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Paypal for PS ($50) by Santafairy, October 06

I am a Teamliquid user (account oBlade)looking to trade $55 on Paypal for $50 on Pokerstars. I have been playing for EVE ISK and it's been fun so I want to move to real money. But it's hard for me to deposit on PS and very easy for me to use Paypal. (Unfortunately only UK players can deposit on PS with Paypal.)

I know I have no reputation on this site so this is strictly if you want to do a favor for a TL user, plus the $5 vig - I think that's normal, 10%? - and maybe again in the future if I end up busting. I trust the Liquid community so I came here. The reference for you is if your money disappeared you could PM Kwark and show him and then sayonara to my TL account.

Please note that there is always a risk of being scammed on the internet, and particularly on Paypal. Escrow services are notoriously scammable so you should always be alert and proceed at your own risk. It's better to be safe than sorry. If $50 is above your limits or there is any doubt in your mind about trusting me then don't help.

EDIT: it's been claimed now

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Cool Backing by GoldRush, October 06

Yo LP,

Some good news for a grinder on the MTT scene!

Jlost (JFOUND) John (Lostaccount) just repicked me up at 60/40 and 1:1 loans! John's the best, I put up a staking sunday message and an hour later he offers me this. Literally one of my best friends in the world

Set a new roof for me from 309 to 550's and 5k starting instead of 3.5k starting!

Peter Jennings (Marshall28) - also picked up the 215 Sunday 50k/100k @ Americas card room / Wed 162 and nightly 27.50s at a standard 50% deal as well, we worked together for a week in the states and split like 4k or so, hes an awesome guy and his set ranges and set lines are a huge key to my successes to get me to near where i need to be! This guy is the NUTS*

Squee451 (won the sunday mil) - is gonna give me some Sunday coaching for $150 an hr, should need 2-4 hours, to see why he gets the big wins on Sundays, have to know the small things hes doing different! hes a great guy and good friend as well

This is pretty sweet, wish me luck everyone!

I have 7100 in my account. (7180 2 be exact)

Im cashing out 2k for living expenses, 2k i owe my father for some past rent while in usa (i was that broke) - and 3150 to be paid to artanis and 500 to a couple others (prolly 1.5k artanis and 1k to Ben Reasons and 500 somewhere else)

paid off another 677 to boccia today 10/9 around 11pm

this is pretty sweet its time to really kill this.

Root for this guy!

Hit some Sundays!

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Back Sundays? by GoldRush, October 05

Hey LP

I'd love to play a full sunday Schedule weekly, but its about $3,000 for a min schedule and $4,500 or so for my normal schedule. (I will put some of my own $$ in but should get 1.1/1 or more if im doing this - we'd def have to talk about how this works)

JLost88 (Lostaccount @ LP) was my last backer and Baza88 was my backer before him, they can vouch that I am good for more than every penny.

I am looking for a sunday stake that can be rolled over week by week, kinda the same you guys did with player999.

lookin for investors - want 4500 a week or ill just do a smaller schedule on my own til my br is there.

PM me or msg here

I would be running mostly 22s-215s (rebuys up to the 55r) - doing the 55x2 and 109x2.

Some 3rs n stuff in there too for mad value.

I've been doing pretty good, I can make a spreadsheet if enough people are interested.

let me know if you guys want to invest in my sundays, would be nice not to have to pay for them and play at 50/50! not sure how we can work this out, maybe just a sunday staker individually thats doin pretty gud would be solid too.

Can do a markup sale at 1.15/1 and take 20-50% of the action.

Let me know,
bout b/e day today, doing pretty solid on the trip so far.
I'm so ready to smash some sundays.

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party poker update by Highcard, October 05

It has been 7 years since partypoker fucked up hard with their coding, creating a bug that upon upgrading your partypoker software, the update permanently deleted all the photos on your HD.

