive game by Forrest Gump, March 14

How about a simple game with some luck factor?

I'd love to see a game like this or continuous poker played for cash

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Going Hardcore by drone666, March 14

sup liquidpokes

just decided that I want to be good at poker

some of the things I am willing to do:
- aiming for 200 hours+ months

- invest the money I earn in coaching and build a healthy bankroll in order to move up at lightining speed instead of buying stupid eletronic shits and expensive drinks for friends

- have a healthy lifestyle: start lifting again, follow a diet

- trainy, eaty, sleepy
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- not going nuts

last 3 days I've been just playing poker and doing nothing else, and I got to say that I'm feeling really happy doing that, don't know if I gonna get burnout if I keep playing 10 hours straight everyday, but I'll try

been playing a lot of regs at HU zoom while I don't get action, and been battling for anonymous tables at partypoker and I've been learning a lot doing that

also joined a few study groups, PM'd a few good regs that I know that play HU in order to get a coach, but got no luck so far, some dude who plays up to nl5k and used to coach at pokersavvy or something like that, gave me some help for free analyzing some things in my DB, really nice
also pmd FAYTH, but he said he's not coaching, don't know if there's anybody else here who plays HU

anyway, graph for the last 3 days:

gl all

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Sitout score by GameOverNoob, March 13

Finished 3rd in a 26$ mtt while siting out for 520$

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Fight Night Is Almost Here by NotSorry, March 13

It's almost fight night, we will be heading down first thing in the morning to Petaluma CA, take a little time to view the city and do a little PR work. Feeling confident, I feel like I've had a solid camp and I got an army of supporters. Saturday night can't get here soon enough. If you're in the Bay Area come on down, or watch the fights at a later date on SpikeTv, but nothing beats the live experience.

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Poker Blog (Feb 10 - March 11) by lhr0909, March 12

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Hi LiquidPoker,

I started playing poker in October 2013. At that time I didn't know what to do after work, other than playing starcraft 2, and the game really pissed me off because of shitty balance. So I drifted off onto other things. I know that Boxer (one of the starcraft gods) switched from starcraft to poker, made me wonder what is the beauty of poker to the starcraft pros (looking at Jinro and Fayth haha). As it turned out, I really enjoyed playing poker! It is competitive and hard, and more importantly you get some money on the side haha. So I decided to play seriously.

Started to read some books here and there, and played quite a bit on bovada. However, I lost my deposits very very quick, until February 2014, I was going to Hawaii for one week for vacation, and deposited 0.15 bitcoins to SealsWithClubs, and started playing then. After the week, I was stuck 20 chips overall, then I started using FPDB to track my winnings. Here is the graph:

Not looking that good, huh? At first I was playing pretty spewy, and overly aggressive on some of the hands. I posted hands I lost on here and people gave me feedback like "don't play like that", "fold pre", etc. I didn't understand why they said it at first, until devon said this:

  On February 19 2014 23:40 devon06atX wrote:
A word of advice. Stop playing like this, it will stunt your growth as a poker player massively.

I said that you gotta get over this mind-set because you're posting hands that are basically bad for you in the long run. That's why you're posting them.

People typically post 'boo hoo, poor me hands' or 'look at this shit, I rocked him with a stupid hand I shouldn't have rocked him with!' and as a relatively new player (in my guess), you should be playing STRICTLY ABC poker. Nothing wrong with a qjss 3bet from the button vs an aggressive cutoff or whatever, but before you go fucking around you should know the basics.

TLDR - Don't play like a tit at low stakes. Not the time, nor the place.

Then he gave me this awesome offer:

  On February 20 2014 23:54 devon06atX wrote:
If you're serious about getting better, I have no problem discussing any/all of your posted hands with you, but I want to know beforehand if you have the drive and commitment to be serious. I haven't offered this before.

FWIW, first thing I will do is link you to books. And also suggest you watch a couple series off of deucescracked.

To learn to beat the game will take countless hours of hard work OFF THE TABLES. If you don't have the discipline for that, then you best take your cash to the slots.

A sober Devon will probably regret this tomorrow.

edit - I mean this btw. I've had an extremely insightful night and am feeling quite generous. Take it if you wan't it. But I will be tough as fuck on you.

After Devon's words of wisdom, I started to play a lot more carefully. I started off by playing almost only premium hands in position, and I started to realize that this is a great way to win at poker, at the very least, at my level. There is no need to get fancy, no need to go overly aggressive. I started to fold some of the hands that I would have never let go months ago, and the results were pretty decent.

