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febuary results by julep, March 05

here is my last 86k hands at 6max 50nl...feel like ive been playing ok but not really improving all that much.
im curious as to why my redline is decreasing at such a rate and want to investigate this further.
how would i go about this in pt3? maybe im playing too many hands OOP or not being aggressive enough on later streets.
I know alot of people say redline is meaningless but im thinking i might not be playing 'tough' enough.

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brian hastings in daytona by mnj, March 04

played some 10/25 just to play with hastings. he 3 bet like half his hands and played like 90% of his hands.

he cashed out 65k

it made me smile that he was playing so low/live considering he took blom for 4.5 mill in a single day. guess he couldn't cash it all out


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dominant species by spets1, March 04

Random thought: The only way for dominant species to exist is to have intelligence. Otherwise they will overmultiply, consume everything and die out. There is no other way. Like a virus that kills its host also dies. So we have a chance. We can come up with ways to be sustainable, farming and shit. GLHF.

So these are obviously dominant asses. They probably dominate many mens' minds. Hopefully they will never die out ^^.

Pokerwise i didnt play very much at all, im still at 1k, really bored with NL, probably played like less than 2k hands in feb. Trying some PLOL without hem or any software. Probably better to improve in the long run anwyay. Been playing heaps League of legends. Jax ftw.

by the way my touchapd went back to work normal just by itself. Aliens imo

PS. admins are being gh3y banning people around especially people that are part of this website and contribute. Occupy LP!

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== Need HELP == by, March 03

Thanks guys.

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I am elated. by 2c0ntent, March 03


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Had to blog about it by player999, March 03


Submitted by : player999

PokerStars Hand #76558671620: Tournament #526231126, $58.74+$1.26 USD Holdem No Limit - Match Round I, Level I (10/20) - 2012/03/03 4:30:01 BRT [2012/03/03 2:30:01 ET]
Table 526231126 1 2-max Seat #1 is the button
Seat 1: Hero (500 in chips)
Seat 2: Fociuuu (500 in chips)
Hero: posts small blind 10
Fociuuu: posts big blind 20

Dealt to Hero Kh8h
Hero: raises 20 to 40
Fociuuu: calls 20

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $80.00)

Fociuuu: checks
Hero: bets 40
Fociuuu: raises 40 to 80
Hero: calls 40

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $240.00)

Fociuuu: bets 120
Hero: calls 120

River (Pot : $480.00)

Fociuuu: checks
Hero: bets 25
Fociuuu: raises 235 to 260 and is all-in
Hero: calls 235 and is all-in

Fociuuu: shows TsQh (two pair, Nines and Fives)
Hero: shows Kh8h (two pair, Nines and Fives - King kicker)
Hero collected 1000 from pot
Fociuuu finished the tournament in 2nd place
Hero wins the tournament and receives $117.48 - congratulations!

Total pot 1000 | Rake 0
Board  9d9c4d5c5d
Seat 1: Hero (button) (small blind) showed Kh8h and won (1000) with two pair, Nines and Fives
Seat 2: Fociuuu (big blind) showed TsQh and lost with two pair, Nines and Fives

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Perfect Pong by Floofy, March 03

Even thought you guys seems to be ignoring my blog since i've started talking about game programming instead of girls, i'll post anyways.

I just programmed a pong game, but whats interesting about it is, i programmed 2 AIs for the computers.

The first one, called "Basic" just follows the ball around. Super effective while its as fast as the ball, but quickly gets useless.

The second one, called "Perfect", right after hitting the ball instantly calculate where the next ball will be, and goes there and wait.

needless to say the second AI is very difficult to beat.

The game allows you to customize your game. Right now you have the following options:
Ennemy size and AI
Ally size and AI (yes you can have a computer to help you)
Your size
Helping walls size (you can have small walls in the back. they doesnt move but they can be usefull)

Even by giving myself a super big handicap (i get helping walls, a basic ally with 150 size, myself with 100 size, ennemy with just 30 size with 0 help), the AI is still near unbeatable.

Even thought this game isn't the most fun thing ever, i am happy i programmed a perfect AI for a "real time" game. Next i might try to make some sort of 2d shooting game (maybe tanks or something). Any idea is welcome.

Note: Beginning screens offer you the options. The default option is good and shows how good the perfect AI is. If you want to mess around with it do it, but don't do stupid things such as entering letters, or negative values, or stupidly high values (the screen is 350 wide, so no need to put anything bigger than 350) things like that will make the program crash (no big deal, it will just tell you there was an error and it close, i tested it )

However you can put "0" in an option if you want to remove it.

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Free Coaching by djforever, March 01

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Variance Blows! by Bejamin1, March 01

Just kidding! It was a trap!

As I'm sure a few of you are aware I recently posted a rather embarrassing whine blog, my apologies to those it annoyed. It was a moment of frustration borne out of losing a significant portion of my roll through short-term EV. Many will simply state you shouldn't play with a short roll in PLO but I've firmly come to believe that escaping the rake trap is far more important than prolonging ones stay at low stakes with rigid BR management.