To this day I still have a voice say, 'pp is auto-updating, do you think these assholes are going to delete your photos?' 'You don't even play on pp, why are you updating knowing they could attempt an anal fisting'

I do the update for the life gambol.


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growing inequality in wages by mnj, October 05

how big of a problem is this?
Poll: ?
(Vote): BIG problem
(Vote): small problem

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First 45 days @Canada by GoldRush, October 05

Had my Bday on October 3rd was pretty fun

been doin alright, feel way ahead of the game most the time, hit a 16k score other day, got me to +9k on the stake, chopped to 4.5k he said i can just do this on my own now, no reason to be staked. we tight like that for life. good to have friends like this in industry always.

I did get MU owned as every horse goes through, I've run 2 sessions and done pretty decent in both them since i went free (its the best fastest way to clear these and I can handle a BR well now, I've done so for very well and I ban myself cashgames ), lookin to be 100% clear of everything in the next 4-15 days.

Feelin Great most of the time recently.

Heres some graphs and the best MTT so far that launched out of MU. I'm playing mostly up to 33's with sprinkles of 55s and 44s ~ can satl33tin to sundays ez so just doin that for them til I have ~100bi+ (prefer 200bi for most games turbo or not)

not like i got to keep much but i got up here and had a few 1.5~2.5k loans at 1.33/1-1.5/1 (more moving)

paid off some smaller shit, threw what I could to artanis the first time I cleared that MU hole (or 2nd not sure its late u know me)
Robinson lmk if i owe u ne thing btw - not sure.

Payin off 250-wholeshot+ to any remaining debts weekly. (result dependent)

I am being frugal, $ only spent on food n green - had some fun my first month out, got that out of my system, had a crazy birthday night out too, 11am-5am lol, recooped today - back OTG after I get up and eat etc.

ok well GL everyone,

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Cannabis kills! by DustySwedeDude, October 04

Knew I'd find an example of deadly cannabis sooner or later. Only looked around the web for about 5 years without results, but I've finally found one case in which cannabis kills a person. Hippies be aware!

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Pics and what not by iop, October 03

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need 20 starts for 23 paypal by donjuako, October 03

anyone care to help? mill send 1st to reputable, i have done this in the past with no problem

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Room pics by LemOn[5thF], October 03

I moved finally - almost 3 days without Internet boys and girls :O
Here are some pictures.
Just to recap

- $185 rent including all bills
- under 10 minutes everywhere (shops, public transport, family, sports hall where I train)
- All stuff like microwave, washing mashine, shower in the flat already
- share flat with 2ppl - professionals work in factories nearby, hardly in the flat during the day
- own storage space downstairs for bike, suitcases
- balcony's mine, not shared
- blinds in windows, asked landlord to remove drapes for a more office like feel

th ebedding is from grandma/totally shit so I'll replace it soon

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The Downside to Shot Taking by Joeingram1, October 03

Hello again... I think this makes the 2nd time I've blogged this year but I've probably written out about 20 blog posts over the year but always find a reason not to publish each of them. I did finish the rest of my story about my year spent raging and also wrote up a pretty epic trip report from my time living in Canada but talked myself out of putting those up for a few different reasons, mostly because on the surface it doesn't make me come off in the best way to the level 1 minds of the world who might not understand alternative viewpoints on why people choose to do things. Some might argue that why would you care what those types of people think or say about you but I've learnt over the last year in a few different times that what people think they know about you from what a sentence they may have read or a status update you might have posted can be communicated to someone that you would expect to be unaware about you at the most random times and cause some interesting drama in an otherwise boring life. When I write it out like that maybe I should just post all the stuff I have on deck because life is boring. I know many others feel that way, maybe making life .01 percent less boring for .01 percent of people I know may be my calling.

