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Potential Idea for TeamLiquid by mnj, December 20

If anyone has any clout over there, and think this is a good idea feel free to post it.

I think with all the different casting personalities, it would be pretty awesome to have a tournament that just invites casters and have some of the pros cast for this tournament. Think it would be a pretty good side event and can add to a large event like IPL.

mr. choi

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Game of Thrones Beer!!! by thumbz555, December 19

So excited right now. Besides the obvious beer inspired by an awesome series, it's Ommegang brewery! For those of you that enjoy microbrews and haven't tried it, it's time to hit up your nearest BevMo... Unfortunately they're about $16/22oz...

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To the swedes by SakiSaki, December 19

Yo! this is for the swedes and its about taxes so I will keep it in swedish.

Jag har nyligen fått brev från skatteverket och dom vill att jag redovisar alla mina vinster utanför eu i perioden 2008-2012, inklusive netelleruttag och gud vet vad. Antar att det är fler än jag som åkt på den här grejjen och undrar om ni vet hur man ska göra. Jag har skattat för min sunday million-vinst men utöver det har jag fan ingen aning om vad jag plussat eller gått back år från år. Just att det handlar om någon slags årsredovisning gör ju att man kan bli riktigt knullad om man typ plussat 50k 2011 å sen backat lika mycket 2012. Någon som har en ide om vad man ska hitta på? Bara ignorera skiten och hoppas dom ger sig? Vilka möjligheter har skatteverket att kontrollera uppgifterna man lämnar?

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Random questions on analysing your own play by Enigma, December 19

So I have been doing really well using HM to review my sessions, have been finding it very helpful (sometimes only to reduce tilt in certain situations).
I have been encountering a few recurring questions that I simply need other players to awnser.
How much value (bb/100) would you say is lost by being out of position?
I am not sure if I am playing poorly/too many hands OOP or if the reduced winnings as opposed to same hands in position is proportional to the loss of value that comes with playing OOP.

Defending vs players that steal too often. Related to the above, but I would think logically that you should defend (opponent steal%) - (% lost due to being OOP). So if they steal like 36% could you successfully defend 34%? only 30% etc. My default I believe is fine but there are quite a few regs that I see stealing way too often and want to punish this more.

How do you know if you are not playing certain hands well (eg. showing profit but unsure if played to maximum value)? Best I can figure to do is to mark those spots to look at, but even still it seems fine all the time. How do you find if you can play it better other than completely changing how you play that spot for the next n hands?

Apologize if these seem like fish questions, but I like to understand everything inside out. As I have found with my work (as I train many people in skilled operations) it is incredible how trying to teach someone else something you know very well can highlight where you have gaps in your own knowledge that were previously invisible to you. I have become enamoured with the idea of taking this approach with me to my poker game.

Cheers and good tidings,

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AUS BORDER PATROL by nolan, December 19

Man, this is the best show ever. I always forget about it then randomly see it on late night TV or something and end up stuck to the tele watching it.

I have no idea why I find it so entertaining but it really is good stuff.

Anyways, I've always had one question that maybe LP can answer. What is up with people from asian countries always trying to bring in food? I swear like every other episode is an asian family trying to bring all kinds of meat and food into NZ/Aus.

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The 12 Days of MMA Christmas by PuertoRican, December 19

Britney looks like she wants it, and I want to give it to her.

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December // 2012 by MARSHALL28, December 19

I'm gonna call it a year being +18k for the month so far in December. I can't complain at all since I really only played about 15 hours of poker. Locking in this win and not playing anymore until January. For the first time in my poker career, that puts me at winning >$200k winner over the course of the year.

It makes it that much better when the reality is that I didn't even start playing this year until June of 2012, and that a good chunk of my volume was at 2/4 up until early September. I think a reasonable goal for next year should be $500k. Gonna depend mostly on how much volume I put in, but I think as long as nothing happens to poker (nothing of black friday status), it's a reachable goal.

I had a request that I write a bio of my career since I started back in late 2007, if more would be interested in that, you need to voice your opinion. As of now I felt like I didn't really wanna put the time into it, but if enough people showed interest I might consider it.

Pokernews seemed to have made a big deal out of my most recent video series for cardrunners. During the series I moved down to 50nl and made three videos at 50nl, 100nl, and 200nl showcasing the differences between the stakes and what the guys at each stake were doing wrong. I definitely think it was one of my best video series, maybe my best--even though it only showed a few of the things I am doing today in my game it should still be very helpful for those at any of those levels. I figured that since those videos were making the news, and that quite a few players have been looking at the cardrunners forums only to see what strategy advice I am posting, it might be a good idea for me to make my own website. If I do end up making my own site where I give advice on hands, the 'marshall28 bio' would be the first post I make for the site.

