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ket video and other stuff by longple, March 13

So as i told ket and wrote in some thread also is that i took water over my head promiseing full commentary on the video, but i tryed for a couple of hours at different times but it just turned out bad. there was just too many hands all over the place and i didnt really remeber much i was thinking + i got slaughtered, and commenting on HU is so wierd because alot is based on leveling and gameflowfeel for me, and it just got to hard.

But i uploaded the video anyways, u can download it here:

as for life and poker, february was great, i made over 100k$ own money in february, about 30k of them at the livegames in stockholms casino cosmopol livegames, mostly playing 10/10$ ish and 20/20$ ish stakes deep. was fun

for the 3k$ live tourney during the eventweek at the end of feb i semibubbled it at 16th with 99 vs QJs all in pre 25bb deep or so, out of 70 ppl or something, small tourney but took like 20 hours until i busted for no score at all zzzz always anoying

They made some interview with me during that week, svenskaspel the site ive played alot of highstakes on the last year+ or so they somehow recognized me as a svenskaspel HS player so they approached me and asked me if i was longple on svenskaspel and if i wanted to answer some questions in their pokershow "pokerstudion"

so for the swedes, + if u guys wanna look how i look like or sound like or what ever>>>>

you can find the interview with me here starting at 9:40:

i just have to say that its pretty funny because i dont say anything smart in the video at all, for example she asks me whats most fascinateing with poker and i think for 30 sek and answer "its fun"
+ Show Spoiler +

started takeing some 10/20$ shots on stars, the deepgames are really fun to play, battled some with our own wobbly_au the other day and it got pretty interesting. u can find some of the hands from the last couple sessions of 10/20 in my hand section if interested.

anyways, not much more to say, feel kinda sad have some girldramatrouble irl atm so im not looking to play to much in march probably, just dont wanna grind to much when feeling down.

hope some will find the video interesting, post comment below includeing what time in the video the hand approaches if u got any questions, and im gonna try and answer most of them as good as possible.

weed + this = true

take care keep check out my hands to the right as i will keep posting interesting ones :-)

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Unknown Topic by Joeingram1, March 13

Whats going on guys, feel like writing and that doesn't happen very often anymore. Instead of organizing my place and closet or go to the gym and play on my iPad I decided to do this instead. Random Ipad apps I am grinding right now, Fairway Solitare (solitaire+golf combined, addicted as hell with many levels to get through and not like regular solitaire. Replaced Temple Run in the game I have to play when I'm not doing anything). Pocket League Story (this is iphone/ipad) From makers of Game Dev Story, its like a soccer/football RPG game where you build a soccer team and play in various leagues/cups and improve your players through training excecises, building different buildings, head coach. Can hire better plays as you progress and start to make more money. You don't actually play the games but you get to watch and do some adjustments to form and they go by pretty quick and are kinda fun to watch too. Almost have completed it at this point and looking forward to getting into a few other games that the company makes like building super mall, simcity type building game, and grand prix racing game. This app Splashtop honestly changed my life since it basically lets you control your desktop from your Ipad from anywhere. I've had it for a few months now and I can't imagine not having it now, sometimes I will just lay in bed with stars lobby open on Ipad and jesus seat someone and then make my way to the computer to fire up a session. Can't really stream movies/tv shows with regular ipad browsers but with splashtop it makes it possible and I use it so much. I think Ipad is best thing I ever purchased in my life up until a few days ago.

There was only one thing I really wanted to buy with all the money I won from prop bet + grinding and that was to get my teeth fixed up. I guess they weren't TERRIBLE before but I was not very happy with them and usually felt a little self conscious about them. I did a few non-cosmetic dental sessions to get my teeth in working order and after a bunch of hours grinding in the dentist chair I got my top teeth complete (crowns). I had this image of the movie star white smile in my mind before I got them but the dentists convinced me that super super white usually looks super super fake/unreal so I didn't go that extreme but still white enough. I put up a little youtube video and if you watch my video blogs in December first and then this one you will say holy shit that looks different.

