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Simulator for draw games by Forrest Gump, November 02

Hi, I want to do a draw poker simulator that covers triple draw and Badugi. With equity calculator for all in situations in tournaments and EV calculator for fixed limit with customized pre determined plays for each street. What do you recomend me to study before I start (programming software)? I dont know anything reelevant about programming.

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hello by nawias, November 02


I am a long time reader of but haven't been writing too much. I am more active on lp sister site where I've got 1k posts. link

I'm just a microstakes grinder who hasn't been doing too well lately. I have received hearthstone beta key and because a lot of lp ppl come from starcraft or other blizz games, I though someone might be interested in getting the key. I'm selling it because I've already have one and I'm able to play that awesome game.

If someone with 500+ posts is interested, I can send you the key first for 40$ to my skrill/pokerstars acc.

I hope this doesn't violates some rules of Please don't ban me. I love to read this site.

Take care guyz

EDIT: I'm dropping the price to 30$

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Games Graphics by PplusAD, November 01

Bought a new computer (had a shitty one before) and now i can actually have some nice graphics in games

Just a screenshot i took few minutes ago playing skyrim maxed out with a few mods

1680x1050 (still have old monitor) SSAA 16xAF everything max
Oficial HD texture pack
Tree texture pack mods
Water highres mods
Cinematic lighting ENB
Realistic Lightnig overhaul

Looks pretty nice

OFC i am aware u can make skyrim even prettier by using more mods.

Still it struck me that after a long stagnation in Computer games graphics from early 2007 on finally in last year computer games graphics have improved a lot.

Also still pretty mindblowing to how games graphics have improved since the time we started playing.

I started playing computer games in 1994

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Frickin' pokerhouse by Mortensen8, October 31

Anyone want to do something?

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I guess I'm too successful by MARSHALL28, October 31

I have too much time on my hands lately. So I feel like I should get back into coaching. And I'm going to make it more affordable. I'm going to drop my rate to $200/hr so hopefully I'll be able to reach some of the guys playing 2/4 as their highest game. Also I'll do packages of maximum 5hrs for $900. I can't commit to spending anymore than 5 hours with anyone though. I doubt it'd take me more than that to teach anyone smart enough to hire me the things I know that they don't know anyways.

The strongest aspect of my game is my default game. This is why I'm so successful at anonymous tables. I have an edge over most because my game isn't built around making adjustments to others. The reason I have so much success has to do with the strength of my fundamentals built upon my default game combined with my extremely disciplined and regimented attitude with regards to my approach to the mental aspects of poker. I.E. playing when in a strong mindstate, undisturbed by any outside influence and with the intent to focus on getting each individual decision right every time. In a different manner of saying, I've become increasingly more efficient as a poker player.

I used to struggle on the mental game aspects of poker. It took me a long time, but now almost getting into my 8th year as a pro and with more than 5 million hands of experience I feel like I'm getting close to mastering them. I rarely at all, if ever, tilt anymore. I used to think it was BS if somebody would say they never tilt because there are so many different kinds of tilt and I had thought it was impossible to recognize them all whenever one of them started to creep up. The true cure to eliminating tilt though is twofold. One, you have to be extremely self critical. The things that constantly go through my mind are: 1. Was this last decision I made the right one?/Could I be employing a stronger base strategy? 2. Was there anything affecting my decision outside of trying to make the best play? The thing I've seen it come to as far as being able to eliminate tilt, you have to combine this mindset with being the best quitter. This is something I believe I'd have good advice to help anyone improve at. I know the words that you need to hear in order to get yourself to finally do what you know is best for your game because I'm one of the most stubborn people I've ever met and it's taken me so long to finally convince myself.

This doesn't mean I don't think I wouldn't have good exploitative strategies and advice to give to people who play non anonymous games as their main games. I still flourish in those at stakes below 25/50NL. It's just a different approach is necessary to have success there.
If you'd like to apply send an e-mail to

Just tell me what stakes you play, what areas you are looking to improve in, when you'd like to start, and provide your skype contact information.

