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RB pro by Almebeast, July 29

I wanna go back to god mode please :/

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vegas by Arirang, July 29

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Sports betting site for US player? by Jhyun88, July 29

Been doing more sports betting lately using Bodog. Was wondering if there was any better alternative for US residents? Recommend plz

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last 7500 hands by Eluflop, July 28

i have run pretty bad. With funds stuck in full tilt, the shit is obv harder to digest.
I cant rly say im playing my A-game but i sure could use some of that run go0O0ot.


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Meh, why not by NewbSaibot, July 28

Gonna take a shot at $25/$50 HU tonight on Hero for $1165.

Rofl wtf no I'm not Actually I just figured since nobody is really bloggin bout shit these days, I might as well provide a worthless life update. Meh, why not.

So I has a job now, which mean I can has poker money. I mean I've always had a job, kinda funny to put it that way, but considering how worthless and boring it was it just felt like nothing. I mean hell, I used to 4-table rush at my desk. Says a lot about my job responsibilities. I still maintain I always got shit done, and now that I quit I still get emails/texts/phone calls from upper management begging for assistance with things. Too bad mother fuckers, thats what you get for reducing my salary by 30%, and then keeping it there for 3 fucking years. Hey stupid shits, I'm the fucking I.T. guy, I know how much money everyone else is making already, and you FUCKED ME. Anyway I had been looking to quit probably 2 years ago so it's not like I just accepted it and kept it to myself this whole time.

So I got a new job which is sorta kickass and sorta boring too, but it pays more so whatever. The fact that I'm blogging about it right now should tell you something. One good thing though is that since I'm no longer fixing problems for people, but instead being tasked with various objectives, the job is a lot more mentally stimulating. I work for a university now so the vibe is also much different, since pretty much all I see is a bunch of fine ass 18 yr old pussy walking around all day. Goddamn it's rather difficult honestly. The best thing is just the boost in my resume credentials that a position like this offers. See I only intend to stay here for a year or so, because I'm just so fucking bored of where I live.

For starters I'd like to live in a poker friendly state, even though I dont play that much poker. I just want to know the options are available, but mainly because I just like live that much. I'm kinda slow I guess so 1-table is all I can really focus on. Since so many of us are ex-gamers, I was a 1st person shooter, not a Starcraft'er, so that might give you a little insight into how I approach strategy/competition, and why I'm not naturally talented at a game like poker. But I just really like people and being social, I like the physicality of holding cards and playing with chips, I like eating a burger and having a beer at the table, and my mood is entirely different live vs online. Honestly, it's probably the best poker environment for someone like me since I get off on it.

But of course it cant just be all about poker, since I'll have to have some kind of job first, and a desirable place to live. There arent that many non-degen poker cities honestly so it's gonna be tight. We're even thinking about moving to Canada because Canadians rock, and I'm starting to get disgusted with the United States. Vancouver is the only city I'm even remotely interested in though, so it's either there or nothing at all. I think with 1 good year of employment here, plus all the other shit I have on my resume and I'll be a lock for employment anywhere in the U.S. It's kinda funny planning my departure a mere 6 weeks into new employment, but that was always part of the end-game anyway, no matter how comfortable I get where I'm at right now.

Beyond that, poker has been hugely "MEH!!" as always. I just dont put in any volume, mainly because I kinda always expect to lose. Such a weird conflict of emotions, because here I describe how much I want to play, but then once I get the chance to actually sit down and play I avoid it. I won a freeroll for $600 on Hero a few months back, and after cashing out $200 my bankroll is down to $100 or so. I lost about 10 BI's playing NL25 HU, 1 silly shot at NL200 6max, and I think a little at omaha just because I had never played omaha before. I actually paid for a couple of lessons in HU just because I've always wanted to get into it, and the money seems good even as low as NL25. But with a shattered bankroll it's hard not to play scared. I'll probably start buying in for 60BB's or so since thats all my competition usually sits with anyway and hoping I can apply what little I've learned in 2 hours of lessons. I'd gladly buy a ton more HU coaching but because I'm not sure if I'm smart enough to actually get the hang of it I want to kinda take it step by step before investing $1000 into something I'll never use.

