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200k Month blog post gone off the tracks by Joeingram1, October 16

This blog post probably should be about how I made 210k in the month of September or how I live in Sydney now or how I lost 250k the first few days I was in Sydney but lets leave that for another blog post, one that probably will just never be written because I just randomly have the urge to write. Even on facebook often I will just not respond to messages for days and then randomly will reply to all of them. I do enjoy talking to almost everyone who I exchange messages with fairly often on there but for some reason I just space out and do nothing about it. I noticed I even was starting to do that with text messages, someone would text me and I would just forget for hours/ever to respond, can't figure it out. I had stars reinstate my chat the other day, since I have threatened the terrorist aka devils worshipper aka voodoo man yousseffahmed more times then I can remember. We now live 15 minutes from each other too but I don't think he is very interested in meeting with someone who wants punch him in the face until the arms can't be lifted anymore. If anyone else was to inflict as much torture to someone as he has done to me this year I think they feel the same way I do. He keeps saying in chat that he runs so bad and is losing, well obviously because you play fucking terrible for hour long sessions, of course you should be losing. I could go on forever about it but probably best not to.

I don't really have a path or goal with poker at this moment in time, which has alot to do with how I made 200k in September. I just didn't give a fuck, played in mostly whatever games and won bunches in short sessions. Like always the longer the session I play the worse I tend to do/play, I think my ideal sweet spot is probably less then 60 minutes to be honest, I don't think I would ever adhere to something like that but it would be amazing if I could be disciplined enough overall to do that. Stinger will just play when games are good forever and suggests I learn to do the same but still not strong enough mentally to do that. I really didn't have any poker goals and still don't have any poker goals or for that matter even life goals, I pretty much achieved a majority of those already and never really thought I would. I made more money then I ever dreamed I would have, set some poker grind records, played highest stakes online, become known to the online poker world. I could try to become some famous name in poker but I realized at some point this summer that there really isn't much of a point to pursuing that because I don't even know what/where/how/why/anything about what I want out of life. Money doesn't really matter to me once I go past a certain point because I have done the same things when I have a 100k roll to when I have 500k roll to when I have 300k roll. Sure I could buy fancy car (have thougtha bout that but don't have any permanent living plans) or could invest/buy property/save up which once again doesn't interest me. I really haven't even spent much of my winnings this year. I have realized that this constant obsession you have over money when you play poker and the desire to play the highest stakes online or make alot of money till no money is left in the world to have is just fucking crazy. But if you aren't playing poker for money or to play the highest stakes which were original goals of mine and many many others out there then why else even play it. The people that are content with grinding xxxyyy stakes and making a projected xxxyyy amount of money a month and are legit content with it amaze me because I really wish I could do that and be able to focus on other potential passions in life. This constant obsession with money though is just wild, like after every session you check your balance and are trying to figure out your life roll to the fucking dollar. FUCK i lost 2843, i only have 398,435 left to my name, fuck, I just had 400,289 or whatever. I used to do this for like 2.5 years with poker and this year when something clicked I just stopped worrying and became some ultimate discipline machine. Lately though all my discipline for the most part has vanished. There are still sessions where the light is on and I revert back to earlier this year me but maybe constant drug use for 2 months is the answer, maybe thats just an excuse and the real answer is I'm just not trying hard enough because I am not motivated enough because I don't have any direction/goal/light at end of the tunnel. I just live in the moment and always worry about that moment when really it doesn't even fucking matter a majority of the time.

