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Forex? by 2c0ntent, February 20


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lolheater by gawdawaful, February 20

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Cashing out :/ by LemOn[5thF], February 19

I'm moving flat, and work has been really slow lately.
Basically I do direct sales, and the product we had was free but they changed it from everyone can get it to only poor people on benefits can get it and my earnings dropped fro $700/week to below $300. I made just $160 last week, although yesterday I ran hot and made $160 in one day.

Luckily from tomorrow we will be doing new stuff - hard to treat walls basically it's a $1500job for free for everyone regardless of poor or rich and I get paid $100 for one so money will start rolling in again plus in a few weeks I will be selling alarm systems for $160 per pop, should be easy to make $800+per week if I run hot, but there is a lot of swings in sales and we get pay with a 2 week delay.

sales is kinda like poker
the more hands you playpeople you speak to the more money you make are as long as you can avoid tilting keep positive attitude and keep studying and working on your lines, thought process, 3betting etc. pitch,turning negatives closing etc.
It's a lot of variance and negatives in both, just in poker it's hands you lose and in sales it's negative people. Plus you have the whole building teams stuff in sales which I'm not into so much so far, ima selfish bastard

So I will have to Cash Out
To bridge expenses related to moving. I have a rule that I never put money back into poker apart from the initial fiddy bucks so I will have to cut my BR by 40-50% basically.
The good news is that the flat I'm moving into is a cheaper as I'm moving in with my director from work so after I get settled I should never have to cash out ever again and can finally do what I wanted to do in the first place - treat poker purely as a serious hobby and never be afraid to play the highest stakes possible just because if I blow up I lose deposit money.

I will just end up with graphs update since deposited $50, I play a lot more cautiously than I'd have to if I didn't know that I need the money, and it's affecting me especially when I play NL50.
Once I cashout get settled I will be a lot more aggressive, because I find it's a lot ore fun when you know you can make 20% of your BR in once day if you have a huge session, just helps me focus more and brings out the inner gamble to a healthy amount

BR is at $2136, but will have take it down to $1300 or even $1000 :/

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Long due update by SpasticInk, February 19

Started to play again this month after a long time of inactivity (1.5 year). Basically a lot of things has happened. Not sure where to start.

After the fall of FTP my roll was stuck there (around 7k), and regrinding on PS went fine but I had to cashout too much (cashout curse) to pay rent and stuff. Decided to quit and focus on school, I'm currently enrolled at Copenhagen University, studying to become a psychologist. Done in a year or so. With FTP coming back I cashed out most of it to pay off debts.

Also had my first child 10 months ago, eats up everything (enery and time).Pic from summer:

But back to poker. Decided to take som shot again and deposited a couple of hundred $ at PS to play nl25. I have a great rakeback deal at a smaller network, but software and games tilt me big time. Playing on PS is relaxing and easy to put up loads of table in no time. Everything so smooth.

So, I've played around 25k hands of NL25 with good success. Running good. Here is graph:

Gonna stab nl50 the next couple of sessions (6 buyin shot) and move down immedietly if it fails. Going to table select pretty hard in the beginning, cause no need to battle 5 regs while moving up.

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NYT article on internet gambling by hoylemj, February 19

"Tech Industry Sets Its Sights on Gambling"

Has some good info and links in it that helps sum up the progress that's been made so far on it's legalization. I just started reading it...

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Losing weight-bet by DustySwedeDude, February 19

So I made a bet with my father in law. I'm supposed to lose 16 kilos in 4 months. I started at 108 which makes me a fatty and first two weeks I managed to lose 5.5kg. I think it's mostly water weight, but still. Feeling fairly good even though I'm sleeping a bit more and I notice that without carbs I can't play 12 tables for shit. Not all bad new though, 6-tabling makes me play better. My strategy is to take one or two decent walks each day and eat very clean, very often and not very much. I'm eating tons of fruits, cottage cheese, greens, yoghurt and berries. I also eat a lot of chicken, some meat with good nutrition values and fish. In addition to that I drink vitamin drinks and some protein shakes (those with few calories and extra fibres) to make sure I get all the stuff I need while I'm on this diet.

Gonna start running as soon as I can without risking breaking my legs on the snow/ice/general crap on the streets and possibly take some green tea extracts and other things if I stop losing about 1kg/week. Probably going to cut a little bit of water or something the last day or so to win this little bet, but that shouldn't be a problem. When I reach 92kg I'll try to keep losing like 2kg per month or so until I'm at 85kg or so. I think that'd have to be my goal.

This brings me to another point. I'm absolutely horrible at doing things half-ass. When I put a ton of energy into something, this bet might actually be borderline unhealthy, I tend to preform really well but if I try to do something less then 110% I tend to under preform a lot. Is this true for most poker players?