I kinda talk a little bit about poker in that but I don't really get too in depth. February was on track to be another 100k month but with like 4 days left I threw all the discipline to the window and play in some -evish spots with higher variance then usual. Obviously I choose to do most of this at 50/100 and ended up losing 25k that day, ran like under ev but was really only from one beat and besides that played terrible and did not make folds I should have made but could have avoided getting in those spots in the first place against good players. Started off March like a man on a mission and made that 25k back the first 2 days and was up about 40k before I decided to throw discipline to the window once again and just tilt for some unknown reason. Felt like the old days of poker for me when I was just do something that I know is horrible or make a call that I know is -ev but just something happens to my brain and I do it anyway. You can see from the monthly graph where I would regroup, get my mind straight and then do more grinding back up and then had another moment. I'm still up a bunch this month but its weird how being up 24k doesn't feel like too much now. I defintely have been a little less stringent on my tables I do decide to play and sometimes I load up a bit more then normal tables and this leads to me getting in more high variance spots because that slightly less lack of focus gets me into them. I sometimes find myself playing a bunch of big pots with thecleaner11 who is pretty good player while I have the fish sitting to my right and avoiding him. The old me loved battling with regs and trying to be the fucking man but we all saw how that would normally turn out for me so I have to sometimes remind myself of this and stay my lane of what has been working. Haven't quite ran like god this month as compared to the last 2 but I think that the combination of playing well/game selection helps make up for alot of that. Hasn't been as much juice this mont at 25/50 and the 50/100 hands I've played this month I kinda was pushing the limits of -ev/+ev. I only like to play that high when I know the mark is a top tier fish and the sessions this month I have been like well he is really fishy but idk he might not be fishy enough to make up for the variance. Plus some of them buy in for 30bb's and I really am not a 30bb master but feel like I still play better then the fish with stacks that shallow. Against the 5/10+ shortstack regs though I probably am making a handful of -ev plays with ahnds im defending to 3b or 3b myself vs them.

Here is the breakdown of the month so far for me, sucks being up 20BI at 400plo and down 1BI at 10kPLO lol

Yearly breakdown of limits so far, obv play more 5/10 and 10/20 and less 3/6 and 50/100

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Sh!p happens again by Luckb0xx, March 12

After having cashed out whole roll a bit back I played a storm seat with my last fpps, won it, played some 2-4$ mtts tonight and

Final Hand:
Submitted by : Luckb0xx

PokerStars Hand #77097793341: Tournament #530533545, $3.00+$0.30 USD Holdem No Limit - Level XXXIX (25000/50000) - 2012/03/13 2:02:42 CET [2012/03/12 21:02:42 ET]
Table 530533545 130 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 5: Hero (4086331 in chips)
Seat 6: Godfather294 (1745669 in chips)
Hero: posts the ante 6250
Godfather294: posts the ante 6250
Godfather294: posts small blind 25000
Hero: posts big blind 50000

Dealt to Hero 8s7s
Godfather294: raises 50000 to 100000
Hero: calls 50000

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $212,500.00)

Hero: checks
Godfather294: bets 100000
Hero: raises 160999 to 260999
Godfather294: raises 1378420 to 1639419 and is all-in
Hero: calls 1378420

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $3,491,338.00)


River (Pot : $3,491,338.00)


Hero: shows 8s7s (a flush, King high)
Godfather294: shows 9c9h (three of a kind, Nines)
Hero collected 3491338 from pot
Godfather294 finished the tournament in 2nd place and received $720.25.
Hero wins the tournament and receives $963.17 - congratulations!

Total pot 3491338 | Rake 0
Board  Th9sKs4cQs
Seat 5: Hero (big blind) showed 8s7s and won (3491338) with a flush, King high
Seat 6: Godfather294 (button) (small blind) showed 9c9h and lost with three of a kind, Nines

Time to play the Micro Series

Happy ending after having played the million yesterday!!

~ L.J.

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Being staked by Stygg, March 12

Ok, as of a few minutes ago, I'm being staked by fellow LP member barbieman, just making it official, now there's no turning back.

And so it begins.

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Sunday Million 6M Stake by Bejamin1, March 11

As you are all well aware, the overlay is huge in today's Anniversary Sunday Million and any decent poker player should be +EV. I don't have the roll to play it but I will offer myself up for a stake.

70/30 if you're paying the full ticket
60/40 for me if I'm paying half my way

PM me quickly if interested as it starts in 30 minutes.

Bejamin1 on stars

Mostly a cash-game player but I have done reasonably well in PLO tournaments including a win in the weekly $215. Such a small sample of stats won't mean much but at least shows I'm a winner overall in the games at the time that I sporadically played tournaments. In this specific tournament just anyone anyone is a +EV entry and I certainly am.


Edit: Just as a side note I have played 200k hands of PLO over the past 3 years as a casual grinder. So whilst not playing a lot I am still regularly active.