I came to Sydney because I met a girl in Ibiza this summer and I will save this story but we had an amazing time. I was unsure if I could actually go through with it and move out here but said fuck it, summer is coming up, it could be a magical time of my life, lets go for it. I came to Sydney with around 260k online. Fast forward to a few days later, I had 5159 online. I HAVE to blog about how it even is possible to do this because it needs to be out there as a way to show how fucked up you can become sometimes and maybe one person reads it and it saves them from fucking up at some point in their lives. I get alot of messages on here and 2p2 and fb from people who tell me what an inspiration I am and how they look up to me in how hard I have worked/what i have achieved/ how i live my life now. I felt at some point this year I turned a corner and actually said yea maybe I am to some extent for some people, but then I go and do that and launch off most of all my money from a 280k high point online. Like what a fucking idiot right? But in reality, it doesn't really matter and quite honestly with the mentality I have had the last month it was inevitable. Obviously it is great I still have lots of money offline and had Ben86 help me get some more money online and realize that I need chill the fuck out for awhile and still to nothing higher then 10/20 because the stress/swings you go through at the higher stakes really just isn't worth it. The positive doesn't outweigh the negative. Some would say 10/20 is still high but losing 2k 5k 10k is nothing on the stress level when you take a 120k losing day or lose an 80k pot. Somehow after I settled down though I was able to win 70k in the next 2 days playing only 5/10 and 10/20, i reverted back to old mentality and discpline and reminded myself how it felt to be broke and 24 tabling .25/.50 for 14 hours a day and wanting to die, that usually snaps me back into how hard it COULD be poker wise and that life is still good.

I was in the zone there for a bit and wrote all of the above but now I don't feel much in the zone anymore. Basically I'm hoping I can find some goals in poker and in life sometime soon. Basically now I just load up every 5/10 and 10/20 table and try to get as many deep games started as possible, I usually won't play like 2 or 3 people who like to start as well because they god mode me/are lot better hu but I like to learn and if someone is better then me but I still run medium against then I will battle and build the games so the players can come. It does suck that every reg who starts tables are all fucking bosses and up hundreds of thousands from poker but I think has helped my game alot and study what they do in certain spots has helped me to apply same thing in my game (sometiems for good and for bad). Sometimes a reg (jan82) will say he will play me hu anytime. Well I don't like to stick to only 1 v 1 without option for others to play but I will be sitting at 5/10 10/20 and 3/6 everyday until I can't anymore and you guys can get all the hands of heads up with me you want until the table gets going. Or at some point I might realize it more +ev in most aspects of life to be big big bumhunter again and go for variance free graph but where is the fun in that.

Side Note: I wrote all this like 2 hours ago and randomly decided to stop at some point. I think I was on another planet when typing but was completely sober, I am a crazy person I think


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Prostitution by nolan, October 16

Should Prostitution be legal or not?

Read this today and it got me thinking. It looks like the accused could be facing serious time.

Something strikes me a bit wrong about the government being able to incarcerate you for selling your own body in a situation specific to this case (i.e. not human trafficking/dodginess)

Wondering how LP feels.

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Poker timeline update by jvilla777, October 16

I played 2 sessions of 16 nl during the past weekend. And it was just pukaments!!

1st session, our microhero couldnt recover..

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The 2nd session I was pretty well rested before I started and feeling good..

Then I started to feel somewhat similar to my first 16nl sesh, felt like I was going down an escalator..

then when I got even, I was planning to take a break after this hand..
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So this left our microhero no choice but to play.. and keep goin
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So hungry, havent had lunch, eyes getting really tired, brain thinking alot different now and playing for about 5hrs..

suited cards are starting to look more and more beautiful as I keep getting stuck, every hand on button is a must raise now, supervillains in the blinds are starting to take notice firing constant 3bets at our super tired hero.

Our microhero's thought process is now "I call this 3b because I am in position and supervillain in the blinds have AK, so if I flop a PAIR I am good"..
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the 2nd session results
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Unloading Another Round of Thoughts by RiKD, October 14

Was going to write a likely long blog but don't feel like it anymore so here it is:

Desk Chairs?

Credit Cards?

Parents, Children, Vanity. Shit is pretty fucked up if you think about it but no one ever really does.

Don't go to Panera Bread in Big Box Land for Lunch on the Weekend unless you are a masochist that hates yourself.

How much drama risk would you take on for an out of this world threesome on a scale of 1-10?

1 is so close to zero it might as well be zero risk.

10 is entering potentially scary, eyes wide shut, dangerous cult territory with boss's bat shit daughter type risk.