The 2 big jumps were actually from taking shots at 50NL. It was pretty scary, but I managed to win a couple of big hands there, which is fantastic. By the end of last week I finally broke even for the month! And tonight's session was great too (almost 1k hands with +22 at the end, playing 10NL and 20NL).

In addition to that, I went to a B&M cardroom for a NLHE tournament (40-man MTT, $55 buy-in), and I managed to stay at the final table even though I was stuck at 5bb for a long time (15 min levels and the blinds shoot up quick). When there were 5 people left, 4 of them wanted to chop, so I said okay, let's chop it up. Each of us get $370 back, which is great.

I play some home game with my coworkers too. I am still break-even on those home games (20NL) (I lost to this one LAG guy a lot, I need to play super nitty vs him next time). Here is the graph with the live winnings:

I hope I can keep up the trend and get better at poker slowly but surely!

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Is it wrong to wish I was Avicii? by chris, March 11

See title.

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HH review by LemOn[5thF], March 09

Cashed out, started huge volumes and long sessions => spewed alot.
its good tho, i defo need to put in huge volumes now. floorball season's over and I decided Im gonna break free of the slow BR increases after cashouts and make the next few months rly count
I was hesitant to post these it's rly bad for my ego, but what I find is best is to abandon ego in poker, just accept that you make mistakes make them public so you are more motivated to fix em.

All hands were this week. I still made money so if I avoid even half these in the future ima crush :D

R1: ewwww
FLOP: guy raises >60% bvb cbets too much - overcards to 7x 6x, pairs 8backdoor straight outs 8 gutter outs think I can't be folding this. I flat pretty much all my range on this board bvb - should I look to raise?
Ok this is so weird/didn't make much sense to me. I thought 4x 8x can do this some, and maybe some sets 89? I just got confused really thought I can take it down enough on the river to make it a call he gives me 3.1:1 afterall.
vs that range i'm not so sure how I should play my strong hands:
Defo flat 89, 48s I 3b 48s tho). what do I do with sets and 2 pair hands, just flat and let 4x 8x draw making them super high ev for him to check raise?
4X is in his range for sure but with blocking the 89 and that sizing that can be 2 pairs etc. I assumed I can shove profitably.

PRE: I have a position on the reg and expect to take it down post, the hand will go 3way a lot still 1.80:1, I'll need to realize more equity than I have postflop (27% compared to 36%) with being oop on the fish - it's close there.
FLOP think this is too wide
if the fish were folded out the float is fine of course I can bluff at spades have backdoor diamonds. But with his cbetting into 2ppl one of them fish I can just lay this down
yeah not sure here. I mean i't better not to have a spade draw as weak regs will check call some themselves here when I decide to bet shove. I just expect regs to be imbalanced heqar, check a weak range so I went aggressively after it.
Problem was that this was the A8s hand in spews so he turbosnap called - I rly didn't read the dynamic well, had an aggro image and shoved a draw hand prior at the table... should defo fold flop with that image.

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Okay I did the best to get vcalue out of air.
In the hand I strongly felt like the river is never a bluff though with the line he took... still the odds, top of my range he reps fekall besides sets...
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need to look at this one later thought he squeezed too much. What's minumum 3b% for the shove to be +ev?
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need to look at river play
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90 90 pfr VPIP aggrofish

FLOP: it's basically an isolation raise here, super hard for me to be bluffing vs the reg my raising range will still be strong sets, JTss+, can do this with KJ as well vs the fish I assume? I want to be bluffing vs the reg make him fold out most of his made hands but get value from the fish.
TURN: one of the things I do a lot - just auto make a play based on stats.
plan was to call twice as he can have 46 worse jacks flush draws pairs etc. vs that range my read should be a lot stronger that 30pf hands - most of these hands should logically check the turn but will call turn bet alot. If he's truly an aggrotard the line's still good tho
river was a snap I doubt I'd do anything else
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I mean this is fine, just the sizing's off - I was snapacting/tilted and was using stars helper for the first time just clicked the button
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meh this is close/kinda like it
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S1: 90VPIP, aggro, calls junk to 3bets
he had a sizing tell though.
This was the typical fish thought process that I took: I'm way ahead of his pf range as he raises strong hands, he has air vast majority of time...and I got attached to it too much.
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S2: I was semi tilted at this point lost like 4 pots in a row at this table - I shoved because I could. think raising smaller getting him to spazz/call with e.g. AK is better
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S3: Oh I remember this hand I was super tired/end of the day.
Guy opens too much UTG doesn't fold to 3bets. I knew in the hand the river is a fold as everything got there.
FLOP&TURN: I auto- assumed his range has a lot of junk/random shit in it along with some AQ TJ, would you be raising here?
TJ has a pair, unlikely to do this
KT Got there
QJ got there
Backdoor spades got there - I block Qs thought that's why I decided to call in the end. It's a bad call right?
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S4: What the actual fuck?
Up until now I was getting tilted by aggro fish and button clicking regs HU
in HU when im getting run over/hit a run of bad cards I started clicking buttons and FPSing with weak hands.
From now on I will strictly control my plays HU based on my ranges and control my play that way.
Fuck if I know why I played it this way
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same hand vs this aggrotard fish:
Plan was to snap his bet, didn't expect AI at all but brain already had the instruction to call
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Same thing, up until now I was tilted and when I lost pots I played back with weak hands.
Vs this guy without and A blocker this is never autoprofit preflop as he 3bets tight like 6%.
FLOP: fuck if I know what he's doing.
Best play for my range is to just check most Qx hands and bet KK+ and bluffs that are +ev.
His raise makes no sense tho , I block Qx his range seemed draw heavy meh...