So here's the simple storyline. I've had 1k trapped on FTP for ages, the vast majority of my online roll. I've also had 150 on Pokerstars just sitting there untouched since Black Friday happened. I've always wanted to return to poker but for whatever reason made excuses not to. I had trouble committing real time to working on my game and had always been just a casual grinder. That much is self-evident in my 175k hands played over the last 4-5 years. I played 20k hands in February in addition to my full-time job. I started by 1-tabling at PLO50 and eventually I was 8-10 tabling with around 1750 in my roll. I was running about even on EV until short-term variance struck. I ran very cold for an extended streak of 3-bet pots and all-in pots. Anyone who plays PLO is bound to know when you start getting badly out-flopped after 3-betting 20% of your stack it's trouble. The variance hit hard and my roll is down to a pithy 350. Some will ask, why didn't you just move down? Well I've always considered my bankroll to the combined amount from my FTP frozen funds and what's left on Pokerstars. Similar to how players on multiple sites think of their bankroll as one unit rather than small chunks.

I mostly believe my mistake was allowing myself to play more than 2-4 tables before escaping the rake trap. All I did was encourage variance to slap me in the face and reduce my edge in the games. This was utter foolishness and for the most part I got what I deserved for my over-aggressive attempt.

What I'm looking to do now is to consolidate my bankroll. I'm looking to gain early access to my 1k stuck on FTP by having someone transfer me 1k on stars. I have a long posting history and no blemishes on my LP record. There are players from this site who know me in real life who can vouch for me if need be. If FTP does not eventually pay me the 1k to forward to whoever helps me out I will simply pay the 1k myself. If anyone is willing to help me out with this please PM me immediately.

Thanks in advance

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Chess-Poker by Silver_nz, March 01

So, I've been watching a few LeggoPoker videos on Stroggs account (cause I am a too cheap to pay for it myself) And the Chess videos are amazing.
The coach, Curtains, is an international grandmaster who travels to alot of big live tournies in his quest to "not suck at the game" (even though he is already in top 100 in the world or something, heh).
He is very focused on making the correct play, and thinking things through, and making the best play. Also he is hyperactive, reminds me a little of day[9]. He was the guy who played Durrr for $50k in a chess game

He, somehow, makes exciting chess videos.

And its been helping me with poker, really getting me to re-evaluate my position in the a hand, and to figure out if I can do something like run a three barrel, or raise a river.
It's better than a poker training video. Rather than just doing what a video tells me, I am taking his approach/mindset and applying it to a HU match, and finding alot of creative lines to take.
Just talking in terms of kicking ass has made me more excited to play good poker.

Yep, thats it, having a bunch of new words to apply to compeditive situation has made me more focused at poker.

Phew, ok, I got that pinned down, blog is a sucess. thanks LP

P.S. My Graph for Feb. NL50 to NL400, HU 6max and FR.
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Diablo 2 (nightmare) by LikeASet, March 01

I dunno, just stuck in act IV at the battle vs the ancients quest. I'm not anywhere near being able to beat them with my Frenzy Barb. My strength is at like 205 or something, dext at 115, and been pumping the rest of the points into vital. Maxed out frenzy, axe mastery, double swing, and working on maxing out taunt for max dps. My armor and resistances are already solid, about 1400 armor and all resistances above 55 at least. I should have probably done my weapon mastery last since I am not getting any good nightmare axe drops at all, but I heard the axe class has the best one arm weapons.

My frost mage mercenary has been hangin out with me since normal mode and he's lvl 65 also with some good gear as well, increased his casting rate, he got max resists and solid armor.

but man fuuuuu, I'm guessing I got to just keep grinding beginning-mid act IV and hope someone drops a fkn good axe? Are drops completely random or do certain types of enemies tend to drop certain items?

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Like Water (2011) by PuertoRican, February 29

"In the most brutal and often most misunderstood sport in the world, becoming a champion takes more than just blood, sweat, and tears. Like Water follows middleweight Ultimate Fighter Anderson Silva as he prepares to crown his four-year run as the unbeaten king of the sport with a record 12th straight win in the UFC. With intimate access to Silva and his intense training, the surprising and inspiring man behind one of the greatest mixed martial artists of all time emerges."

Like Water - 1 of 2:
Like Water - 2 of 2:

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February results by player999, February 29

86k hands, almost half of the 150k goal (luckily the guy I bet with didn't make it either)
finished at 100k VPPs for the year so gg SNE pretty much unless some sick move ups occur

3 days of godmode and then 26 days of pure pain

but le crushing shall happen on March!

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Stats Game/ Decision making by Floofy, February 29

Ok this is my newest game: its a game that kinda practice estimating probabilities (your not suposed to actually hard calculate it on paper, just try to play with mental thinking).