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Microstakes by napoleono, December 18

So here is my first almost 20k hands, all of 'em played in Zoom Poker @2NL. Been running pretty good, but made some mistakes which are obvious even to novice eyes like mine and which I want to correct asap. Basically I've been playing super-duper tight and I've reevaluated my poker standards, the way I look at any pair preflop or at draws. It's been a good couple of weeks of learning, however I have some questions:

- from the moment I started playing super ABC poker my non-showdown winnings started going down. Why is this so? The main reason I can think of is that I play almost any pair (Nazgul advice for microstakes) with a preflop raise of a maximum of 3-4BB or I push the action if no one raises. However if I dont hit my set I fold and get the fuck out. This is like the only one thing I can think of. Is this even a problem? (I reckon it is, cause I'm losing money after all, ain't I?)

- how much should be my #BB/100 hands in order to feel ready to move limits? My BR ain't there yet, but slowly it's getting there

- i fear that playing this tight is creating automatisms that will keep me back if i manage to climb some blind levels. For example if there's a 4-5BB+ from EP I dont even consider playing AJ and AQ only if suited, unless I have notes about that guy. Any advice on this will help me a lot.

- I almost never try to steal blinds. Iunno, many articles tells me to do it, but i just dont feel its profitable and i almost completely stopped doing it. It seems like a bad idea when there are many calling stations who are ready to defend their blinds with basically any 2 cards and then its just a coinflip.

Image aint working, here's the link:


LE: LOL, epic night till now xD I've ran into AA or KK with QQ/KK at least 5 times and I lost 3 times with AA vs KK/QQ.
LE2: JJ can't hold vs 10 10, its getting funny.

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Life by Joeingram1, December 18

I've been getting a few messages recently to blog more but everytime I get in the zone I end up doing something else and falling out of it. I write the blog in my head and than I just forget all about it until the next time comes up where I want to write. As the people who have read my blogs know I'm very very honest and open in what I write. Some say it might be to a negative point but really I don't see a reason not to be, this is me, this is my life, this is what I think, this is whats on my mind. I think so many people experience things in their life and never talk about it or express it in writing for themselves. Since moving over here to Australia I really haven't had anyone to talk to, I have my friends I skype with sometimes but it just doesn't feel the same to me, almost not real.

I should give an obligatory poker update since my last blog had to do my current poker mindset/strategy. I pretty much decided to do a 180 from what I wrote about before. I was chatting with a fellow mass multi tabler who has played some PLO but not a ton of volume and he was saying he wanted to start mass multi tabling for VPP. I tried explaining him how this wouldn't work out but if he was going to try it some things he could do that would be effective. Then I started looking at my recent results and saying to myself why don't I try all this shit I am talking myself. I realized that I needed to play less hands when I was only playing a few tables but just couldn't figure out how to do that effectively and in turn my variance was insane and I was making many mistakes. I decided to try mass tabling again with a different approach to the game pre and post flop and see what the effect would be. In turn my sessions become much less stressful, much lower variance, hands became easy to play and in turn started winning in bunches. All the terrible spots I found myself in before went away and was able to essentially revamp my pre/post play and still add in parts of my game that I felt like worked effective when I was playing like a maniac. I guess the problem now becomes that playing midstakes is pretty boring when you have like 500 buyins for the limit you play and no motivation to go with it. I really have no desire to play 5/10 ever again so using that as a goal or building block to work towards isn't really in the picture. Everything I would want to spend money on I already have, excluding some extravagent car purchase, which really doesn't interest me anymore. I think this is just a phase that can be explained by the next paragraph though.

I feel some long writing coming on here but might be good for me. I basically decided to write this after my last tweet which had to do with my mom telling me I should never do drugs because they are bad for your mind and body whereas I countered with what about doing them to the point where you are not abusing them. The overall idea behind it was finding a balance with it. I have heard many people say that it can ruin your mind, but to me my mind has been locked in some sort of black hole all my life and never thought past some sort of basic level. I think right now I'm also just having an adverse reaction to recent events that have transpired here while being in Sydney and my mind just has no idea how to react or what to do so constant thoughts like this come into my mind. Not sure I wrote much about this but I moved here to Sydney for someone I met in Ibiza this summer and did some traveling with throughout Europe after. At the time it was like magic being with her and really felt like I HAD to come here to see the possibilities of finding something special that I never have experienced before. Throughout my dating life I really have never liked anyone in this way, a majority of the time feelings would never stick around for a long time and subsequently I never really ended up dating anyone in a serious way. Then comes earlier this year, I'm doing amazing poker wise, finally going out for the first time in my life and at some point with a few poker friends of mine I decide that I should try something I never have before. Since this time I have looked at the idea of love in a totally different way. I don't think I have ever loved anyone previous to this year but now in my life I have found love that I never knew I could feel with some constants in my life in addition to falling in love with 3 people this year. 2 of these the first time we met both of us were on another level together which in turn feelings that I never imagined I could ever feel for anyone else were experienced. One of the problems with this is that you are tricked into thinking this type of feeling will always be there which is what happened in the case of my Sydney adventure I embarked on.