Anyway thats about it I guess.

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6max coach swap for mtt coaching by NeillyJQ, July 28

hey guys, if theres any good nl100+ 6max regs that would like to learn mtt's, we can swap a couple lessons and i have around 30 videos you can have too

let me know if anyones interested, looking on taking my 6max game to the next level. starting to understand some things i hadn't ever understood, i want to keep having eurekas and become sick solid at 6max.

Really, anyone thats been a solid winner over the last 12 months~!

Mtts are high variance and my br isn't large enough to sustain the swings, i like cashgames as building br for mtts, and to play on days i don't have a lot of time. I'd like to learn to beat up to 1/2 a career winner up til nl50 in 6m. nl100+ has given me problems in the past, although my last 2 nl100 shots went well, i still consider nl50 my ceiling

I'm a decent 6max player, I currently play 31/25/8.63b fold to 3b 73%

I tend to overvalue some top pairish hands sometimes and have some leaks that i am 100% sure i am unaware of. - maybe many more than i even realize..

Also, alot of blind on blind situations like AJss hands, i tend to trap myself into losing like 60bb pretty often

I need a coach for like 2-3 sessions atleast.....

Hope someone is willing to trade, I know a ton about MTT's and many cashgame players are new to MTT's and I could help them dramatically on teacing them all the different nuances and explaining in detail

ok thats it, kind of a troll post, but its important to me and i hope to be able to make a sustainable winrate in the nl100-nl200 6max games, and play mtts at nighttime. been wanting this for a long time now, but kept trying on my own and i just fail on my own or something idk


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holidays for two weeks by spets1, July 28

im stopping over in Icheon for one night. Arriving at 5:40pm on satruday 30th July . Flying out 9:50am next morning.
Is there anything to do? Watch live starcraft?? Watch those korean girl bands? Whats there to do? Hotels?


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I need BR management discipline :( by Endo, July 28

So I traded for some Hero $ earlier, got $100, and was just playing around on NL25 HU, which I find for the most part to be really really soft. Really quickly into my first session, and a couple of check/raise all-ins later (most of which are snap called with the nuts or TPTK against my FD/SD) I find myself with only $33 left.

Then I seem like I cant lose, run it up to $250 or so (oh baby, going up 10 buyins) and play this massive fish at NL25 who I take like 4 BI off of in maybe 50 hands.

He sits out and I'm just browsing on the HU tables when I notice he's sitting on some NL100 tables. Same guy. And I'm just licking my chops, thinking "Oooooo free monies".

You can see where this is going...

I had told myself that I was already underrolled for NL25 HU, and if I did well I would not move up AT ALL until I was fully rolled for NL50 HU (meaning 20 BI). I've always done very well at HU online in the past, but always had BR management issues. No moving up. No matter what.

So what do I do? I sit down at the NL100 table and he posts his blind.


AK, 4bet preflop, he calls. Flop comes KJ3. He checks, I bet, and he snapjams over. I'm like FIST-PUMPING CALL right then because I know I'm good and he flips over QJs. Rivers a Q.

I'm like -.-

About 20-30 hands later, I'd chipped up a bit and we were both with $170 stacks.
QQ, 3bet preflop, he calls. Flop comes Q56. I bet he calls. Turn is a 8. I bet he jams and I'm thinking REVENGE!!! SO SWEET!

He flips 77. Rivers a 4.

At this point I'm like -->

Im mega-tilted and absolutely fucking refuse to leave the table and acknowledge that I've lost money to a huge lucksack. The only way I was leaving the table was if either of us went bust.

...That's a very bad idea btw, challenging a known lucksack to a who-busts-first battle when you have 60bb left in your BR. He KO'ed me soon after.

And kids, that's what happens when you play HU massively under-rolled, even if you think its way +EV.

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Summer Update by exalted, July 28

Since I don't visit 2+2 at all, I'm disappointed that LP seems a lot less active. Obviously, after Black Friday most Americans have nothing to talk about. This is in stark contrast to Teamliquid - if there's a controversial topic, the thread balloons to 15 pages overnight (a little TOO active, IMO). The whole aura here has gotten a lot more gloomy.