In this game, you are given an army of soldiers that always gets to shoot first, against another army (after they shoot, your survivors shoot again, and then their survivors shoot again, until one side is decimated). Each soldier have a % to shoot which is displayed. Soldier always shoots the ennemy soldier which is on top. It is possible for your soldiers to kill multiple ennemies in a round (each of your soldier could sucessfully shoot if your lucky).

Note that order is important. in the example in the picture, if your soldier with good accuracy was swapped with the lower accuracy one, then your side would loose hard.

Your objective is to decide wether to fight or pull. The game simulate the battle 5000 times (which is enough to be really confident the % is right with a max of 1% of error) and if your decision is smart, your "Streak" goes up by 1, if it is wrong it goes back to 0.

The main objective of the game is to get a decent winning streak (like 10) on the highest difficulty level you can (at level 49 the difference between both armies is so small it would be really difficult to do a 10 win streak by just mentally estimating).

The lower the difficulty level, the easier it is to guess which side will win (if you put it at 1, it will generate stupid fights anyone would know which side will win. 49 gives fights which are nearly a coin flip. 45 is good)

Note: battle can sometimes take 5-10 seconds to be generated, especially for difficulty 49.

If you test it please post here!

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1st Tutoring Gig by 2c0ntent, February 29


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February by Mortensen8, February 29

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I think I'm probably playing too crazy at Nl and leveling myself but there are so many abc guys I feel like I have to do something else.. was playing too loose and spewy at plo cutting down on tables, table selecting and talking to spicy helped.

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feb by Stroggoz, February 29

took shots at 2/4 deep hu. didn't go well, back to grinding teh 1/2 and 2/4 6max.

played 70k hands, reviewed thousands of hh's. my game improved.

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Officially Losing Player @ 4NL by Tensai176, February 29

After 10k hands I found out that I am a losing player @ 4NL.

Feels bad man, I was a break-even 25NL player for a long time before I decided to get better and be honest with myself.

That's when I started to grind 4NL even though I'm rolled for 10NL or 16NL on stars, but I wanted to crush at least 1 limit first. But here we are... I definitely played looser than I'm used to running at 22/18 so there's definitely ALOT of spew and leaks.

I have to work on emotional issues, auto-piloting issues, not getting frustrated when i constantly get min 3-bet, stop 4-bet bluffing, stop tilting and get better psychologically.

Gotta also work on fundamentals, properly adjusting and plugging up leaks/spew.

2NL here I come... feels bad bro =[.

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Old school dusty blog by DustySwedeDude, February 29

Since my change of site I've been feeling good. Played a lot of hands (22k in a week), did decent in some Sunday tournament and was fairly close to make a good score and thanks to gold/silver prices I've made a bit of money despite not actually playing at any decent limits in poker. I'm super excited about my girl getting a job in her home town up in Sundsvall since that means that I don't have to put that much money into buying a house but rather can buy something cheap or rent something and then put a ton of money into investments. Going really crazy with my investment profile and let's just say I'm rooting for a higher gold price...

Going to try to get like 50k hands in next month despite it being fairly clogged up with stupid stuff I need to do. Got some fairly reasonable goals as far as hands goes and I might actually get a year with a decent amount of volume in, which would serve very good as an indicator on the topic of "Can Dusty still cut it in poker?". I dunno. Anyway;

This was pretty fun:


Proxy stuff is cool.

I'm really looking forward to the Strikeforce event this weekend. Might be really cool. Go Ronda!

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10k! by LemOn[5thF], February 29

10k posts! I was thinking about what to write about, and I will just go with totally random blog about what I learned the past few weeks.

My new job is starting tomorrow, or might I dare to say: Career. I am going to be a salesman, or 'assistant buyer' or 'sales consultant' as people in the profession like to call themselves. After a month of studying, watching the entire US Office, every single sales movie there is, hours of audios and four books I am very excited to get cracking.

There are a lot of similarities to poker - the need to focus on the process and eliminate fear of failure, steep learning curve, easy to get in, hard to stay and make it, short term variance, and pretty much identical learning process: Read books, listen to audios, talk to other salesmen, learn from your mistakes and tons of opportunities to try new approaches with every new sales call.

Perhaps the greatest lesson that resonates among every resource I read and that is directly applicable to poker is the importance of positive self-image. A while back there was a huge discussion about Wobbly, and how delusional the bastard is in believing he is the best. Turns out that exactly that is what makes him and other people successful - you will never become what you don't believe in, and when you don't fear failure you will take action instead of procrastinating. Experiments in Social Psychology have shown that people that have a very strong, even over the top self belief in themselves are really more successful and happier than those that don't, even though the side effect often is what happened to Wobbly - this belief will antagonize some people if you take it too far.

Positive thinking won't let you do anything, but it will help you do everything better than negative thinking will Zig Ziglar

Oh well poker world, that was pretty random wasn't it I felt I had to post a semi-meaningful 10k post and not waste it on the Tutz banned thread. Peace ut LP

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