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learning a new language? by k4ir0s, October 14

How do I go about learning a new language? Any good sites out there that make it easy? thinking of learning Portuguese, since I have family living in Portugal - not sure if it's a difficult language to learn.. any advice would be appreciated

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NuLegacy Gold by DustySwedeDude, October 14

Well, this is not really poker related (might be gambling related though) but it's fairly cool and since other people posts about their investments I guess I'll do that too. This is not investment advice, I have no background that gives a reasonable or even a only slightly unreasonably man any reason to think I know what I talk about as far as stock picking goes and basically what thewh00sel said;

Disclosure: I'm Long NUG.v I am not a professional investment adviser, and my opinions are not recommendations to purchase.

So this year I've made a lot of money in Sandstorm gold. It's a really nice company that delivers what it should and it has pretty much made sure that I'm still happy despite running 25k under ev on stars. Thus I've watched a few interviews with founder Nolan Watson, including this one:

This I learned.

1. He's religious. Not in the "I like little boys" kind of way but rather in the "God wants me to work hard"-kind of way. I have a friend who's religious in that way. I know how great religion is to motivate people to work hard.

2. He thinks that a good way to find good miners is to just see what people who knows what's up likes and then check that out.

Thus I decided that he knows what up and I should figure out what he and the rest of the top people in Sandstorm is involved in. One company I found and then bought shares in are Nulegacy Gold. They are searching for gold in two different places in Nevada. I'll not talk much more about that other then saying that a lot of people who, as far as I can tell, knows what up in the gold mining industry is involved and that I did like what I read when I spent 5 hours or so reading through most stuff on this home page and doing most of the due diligence I could think of. As far as I can tell it's a glorified and probably fairly +ev lottery ticket.

It's a very small company ( but I still got rather suprised when I got an e-mail a few days after I signed up for their newsletter and bought a bunch of shares (about 3k's worth). It was a question. They asked "would you mind please letting me know how you discovered NuLegacy to help guide our marketing efforts?" signed by their CEO. I wasn't sure if it was just some standard E-mail (probably) or if I was just the first in Sweden to sign up and trigged the curiosity of someone. Well, I've been very lazy with my poker playing the last week so I figured the least I could do was to take a break from playing computer games with Longple and Arirang and write an answer. It was a rather witty one describing my various investment adventures and other things including my unholy worship of Nolan Watson. I did not expect their chairman to answer it. They did, however, and on a Saturday.

Despite the fact that I did give them some shit for some things he wrote me back and explained some things, even took time to link me some stuff about their most recent private placement and other things. I also pointed out that the chairman used to work with had the same name as a very stupid looking company with a homepage that might be the ugliest thing ever. The chairman told me that the "right" company had the legal right to that name so I assume that might be able to fix it or at least get that god awful website of the web.

Anyway, I found it rather amussing so I figured I'd put the story out there since I have not blogged in a while. Next post might be about something like "5 reason everyone should love Longple".

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LP problems by scriber, October 13

wtf is wrong with my LP ? this is since yesterday.

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titlting session by Rinny, October 12

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Monster Cell Phone Change by thewh00sel, October 12

I just paid $440 ($220 per phone) to cancel my family's Verizon Wireless contracts. These early termination fees are obviously brutal, but with a contract that doesn't expire until September 2013 and a monthly bill averaging $167, $83.50 per phone, I couldn't think of a better way to stick it to them than by switching services.

The first thing that I did when analyzing my change was to do a cost-benefit analysis of canceling my service, and changing to something more in line with the amount of usage that actually fits our needs. So I hopped on and looked up the usage of my phone and my wife's phone for the past 6 months.


As you can see from the chart, my wife averaged 343 minutes of voice, 2,811 text messages, and 805MBs of data per month for the past six months. The high and low range of these averages are also listed.

My averages were much lower in voice and messaging, but my data usage was twice as high at 1.5GB per month, on average.

So with this new information at my disposal, I went on a hunt for something acceptable. Our plan with Verizon allocated 700 minutes of voice per month split between both phones, unlimited messaging, and unlimited data*. We both have iphone 4's, so that narrowed my search to providers that offer service for Verizon's version of the iphone 4. I found the holy grail in Page Plus Cellular.