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my turn to ask for stake lol. by Drakk, March 11

Hello, thyrandaal on stars.
Offering 90/10 in your favor

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Stake for 6M$ Million by Luckb0xx, March 11

I havent played a bigger Tourney in a bit, shipped the 3$R a while back and well this seems like a great tourney to take a shot in


Offering 80/20 in your favour!

Let me know via PM or post! woudl really love to play this one!


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LeggoPoker by basementkid, March 11

I have decided to really get PLO down before I head to vegas and to play in the local games around me. There are some super good 2/2 and 5/5 games that play really big and are super juicy. I just got the 7 days free at leggo because people have said that sauce videos are just amazing. I was hoping people could point out some good PLO videos on leggopoker and just good videos i should watch in general about poker.

Haven't had much luck lately at live poker. I haven't been able to quit when I am up a ton and end up losing a lot back. Had two 2k days and then had a -1.6k day, -200 day and then a break even day. Definitely nothing to scoff at but was up on the break even day and -200 day and didn't quit when the game got bad.

PS: Anyone able to hook me up with some Hero poker funds? Let me know as soon as possible, thanks.

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Sun Mil Stake? by Fujikura, March 10

If any of you sickos wants to stake me for the Sun Mil tomorrow, PM me. 80/20 in your favor, no makeup obvs.
From top to bottom: 180 stats, mtt stats, overall stats
Post in here, or PM to confirm.
Weird, can't get link to work as a pic for whatever reason.

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Looking for a stake by Stygg, March 09

Crawling back to the cross..

Don't know where to start really. Last blog was obv not written at a good time, and 2011 was the worst year I've ever had to go through in life. Not gonna write a book about it here as I remember regretting that blog almost immediately upon clicking send.

My situation is a bit different now, a bit better. I'm in school Taking 4 courses, mostly via the web, but it's going quite well. My English class in particular is going very well.

But my economy is fucked up, I now know what it's like to be one of those poor students you hear about. I haven't played poker in ~6 months, and I both miss it and I don't. At times it was a heavy burden to bear, but certainly it was also the best money I ever saw, and for that reason I'm now looking for a stake.

Never been staked before, so pretty clueless on the details. Kinda looking for the staker to set the conditions. I just hope my name still means something on LP, and even though past merits in this business don't hold much water, I'm hoping people remember me as a stand-up, honest and legit no-nonsense guy. Not gonna pressure anyone to vouch for my legitimacy, but if anyone wants to, please go ahead.

Poker-wise, tbh I'm unsure of my current abilities. Maybe it'll take some getting used to, but I hope I could manage to grind out a profit at something like NL100/NL50, I dunno. I will show my handbooster graph to those interested in staking me, but not openly on here. Don't think anyone on here can vouch for my skill or lack of skill as I always kept my nicks a secret.

If staked, I intend to play a LOT. My laptop can take up to 6 Ongame tables without overlapping, so 6 tables = maximum for me. Been a long time since I played 9-12 tables, and I think 6 is probably better anyway in today's game.

Like I said I don't know how stakes usually work, but I would be looking to cash out some of my eventual winnings relatively early, say end of March, as things in our household are pretty tight right now. Maybe cash out rakeback? I dunno.

The staker will always be able to get a hold of me, that's a promise. I don't fuck around with other people's shit.

Interested? PM me and we'll talk further. Really hope I can get something going again.


Edit: btw, all you people who sent me PMs on my last blog and I never got back to, I'm sorry, I was just basically emotionally spent at the time. I read every PM though and really appreciated hearing from some guys that I had only talked to for a short period of time on MSN back in 2009 or whenever it was. Warmed my heart

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Moving soon by DustySwedeDude, March 09

Going to move soon. Decided "for sure" or whatever that'll we'll move to Sundsvall in a few months. Basically going to be a a good boyfriend and help my girlfriend finish her degree and try to get a bunch of stuff done until then. Doing ok but not good with poker, it's not really embarrassing anymore but I'm obviously not content with it. Hoping to get to supernova sometime this summer and then play mid stakes this fall getting some volume in. If it goes badly I'll get a job of some kind after the summer and if it works out fine I might try to go for supernova elite next year. That's basically the main plan. Not really giving a crap about winrates and such before that, but it'd be nice to figure out how to play NL again. PLO going ok despite me having some huge leaks for deep play that I corrected fairly well after some study. Nl going weird, people vlauebets much more thin then I remembered. I think I'll have to start adjusting a bit.

