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LAN ETS (Montreal) by Arirang, March 01

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February by ToT)MidiaN(, March 01

After a good January I expected more of the same in February, but it was not to be. I set 3 goals at the end of January and I failed on each one.

The first and foremost goal was to get back on track with SNE by getting in greater than SNE volume in Feb. I fell a long way short and only managed to play enough to make 50,108.55 VPPs, putting my yearly total to 113,467.52, about 50k VPPs short of SNE pace. I've never been a high volume player so this is a lot for me, but given all the time I have, I really ought to do better. I do have a poor internet connection which has slowed me down and there has been a couple of other reasons for the lack of volume. One reason is that I got a new car and I've managed to tally up ~2k miles in the 3 weeks since I got it at a cost of almost £500 in Petrol and a lot of hours away from the tables. Secondly my social life was way busier than normal and I think there was probably only 1 day in the entire month where I did not spend most of the day out the house despite poor weather on the whole. Also, later in the month I replaced 500NL Zoom with 100NL Zoom tables so that obviously negatively impacted the amount of VPPs I could make per hour.

As disappointing as it is to not get in the volume I'd hoped to, I wouldn't mind that much if I hit my other 2 goals. I aimed to make a positive EV winrate at 500NL Zoom, and in short; I failed miserably. I've now played almost 100k hands of 500NL Zoom this year and I've "made" -$8.4k in EV. I have never played any limit of NL and had a negative winrate over 100k hands so I'm struggling to deal with this at the moment. I can't help but feel like I've ran atrocious, and I certainly have ran AK/QQ/KK into better hands way more than opponents have into me, flopped set % of <10, and when I do hit one have frequently ran into overset/straight/flush etc. way more than in my favour, but after a sample as big as this I also have to consider the possibility that I might only be barely better than a breakeven player running poorly at best, or sadly, perhaps even a slight long term loser. Maybe I've been "coolered" so much because I'm being outplayed, perhaps people are making hero folds vs me in some spots where I wouldn't fold in their spot. I definitely need to rethink some spots and see where I'm going wrong. I'm definitely motivated to improve because if I cannot play 500NL without donating, then there is no way I'm going to achieve SNE. If I 8 table 200NL+500NL Zoom I can make SNE with a little over 3 hours a day average, if I 8 table 100NL+200NL Zoom, that jumps to about 4.5 hours a day, which is simply too much for me. I couldn't sustain that for a month, let alone a year. Hell, looks like I can't even sustain 3 hours a day let alone 4.5 hours so I really need to plug leaks etc asap or just reduce my goals.

I've managed much better at 200NL Zoom overall and I had a positive winrate there in February also, but sadly not as big as the 4 EV bb/100 winrate I had aimed for. It's clear to me that 200NL Zoom is considerably easier than 500NL Zoom (Duh), but I don't feel like the gap is as big as the results I've had so far this year indicate. Yes it's tougher, but there's also slightly less winrate ate up in rake and a lot of the same players play both 200NL and 500NL Zoom (Though admittedly, not the best of the regs) so it shouldn't be THAT much tougher.

I avoided MTTs this month, and only played in the Quarterly $1mm freeroll, but busted not too far short of the bubble on a flip.

Obligatory screenshot:

Monthly summary:
VPPs: 50,108.55
Cash: -$5,067,31 (Not including rakeback and bonuses)
MTTs: +$0

I'm not going to set any win x or achieve x winrate goals this month. I really ought to pay less attention to short term results anyway. It's clear that you can crush one month and get crushed the next without doing much different (As is proved by my January and February results, although I conceed January's success was largely due to running way above EV), but I would like to put in a lot of volume. SNE was always the goal but I can see that quickly slipping away, especially as I have a bunch more social obligations in March which will severely hamper how much I can play. I'm mainly just hoping to rebuild confidence at 100NL+200NL Zoom early in the month and then get back into 500NL zoom if I can and not lose too much ground on SNE if possible. If I can not lose too much ground with SNE and end the month with enough confidence that I can win at 500NL Zoom then I'll still have an outside chance of catching up through April/May etc, and if not, then I guess my SNE hopes will be done by the end of next month. We shall see!

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You know February by Target-x17, February 28

Terrible volumn but I Have my reasons. Good run tho way above pace for a 100k year

working next two weeks maybe unfortunately to keep my part time job at the post office because well poker can head south and its not that far below my hourly canadian goverment jobs pay damn well.

