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My Paypal, Your PS ($50) by Santafairy, September 29

I'm too stupid to make a deposit on PS so I'm looking to transfer $55 via Paypal for a $50 transfer on Pokerstars. I'm pretty sure I can receive a transfer but we might want to try $0.01 first.

I know I have no reputation on LP, but my TL account is oBlade, so you can trust me. And if you can't trust me, I'll let the account be collateral. Hope someone can help me with this favor.

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How does this happen? by Gnarly, September 29

Is it even worth looking at your hands in bb for tournie monies?

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freeroll score by LemOn[5thF], September 28

Got 8th in the monthly stars free roll for $1200.
Busted 77 v 88 with 3.5bb against 7bb LP shove

This is kinda lol since I am moving, spent money on deposit and ran super bad this month my BR was super low at around $600 and was looking at temp jobs today- jesus clearly wants me to gamble.
EDIT: Shouldn't rly whine tho, it's my fault since I played just30k hands and acted like I was on holiday. Well I was on holiday but it wasn't good anyway

Starting in October I am sharing a flat with 2 hardworking 30+y olds and all my life will be poker and floorball baby :D

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Carbon really hates me. by Gnarly, September 28

I ran into flopped straights about half the hands I played tonight. Fuck yea!

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How much to ask? by Gnarly, September 27

Let's say you were given $1k to manage in a stock and you have a potential return of $113,000 if not more. How much would you ask for in return for a fee?

inb4 lel@100x increase

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One Thought by 2c0ntent, September 27


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Epiphany thought process by LemOn[5thF], September 26

Wow how'd I miss this?
I've been very results oriented recently not feeling like I'm moving forward, always got tilted by bad beats and took plays v players so personally. And I was bored/frustrated.

Since my long break I forgot one totally fundamental part of my thought process. When I was at my best I was influenced by "where the buffalo roam" series and my thought process was very much like that. Basically I'd think about the spot and consider what I want to do here with all my range ignoring my holding (in that series they have cards covered completely) and when I decided the cards just fell into that range, and I could move on when I made the decision
I guess that's totally standard for you guys but I somehow forgot or got lazier and lazier until I stopped doing that completely and just played my hands, putting more thought process on the villain his range, dynamic and how to play it with these two cards.

=>CONSIDER WHAT RANGE YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH, not the hand. Hand just falls into that range.
The time flies by when I think like this. No
time to think about beating bastards, when I go all in I made my decision and it's nor good or bad when I lose. When I do this, when the spot comes but I have different cards, I have already thought about it before which takes a lot of pressure of my brain

The session is done, and I can be 10 byins down but I wouldn't know nor care, the time flies just like ages ago before that thing called normal life with jobs, girlfriends and career trouble took the joy out of the boyish grind that I loved so much during the heyday of my poker career.

I know this sounds like bullshit to you guys and it probably is but today poker was more fun than it has been since I first interrupted my career, because of a "career"

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PLO 6max! by GoldRush, September 25

PLO 6max on the IPhone is epic..

Today at lunch I won 2bi. Great day off.

up like 28k or so, my backers account was literally hacked, saw all the proof, $9k was stolen, that was a big hit to the profits I made (every 10k I make I can move up a $100 limit (ie when i hit 20k i could play 215s etc) - was really stressed out the last couple days, but stars finally got back to him after a few days thank god.

have a nice chunk in the account anyways, was mostly gonna be fine, just not the optimal scenario to be in abroad imo.

Getting back OTG tomorrow, nothin to big lately, chopped a 11r for 6.7k last week and chopped the 55 60k turbo for 8.1k with 800k 3/4 stax were 425kish,800k(me),1.25k,2.1k - Was happy with the figures, I never look at lobby - ended up busting 4th too so that worked out well.