Getting really itchy to take up BJJ or MMA or whatever again, so going to do that when I have moved. Thinking of maybe trying some Judo to for the take downs or some kind of stand up art.

Working out, playing poker and not really doing much except for that sounds like a good thing for me. Getting a long time plan done for my life, or at least some ideas about it.

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John Carter by TalentedTom, March 08

Comes out tomorrow. Apparently one of the biggest budget movies ever, 250 mill - Hopefully a good start to the summer movies

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Day 68/152 + side challenge by thewh00sel, March 08

Approaching the half-way point now...Here's the breakdown:
44.7% of time passed
31.4% of goal complete


As you can see the past week or so has been breakeven since I was at around 30k profit at the end of Feb. That's due to a 7k loss over 2 days and grinding it back over the next week. Also yesterday I ran AA into 66 on AK664 for a 4k pot and got one-outed with nut flush vs lower flush for a $2500 pot; would've had a monster day otherwise, instead I won 1k.

I've been stepping the hours up lately. Got a little over 40 hours in this week and hope to improve on that this week. I'll just break down a couple of the interesting stats below.

Hours left for 100k: 687.75
Means at the current hourly I need to play 687.75 more hours to hit the 100k mark which means an average of 8.2 hours per day over the next 84 days when I've been averaging 4.6. Which would be 56 hours per week, which is a bit of a stretch given that I've been at or below 40 so far this year.

On pace for: 70,282.63
This stat takes my current (hours played) divided by (the amount of days that have passed times my hourly), times (the total amount of days in the challenge) to predict what I will make if I continue this pace of hours at this hourly.


I've decided to do another challenge that involves something that is kind of ignored in the poker community because of how much money flies around constantly: Budgeting and lowering my expenses!

Last year we averaged like 8k per month in expenses, which is ridiculously high. After cutting out some unnecessary stuff, we got it down to 7200 per month in January. February was even better, lowering our expenses to about 6500. By the end of the year I'd like to get that number below 6k as an average for the whole year but that might be difficult with fixed expenses like a mortgage and 2 car payments/insurance/health insurance, but I'm going to get quotes on those to try and get the rates down. I'd also like to pay off one of the cars by the end of the year with some aggressive debt paydown, but for now, I think the money is better leveraged in my bankroll paying the vig on the loans until I'm more comfortable with a couple years worth of expenses built up.

Until the next time!

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LUCID DREAMING OMG by D_smart_S, March 08

Okay, words cannot describe what I just experienced. First of all, I am not one of those guys to just make things up or to paint them all pink or anything, I will tell you EXACTLY what happened.

So, I was asleep and I woke up. I am currently using a technique for astral projection that is basically this - when u wake up u go back to your dream or dreamstate without moving (at least not much) and then your astral body and physical body separate just like when u dream. So just after waking up the connection is not strong so you can easily manipulate it. That's exactly what I did. So when I felt that detachment i rolled over with my asrtal body (that's the technique) and it worked for the first time in my life. This is when it gets extremely fucking interesting.

I went to the end of my room and I looked at my body - it was CARTOON!!! Hahaha it was more cartoon and more vivid than I can EVER imagine, it was like living in a cartoon. I have never ever experienced something like this but I have watched a short clip on youtube that describes lucid dreaming and it was EXACTLY like they say it, EXACTLY!!! So, I thought it was pretty strange that everything was cartoon because in astral projection you are in real time, at least at the beginning, and it can't be cartoon at all. Now I realise that it was lucid dreaming but when I looked at my body I just felt strange and didn't get why everything was cartoon, I just enjoyed it. It's interesting to say that just prior to going to sleep I talked to a friend of mine about lucid dreaming and he gave me advices and shit. He told me I should levitate things and I told him that I will levitate bitches on my cock. I wonder how cartoon those bitches would've been had I thought of it.

So I crumbled outside my block through the balcony and I just did a spiderman descent on the wall, like a bug, ya know. I started flying around and there were cartoon cars and people and all kinds of vivid world. It was 100% vivid and real for me, I was living in it, amazing! The cartoon people looked a bit like Fandango but not really skulls, just sort of like them. One was hit by a car and I laughed I think. I was having lots of fun just flying around and I entered a building. In this building I saw many superheroes fighting with eachother and flying. I remember Batman and Spiderman very well. It was like a big empty tower full of floors and I remember experimenting with my superpowers. First, I received a few hits by someone and he was doing something to my foot. I think it was Batman or someone looking like him but it wasn't very pleasant. So I was like "now it's my turn". I saw Spiderman standing on a floor and someone told me to drop him, I think it was Batman, so I did it - I made a hole in the floor and Spiderman dropped on the next floor lol. I heard big laughter. Then, I went on the lower floor where Spiderman was again sitting so I decided to just make a small hole big enough to make his body a bit uncomfortable but not really leading to the lower floor. I did it with my mind powers and it instantly made the hole and I remember Spiderman just looking at me like "WTF, man?!?" It was a hilarious moment.