Page Plus Cellular is a prepaid phone service. They run on Verizon's network, but "officially" Page Plus does not support the iphone. So if Big Red ever decides to tell page plus to run through and cancel all service to Verizon iphones then there is an issue that will have to be dealt with. Page plus offers a basic assortment of prepaid plans. The one that jumped out at me right away is "The 55." This plan has unlimited texting, unlimited voice, and 2GB of data for $55 per month. If I just snap-called and switched both of our phones to that plan, I would automatically go from $167 per month to $110 per month. And having never exceeded 2GB of data on my plan on either line, that would be a savings of $50 per month, or a one-year savings of $684 ($264 after termination fees).

But I wasn't satisfied with just that plan. After looking further down the list of options I found a gem of a plan that meets my wife's needs fairly well. It's called the "Talk n Text 1200." This plan offers 1200 minutes of voice, 3,000 text messages and 100MB of data per month. A problem obviously arises in the data category, but a simple setting on the iphone to turn off all cellular data when not near wifi solves this issue. This plan costs $29.95 per month. No taxes, no fees, that's it.

So now we have one phone taken care of, and it's time to address my phone. Now my initial thought, again, was to go to the $55 plan with 2GB of data, but then I did some thinking and some researching. How much data do I really need to use? How often when a wifi pop-up comes up do I just click close and continue using my 3G speeds instead? So I looked around on the internet and found something amazing.

It's called the Freedom Spot - Photon. It's made by a startup company called FreedomPop. It is a hotspot device that you lease from the company for a one-time REFUNDABLE fee of $99. This device is FREE. And what they offer with the device is 500MB of FREE DATA PER MONTH. When I saw it I didn't believe it. You could essentially order 10 of these things and pay 1k and have 5GB of free data and when you return them in a year you get your 1k back. The risk obviously is that the company goes bankrupt and you lose your $99 investment, but I am willing to take the risk on one of these. You just slip it into your pocket and turn it on if you need to use data service but are not near wifi. With this device I believe that I can use a much lower prepaid plan than I have now. I ordered the 29.95 plan for myself to match my wife's, but after this puppy comes in and I get a feel for how my prepaid plan works, I may experiment with lower plans like "The 12".

The 12 plan has a $12 monthly cost which includes 250 minutes of voice, 250 text messages, and 10MB of data. If the Photon is as reliable as I hope it will be, then I can switch everything over to using Google Voice around wifi to make calls. I'm kind of new to google voice, so I am trying to figure out how to send and receive text messages as well through that. If I can get everything working properly then I can lower my monthly cell bill to around $20 per month. But if I prefer to live without worry/hassle then I will just keep the 29.95 plan and still save $100 per month over my Verizon plan.

After switching both phones to Page Plus and selecting the "Talk n Text 1200" plan (and paying $420 in termination fees) it will take about 4 months to break even** on the switch. From that point on, we will be saving $1,285 per year on telephone service, and that's assuming we can't get more efficient from that point.

Here's my analysis on the breakeven point of each plan with the one I chose highlighted in green:

Now go say F U to Verizon and make the switch! Options are also available for T-Mobile, ATT customers, you just have to do some research. Thanks for reading!

*We were grandfathered into the unlimited data plan. I found out that you can actually sell these plans and transfer them to new users for $300+ but that it was/is a grey area where some people after purchasing are forced to lower their data plans. I didn't want to risk anything so I just canceled and ate the termination fee.

** I didn't include the cost of the freedompop device as it is a refundable $99.

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found the stats of a reg i play against by Rinny, October 11

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Are we the wrong way kids? by Kapol, October 11

Heh... Drunk/music blog...

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Refund Denied by player999, October 11

  Hello Helio,

Thank you for your email and we are happy to hear that your technical issues has now been resolved thanks to the assistance of our technical department.

Unfortunately, even though we appreciate the uniqueness and creativity of your request, we are unable to provide you any compensation in this matter. Please understand that as you had no money invested at the time of your connection difficulties, we cannot consider any form of compensation in this instance.