Anyway, poker went very well in January and while I've won a fair bit (low 5 figs) this month two my volume has been pathetic and I really have no excuse other then the diet and the lack of energy I feel from it. Might try to ad some carbs in the mornings or whatever. Also toying with the idea of playing like 100 MTT's ranging between like 20 and 250 EU buyins and see how I do. Watching a couple of MTT videos and it seems really fun and might be the change of pace I'd need. It also seems like it might be slighly softer then cash games.

Other then that Fringe is a really nice TV-series that should get more buzz. As far as movies goes I want to see The Master, Lincoln and maybe Silver Linings Playbook. Are those any good?

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The BJJ kumite by Daut, February 19

Lloyd Irvin, a famous scumbag (those stories are for another day) grappling instructor put on an invitation brown belt no time limit submission only tournament he has dubbed the BJJ kumite. His student, Keenan Cornelius, is the next big name in BJJ. He won all of the biggest tournaments (worlds, world no gi, pan ams, european championships, brazilian national championships) at middleweight and absolute as a purple belt last year and was recently promoted to brown. Lloyd wanted to prove that Keenan was the best brown belt in the world, so he invited some of the other best guys in the world to compete against him.

Check out the 3 episodes:

Really enjoyed watching these. Lit a fire under my ass to start training a bit harder.

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Turbo Brag by Target-x17, February 18

years mtt turbo stats and graph

E>=90 01/01/2013-02/18/2013 3,763 $5.29 $10.29 65.7% $19,889 81 $61,231

with that out of the way I been pretty fucked up and barely grinding. About a week ago after feeling pretty good all of a sudden I just lost all control of my senses and felt dizzy really hard to describe. Ive had similiar things happen which im pretty sure its vertigo my ears are pretty fucked. I thought I was dieing or something and couldnt even control my arms at the worst of it. Im pretty sure I had what id describe as a panic attack because of it (also a symtom of vertigo) and it was fucking scary these went on for the next 3 days and I felt completely retarded, and fears of having brain damage etc sent me into those 1hour+ panic attacks although I controled them better with positive thoughts after the first terrible one.

Between them I had like extreme dizzeness + out of tune senses for three days but its progresively got better the first 24 hours were scary enough and I kept expecting to wake up better but it never really happened although in the third night it got alot better.

Well Im obviously gonna see a doctor but im just glad the worse seems to be over.

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Cellphone surfing by ugly, February 18

Is there a way (like an app or something) as to where u can surf the Web in constant desktopmode and not fkn mobile mode at every other site? I I have the feeling this is going to involve rooting which I haven't explored yet

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HSP by LemOn[5thF], February 17

Revisited some older episodes, Durr's plays finally make sense to me now :D

What are your favourite seasons/episodes/hands?

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Progress report by MARSHALL28, February 17

So it appears my original goal for this year of earning 400k is going to fall out of reach. Not because I'm unable to accomplish the task, but rather because it just doesn't make sense for me to do it. With US tax law being the way it is, up to a certain point of income (250k), a lot of my work reaches a point of diminishing returns. The percentage is just too high and I don't get to keep enough of the money I earn in order to justify how much extra work I'd have to do to reach that number of 400k.

I realize I have the option of leaving the country, and I've definitely been considering it a lot the last few weeks. I actually feel like I'm at a point right now where every decision I make could have large and sweeping consequences for the direction my life goes. It produces this feeling of ... uncertainty in me, a feeling that really hasn't come into play in many decisions I've made in my life in the past which makes these current ones much more stress inducing.

Whether or not to leave the country is such a tough one. I was having a discussion with a non poker friend about competing against the top players in the world and while explaining the situation to him, I just came to the realization that I won't really ever be able to compete at that level.

My initial excuse was I'm not nearly smart enough. I think I'm definitely above average in intellect and definitely smarter than the average pro poker player, but the guys at the very top I feel are so incredibly brilliant that for me to even get to the point of being able to sit in the same games as them I would have to pour everything into poker. The reason I feel this way is because I've spent a good amount of time talking to some of the guys who compete with the best, and some of these guys ... as smart as I think I am ... I can't even hold a candle to them (getting a bit of deja vu, I feel like this is maybe something I've said before in blogs past, but it's just true). The difference in their ability to pick up and retain information, their ability to recall tiny details and put them into action, and the foresight that they have to see the pitfalls of certain decisions way down the line is something that just astonishes me. Can I understand it when they explain it to me? Yes, but that doesn't mean I can actually perform at that level in game when it comes time for those decisions to be made.

In order to reach that level it would mean I'd need to spend probably 50 hours a week, 30 of which would be strictly time spent just studying. I'd have to give up drinking, exercise regularly, eat as balanced a diet as possible.

Even if I had my heart set on it, could I really be disciplined enough to do every one of those things? I just don't think I'd stand a chance. I wouldn't even want to. I don't believe that the marginal utility of my time spent would increase my quality of life, it might actually make it worse.

So I haven't been playing any poker for about three weeks, which is fine since I really didn't play any poker at all the first 5 months of the year last year and still had a very successful year. NFL season is over anyways and the games seem to die down around this time so it's not a huge deal for me to be playing too much anyways. They'll pick back up slightly when the NBA playoffs start though and I'll be sure to be ready to put in some hours then.