I've been living in the USA for the past few months so I am unable to post about my poker playing over that time I'm pretty sure I've put in a few hundred thousand hands over that time with pretty positive results but one thing has been really holding me back lately that I have gone back and forth on and that is the idea of shot taking. For the noobs that will read this from the fb/twitter world that don't play poker, shot taking is when you play a higher limit/stake than normal to you, higher in amount of money that you risk but also higher in relative skill level. IE. I play $2/4 with a 400 dollar buyin regularly and when I shot take I would be playing $10/20 with a 2000 dollar buy in or 10/10 (gives away a site I may sometimes play) or 25/50. Actually some nits probably think 3/6 would be shot taking if they play 2/4 but nits gonna nit.

Typically it seems like people shot take for a few different reasons. The obvious is that people love money, they want to make as much money as possible, playing higher stakes=making more money. Some people feel like they are bored with their current limit and want to challenge themselves more and shot take. A large majority of people these days will only shot take when a very -EV player is playing and they end up getting a good seat at that game. Sometimes people are just degens who want to be playing the high stakes and become famous and win all the money and be known as a boss. Other times its just the logical process that comes after you have had much success at your current stake and have built your bankroll up to the point where you can comfortably play higher stakes and if take a loss will not effect you to a large degree. In a perfect world everyone would take that last route but luckily for high stakes regs this is not a perfect world we live in and thus where the idea for me to write this blog post came from.

IF anyone has read my blog in the past or read my 2p2 posts/tweets I really never post anything strategic for the most part. That is another blog post in itself, but I suppose it might be time to actually say something someone might find a bit useful. I think the idea of shot taking for me has always been about the prestige of being successful at the higher stakes more than anything else. I think because of this during my first few years of playing poker it led me to put myself in a ridiculous amount of -EV situations playing for the sake of trying to "make it" or be the man or about that life or etc etc. In the early parts of my career I would grind hours and hours of 50cent/1dollar and 1/2 and shot take at 5/10 or 10/20. Sometimes I had short lived success, other times I failed right away, time and time again I would end up back at 50cent/1dollar grinding and grinding with the hope of taking another shot at higher stakes and having it be a success. I could have approached the whole idea of this in alot of different ways (not playing as high above normal stake, less tables, more table selection, etc...) but always found myself throwing any logical plan out the window. I think the biggest mental block that I have been unaware of until recently that I always fell back on was that I could always drop back down and make it all back with a little hard work. I probably have done this 150 times in my poker career, that seems crazy to make the same types of mistakes that many times in retrospect but this is what I've done in the past and still to this day do. In a way this actually justifies me shot taking all those times but it certainly does not justify the terrible approach I took along the way.

Without shot taking I would have never had my 500k upswing though. During this initial 6 month run I changed a few different way I approached things. I was coming off a ridiculous confidence boost by putting in a 500k hand plo month in December and managed to do way better than I thought during that time period. I padded my bankroll by winning prop bet/achieving Supernova Elite during that time and decided I was only going to play 4 tables max, actually pay attention to the hands (I had never done this before in about 5 million hands) and game select like a the nittest of nits. I've always said that I think the most important thing to moving up stakes or shot taking is that initial first few weeks. If you can run good and build up momentum and confidence you're set. Luckily for me I ran hotter than the sun and was working harder/more hours than I really had before and putting myself in ridiculously +EV situations all the time, mostly running hotter than the sun. During poker sessions for me in the past, I feel like I play 1 or 2 really big pots during that time that in a way save that session from being a disaster and help build back up momentum to end the session on a positive note. During this time period It felt like I had this happen soooo often. This sounds like I'm writing about the positives of shot taking, well in that magical perfect world this might have been the perfect scenario. Once PTR (pokertableratings) went down I really stopped caring about trying to put myself in those magical +++EV situations, which is another blog post entirely as well (one which I have actually wrote).