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ye good spot BUT
I can flat
have position on a fish preflop
3b blocker hands like KXs if I wish
the 3b is +ev but dumb in terms of my range
wtf? when I get confused by regs doing this, I call see what happens. but my hand is way too weak
oh boy. I mean I was thinking about what I do vs his actions, last thing I expected is his shove and snaptiltcalled even tho I dont have the odds here I mean it's not a huge loss EV wise but still a -ev play

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plain and simple: if I choose this hand, it's only cause I can turn autoprofit on flop and should just give up turn, so many better hands I have to do this with ewwww
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strightforward nitreg
his hand is face up
I knew it in the hand
stacked of cause fuck him/tilted
fuck shit fuck
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It was actually though out, me trying to play exploitively - he 3b a few time, the dynamic just felt right for him to bluff light and he stacks off with narrow range.
Just shows how regulating my range is really necessary, even if it's a rly good spot and I believe that I should limit myself to hands like A2s-A5s that hava blocker and decent equity
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aggrotilt - all streets just too light, need to pick a stronger range
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oh boy oh boy
I need to get this HU vs aggrotards under control
all I will do is play strong ranges, pick them nd don't deviate from them just cause im getting run over
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the whaaa?
I snapcalled rvr didnt make much sense for him to have a hand thoight it'll be a binch of random broadways oh well.
Obv sucky preflop hand selection - I will simply control my range more vs bad players
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Need to look at turn bet range closer
guy calls 17% pre
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Selling Pieces for Queen City Classic by Gadget, March 08

I'm interested in playing in this tournament and would like to see the interest level for people to buy pieces. Here is the link to the tournament schedule. I would like to play Event #1 for 3 bullets, and the Main Event. If there is only moderate interest I will play Event #1 only.

I have never gotten a live stake before, but I've been a member of this forum for probably 7 years. Here is my OPR for pre black friday times, I've been playing live ~$200 MTT's and $1/$2 with success for the past 6 months.

I will be selling with a 5% markup to offset some of the travel expenses. Here are the 2 packages depending on how much interest I get.

Package 1:
Event #1 Day 1B - $260
Event #1 Day 1C - $260
Event #1 Day 1D - $260
Main Event - $1600
Will Sell 75% in 5% increments:
5% = $125

Package 2:
Event #1 Day 1B - $260
Event #1 Day 1C - $260
Event #1 Day 1D - $260
Will Sell = 50% in 10% increments:
10% = $82

Again, first time offering a live package. Let me know if anything seems out of line...

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DTF by Highcard, March 07

This was on ABC News This evening:

News host 1 and 2

1"Disturbing trend among young adults, getting DTF tattooed on their bottom inner lip and flashing it to others. DTF signals 'down to know...anything in bed with anyone"

2"Wow(shocking face), young people these days. That is disturbing."

1"Yes it is disturbing. The trend is sweeping the nation and Doctors fear an increase in STDs and HIV"

2"This is horrible news, when and where did this tragic trend start?"

1"It started in New Zealand in a college town of Dunedin, by an autistic guy preying on young college girls. He flashed his bottom inner lip DTF tattoo to girls in clubs as well as in public."

2"He flashed his bottom inner lip DTF tattoo to girls in public?! He should be hung! Think of the people who have gotten sick and infected because of him."