When I arrived here everything started off well, which is to be expected. As things progressed I became pretty unhappy with my poor poker results and having no good friends out here to talk to about anything eventually detoriating the relationship we had. I don't really want to get much into the relationship but while I was telling myself that I'm going to really give it my best try mentally and try to make things work here because really I didn't have any other options for anything else out here, she had already moved on and was staying with me to make me happy and lying to me about what she was doing, her feelings, other stuff. Only after being confronted with actual evidence of did she finally admit to some of the lying that had been going on for weeks now. In a way I was quite impressed with the ability to come off us such a genuine nice caring person while also being a pathological liar with the ability to lie about something for hours/days/weeks. I have lied to women in my dating life to a certain extent, most of the time being I would not say something like "yes im dating you and 2 other girls as well" but those relationships were never serious and I rarely would find myself saying things like I actually care about you alot or your the only one for me type of things but once I actually made the move here to Sydney I decide that I would try this way of living out. Being honest, one woman, really caring for the person and in turn when something like this happens I just feel crushed to a point I have never quite felt before. I'm sure alot of the reason is that i'm in fucking Australia and barely know anyone else but at the same time I realllllly cared for this pos so its like on one hand i wish death and on the other hand it makes sense to me. Those first times we had together in our zone tricked us into thinking that more was possible when in reality it wasn't there. lol no idea where I was going with any of this but I think it was just explaing how I got to the point where I decided to make my last tweet I made. Writing this stuff out I think is good for me and will help me overcome these crazy thoughts running through my mind.

So now here I am still in Sydney, I have a sick place for 2 more months, a 5k bed that I never want to leave, whole bunch of other stuff I bought because I thought I would be here for a long time and really haven't achieved much of anything. So I decided that I would get out there in the world and see what Sydney has. Have been doing a bit more raging lately and you guys can probably guess that in turn I start feeling a little out of this world more often and my mind starts thinking ideas that have never come up for myself before. I am hoping once I move past this recent breakup that I will be able to learn from it and look at things differently but until then I really have no fucking idea what to do or think or feel. Poker not sure where to go, life not sure where to go, so many options, so many ideas, never want to make the wrong decision and live with regret.


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Worldofcdkeys by sChOuA, December 18

Hey Guys

Earlier this year i started a new project which focuses on affordable cd keys (Steam, Origin, Blizzard etc.).

You can find my offers on

Also i have an opportunity to get Sc2 HOTS Beta keys which come with the official version for the release, price in the range of 32-34 EUR.

Let me know what you think, any response is appreciated ;-)


Edit: now availlable if you pre order Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm you will get a beta key for free, price EUR 34.99 -

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NJ Poker Legislation by NeillyJQ, December 18

Hey guys, on the 17th and 20th of this month (been awaiting all month) - we are having hearings in the USA about the New Jersey Bill being passed.

On the 17th, the bill passed 48-24-4

heres the article..

not getting my hopes up, but startin to look to be going in a much more positive direction.

Thursday they vote again, we get looked at by the govt like once every year, so if this goes through, its pretty big to say the least.

we're appeasing all the casino's and taxes for the government by what I've read, sure theres more to it obv.

so many americans havent played online since 2006 UIGEA, so much dead money you guys have no idea. Most of us found a way to keep playin online from 2006-Black Fri - but all the randoms that just want to deposit and play quit then.

so now lets just hope pray and be patient, this should be a large step for poker, a large step for pokerplayerkind.

haven't used a #Onetime in a long time, never use them in MTT's, so heres my huge 1 time this year.


Oh, I played 4 days this month;

after the degenspree at nl200-nl1k losing 3k, i had 500 left, i rebuilt that up to 2k in like 4 days grinding this month. I've been pretty sick, and up all night, sleeping all no games run during those hours

finally got back on normal sleep schedule and ready to keep grinding up - mostly mtt's, some small stakes cg's (nl10-nl50), only mtt'z unless its like 2am, then i'll cg if im grinding.

ok well u guys have a blast,
happy holidays
i hope everyones doing very well,

Fayth, if you read this, are you doing the xmas charity again? Thats the best thing you do every year, and its like the 18th~

GL Everyone!