I played pretty much exclusively on FTP, with ~90% of my net worth stuck there now. I have been silent since I didn't want to induce fear-mongering (looking at you, Whamm!), but yeah, the situation sucks right now. Since I don't have any insider information on this, there isn't much else for me to comment or speculate on.

I have been playing on Merge (level 70 Barbarian, yo!). Does that make me the most powerful Hero on Liquidpoker? It's alright but really needs an influx of new players. Above nl200, there is little traffic and it is comprised of regulars. Perhaps that just is a sign of the stagnant poker economy (at least in NL). Girlfriend has been grinding on Stars - apparently < nl100 is good, nl100+ not so much.

Tonight, I'm heading to Macau for 4 nights to renew my Taiwan visa and live poker. There isn't much to do besides gambling and saunas so this trip is going to be mostly business. Going to be playing 20/40 HKD at the Lisboa and will try out the Wynn this weekend. If this trip goes well, will strongly consider attending the Red Dragon which is in early August. Will write a trip report when I get back!

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results from week 1 by kurtisturtle, July 27

first week of playing .02/.05 FR on bodog

keep a notepad file i edit when i open/close the client

  Start: 22.10
7/21/11 1t 2h End: 26 (+5.9)
7/22/11 2t 2.5h End: 28.12 (+2.12)
w david: (-2.10)
End: $32.65 (+4.53)
7/24/11 2t 1.5h End: 29.92 (-2.53)
~Don't play tired... -.-
2t .75h End: 26.20 (-3.70)
~Make sure you're playing the right stakes
7/25/11 2t .5h End: 27.03 (+0.83)
2t 2h End: 23.53 (-3.50)
7/26/11 .75h 1t End: 23.60 (+0.07)
1.16h 1t End: 26.88 (+3.28)
7/27/11 1h 2t End: 33.00 (+6.22)
1h 1t End: 33.02 (+0.02)
1h 2t End: 22.59 (-10.43)

a lot lower because i just started a session, lost a $5 buy-in to AQ which hit a flush draw on both turn and river (i had KK). should've shoved really hard on flop, highest card was queen. was not concentrated, didnt play it right and not 20/20 hindsight telling me. my opponent played a really gutsy hand, must've thought my range was a lot wider because we've never played and i got the KK right after 77 inside the first 5 hands

still positive for today and played hands mostly right!


im finding out you gotta treat this shit like a job. fresh in mind, body, and soul. my computer is in kind of a main area out of place because im home for summer & nowhere else to put it, constantly distracted by family and everyone (like during aforementioned hand). musical instruments played & recorded nearby and people never stop talking.

let my friend use the $2.10 bonus deposit money however he pleased. hes a poker fanatic and i wanted to see his real skill level. he lost it all on one table in like 20 mins, paying to see the flop w shit hands then limping & folding pots like nobody's business. but hes good at live, pretty sure he can read my soul.

from now

putting in a ton of hours at work so my only available playtime is only like 1-2 hrs/day...if that. gf going out of town this friday, finally get like 2 days off so I'll be grinding hard.

other stuff

are there any good microstakes videos? all the stuff i can find relies on reading tracking software stats and dont have that with bodog.

damnet, the guy i lost the flush to just won another hand v me on river while i was going for a flush draw (had a higher pair and beat on the river again lol). thats dissappointing, no more chasing shit, now im negative for today.

i know what tilting feels like, this isnt it. im in a down emotional state, but still logical and patient. on the one hand i know i didnt play correctly, knew i wasnt while i was doing it & making a point with it for my own satisfaction (worth -$2.50). on the knife's edge.


fucking lucky river shit. today, 46 to 2 is not on my side. now im tilting. gonna break for tonight and grind back up tomorrow

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Galfond is back by Highcard, July 27

Just saw on HS plo Galfond is back, sounds like all the big winners have moved to canada now, guess the games are going to get tougher heh...

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Rebuilding... again?!? by SpasticInk, July 27

Long time since last update. I've been playing mostly NL100 rush on FTP.

I was on my way to nl200 but had to cashout a lot (living expenses, travels and so on...) I have 7k on FTP but with the current situation and no online BR I didn't know what to do. Was thinking about asking for a stake but decided not to.