I think that story is pretty relevant to the reason why shot taking for myself now and for many others takes place. Most people always remember those epic runs they have had in the past where they made xxxxxx amount of money or that time someone they know or follow went on a ridiculous heater shot and that influences their decision to do it. I actually know 3 people who pretty much busto'd themselves shot taking during the time period I was and they told me the biggest reason they did it was because of my run at the time. Obviously this is a pretty extreme example and not really the angle that I am writing about here but I think that mindset still applies to a lesser degree. This is more geared towards the 100-200-400 regs out there. I think 100nl/plo is the first limit where you can really start to earn a good amount of money for yourself when you take into account bonuses and the first limit where I remember feeling that shot taking bug in me. I know there is a pretty large amount of people out there that grind these limits with less than 100 buyins in their bankroll and always worried about going on a bit of a downswing and putting themselves into this idea the "danger zone". I've personally always played with a variety of buyins for that limit but a majority of the time I shot took most would consider underrolled. I remember I used to play 10 tables of 5/10nl with like 25-30k online

I wish I realized this 3 years earlier instead of a few weeks ago but it was never really that obvious to me. Most of the time when I played higher stakes it was when I was on a bit of an upswing and my confidence was at a pretty good peak, I would then end up losing 5-10+ buyins at a higher limit which is pretty standard for PLO, whether it be by me running bad or playing bad or running bad/playing bad and be a bit crushed everytime about it and curse the poker gods for my bad luck and with my confidence shaken return back to the lower limits. Sometimes I've made the mistake of losing a bit more buyins than I should have allowed and have to drop back down to lower than my regular limits and grind it back up again. Obviously to the logical grinder's out their this seems really dumb but not many of us fall into that category which is good for you. The biggest downside that I've experienced without realizing it in the past but after looking over my data is that during that time I drop back down with shaken confidence, my play suffers a pretty sizable amount and sometimes it might take only a few days with a bunch of hours played or sometimes even longer to get back on track and back in the groove. During that time spent shot taking and returning to form I could have been in a pretty steady path at my regular stakes crushing away and gradually moving up being very over rolled and able to incur those losses without being to hurt emotionally or bankroll wise and do it a logical way but 150 times I have chosen not to do this. Although I did have that huuuuge upswing so perhaps with that occurring and the "potential" for something similar to happen again it is justified but I would argue having that happen to me was actually one of the worst possible things to happen. But I'm not sure I ever would have come to the realization I came to now without it.

One of the other big downsides to shot taking that I have heard more people talk about is that when you win a few buyin's shot taking the feeling is not as great as when you lose a few buyins during that same time. Everyone has a different approach to this happening but it seems that many of my friends I've had over time take the negative losses very bad and sometimes they end up just not playing for a period of time and essentially wasting a few weeks recovering from that while feeling terrible on their day to day activities in the process. I probably could expand a bit more on this and a few other ideas related to downsides I think occur but that writing sensation that comes over me about once or twice a month is fading away as I get more tired. I do have another blog post pertaining to goal setting and ways to plan to achieve them almost finished that I have been working on for the past month or two with some success that I think will be able to really help some people out there.

I should go back and read this before I post it but I'm semi sleeping at this point so I will say a small prayer that I logically wrote all this out and I didn't make too many grammatical errors along the way


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dubstep? by k4ir0s, October 02

Do any of you actually like this type of of music?

I really like electronic music, but this just seems.. so shitty.. I don't understand why it's so popular?!?

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$3 on PS/FTP for proofreading by nlloser60, October 02

only around 100 words long, non technical.

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Proper blog by jvilla777, October 02

Hey LP,

It’s been awhile since I last blogged. I also decided to try and write up a proper blog rather than just random updates. Some of LPers(Marshall, Goldrush/Neilly, Dustyswede, DJforever) actually motivated me to write it up just like theirs.

I haven’t played poker for about 3 months now, because every time I tried to play I had mixed feelings about it. I felt like I was more forcing myself to sit down and play rather than actually wanting to play. I felt like I had no motivation in doing so, so then I decided I will give it a break. I still do love it and basically visit hands that’s being posted on here. I am currently still at 25nl basically starting from $30 and have never busted this roll. Basically I am rolled for 50nl but have learnt a boring nitty br management. I still do like to watch poker games on YouTube, and see hands unfold here on LP.