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F---Uary by Enigma, February 28

Feeling kinda negative about my downswing last few days of the month.
I have this problem when I feel like I am getting run over/unlucky/coolered etc. I play worse.
Anyways I played a new record number for myself of over 12,000 hands in 1 day. Only braking even (ended up -0.29$ lol).
Some of you ballers might scoff at such a low number but It is impressive to me.
Got the Mental Game of Poker about mid-month and you can see the upswing, that is due almost entirely to this book. Still need time to let all it has to offer sink in, but at the very least has made me aware of problems I can work on fixing.

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February! by player999, February 28

Moved up to 200s, was having a pretty good time with 1 negative day only on first 20, and then after that it all went to shit. Ran completely terrible at 200s, though I am completely comfortable there and won't move down ever again. 90k VPPs for the year which is ahead of pace for my half-SNE goal.

Did bink a MTT on the only day I played them for 10k, but even that I only had 50% since was swapping all tourneys 50-50 that day w/ a luckbox friend. All good in the end I guess

Biggest beat of the month is still going back to college imo, taking a few classes just because why not.

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February by Mortensen8, February 28

backup job makes me monkeyish

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Need staking by F4Zi, February 28

Hey guys,

Been a while since I posted on here! I have started to dabble back onto some poker in the last few months, however, I don't have any bankroll left.. after spending it all in the last few years. Though, I have 3 months left of my final year of my degree.

I am looking for someone to stake me on FTP and Stars mainly for HU NL cash games (0.5/1 to 2/4, maybe even 3/6 if you can afford) and the odd 3,4-handed when necessary.

Also, looking for tournament stakes up to 200 dollars per tournament, especially on the weekends. I am able to play weekday evenings and weekends. So average about 25-30 hours a week.

Let me know if anyone has some ideas or is interested!


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Foxwoods trip report (WARNING LONG AND QQ by Rinny, February 28

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Video commentary by MARSHALL28, February 27

So I had been talking about doing something like this for a while. Finally got someone to put it together, shout out to newb saibot for helping me out with the editing.

Let me know what you guys think. And if you'd like to see others, post links of the hands you'd like to request.

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Housing during WSOP (Rental help) by Rush, February 26

Been semi-looking for housing for this summer's WSOP. I was hoping someone might have a good site/company that they've rented through before that might be more reputable than others. We have 7 people for all of June + 1st 2 weeks of July. It's been a bit difficult to find somewhere that's 1. Close to the strip 2. Big enough 3. For the right amount of rental time i.e. not longer than a short term lease.

If you guys have any suggestions, let me know. Thanks

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in light of recent events by spets1, February 26

here's a poem i wrote back in 2010.



Priests abuse little boys
They treat 'em nice
And buy them toys
Tell the kids night stories
To parents: “no worries”

When sun sets down
The church gets loud
The children scream
The priests make cream

The reason for this
Stands as it is
The priests are gay
And need the lay

...(new rhythm)

The church is a boys club
No women in the place
Who else would want to be there
Only fags commit to that faith

Just think about it,
to be a priest
You cannot have a girlfriend
No wife.
No sex.
No one night stand,
You can't do drugs..
play in a band..
The only love,
is in your hand

The only thing you are to do
Is worship God forever
fuck that my friends
I'd join never

But lets imagine
you were gay
The church.
A great idea
There's only boys,
alot of dick
The choice
is pretty clear

I know this story
Brings church no glory
But I despise
This dirty way to paradise

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WBCOOP by Luis9071, February 26


Hello my name is Luis Enrique Guevara, im 22, im an accounting student and i play poker for fun whenever i can! i've been playing since 3 years now, i start playing when my brother teach me the basic rules of nl hold’em one night of chill with some friends, and after that night I didn’t play poker till the day my brother download pokerstars software and then he told me to make an account and I start playing on play money cash and then I change to sngs and after like 3 months I start playing real money with the bankroll from pokerschool but I bust pretty fast, I continued to play play money and then freerolls and then I deposit and start playing real money and taking more serious the game cause I usually only play live in a casino of my hometown and I love it, but when they closed the casino I needed to keep playing my favorite sport so I come back to play online on PS and from that day i’ve been playing and playing and trying to be the best and improve my game cause i love this game!

I’ve been from robusto to busto a lot of time so all i want is to play more poker everyday and learn all i can and i want to play with the best of the best poker players! My favorite pro is Jason Mercier cause he’s a beast playing poker i like a lot his style and my dream is to get to know him one day.. and discuss some poker with him, i will be perfect if i can play with him one time too! so i think this wcoop is an opportunity for me to play with the best poker players in the world learn all i can from them, and if i win I think i will get to play a lot of scoop and try to get to play full-time poker and demostrate that mexicans are at the level of any other poker players...

And after i win i could get to play some major tournaments and maybe go to some live events.. and i want to help my parents with my education too, they had help me a lot in my life that i just want to give some back to them.. all i want is to win cause i love poker and i want to be better than anyone else ! I think i can be the perfect guy to represent all the bloggers over the internet!