Hrm, been going out some, friends here are vv chill, have some good students on there way thing else, ah, wcoops are stressful i tell ya lol, they are good at numbing you for the 10-30k hits though, after playin for such high figures daily, the 10k hits seem like 2k hits, so thats kinda a great experience, this was my first year playing mostly any wcoop 500 or lower i wanted

those 109 2r1a i play for $209 (5k starting) and they are like 7-10k a night. I loooove em. Took down a $33 2r1a Sunday for 4.3k, but somehow I am 6.5k or so in makeup give or take 400. (I did just need to take a loan though, was on last $20 in wallet in Ottawa lol)

Lifes been pretty chill, feel like im workin for nothin kinda, but thankful and very happy to be working at same time. Have only paid off 2 debts and put a 22% or w/e chunk in a 5k debt im payin off so far, just hoping before end of year i can be free for 2014 one freakin time for real.

ok my rants over,
GL to everyone

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Last Few Months by djforever, September 25

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Me by GameOverNoob, September 25

In high school I tried opened a modeling agency. I was under the assumption that my business partner, who at the time was working for an existing agency, had a client he could sign. It was going well, and I got to hang out with models and experience trendy clubs for the first time but we executed poorly, attempting a game of smoke and mirrors, and he didn't sign. That was my first deal and I lost 200$.

When I was sixteen, I started a poker room downtown. I convinced my boss at the restaurant I was working for to partner with me for 800$. When i needed more he backed out. Woot! I managed to get the resources i needed from a dealer at a 5-10 game. And it worked out well! Too well. It wasn't even a few months before my main competitor closed down and the promoter came to work for me. Unfortunately that same promoter brought in some intimidating and shady businessmen to relieve me of my position. I had to "exit" after 6 months and got a royalty of 500$ a week and a job as a dealer. That's when my friend, the dealer with the resources (500$, a poker table and a car) was shot. Unrelated to the business. He was shot twice in the head while visiting his old college. Major depression followed for me. He was in a coma for months until he woke up miraculously and is now "ok". The Montreal casino opened up a poker room around this time and the club closed. I got involved with some less than admirable people and did some mildly bad business practices. After 6 months I got myself out of the trouble i was going to get into but life was a mess and i was depressed. Addiction followed. At 20 I got clean, moved back in with my parents and got a job working for a legit poker room outside the city. I introduced pot limit omaha to the club and then got promoted to a "sort of marketing position". The actual job was replaced by the owners son. I quit and back to feeling like shit. The last 3 years, i haven't done much. I likely won't get back into online poker. Now, i'm 24, i live at home with my brother, my parents, 2 dogs and what i think is a good attitute. When you have as much time as I've had to think, and you're interested in as many things as I am, it's easy to get flooded with options. I'm going to start a small business licensing technology for restaurants and working on becoming focused and energenic enough to go to school.

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random update. poker/life by MARSHALL28, September 25

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SO SICK by Mortensen8, September 24

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selling 10k 8game action by b97531, September 24

Well it's that time of the year again. I'm feeling good about my game and have got my sleep schedule synced up with wcoop and looking forward to another ~9 hour bubble again

I'm looking to sell up to 50% of myself, but will be playing regardless of how much I sell. Currently have sold 5% so there's 45% left.

Am charging 1.15 markup so $118.45 = 1%
send to Filthy999 (Australia)

Will post graphs once the pokerstars hand histories arrive, but the tldr version is I'm up approx 75k this year over however many hands 136k vpp is at 10/20 to 40/80 8game.

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Another blog by DustySwedeDude, September 23

So I haven't written anything in a while. I actually wrote a long long post that I wanted to do something with a while back, but then when I read it again when I was less tired it just made no sense and sucked pretty bad.

So I just lost my first 20k pot at 10/20, at least I think it's the first one. Had maybe 10ish 15k pots played and I've probably played some bigger ones at 25/50. AQT32ccc vs QQxxx and 44xxxm, both with some backup draws, on Q54cc in a aggressive 5c PLO game. Obviously the 44 hits quads on the turn. Had a horrible day the day before yesterday and wcoop has be lol-bad for me so far, so I'm on track for a shit month. Got various dumb ideas on how to proceed but I'll probably just take a short break from poker.

I'm really happy that the Gustafson vs Jones match, I had no idea he was that good but I've been a fan since 2010 ( so I'm really happy that he finally gets recognition as one of the best fighters in the world. I'm guessing they'll have a rematch sometime next spring. It'd be so cool if it was in Stockholm but I assume they'll put it in Vegas or at least in a better time zone. Although I read in the paper that some manager at "Friends Arena" wanted it in Sweden in front of about 60k people.