Right now I'm putting poker a bit on the back burner. I've been looking into purchasing a property to help shelter some of my funds from the massive amount the government takes out of my yearly earnings. If I didn't have to pay taxes I feel like I could really be a "baller", but because of that huge check I have to write, I'm just not. I guess I now understand why so many mid stakes poker players have moved to Thailand. It's so cheap to live there that poker earnings are enough to live like a king. It's not for me though, I'll never go there. As much as I can't stand American politics and even with how badly I see this country falling apart, there's really no where else I'd rather live.

I guess I'm going to drop my original goal of earning 400k this year and move it down to 249,000 since I want to avoid the jump into the higher tax bracket at the 250k point. I've been on a bit of a skid lately, think I'm down about 30k since January 21st which puts me right around +35k for the year so I'm definitely sitting in good shape. Need to earn about 21k a month starting in March in order to reach that goal and I feel pretty confident I can reach it as long as the games don't get significantly worse.
I've been wanting to start a website for a while now as an adjunct to my career in poker. A site that would have it's own forums, a blog area for me to write about poker stuff like this, a video section where I would make the occasional training video, and another section where I wanted to set out to analyze live poker hands that have been played on major poker shows.

I already went through and gave analysis on a hand from HSP where Durrrr 3 barrel bluffs Ivey on a board of KdQdTx while holding 89. It seemed like a cool idea for me to break down these situations from each player's perspective and to give the general public a bit better of an idea as to what's really going on in those player's heads in those situations --I even found some mistakes Ivey made. The only issue is I can't figure out how to edit the video and splice my additions into the main video. If anybody knows how to do this and would be willing to help me, please let me know.

At some point I'm going to have to start putting the time into learning other games than just 6max NL sooner rather than later. It's pretty clear at this point I'm going to be playing poker professionally at the very least until I'm 35 (29 now) and most likely up past 40. But by the time I hit 45 though if I'm reliant on poker as my sole source of income I will be extremely disappointed in myself. Glad I'm considering this type of thing now though since if I don't start thinking about it at this point, I'll wake up tomorrow and I'll be 45 and still be doing the same thing.
Okay that's enough for now.

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Eve vs Aphrodite by mnj, February 16


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Sunday Million 7th Anniversary by Fujikura, February 15

Sold ty =D

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2NL - shortstack strategy by FvL, February 15

Stop, don't shoot. Yet. I'm not trying to become one.
Just randomly thinking about the subject. In a way I feel bad for them.

Risk 40bb to steal the blinds + open raise for a whopping total of $0.09 or, if called, probably flip or worse.
And how do you get enough value out of your top hands?

Turning a cashgame, in which you're (stackwise) in no way limited to play
to the best of your ability, into a MTTish format where your stacksize
kinda dictates what you're supposed to do pre-flop.


And it's not like the majority of the players are super aggressive or open raise way to many hands.
They rather limp. Or, even if that was the case, wouldn't it be better to have more money behind?

It's 2NL!

But the real question is: how do you get to this point?
The point where you're unable to beat the lowest of cashgames, but more important, the
point where losing $2 becomes a problem.

The point where you should have considered quitting, two years ago.

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naked truth by spets1, February 15


+ Show Spoiler +

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Valentines Day Revenge by PuertoRican, February 14

"Thug" Rose Namajunas surprises her boyfriend, Pat Barry, with an "I love you punch" for Valentines Day.

Rose can be seen fighting in Invicta FC.

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Improvement by tomagio, February 13


So before i made a serious deal with some coach i tried (cause of your and others advices) to watch some videos and read some basic articles...For two days i didn't play but i was only browsing lp,2+2 and pokerstrategy . I think i changed my game and i feel more safer in play then before. I mostly improved red line and agression factor for a little bit (from 1.4 to 2.3). Here is random graph before and graph for yday and today

I think I'm gonna post hands, watch and read articles more then before and then I'll decide to deal with coach or not. But i think not, because i found this :

And I'm really thinking that I'm gonna buy this. Do you have some experience with this? It's more less the amount which i was prepared to invest for coaching. I think this is more valuable or do you think not?

So let me know if you know this pls

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"Tilt dies hard" by idonotremember, February 13

Hey everyone,

instead of spamming with my new posts here I decided to create and dedicate my new blog to a poker challenge I've set up for myself.
The idea of it and all the entries will be posted here:

If anyone's intrested, feel free to comment. Take care !

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dota2 invites by SPEWTARD, February 13

have some to give away just pm me or post here if interested. known members have priority.


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ipoker1 is rigged by drone666, February 12

I play regularly on 7 differet poker sites, and I gotta say, ipoker1 is definetely rigged, what happens there is unreal, looks like some players are really trying to lose their money but they can't because they run too hot

maybe is something to do with the fisheg ratio that they gotta maintain

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