In my Opinion Pokerstars is the best site in the world! Im proud of playing there!
And I expect a super good run on this WBCOOP! :D


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WSOP events at ceasars by Gsr_01_integ, February 25

WSOP events at ceasar Ill be there from the 8th til the end of the series just wondering if any LPers will be out for the events and wanna do anything. PM me or something and we can meet up and party

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February by aernout, February 25

Yeah, I know Feburary ain't over yet but since all the topics always float after the end of the month with the title of the month I thought the blog would get a little more attention.

Grinded some 50nl FR this month, not nearly where I wanna be at. Had very shallow volume, planning to set some volume goals else I'll be a buster forever(was thinking about 3 hours playing/optional 1 hour studying). I'd like to hear you guys opinion about motvation for volume n shit.

Also I bought alot of books and planning on reading them. just some I'm planning on reading: ace on the river, ace on the river, mental game of poker, psychology of poker. Also got 2 books of Randy gage: why you're dumb, sick & broke and risky is the new safe. Don't know if you guys now him but I thought he seemed to have some good ideas (don't wanna go to in depth cause of last thread LOL). Oh and any recommendations for poker books are welcome, also planning to read mathematics of poker after I read these ones.

Got a new 124gb SSD and 3T HD for what it's worth noting, SSD is especialy amazing cause I'm importing hands at about 4-5x the speed.


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Fire by Highcard, February 24

House caught on fire this evening. Power line into the house exploded and dangled outside the door, exactly where I stood 10 seconds prior. Threw a snowball at the fire coming from the disconnected line that was going into the house. GG

Snow Balls rule

Coincidentally I have 16 pre-made snowballs along the fence outside for various purposes, which are as follows:

a) because you can only make them when the snow is sticky. Now I have snowballs everyday regardless of the winter weather.

b) because my dogs loves playing fetch

c) because they have high projectile properties. Good for headshots/tree trunks/putting out fires.

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First tourney cash ever by napoleono, February 24

This happened back in the day, it's been like 3-4 years already - a regular Wednesday evening, right before sleep. Had a couple of $ laying in my Stars account and I've seen a hold'em tourney with only 50 players registered. Thought it would be a fast one. Oh boy was I wrong. After the first level of blinds, I found out that it was a Mixed Hold'em event. Had no idea about LHE, never played it before. So I thought, well I'll limit myself as much as possible to NLHE, just playing the obvious premium hands in LHE. Everything went better than expected, I've ran pretty hot, considering I didn't have the slightest cue about poker back in the days (not that I'm any good now, but I was even worse :D), and I ended playing 3,5 hours just to get to the FT. Was superexcited and it's a feeling compared to none other. At least it was for me. I was checking the lobby every 4-5 minutes to not forget about the prizes, haha. It was 40$ first, 27$ second. Even though I didn't manage to ship it, I finished second, which considering how many times I was at risk with 7-10 BB's at times, it was a super result. Also I had a big deficit going into HU play (4-1 dog, I think), and managed to pull back to almost to even. But the German guy won a flip in the end and shipped it all. However, I will remember it for a long time, not only cause it was my first FT, but everyone was chill and willing to chit-chat. All-in-all a super fun night and hey, my best placing in an MTT! Totally worth for feeling like a zombie the next day at the university.

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Favourite poker moments? by vhallee, February 24

I know there's a lot of fellow Liquid members who enjoy both StarCraft and poker, so to you I ask a simple question: what is your favorite poker moment? Is it when you win a tournament, when you outplay your opponent, when your aces hold or anything else in between?

Before I let you guys answer, I'll give you my take on this. Like many of you, PokerStars is the go-to poker room if you want to enjoy some games. They're huge, they've got great software and fantastic support, so what more could you want right? Even US players know that, sorry you guys can't enjoy poker on Stars anymore I hope things will change soon.

My favorite moment has got to be winning a tournament. It's not necessarily about amount I win. The thrill of moving up in ranks as your opponents get eliminated one by one is amazing. Stars is known for running tournaments 24/7 and I remember the first one I won when I started. It was actually a Sit & Go tournament, but damn it felt amazing to win it :D

It happened back when I first started playing poker and I remember receiving an email from PokerStars saying I got $10 free in my account. Having never really played before, this was basically a mini Christmas, and boy was I happy! ALMOST as happy as the Nintendo 64 kid.
PokerStars has successfully transferred $10 into your account. Good luck, you'll need it.