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1kish stars for paypal anyone? + days graph by Target-x17, December 17

Dont believe in credit cards but I need to buy a new pc and maybe some online shopping. Really having a hard time to find time to grind the last 3% for supernova goodthing I made an epic comeback today in my short session or woulda been a more grueling grind.


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Charity, Christmas and a GOOD run by DustySwedeDude, December 16

That guy married this: when he was 60 or so I find that amusing in many ways.

My friend Jens did what could very well be the best Spotify playlist I've seens so far:

I have pretty decent Christmas list too, haven't worked on it yet this year, but it's fairly popular both some friends and some random what I assume is poker players since I linked it here last year: It's more of a classic rock Christmas.

I've had a very, very good 2 weeks or so since I hit my last milestone and decided to try out prima again. Up a ton after putting 1.2k on the site just to play around a little bit. If I Not bad, not bad at all. Anyway, together with a few half decent months this fall my year shaped up to be decentish. Not good by any means, but at least ok. Not sure about my plans for next year, I might just try to keep a roll on a few different sites and tables select a little to get the variance down. Not sure though! I kind of like variance.

Promised to give 1k€ to charity if I win more then 30k€ this month. Seems like I just might do that. I think I'll give it to Nations Cry.


Nations Cry is a humanitarian organization focused on improving education in the developing world. Building schools, improving curriculum and training teachers are just a few of the ways that Nations Cry is helping to build a better future for children in West Africa and Central America.

Nations Cry uses extreme financial discretion, spending money only when required and where it is most effective. Our Financial Promise is that 100% of the donations received are used exclusively for humanitarian projects.

Our goal is to create a legacy for future generations by empowering those in need through long-term, sustainable solutions.

On their homepage they give a financial promise stating that:

1. 100% of the funds donated to “The Storehouse” will be spent on direct humanitarian related activities. 0% of these funds will be spent on administrative expenses.
2. No salary will be paid to any individual working for Nations Cry
3. Nations Cry will spend money when and where it is needed most without exception

That's how a organisation like this should work. The guy in charge of this is Nolan Watson who I've blogged about a fair bit earlier. I'm a serious fan of his.

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pvz sc2 forge in main base by mnj, December 15

what are the advantages of this? doesn't it make you super susceptible to ling run bys?

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lets be brilliant LP by idonklife, December 14

hey guys,

right now there is a six day round the clock radio marathon going on in sweden. the project is called musikhjälpen (the music help, or something) and has been running for 8 years straight. it basically is a charity programme where you wish a song and donate money for different causes every year. this year it's all about clean water and proper sanitation for children in slums around the world. my plan is to donate my profits for this week (right now 2000 dollars i think) on sunday. does anyone wanna join me (remembering no donation is too small or large)? if this is the case we could coordinate our donations using, labling it liquidpoker or something.

you can also follow the "show" at or right now we've reached 8 million SEK (like 1,2 million dollars i think) and we only have until sunday at 6 pm to break last year's record of 16 million SEK (2,4ish million dollars).

if you wanna know more about the project before doing anything, just let me know and i'll explain. if you don't believe the money will be headed in the right direction, you need to know that the initiator (radiohjälpen) has been around for 60+ years and they will be declaring where all the money went/is going for this year in march 2013.

lets be brilliant lp!!!

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Monitor suggestions? by MARSHALL28, December 13

Finally my Samsung 305t is crapping out. The thing just flickers dark shadows whenever I turn it on now so I just disconnected it and am playing only on my 24" LG. The resolution is not very good and I can't really fit more than 4-6 tables on there comfortably.

I need to get a new setup. I looked at the 30" monitors available and they all seem to be >$900. I don't think it's worth it to spend that much money just to get an extra 3 inches when the 27's are significantly cheaper. I've never played on a 27 before though. Do you guys have any experience doing so? If you have, which monitors would you recommend? I'm thinking about getting 2 27s.

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MoneyBookers for PayPal by Loco, December 13

edit: done with Ket.

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Worst Session of My Life by player999, December 13

lol in the following days I went on to lose 75bi, this entry is silly

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Finance: Whip of Time by 2c0ntent, December 13


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really bad play... why?? by ilbh, December 12

why is that everytime I have a really good session, the next one is retardly bad??

sometimes I play sooo well, but sometimes is the complete opposite.

I keep calling when I know I'm beat and I know it is a bad call.

I don't get why I do that. I could be making a lot of money, going up limits, but nope,
gonna lose everything I won due to bad play!

it's so retarded and frustrating.

how do I avoid that??

I really don't understand. it's so sad...

have it happened to anyone here? is there anything I should be doing to avoid that?
is there a reason I do that??????????

thanks for any help.

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