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XMEN FUCK YEAH! by NewbSaibot, October 31

You can suck my cock later

IT HAS BISHOP YO! TIME TRAVEL! DIRECTED BY BRYAN SINGER! (He did the first 2 Xmen movies, the only good ones)

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Setmining with KK by NewbSaibot, October 30

If you do this, fucking die slow

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Back, Teamviewer by GoldRush, October 30

Spen the last 2 weeks just chillin and working on not needing my medication

the first week or so was pretty terrible, the next week i was startng to feel i can grind without it - although it would be tough day to day, i finally decided to try today without meds OTG, did 25 mtt registrations - had some good results - but brokeeven with some higher stkaes stuff that died pre bubblez

things went ok - about a breakeven session so far after 2nd $27 KO for 800ish prior to taking my meds (got em today)

in just 2 mtts left right now and gotta bounce for 15 mins lol, when i get back im gonna load up another session

im thinking of doing a teamviewer session for ALL LP's MTT'ers - think this can pay it forward for what all LP has done for me

ALL LP Mtters thta wanna learn from what ive learned from years on the lp, pm me and we can make a lil group, its always fun to coach and mesh minds - dont realyl care how good u r tbh as long as u understand tournaments

hit me up

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October - fail by LemOn[5thF], October 30

Since I was ill and spent time moving and played hardly any poker first half of the month I set myself a challenge of 100hrs in 2weeks.
Managed only 71hours.

I'm far off the mark now, and played a tilted session today, royally fucked after sauna last night, so I'm throwing in the towel and won't be getting my reward - best floorball goalkeeper shoes in the world

I kept a spreadsheet where I record amount of hours, exercise etc. summary:
- huge reserves in time played. There were 4 days where I put in just 1-2 hours.
- too many distractions, watch shows/browse net a lot especially when tired.
- managed good volumes FRI+SAT at 7+hr/day average both weeks, low Sundays.
- managed around 30 hours of excercise or training.
- had 4 beers after gym+sauna without eating last Tuesday, family meal+just overeating on Sunday and it totally threw me off physically both of them.
- watched a lot of shows/movies in freetime instead of naps/studying/spending time with friends

November aims
- Reward for time played - 40hr/week ticker. first 2 weeks - Ima get them shoes when I manage to hit the goal 2x per week.
- limit on shows/dota watching/facebook etc - 20hr/week ticker. punishment: 3x400m laps on Monday morning for each extra hour.
- 2 beer cap per night, 4 per week cap*. punishment: 30 push ups/mountain climbers etc for each extra beer on Monday morning.

*note: one beer in weekly sauna doesn't count:D

won't set more goals, this seems more than enough to get me started in November.

I have a floorball game on Saturday, a league grudge match between two neighboring cities. Since I've been excercising and overloading my system some 12/14 past days I'v been total shit in goals but hopefully with some rest I can reap the fruits of my hard work on Saturday hopefully. Winnings league matches not my priority now, getting fit is but exercising to the max 12/14 days just left me shaky in goals, so I'll just do standard 3x2hrfloorball training, had swim yesterday and will do light gym in Friday before resuming hardcore regime.

Thx for reading boys.

P.S.: My floorball practice (goalie)

and graph for last 2 weeks:
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$5 for proofreading by nlloser60, October 30

Short non-technical text. PM me if u wanna grab an easy 5$ .

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Sands Casino in Pennsylvania by JohnnyNYC, October 28

iv recently begun playing poker heavily again because of a sudden increase in time. im from queens NYC and have played sc1/sc2 for prob around 10 years. thats how i found out about this site. got my start online (like 99%) of the rest of us here, and im looking to see if anyone from here ever goes to the sands casino in bethlaham pennsylvania. i have gone the last 4 or 5 weeks in a row and i like the 60+ table setup and regular $200 deep stack tournaments.

does anyone on here go there?
atlantic city?
mohegan son???


Comments (8)       read entire blog by ktp, October 28

Take the MTBI test and see if you are INTJ.

Floofy already took it so he is certified INTJ.

User was temp-banned for this post.

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Gay test by Mortensen8, October 28

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Moving to Vancouver, BC by el_tilon, October 28

Hi guys, I am an industrial engineer, planning to study in Canada.

I will apply for the Mining Program of UBC, I realized that there are many Canadians on this blog, so I want to ask you, how much the living costs will be.


What's the budget needed to live in this city? (2 Adults)

University Costs would be covered by credit and little help of my parents.

Any advice will be very helpful, and I will be very glad to read them.

I am not planning on living with a lot of luxury, just the necessary to eat, sleep, internet, transport, living, Basic (Electricity, Heating, Water, Garbage, drink a beer once in a while lol.

I don´t know if I am skipping any important things that should be basic for living.