I experimented a bit more with my powers and flying and I remembered that I needed to remember this astral projection (not realising that it wasn't AP) so I began using a technique in AP to think of my body and repeat my success saying "I astral projected" many times. This is done so that you don't fall asleep after reentering your body and forget everything. It would be a pity. So, suddenly I reentered my body and I woke up. The first thing I did was to go tell my mom about it. She was in the kitchen with a few friends of mine cooking something. I waited for her to stop talking but it never happened, they just kept on talking forever. The next thing I know - I woke up for real. I was like "Holy SHIT, what did just happen?!?!? I wrote everything down on a piece of paper and couldn't believe what I just experienced. Then I started analysing why it was cartoon and chills went down my spine when I remembered this clip:

The only difference was that the cartoon wasn't fluid-like, but it was exactly the type of cartoon as in the clip. My face was the same type of cartoon but other people's faces on the streets were more like a mixture between Grim Fandango and South Park (the canadians in SP). Unfortunately, I was a ginger cartoon boy in my dream even though I am nothing like ginger at all in real life. I looked like this but with a different hairstyle and had a few freckles. My grandmother has a doll that is 100% like my cartoon-self lol.
The interesting thing is that I am making my own product (like the one on the clip). I've been taking it for like a week straight and I already had a failed attempt of AP two mornings ago when I moved with my astral body but did not exit my physical body and now this crazy motherfucking cartoon lucid dream. I had never had a more lucid, in control and vivid dream in my whole life. It's 8:53AM here and I haven't slept much but I am pumped, this shit was intense and crazy. Damn, I should've fucked a few cartoon characters but whatever, Fandango bitches weren't really my type. I've read a few blogs on here on lucid dreaming and I will search for them to see similarities but guys, please, tell me if you have experienced anything like this - a cartoon lucid dream. I am gonna shit some bricks now. Bye.

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Marius'z sticky notes by Mariuslol, March 08

My apartment is a mess again, so I spent 2 hours cleaning it up. Like the common stuff, vacuming, kitchen, bathroom, clothes n stuff. And now all that remains is cleaning up my sticky notes, but I can't force myself to throw them away, so doing that trick I do from time to time. I go through them, and I toss all the stupid ones, and I put the cool ones over here in my blog.

Enjoy xD

Cool / Clever thingys
+ Show Spoiler +

Books I should read
+ Show Spoiler +

How to best remember what you read
+ Show Spoiler +

Tactics people who try and control, rule over others use
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Quotes / Inspirational
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The 4 most important things to look for in a partner
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Detecting lies and deception
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The most common wishes from people on their deathbed
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A random Idea, not sure if I cba.
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10 things to smile about every day
+ Show Spoiler +

Some questions ment to help you find your passion
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Eight Celestial Divination gates
+ Show Spoiler +

Links to awesome sites
+ Show Spoiler +

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LAPT Chile % by player999, March 07

***SOLD OUT***

Gonna play LAPT Chile and sell 50% at 1.2:1, also the side events too

LAPT Main Event Day 1B - $1100
LAPT #2 NLH Turbo - $300
LAPT #5 NLH Re-Entry - $500+$500
LAPT #6 High Roller Sat - $500 (HR = $5000)
LAPT #8 NLH - $400
TOTAL - $3300

10% = $396
5% = $198
2.5% = $99

10% - Daut
10% - Twisted
10% - joao bauer
5% - Tensai176
5% - HaiVan
2.5% - cog dis
2.5% - Tcarnage
2.5% - janekaaa
2.5% - kafelnikovz

Very likely to play all the side unless I go super deep on the ME, but obv if I don't or not rebuy on the 2x chance I will be shipping it back.

ship it to hneves182 on PS
you can check the tourney registrations on Pokerstars->Events->LAPT tab if you wish

GL us!