After this semester I will basically have 2 subjects left to do at UNI. I have told myself multiple times that I felt like I chose the wrong degree but only realized this halfway through my studies and could not turn back. I have no idea what the fuck I’m going to do when I finish, I’ve spoken with a uni students about this and people that have positions in organizations and have come up with my own conclusion that most businesses and organizations don’t really care about what you studied in university or what so ever, most want to see the experience you’ve gained while being at university. Yes the kind of degree that you did only shows an interest in the field you want to work in but does not necessarily give you a gold pass in getting a career. Therefore the degree that you have finished only shows these employers that you are capable of learning and have the ability to push yourself to learn so when they do employ you, they can provide you the essential training and experience you need to be able to work for them. Basically experience is what matters to most employers since I guess they prefer you do the job rather than train you first. And when they do decide to train you, the want to see that degree to show them you are willing to learn.

Also for the past 2 months my motivation turned to getting fit and healthy, I felt like I wanted to get out more and not stay in so much. I signed up to the gym and had no idea wtf I was doing. But I felt like we only get 1 chance in life to do stuff so why not try new things. The first few times I walked in to the gym I felt intimidated and never tried to make eye contacts with nobody. But the more I went there more confidence I gained, I kept doing my own research in regards to nutrition and which foods to eat. The more research that I did, the more I felt like wanted to go and work out. I could feel minor changes in my body and my sleeping pattern. I slept more and started to get a pattern of waking up early in the morning. This basically became the time that I went to the gym. I started by going about 4 times a week and then in the last two weeks I have been going every day.

I feel so much better and healthier and as I continued I felt more confident in myself and feel like I can do more things during the day. And now also I’m craving to play poker but I’m going to limit myself to only play for 2hrs max at any given day.

Also if you like you can follow me on or on for daily healthy food porn and gym motivations.

LOL also thanx for this pic which was posted by LPer in the ROFL thread

My current transformation n BAAAAAAAANE MASK!!!!

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Sports Betting? by thewh00sel, October 01

So, I've been thinking for a while how inefficient it is to have a huge chunk of cash just sitting around (bankroll) doing nothing for me other than being a security blanket for running bad in poker. I'd like to have that money working for me. I've always been intrigued by sports betting but have only dipped toes in the water so-to-speak. I know practically nothing about any sports other than knowing some of the known players and whatnot. I have no bias to any teams and am not a fan or anything because, tbh, I think sports and watching them is a huge waste of time.

Now that I have all you sports fans on my side, how many of you place a large amount of wagers each week? How much time do you spend handicapping the games? Line shopping? Do you focus on specific sports or do you bet everything? How much time per bet would you say sports betting takes for you on average? What websites do you visit to get all of your stats/info/etc that you feel gives you an edge? (especially interested in that) If you bet a lot and were to give advice to a beginner, what would you say/where would you send them to learn the ropes?


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Korea & Dota update by Arirang, October 01

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September by ToT)MidiaN(, October 01

Abysmal month in every respect. My birthday night out wasn't what I'd hoped, fitness and diet plans continue to be stuck on hold as I can't find the motivation to get back on it, I had to sell my M3 and downsize (To a 2012 MkIII Focus ST2) due to high running costs and continually high expenditure in general and to compound the problem I barely played any poker and when I did I couldn't win for shit.

I've now left myself 121,149.28 VPPs short of the 400k VPP milestone, so I need ~40k each of the 3 remaining months, an amount I've not achieved in quite a while. It would be stupid of me to get to 370k VPPs or something and leave myself just 50 hours short of the 400k VPP bonus, which I believe is $3.2k, or $64/hour extra JUST for the milestone not including the 100k ish FPPs (Another $1.6k bonus) that I'd make on top of that. Guess I gotta pull my finger out this month, especially as I'm gonna be in Ireland for 6 days late in the month and have another couple of weekends taken up by birthday parties and following day hangovers. Not gonna be easy.

