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[H] Transferring $850 from FTP to stars
  KwarK, Mar 11 2008

Reputable people only. Helps if I've heard of you and you have a decent postcount. Willing to transfer first in increments of $50. Whenever is convenient.

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Comments (7)

[H]Improving FTP display
  KwarK, Jan 24 2008

I've just switched from stars to FTP and I'm finding the appearance of the tables fairly difficult to get used to. What settings do you guys use to ensure maximum clarity? At the moment I'm forced to one table because I just don't notice when it's my turn to act.

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Comments (5)

  KwarK, Jan 24 2008

I've been unable to win a hand all night. Slowly grinding up a buyin and then being outdrawn for the lot by donks who shove their backdoor flush draws on the flop. Very frustrating stuff. Normally I get at least one decent suckout to counter it but tonight was all bad. Got university now and I've been up all night losing money so all in all I'm pretty pissed.

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Winning session!
  KwarK, Jan 12 2008

Since Artanis staked me and I restarted 25nl I've had some fairly big swings. From up 80 to down 40 or so. However one thing has remained universal. I always end within 10 of where I started. Like 4 sessions in a row. And not a progressive where I started in which I could make a few dollars each session but rather within 10 of what I had when I was staked.
This session treated me nicely. I ground up about +75. Not as high as my high yesterday but after a cooler I realised that it was time to stop. I needed a winning session, it's been far too long. What I didn't want was another +80 only to end on -8. Last few hands cost me a few more dollars but I quit over 2 buyins up. A very good result, my first winning session in almost a fortnight. I needed this and relatively happy to stop this session.

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Comments (4)

  KwarK, Jan 12 2008

I'm down about half my bankroll and I've not had a winning session in about 2 weeks. It's mostly just been coolers and bad beats. I'm still confident my play can beat 25nl and I'm just waiting for this doomswitch to end.
A typical hand is this.
Submitted by : KwarK

PokerStars Game #14500118352: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2008/01/12 - 08:09:01 (ET)
Table 'Tatry' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 1: xNited ($15.95 in chips)
Seat 2: pokerinreer5 ($17.55 in chips)
Seat 3: hauki77 ($8.15 in chips)
Seat 4: KwarK_uK ($47.25 in chips)
Seat 5: pisdezwsem ($9 in chips)
Seat 6: teofilio ($33 in chips)
teofilio: posts small blind $0.10
xNited: posts big blind $0.25

Dealt to KwarK_uK 7s7d
pokerinreer5: raises $0.25 to $0.50
hauki77: raises $1 to $1.50
KwarK_uK : calls $1.50
pisdezwsem: folds
teofilio: folds
xNited: folds
pokerinreer5: raises $1 to $2.50
hauki77: calls $1
KwarK_uK : calls $1

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $7.85)

pokerinreer5: bets $0.25
hauki77: raises $5.40 to $5.65 and is all-in
KwarK_uK : calls $5.65
pokerinreer5: raises $5.40 to $11.05
KwarK_uK : raises $30.70 to $41.75
pokerinreer5: calls $4 and is all-in

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $43.60)


River (Pot : $43.60)


pokerinreer5: shows KcTs (a flush, King high)
KwarK_uK : mucks hand
pokerinreer5 collected $17.85 from side pot
hauki77: shows AcTh (a flush, Ace high)
hauki77 collected $23.60 from main pot

Total pot $43.60 Main pot $23.60. Side pot $17.85. | Rake $2.15
Board  5c2s7c4cTc
Seat 1: xNited (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 2: pokerinreer5 showed KcTs and won ($17.85) with a flush, King high
Seat 3: hauki77 showed AcTh and won ($23.60) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 4: KwarK_uK mucked 7s7d
Seat 5: pisdezwsem (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: teofilio (small blind) folded before Flop

A big thanks to Artanis for staking me and believing in me.

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Comments (8)

Humility is expensive stuff
  KwarK, Jan 07 2008

I sustained a 12bb/100 winrate at 25nl over Christmas. I made a lot of money. I thought I was pretty good. I tried to move up to 50nl as Christmas was ending and I paid for it.