My girlfriend is finally getting her back fixed. After a lot of retardation ( it's finally a set date for when she gets surgery. I had to spend a fair bit of money since the first doctor (public health care...) didn't think it was anything but thanks to the MRI we got on a recommendation from a private doctor we went back into the system and when they saw the results from the MRI it was very obvious that they would have to do surgery. I'm so damn happy that I decided that the first one was a retard and that I had to get a 2nd opinion, best decision I've made this year. Also made sure to come with her to the appointment this time just in case, which I think was probably good.

Been watching a lot of Dota 2 and played it a bit lately. It's really entertaining.

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LOUIS CK by mnj, September 22

surprised he's so popular. surprised ppl want to hear this

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Girls update by Floofy, September 21

So after my fail of last time cuz i couldn't cum, i decided to "fix this problem". I went hardcore on cardio, took my "five gs" herbs again, started a multivitamin, and cut back on jerking off.

The first thing which happened is i meet a girl, i think on monday. So i had sex with her, and surprisingly, i lasted only 20 min and i was hard the whole time. The problem is this girl really isn't good looking at all, and she seemed to want a relationship, so i asked her to only be fuckfriends and she agreed. Made it clear i got no interest for more and she was fine with it.

but then, on wesnday, i actually meet 3 girls in the same day.

The first girl, lets call her sarah, we took a nice walk, went to a park and talked. She seemed interested in me and very insecure. Then we went like, next to water, and i kissed her there. then at about 5 pm i left, and she kept asking things like "will u see me again". This girl is actually decent looking, a guy even told her "nice tan" while we were walking.

Then i went to meet another girl.... but this time it was a movie date but... WITH HER FRIENDS. i really didn't like this date setting but i didn't really have a choice so i just accepted. I supose it went ok, i made some jokes and stuff, but i didn't have the balls to try moves on her because she didn't seem too open and her friends were there... But this one i thought she was pretty good looking.

Then at the end of the night i went to see my FF, and had sex again. Again, lasted like 20 min.

and now finally, today, i meet sarah again. We walked a lot outside, did some running. went to the park. then we cooked together. finally, we watched a movie. At first, she seemed very hesitant to have sex, it was kind of difficult because whenever i tryed to kiss her, she would do some kissing but didn't went to really make out (she wasn't stupid, she figured out what i was trying to do), but after some effort she eventually gave in... but now i had the opposite problem from last time!!! I made sure not to jerk off for a few days, and she turned me on for like an hour before the sex... and her pussy was like real tight... so i came like REAL fast, maybe not even in 5 min. Then after the sex she again asked "will u see me again". lol.

So now, does this mean i need to stop seeing my FF? i guess so... I'm planning to just keep seeing sarah.
Also i think i might stop my herbs, lasting less than 5 minutes isn't too cool lol

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ur opinions? by ugly, September 20

Longtime friend contacts me - we catch up - find out she is in same city (new for her) is recently married and is seeking advice for cheap way to fix her car cuz it won't start.. give advice then don't talk for weeks until I get txt that says "Can u come get me"
I'm like huh wtf so call and she answers but doesn't say anything and instead turns off display so I can hear what is happening.. husband is being abusive yelling screaming crying hitting and throwing everything at her so I go pick her up after she hangs up and calls cops..

Now she is at my place with no id passport atm card laptop or anything working or valid as husband destroyed it all so I say she can stay until she gets new atm card thinking car will get fixed by then as it is just a starter on a civic and shes planning to go to her moms or dads. Car apparently got towed by husband (maintenance man at the apartments witnesses it) but husband denies this to the police.. This seals deal for my friend as "marriage over" and she starts to look to see what needs to be done for serving papers. Little bit of time goes by car still can't be found and is reported stolen and atm card is not in yet

After car got towed stolen or whatever there is a change.. she's pretty hot already and I don't know if it is because now she is more comfortable or what but starts to wears daisy duke shorts around the condo sometimes be braless etc.. I have only been a friend and stated such in the beginning but I feel like morals are starting to get tested since she is always there..

Cuz of the missing car I do not know how much longer she will be here but it is definitely longer than planned and her marriage definitely seems over in every aspect except on paper. I think she might be raising the sexual tension subtly on purpose and what at first felt very wrong is starting to shift into maybe not so wrong.....