1"I agree but we can't stop free speech"

2"I am a fighter for our freedoms but he has crossed the moral boundary, he must to be punished! We must protect the future of our children"

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Update Time by punix, March 06

It has been awhile since my last update but there was not much to say.
I tried to improve and was pretty consistently winning now over a 10k sample with also some rungood and quickly boosted my BR to $150 and took some shots at nl5 (as you have seen in the hands that I posted).
Lately my hands got some more comments and some more attraction. Thanks alot for all your input on them guys!
My shots have not been going too well and were kinda mixed with some bad spots, unlucky situations and all dat shizzle. After 3-4 BE sessions and 1 loosing and 1 winning session, I caught up in 2 loosing sessions to trop a total of 10 BI's and dropping my BR back to $100 (probably should have moved down again far earlier than just at $100 but yeah...).
Anyway Iam now back at nl2 and trying to grind my way up, yet again!

Got a stacking offer for a NL5 "tryout" and then get staked into NL10 if it works out! Discussed it also with you guys here (thanks lemon for your thoughts) and declined it after getting the contract because it basically states that all losses are on me (because they always could claim I missplayed situations or whatever and then I would have to go for full makeup) and they are just staring and had 2 coaches w/o any real references and not really being available in skype for 4-5 days. Overall impression was not so great. So I decided to go with an Iveyleague Sub and learn, study and move up on my own and then maybe trying to seek out staking/coaching in a bit higher stakes.

Graph of my NL5 shot:

My ugly total graph to day:

And for the lulz my total graph with SD and non SD values (god my SD value sucked huge monkeyballs in first 100k hands and still does but got better as you can see)

Update in teh update (Inception baby!!) - Todays results at NL2 (at least this level I seem to beat now consistently):


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Living the Dream? by GoTuNk, March 05


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How do you measure productivity as a poker player? by Joeingram1, March 05

I've been thinking about this so much these past couple months but I can't really come up with a good answer that makes me happy about it. The idea of what should we be doing to consider ourselves being productive as a poker player. I think for a long time in my early poker years, I measured this only by did I play alot of hours/hands today, hopefully I won some money. As time went on that started to shift over to have I been winning money which gradually turned into have I been playing well/winning money.

In the past couple months I've been having really great results playing but I feel like I have been not very productive. In the months before that I felt like I was being really productive in terms of putting in the hours but with not so good results. So if you are playing 8-10 hours/day and making a small amount or playing 1-3 hours a day and making a large amount, is one more productive than the other? The only thing that matters for results in poker is making money....I haven't been able to justify working on other things/doing absolutely nothing with my time just because I am having big winning months. I think I feel more happy with myself and feel a better sense of achievement if I struggle for 8-10 hours a day playing. You could then argue, well why don't you just play 8-10 hours a day if you are winning but that is a completely different argument which is much much easier in theory than actuality.

I think you can also take into account how much time you spend working with PPT (poker equity program), reviewing hand histories, watching poker videos, talking poker with friends to decide if you are being productive but the less hours I play in a day the less hours I will work on any of this.

I've been able to be extremely productive outside of poker which could be argued has actually helped me be more productive in a shorter time at poker. There are really so many hours in the day you can spend playing basketball, working out, cooking, doing yoga, practicing dance, playing guitar/piano, stretching. I'm pretty sure I still spend hours and hours a day browsing random things on the internet but I'm not sure I should have expectations on myself to be working on something every minute I am awake. Maybe some mindless browsing is good each day.

If I was a professional live poker player and was trying to figure all of this out I would get sad. For most live players that go to the casino 5-7 times a week for 6+ hours a day... I can't imagine they feel much productivity with any part of there life. Even trying to think about having to do this makes me feel a certain type of way. You could argue that comparing a live poker player profession to many other professions where you get a similar type of feeling and make less money would even be worse. I would agree

This whole idea of productivity is something I never really have given much thought to but I know there are plenty of other poker players out there who probably have and can answer this question much better than I can. Hopefully I'll be able to take away something from someone else out there that I can incorporate into my own mindset.

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Fighting on SpikeTv? by NotSorry, March 05

So it's 10 days out from fight night and I finally have a name of who I'll be facing, a Marcus Radtke. On to more interesting things though I found out that Spike Tv will be recording the event for a possible later air date. Once again SHIT JUST GOT REAL.

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HELP! Are you tech savvy? by gawdawaful, March 03

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indie games PASSoiN by 2primenumbers, March 02

-- ty for reading

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indie games PASSoiN by 2primenumbers, March 02

double post

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