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Girl update by Floofy, October 27

i'm not sure i truly need to keep updating, but it seems to help me a bit and u guys enjoy it, so whatever.

I followed LP advice, used lube, did a lot of preliminaries, and it did get in. But its like reallllyyyy tight, and she feels more pain than pleasure. It takes a while to get it in all the way. I supose it will eventually get better. Strangely, i can't give her orgasms, and she can't do it herself either (she says she never got an orgasm her whole life). This is strange because i've usually been good at giving girls orgasms with my fingers. Its like when she gets close to it, it gets too intense and she stops me. She begins to shake n shit. SO anyways, sex isn't perfect, but i think its slowly getting better, and outside of sex, everything is great with her.

But the real problem which happened recently is, i meet her parents. Her parents are like, upper class, and seems to be very stuck up about everything. Her dad even wanted us to sleep in different beds. Their house is super clean.

The mother in law seems ok. She smiled, talked to me, overall seems fine. The girl even said her mom thought i was cute.

But the father in law seems like a problem. THe whole time i was there, he was always very cold. No hand shaking, no smiling, etc. He reminds me a bit of Tywin lannister from game of thrones (serious, no smile, logic based, etc). I love tywin, but not as a father in law. He is a old finance guy. The girl admitted to me her dad said he wasn't impressed at all about me, and doesn't really like me. She added what matters is she feels good with me. But i can see she isn't happy about her dad not liking me, she probably cares about her dad's opinion. She seems very close to her parents, and she's your typical daddy's little girl.

My guess is he didn't appreciate how some guy had some sex with his virgin girl on the first date in his own house. The girl says her dad doesn't know about it, but i doubt he bought the "we played wii" story. It could also be because my "Manners" are not exactly perfect, and maybe he has really high standards for his son in law.

So anyways, i'm kinda disapointed, cuz when i visit her, i don't really have the choice to see her father. And i can see it affects her. I'll try to talk to her more tonight.

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Learning from your own mistakes by The Dean, October 27

I was having a discussion with someone yesterday about the profitability of online poker games. I started playing full time in 2002 and I have steadily reduced my stake levels over the years as on a level by level basis the games became far tougher.

These days I play NL100 on fairly easy sites like 888poker and that is fine by me to be honest. I also play full ring where I think the average line up is softer than in a comparable six max. However I do feel that mistakes are punished more these days than they used to be. The game itself is much less forgiving and you simply don't get enough opportunities to win the money back what you lose.

So discipline is massive now but a few days ago I spewed $300 in a fashion that left me somewhat bemused. I hadn't done this sort of thing for ages and so it disturbed me to think that I was actually capable of this sort of behaviour. I pride myself on acting professionally but it just rammed it home to me that we never ever stop this battle with ourselves. I always think that the biggest battle is with what we have between our two ears.

So I am taking a few days off away from the games and coming back on 1st Nov after reflecting on where I am at this moment in time. There are still good profits to be made at the lower levels but you need discipline at all times and not just 99% of the time in a game like deep stack NLHE.

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stars for PP by k4ir0s, October 26


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Aw yeah by napoleono, October 26

And there is my first tourney win ever. :D We made a deal, cause PLO is full of fking variance. First place was 101.98, so I gave up 6 bucks to lock up the tourney. Fucking feels awesome. :D

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I'm actually thinking of quitting by Gnarly, October 26

Besides the bullshit trolling I do on here, especially with my 4nl hands, I've been regularly playing live for about half a year now and have been doing alright. (50-200nl) However, lately, my paranoia is getting to me. I swear, getting the SAME hand at least 20 times each night for weeks? Then, EVERY FUCKING MONSTER gets busted. Aces have all been busted this month, kings, queens, jacks, all ace high flushes, every boat, every set, fucking everything. I'm down only a buy in for this month, but I'm fucking buckling under my paranoia. I can't decide if the dealer is fixing the cards, I can't decide if I should fold aces pre flop and just start only pure bluffing, since it seems I never get called when I make moves, or if I should just quit at least for half a year or so.

I honestly feel a lot safer pure bluffing than having the stone cold nuts. I would be up so much this month and it eats me alive when I see everyone else getting paid off on their monsters. I don't know if I'll be able to stay away, which I need to since I'm sure I'll be on tilt even before I get to the game, but I got to.

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some random fan drew me by drone666, October 25

some random girl that I never met in person said that I'm hot and drew me

thought it was pretty good

pic for comparision
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