How wrong is it to you to sleep with this woman?

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march-July by Stroggoz, September 20

havn't played in 2months but saw this thread that got me thinking about the state of the game

i will comment on my experience in poker over these 4 months, since i played 44k hands of HU during that time.

In march i adopted a strategy of never playing more than 4 tables and game selecting a little harder, ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! I had been switching between mass tabling and 4 tabling but just decided to stick with 4 tables forever. (Anyway, it's not a new strategy, i've tried it ever since being inspired by longple's success a few years back.)

This strategy was so i could(hopefully) improve faster than the other regs. I also stopped playing zoom, and only played the slow 6max tables to give me time to observe everything. I've never improved as much in such a short time span as that 4 month period playing poker.

Playing only on pokerstars i'd be surprised if you can get more than 3k hands vs fish in a month from bumhunting hu. (1fish a day, average of 100 hands).

So i'd say about 75%+ of my hands were against regs. Since the worser regs dodge every reg, it was mostly vs the top 10% skilled regs of each limit. (there were some tilted regs willing to play sometimes)

Are people still improving?

Of course they are. To put it in perspective, in 2012 when i started getting into midstakes i knew a reg that would play everyone they could HU, and would grind a lot of 6max, making 400k a year. They refused to improve and relied on their innate gift of mass tabling to win $, and in 2013 they are breakeven over 1mill+ hands, and free money for me to play HU. They recently started dodging me. When i first played them in 2012 they crushed me. I'd say there are a lot of regs like this.

The rate of improvement in poker is still big, but the game is 90% table selection nowdays, which kinda sucks.

And i am suspicious of some of the players these days that make terrible mistakes like opening way too loose from utg(24%)and still have a giant winrate. A lot of the Russians seem pretty bad to me and have average table selection but seem to make a ton of money. Im not the only one that has this suspicion.

Anyway, might come back to poker soon.

my results

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I love being the bubble! by Gnarly, September 18

Yet again, I play very fucking well, have a chip lead of 4 to 1 on the second biggest stack, and then for a few hours, the stacks just keep getting passed back and forth. Best hand keeps losing. Saw someone fold aces, fucking ACES to a shove from someone who shoves with 85o. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU FOLD FUCKING ACES?! I just don't get how someone thinks that folding aces with two blinds is a good fucking move.


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Some solid results by GoldRush, September 18

So after arriving, i got myself 10k in makeup, got up for a week or so but didn't make much, went 11k back in make-up - cleared makeup last night by hitting the 11 rebuy (chopped 4way for 6.7k)

(loans 1.33/1 (was 1.5/1 for moving costs) til im up 50k then 1/1 same as br mu - gettin there!)

Today I hit the $55 Turbo we chopped 4way again for 8.1k, i don't mind chopping if I'm in 3rd or 4th, things worked out pretty well last couple days

back OTG soon, gonna wake up late tomorrow, go for a bike ride, relax - do some meditation, n come back for a session most likely;

k, so i got the win but as u know this is just the start of payin off that DLIST i have (I took 13 months off in the USA pretty much *played just enuf 2 pay the bills and did things to improve my quality of life*)

so after today i was up like 4.9k, after the profit chop, heres everything that i paid off and what I did;

This is 50% to freedom ladies n gentlemen lol...

it was at 45kish once upon a time, ppl thought i'd never get there, i think i can, i think i can, then CHARLIE WAS EVERYWHERE! (Payne STOP!)

now its at ;

baza88 500 paid today (9/18)
Reid 300 paid today (9/18)
artanis 5000 1079 sent - 3921 left (9/18)
quocy 400 send that to him asap western union
andrewboccia 750 hes checking - not sure if paid
robinson47 500 msg him on lp not sure if paid (robinson47 send me ur skype!)
bullshit on lp 2000 (send me ur skype info plz) (someone msg him 4 me)

ptp 6.4k - take care of this after directly after my boys

its like 14k there not so bad can get that cleared before my birthday with some good run (Oct 3) one timeeeeee to be freeee!

did a cashout for 500 for food n supplies and paid off 1850 - after the 50% profit chop of 2500ish each

Never give up.


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