Please do not hesitate to write to us again if we can be of any further assistance. Thank you very much for choosing PokerStars, we wish you a pleasant playing experience.


Pete Z
PokerStars Support Team

I wanted compensation based on my hourly for not being able to log into PS earlier

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Recent Purchase by thewh00sel, October 10

This stock wasn't listed on my "watchlist" at the end of my last post, but it should have been. I recently made an investment in McDonald's (MCD) at $91.25 per share. McDonlad's is an international food service company that is a very dominant force in the industry. There are over 25,000 McDonald's in 39 countries. (source-

Although MCD isn't exactly "cheap" at the current price, it does fit my entry criteria, and is as safe of a choice as I can make for a dividend growth stock, with good yield and solid fundamentals. MCD has raised dividends for the past 35 years and currently yields $3.08 per share, giving me a yield on cost of 3.38%. The dividend growth rate for the past 5 years is 34.87% which is faster than the growth in earnings per share. This is due in part because of the high saturation, and thus, limited growth of McDonald's properties over the past 5 years. The company's dividend payout ratio is 53%. A lower payout ratio is always better as it shows that the company can sustain consistent dividend increases in the future. McDonald's is currently valued at 17x earnings which fits my entry criteria of a P/E ratio less than 20.

Disclosure: Long MCD

I am not a professional investment adviser, and my opinions are not recommendations to purchase.

Image via

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lil cashgames, sundays by NeillyJQ, October 08


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Buying Land?? by donjuako, October 08

I was invited to an auction where some developed lotes are going to be auction at the highest bidder.
I have some extra cash on the saving account which is not earning anything, and I was waiting for a good opportunity to invest in something, I dont need it to yield returns fast as I act today as if I did not had the cash.

some information on the lot on the property appraisal website is: the price history

HistoryYear History Value By Property Use Land Just Value Land Class Value Misc Value Bldg Value CAMA Value Taxes
2012 C 0000 $7,410 $0 $0 $0 $7,410 $136.63
2011 C 0000 $7,670 $0 $0 $0 $7,670 $140.71
2010 C 0000 $12,780 $0 $0 $0 $12,780 $223.91
2009 C 0000 $19,170 $0 $0 $0 $19,170 $314.21
2008 C 0000 $28,120 $0 $0 $0 $28,120 $431.77
2007 C 0000 $36,260 $0 $0 $0 $36,260 $560.31
2006 C 0000 $30,020 $0 $0 $0 $30,020 $473.19
2005 C 0000 $15,010 $0 $0 $0 $15,010 $265.92

as you can see in 2007 it reached its peak of 36k when the housing boom, today its worth 7.4k.

I was thinking if I could buy it for 5k or less its a good investment? the lot has utilities and sewer and cable. its ready for a house to be built on.

its located in a nice sub division. a house in this subdivision is going for: $79,620.

keep in mind there is HOA fees. $60 a month or $720 a year. taxes 136 a year.

so my raw investment will cost me 5k + $890 a year. so i figure in 5 years i would have spent 9450 and I expect the price of it to be 10k maybe a little more if mitt r wins.
what do you guys think?

any help or input is greatly appriciate it

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stars4paypal by k4ir0s, October 08


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Suggestion / Hands column by r0mx0, October 07

I suggest that every person could post only 1 hand per hour or make 5 most discussed hands column and make hands column bigger too or make most discussed yeastersays hands column ... what do you think would it be more comfortable and helpfull for all ? thank you

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New Car... Update by Svenman87, October 07

After really taking all of your comments into consideration and doing more research, I have decided to keep my current car and when it dies purchase another reliable used card. Also with my savings for an auto, I will put it into my future home purchase which is a much better investment.

I really appreciate the input as well as the facts posted on my blog to make a really informed decision.

I'd rather be someone who can retire 10 years earlier than a guy who is working 2 jobs at 70 while hoping he dies soon.

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Paypal for Stars by DeluX, October 06

looking for 100$

ty !

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beware : Lock Poker by NeillyJQ, October 05


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