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Stop loss vs Practice/Volume
  UN4, Mar 13 2011


So I finally got out of NL10 (Thanks to Arirang for all your help) and I was doing O.K. at NL25 until today where I lost 400$ in 2000 hands.

I feel like when things start to go bad, it never gets better, it only becomes worst as I keep playing.

So I was wondering what do you think is a good stop loss I could set for myself ? Because clearly I'm awful at playing when I'm stuck.

The thing is I don't have that munch time to play poker, so I feel forced to play every seconds that I can because otherwise I'll never get out of this shithole that is the micro stakes. But then again if I keep playing worst when I'm losing I won't progress either...


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Comments (16)

And I though I finally had it figured out
  UN4, Feb 13 2011

I'll never beat NL10.

Fuck my life

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Comments (12)

How does one improve one self ?
  UN4, Jan 09 2011

Hey everyone,

I've been a under-achiever for all my life. Barely doing everything I do, reporting stuff all the time and just being lazy. I feel like I've never given my all to anything before, I've never seen or shown my true potential. I want to start changing things and turning all that around.

I'm starting school next week and I could use that opportunity to make my life an healthier and more sane life.

I want poker to spearhead this change, I want to give my all to poker, I want to succeed where I so far failed. I'm taking about a major improvement, I need to start figuring shit out and owning shit up and keep improving.

Any tips on how to improve everything I said, both regarding my life and poker ? Is the only way to improve in poker just to play a ton of hands ? How many hours a day or a week do you guys spend studying vs playing poker ? Is getting a coach the way to go ?

Thanks for the feedback, it's really appreciated.

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Selling Myself for coaching
  UN4, Oct 02 2010

I need help. Help that I can't afford.

Some people contacted me in the past offering to coach me for a % of my winnings over a given period of time or stakes.

I'm willing to give a pretty high percentage and discuss the time period as well. Contacted me on here or by PM if interested.

My strong points:
- Can play for 8+ hours everyday.
- Love to go over hands and over theory, can dedicate time to that as well.
- Past experiences as a professional gamer.
- I want to learn and get better, don't care about the money.
- I believe my overall thinking process and approach to the game is pretty good.

Ready to start as soon as you are.

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Comments (9)

Probably my biggest leak
  UN4, Sep 26 2010

In the last 200 hands I played at NL10 SH. I played 6 hands in which I correctly read my opponent's hand ranges to a point were I was 80% certain of the exact cards. I made the play I considered optimal in each situation yet it backfired.

This ALWAYS happen to me, like at the very least 4-5 times a session. And since I trust my reads I always end up losing huge pots. Especially when I play deep... I think this is my biggest leak, I just lose so munch to stuff like that (see examples provided) it's unbelievable.

Here are the last two hands where I was 100% right about villain's range or exact hands and still lost.

Submitted by : UN4

NL Holdem $0.10 BB Poker Stars Game#50193338623

Tiggi23 $26.22
SKIDADZ $15.38
By.EIite $30.09
farjolboy $25
Artomeon $33.10
gryghy $12.91

Tiggi23 posts SB $0.05
SKIDADZ posts BB $0.10
gryghy antes $0.02
Tiggi23 antes $0.02
SKIDADZ antes $0.02
By.EIite antes $0.02
farjolboy antes $0.02
Artomeon antes $0.02

Dealt to By.EIiteAd 6d
By.EIite raises to $0.32
fold, fold, fold, fold,
SKIDADZ calls $0.20

Flop (Pot : $0)
SKIDADZ checks
By.EIite bets $0.50
SKIDADZ calls $0.50

Turn (Pot : $0)
SKIDADZ checks
By.EIite bets $1.20
SKIDADZ calls $1.20
RIVER $4.175d 9s 7c Jc 6h
SKIDADZ checks
By.EIite bets $3
SKIDADZ calls $3
SKIDADZ shows7s As
Pre 61%, Flop 78.7%, Turn 90.9%

By.EIite showsAd 6d
Pre 39%, Flop 21.3%, Turn 9.1%

SKIDADZ wins $9.68

Submitted by : UN4

NL Holdem $0.10 BB Poker Stars Game#50193452142

farjolboy $25
Artomeon $33.04
gryghy $14.20
Tiggi23 $26.38
SKIDADZ $18.95
By.EIite $25

farjolboy posts SB $0.05
Artomeon posts BB $0.10
gryghy antes $0.02
Tiggi23 antes $0.02
SKIDADZ antes $0.02
By.EIite antes $0.02
farjolboy antes $0.02
Artomeon antes $0.02

Dealt to By.EIiteAs Jc
fold, fold,
SKIDADZ calls $0.10
By.EIite raises to $0.42
fold, fold,
SKIDADZ calls $0.30

Flop (Pot : $0)
SKIDADZ checks
By.EIite bets $0.60
SKIDADZ calls $0.60

Turn (Pot : $0)
SKIDADZ bets $1.10
By.EIite raises to $3.30
SKIDADZ calls $2.20
RIVER $8.876s Qc 2c 5c 2d
SKIDADZ checks
By.EIite bets $6.20
SKIDADZ calls $6.20
SKIDADZ shows6d Ah
Pre 28%, Flop 81.0%, Turn 72.7%

By.EIite showsAs Jc
Pre 72%, Flop 19.0%, Turn 27.3%

SKIDADZ wins $20.23

Any tips ?

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Comments (21)

Could anyone help me out ?
  UN4, Sep 13 2010

I've watched every DeucesCracked videos made before 2010 and still have them on DVDs.
I've read the best poker books.
I'm on multiple poker forums. Posting hands.
I read every interview/strategy article I find.
I play/study the game 10 hours a day.

And I'm losing at -6+ BB/100 at NL10.

Could anyone help me out ? Maybe watch me play over Skype and Mikogo or TeamViewer and tell me what I'm doing wrong ?

I've already lost countless thousands of dollars and I'm down to my last 400$. I cannot afford to pay a coach hourly. I could offer a % on my action if someone wants to coach me on a long period or something.

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