In terms of actual winrates this month I didn't do too badly at all, just I tended to win at 100NL zoom and lose at 200NL zoom, a trend that seems all too commonplace in the last couple of months. I continue to experiment with my game and I've made a lot of changes to both my preflop and postflop game plans, and it seems to be going well mostly, I just need to get in more volume and stop running like dogshit at 200NL. If I get really short of time in which to make up VPPs I might have to look at jumping in to a few 500NL zoom or even 200PLO zoom games to catch up a bit, though I'm likely small dogs in both those games when they don't have especially weak lineups.

MTTs continued to go shite. WCOOP was a waste of effort. I got relatively deep in a few tournaments during WCOOP, but they were mainly some of the smaller tournaments I was playing alongside the WCOOP events which had small buyins and thus small returns, and none of them was deep enough to final table unfortunately. I almost bought in to the WCOOP main event with 100% of my own action just hoping to luck box but I had already been awake 12 hours by the time the tournament started, had been active all day and thus felt way too tired to commit to the ~12 hours or however long you have to play to make Day 2. One of these days I'll luckbox something though, I can't possibly be a dog in the lineup of virtually any MTT in existence.

Anyway; Screenshots:



New Car Pics:

Overall results:
VPPs: 13,771.60
Cash: -$224.99
MTT: -$1,091.21
Overall: -$1316.20 (Not including bonuses and FPPs)

October I really need to force myself to play a lot more. Hopefully a minimum of 40k VPPs and a decent winrate to go with it. Standard goals of spending less (yeah right..), getting back onto a reasonable diet and workout schedule and in general being healthier and more productive. As the weather gets colder I'll hopefully find more excuses to hermit and actually achieve these goals instead of going out and getting shitfaced every other day -_-

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Trip to Toronto this weekend, tips on what to do? by Balzamon, September 30

Hey guys!

I did a blogpost in the beginning of the year asking for advice if I should take a semester abroad in London, Canada (NOT England). I thank everyone who said I should, I've now been here for a month and I'm very pleased with everything!

So this weekend me and some other exchange-students will go to Toronto (~2,5h drive) Friday-Sunday. Tips on what to do during this fairly short visit? Sadly there wont be any NHL-games during this time.. I guess we will do some basic tourist stuff like CN-tower, and what more?

I'm a big fan of asian food, so maybe a visit to the "chinatown" of Toronto, any solid restaurant recommendations (doesnt necessarily have to be asian, I heard about "little italy" as well) ?

And what clubs should we aim for during this weekend?

Really enjoying Canada! If some fellow LPers happen to be in Toronto/London during this time give me a PM!

On another note, when the finals exam are done here in mid December I dream of going to British Colombia or similar to snowboard until I go home 29 December. Havent really met anyone here that's also up for it so if you are planning a trip there/got experience of the area I would greatly appreciate any input.

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DREDD by NewbSaibot, September 30

Everyone remembers this movie right?

Released some time in the early nineties during the height of Stallone's popularity, it turned out to be a cheesy campy action movie with no soul. For some reason hollywood felt possessed to recreate it, and for some reason I felt possessed to watch it now that it is on Netflix.

But I said God Damn! God Damn! This movie was actually really fuckin cool. The story is thin, nothing more than a vehicle to drive some of the most hyper gore shootouts I've ever seen. The catch is that they're all artistically filmed and awesome to watch. Think "Matrix" bullet-time stuff, but with the bullets actually penetrating meat. The new Dredd is the Doc from Star Trek ->

Who's constant scowling under his mask is almost humorous

In fact, he never takes the mask off. Not once do you ever see his full face. Still, the movie has some sick original shootouts, some pretty extreme violence, and makes you completely forgot about the original 90's shit version and is totally worth your time to watch if you have Netflix.

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500$ Party for Stars by MadeInPolanD, September 30


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