I now know that I was not as good as I thought I was and that I was simply benefiting from the constant happy hour that is Christmas. Once it was back to regulars I could just about break even at 25nl, and I certainly wasn't ready for 50nl. This has been a very expensive lesson, about half of my bankroll in total. But I feel it is an important one anyway.

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Comments (2)

50nl is brutal
  KwarK, Jan 04 2008

I've started taking shots and at about the same time got doomswitched. I'm not getting the money in behind often, but it's not paying off. Moving down again because I lost 360 trying it. A lot of money to me atm, about a week of running good at 25nl.
I also lost 100 at 25nl. It just wasn't my day today.

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Comments (2)

25nl ftw
  KwarK, Dec 27 2007

My sustained (well, 7k hands isn't sustained yet but it's looking that way) victory over 25nl is leading me to believe it is actually easier than 10nl. For me 10nl was an insurmountable wall, a challenge which I funded by dropping down to 2nl over and over to recover my bankroll. 10nl was my Everest. One short heater a few days ago allowed me to escape it, despite knowing that I could not yet win reliably on it, and attempt 25nl. And it was glorious.

At 10nl I am 1.6 bb/100 over about 70,000 hands.
At 25nl I am 10 bb/100 over 7,000 hands.

Depressing stuff, but I've escaped it now and I'm never going back. Should I ever have to drop down again it'll be to 2nl.

Anyway, a few graphs.

10nl before Christmas

10nl Christmas holidays


So, 25nl is leaving me happy, rich, and looking forward to 50nl.

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Comments (5)

Christmas Coolers
  KwarK, Dec 25 2007

Submitted by : KwarK

PokerStars Game #14102245908: Hold'em No Limit ($0.10/$0.25) - 2007/12/26 - 00:17:35 (ET)
Table 'Iphigenia' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 1: Muck19 ($44.20 in chips)
Seat 2: Harquebuse ($39.95 in chips)
Seat 3: czaja67 ($24.65 in chips)
Seat 4: sweetnessabc ($14.75 in chips)
Seat 6: KwarK_uK ($48.10 in chips)
KwarK_uK : posts small blind $0.10
Muck19: posts big blind $0.25

Dealt to KwarK_uK 5c5s
sweetnessabc said, "had a boat"
Harquebuse: folds
czaja67: folds
sweetnessabc: folds
KwarK_uK : raises $0.75 to $1
Muck19 said, "yes, thats rough man.. all im saying"
Muck19: raises $1.50 to $2.50
KwarK_uK : calls $1.50

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $5.00)

joeyg1 joins the table at seat #5
KwarK_uK : checks
sweetnessabc said, "yep"
Muck19: bets $1
KwarK_uK : raises $3 to $4
Muck19: calls $3

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $13.00)

KwarK_uK : bets $12
Muck19: raises $16 to $28
KwarK_uK : raises $13.60 to $41.60 and is all-in
Muck19: calls $9.70 and is all-in

River (Pot : $88.40)


KwarK_uK : shows 5c5s (three of a kind, Fives)
Muck19: shows AcAs (three of a kind, Aces)
Muck19 collected $86.40 from pot
sweetnessabc said, "twice"

Total pot $88.40 | Rake $2
Board  Ad5d8c2c4c
Seat 1: Muck19 (big blind) showed AcAs and won ($86.40) with three of a kind, Aces
Seat 2: Harquebuse folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 3: czaja67 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: sweetnessabc (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: KwarK_uK (small blind) showed 5c5s and lost with three of a kind, Fives

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Comments (7)

Heading for greener pastures
  KwarK, Dec 21 2007

I've cashed out almost all my BR (about $800) and am heading to rednines. My aggressive style generates ridiculous amounts of rake and it annoys me that stars takes about 60% of my profits. Add a 100% bonus on up to $500 and hearsay that 10nl on rednines is as easy as on pokerstars and I'm there.
I left $50 on stars to keep me amused until the cashout goes through and I doubled that last night so life is looking good. Although Christmas is getting expensive so I'm seeing less of my winnings than I'd like.

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