There was a catch though: I had to play at least one tournament if I wanted to keep the money. I had no prior experience so I started asking some of my friends for advice - which one should I choose, when is the best time to play it, etc. Eventually I set my eyes on one $1.10 Sit & Go. Just one. I felt that was the right one for me. And I was gonna win the shit out of it.

Armed with the knowledge collected from my poker-playing friends: high cards are good, 7-2 is bad mkay? And raise your aces, because this is how bad beat stories start - "so I limp with aces..." Anyway I sat down and waited for the final countdown. Damn it felt tense.

After about 20 minutes of play I managed to win and it felt amazing! Sure, I only won about $3.50, but I got to keep my $10! Woohoo! I obviously got cocky and thought poker's way too easy so let's play some more. Lost the second Sit & Go, got angry and developed an intense hatred for pocket eights in the process.
Pocket eights. Not even once.

Going back to this blog's topic, I have to say I find it quite strange that I enjoy the thrill of playing (and winning) a tournament yet I try to focus mostly on cash games. I guess it's because of variance and how with tournament poker you can hit huge ups or downs, whereas with cash games it tends to be slightly calmer.

What about you guys? What do you consider to be your favorite poker moment and why?

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Music by Mortensen8, February 23

Well I usually make these drunk post that end up being worthless. This one might be too, but I think I have something worth considering.
The relationship between music and your mental state of mind.
Many pepole listen to music without considering that it might effect your consciousness. I have often listened to genres of music and felt hyped, violent.
The fact that plants grow well with the supplement of classical music and badly with other forms of modern music suggests something to me.
In ancient Greece there were laws about the melody or wherther or not the music was acceptable or not.
The rise in shit music is everywhere around me inharmonious generally irritating music seems to permeate my everyday life and I have to seclude myself from it.
Pythagoras was especially vocal about this issue and considered stringed instruments to be the best form of sound.

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Donate to Students! by thewh00sel, February 21

I know that a lot of you guys often want to donate to charity, but it's hard to be sure where the money goes. Well, if you want to donate to some Kindergarten students that will receive what is advertised, here is a link to do so:

Fun With Math
Mrs. Parmann's supplies project at Somerset Academy - Oakey Campus in Las Vegas, NV

My Students: Do you remember sitting at your desk doing math problems from a text book? Kindergarten students need to be up out of their seats and engaged in math practice that feels more like a game than school work.

I have 47 wonderful Kindergarten students who are very passionate about their learning. They attend a charter school with wonderful parent and community involvement. My students work hard but need more hands on math activities to get them more excited about practicing math without a pencil.

My Project: Kindergarten students learn best with hands on experience and interacting with their fellow classmates. My students actively engage in reading centers and they are ready to start independently practicing in math centers. My students will be able to practice their math skills through fun games where they will not even realize that they are practicing skills they need to master before moving on to the next grade level.

Having fun math games will allow students to actively participate in Kindergarten math skills. Students will be able to use these math games to build mastery without it feeling like classwork. Not only will these games better their understanding for math, but they will build social, good sportsmanship, and team work skills. « hide

My students need math games, including peg number boards, a math lab on CD-ROM, folder games libraries and more, for fun and engaging math practice!

materials vendor price # total
HH965X - Pop & Add Games - Complete Set Lakeshore Learning $79.99 1 $79.99
LL707 - Match-The-Number Counting Chart Lakeshore Learning $29.95 1 $29.95
TT625 - Peg Number Boards Lakeshore Learning $34.99 1 $34.99
HH966 - Pop & Add to 12 Game Lakeshore Learning $24.99 1 $24.99
HH462 - Beginning Operations Folder Game Library Lakeshore Learning $34.99 1 $34.99
JJ395 - Subtraction Bingo Lakeshore Learning $9.99 1 $9.99
JJ394 - Addition Bingo Lakeshore Learning $9.99 1 $9.99
GG845 - Place Value Extra Student Pack Lakeshore Learning $4.99 1 $4.99
PP876C - Place Value Hands-On Interactive Math Lab CD-ROM Lakeshore Learning $99.50 1 $99.50
HH460X - Early Math Folder Game Libraries - Pre-K-Gr. 1 - Complete Set Lakeshore Learning $129.00 1 $129.00
Vendor shipping charges $0.00
State sales tax $35.98
3rd party payment processing fee $6.88
Fulfillment labor & materials $30.00

Project cost excluding donation to support $531.24

Optional donation to support $93.75

Project cost including donation to support $624.99
Partner funding offer -$312.50
4 donors -$85.00

Our team works hard to negotiate the best pricing available.
To go $227.49

Your donation will go directly toward helping kids in my wife's Kindergarten class, and future classes. Thanks for looking!

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Deadlift, nl50, BB. by GoTuNk, February 21


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