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Sonnen's apology to Anderson by PuertoRican, March 06

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bioware confirmed for scum by Into Infinity, March 06

not mine:

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vegas food? by bigredhoss, March 06

going to be in vegas for a few days, looking for food recommendations. mostly looking for places that are like <$30/person but if you feel strongly about some place that's a little over that go ahead and tell me. i like pretty much all kinds of food.

right now all i know is that i'm going to Bouchon just to try the chicken and waffles everyone raves about. i'm sure i'll go to chinatown at some point so any suggestions for there would be great. i've heard lots of great things about lotus of siam but also some mixed reviews and i think it's a bit out of the way?

anyway, appreciate any suggestions!

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First Entry by TampaBayMat, March 06

Keeping a blog can't be a bad idea, though I feel like one of those "DeadJournal" or "LiveJournal" kids from when I was in middle school... lol.

Anyways, this being the first entry and all, I suppose this should have a little background tied to it. Back when I used to play on PokerStars (I say used to because I live in America), I was never a winning player... Binked a tourney for 5k here, 6months later bink for 2.6k there, you know... something "life-changing" (for a broke college kid). But me being the broke college kid I was, naturally I was immature and blew all my winnings.. Yada Yada, you know how the story goes.

Fast-Forward to late November 2011. I start to get "the itch" again. I hadn't played since Black Friday, and was wondering how things were going to shake out with the poker scene in America. After reading some an extensive Q and A on 2+2 by Dwan (big thanks btw, he didn't have to do that), I started to get a better grip on where things were going and began to see how this was all going to pan out.

Fast-Forward a little further to late December 2011. I finally threw down a deposit on Carbon poker... Started playing around, trying to bump up big from $100 on 50PLO-HU. A pretty great idea obviously... Needless to say, I went busto time and time again after like 4-5 redeposits.... STANDARD.

Until one day I made a forum post here and ABSOLUTELY got my asshole handed to me by JohnnyCosMo... He incepted the shit out of me better than Leo ever could (or that little mousey girl either btw). He prattled on about "being honest with yourself" and "how he used to be in my position years ago" wtc... and it didn't really hit me at first, but I remember reading it over and over again.

It finally resonated. I checked my ego at the door and decided I was a fish, plain and simple. I knew a lot about poker, but compared to others I really only knew a little more than the basics.

Where to go from here? I guess since I just burnt through $400, I could definitely see myself doing it again. So I counted that additional $400 as a sunk cost and decided to get lessons.

But for what area of my game? SnGs? Boring... Cash? Meh... MTTs? I did have some success there. They ARE very exciting when you run deep... Ok so MTTs it is!

Finally some direction, some positive energy and a great attitude. A willingness to give my money to someone in exchange for their poker prowess. That itself, as a poker player, is a pretty humbling experience. It is almost like admitting, "I need help." It's a pretty big step.

So I hopped on pocket5's coaching section and did some research, read some reviews, and looked at what I could afford... BOOM! BRANDON SHANE (ShaneTrain22) was the CLEAR standout pick. Soon I'd realize this was LITERALLY the best coach I could have picked (given all determining factors). I'll plug him more at the end, but back to my story, lol.

Coaching went great. Now it was time to hit the tables as a professional. And when I say professional I don't mean someone who is a poker pro (obv), I mean someone who is approaching the game from the standpoint of a professional. Taking the game seriously, respecting broll management, staying disciplined. etc... having a professional attitude. All the key factors that made Pro players what they are today.

INSTANT SUCCESS! How good does that feel?! Oh you like that?! Talk dirty to me poker! lol... seriously though, final table after final table, top 3 after top 3, win after win. It was like the flood gates opened and I finally realized how this thing is supposed to be done. GRINDING the micros, NOT getting out of line with my broll, NOT tilting. Letting my SKILL govern my success.

I hit $1K profit last night after starting with $100 at the beginning of FEB 2012 (And if I'm being honest I had a -$200 degen relapse at PLO, but I think that was a good thing cause it convinced me to never try it again. Helped me see my path clearer if that makes any sense).

Feels good to put in work and get results.

Coach Brandon Shane:

Those interested can find him at ... If you buy a lesson with him and mention me, TampaBayManning, he said he'd give me a free hour so... Please and thank you! Here was the review I wrote for him on P5s...

Brandon really is a great coach. Instead of handing down mandates from the poker heavens on what is right or wrong, he has an intelligent and respectful conversation with you. He helps you realize WHY a certain line of thinking is better than another, and HOW to get the most VALUE for any given situation. He is very invested in his students' successes. VERY DOWN TO EARTH. Cool dude. I can't give him enough credit for straightening me out.

Thanks for reading, all. Hopefully I'll be doing this once a month. Lata!

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