Since I didn't have much saved up and the money I have in my bank account is a buffert I don't wanna touch , I decided (maybe stupidly) to start regrind at PokerStars... It probably looks silly to start over at NL10 again, but that's the way it is. Started 8 days ago with 150$ and this is my progress so far:

As you can see I actually lost 18 buyins after my good start - which basically was me overplaying my hands way too much. I gave people too little credit - stacking off too light. I realized that a raise on the flop is a super strong move at NL10. Anyway, started to 9 table instead, focused on the fish and things went better.

Biggest pot won:

Submitted by : SpasticInk

PokerStars Game #65122564517: Holdem No Limit ($0.05/$0.10 USD) - 2011/07/27 2:27:58 CET [2011/07/26 20:27:58 ET]
Table Lunaria III 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: AFGCSB ($14.38 in chips)
Seat 2: nibas777 ($6.51 in chips)
Seat 3: BPVa ($15.82 in chips)
Seat 4: francoismeca ($5 in chips)
Seat 5: Hero ($31.18 in chips)
Seat 6: dutch n8mare ($12.98 in chips)
AFGCSB: posts small blind $0.05
nibas777: posts big blind $0.10

Dealt to Hero 5s5d
BPVa: raises $0.20 to $0.30
francoismeca: calls $0.30
Hero: calls $0.30
dutch n8mare: folds
AFGCSB: calls $0.25
nibas777: folds

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $1.30)

AFGCSB: bets $1.05
BPVa: calls $1.05
francoismeca: calls $1.05
Hero: raises $4.55 to $5.60
AFGCSB: raises $8.48 to $14.08 and is all-in
BPVa: raises $1.44 to $15.52 and is all-in
francoismeca: folds
Hero: calls $9.92

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $47.47)


River (Pot : $47.47)


BPVa: shows JhKh (high card Ace)
Hero: shows 5s5d (three of a kind, Fives)
Hero collected $2.88 from side pot
AFGCSB: mucks hand
Hero collected $42.59 from main pot

Total pot $47.47 Main pot $42.59. Side pot $2.88. | Rake $2
Board  5h6h4dAc8c
Seat 1: AFGCSB (small blind) mucked Ah4h
Seat 2: nibas777 (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: BPVa showed JhKh and lost with high card Ace
Seat 4: francoismeca folded on the Flop
Seat 5: Hero showed 5s5d and won ($45.47) with three of a kind, Fives
Seat 6: dutch n8mare (button) folded before Flop (didnt bet)

Current roll:

Starting NL25 today. People probably wonder why I dont play a European skin instead with great rakeback, but the truth is that games are going all the time on PS, no problem starting 9 tables in the morning and table select as well. I prefer playing in the morning and noon when people are at work.

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Six Tabling by NeillyJQ, July 27

Makes poker fun, idk why I used to always push myself so hard to play max tables etc. That shit burns you out so fast.

Guess if I played FR 24 tables would still seem suitable though

Anyways hope everyones doing well,

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With a golden horse shoe up my ass. by DustySwedeDude, July 27

So tonight I played some. I was slightly tired and got annoyed on a bunch of crap. I played like shit. Then I took a break and started again. Lost a bunch of bi's 3-tabling some guy HU. I think he probably owned me. Head not screwed on right. Then I took a walk and thought about some crap and felt that life sucked and got the tilt out of me, got back, sat down, played a bit and ended up 2 tabling some guy on 5/10, which I havn't played in like 3 months. Won like 8 or 9 flips I think and now I went from "will probably fail to win 10k this month too *sigh*" to "well it looks fairly solid".

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Video Games>>Children by palak, July 26

  A young Chinese couple has sold all three of their children in exchange for money to play online games at Internet cafes, reports a southern Chinese newspaper.

According to Sanxiang City News, the couple met in an Internet cafe back in 2007 and bonded over their obsession with online video games. A year later, the parents -- who are both under 21 -- welcomed their first child, a son. Days after his birth, they left him home alone while they went to play online games at an Internet cafe 30 km away.

In 2009, Li Lin and Li Juan welcomed their second child, a baby girl, and came up with the idea to sell her for money to fund their online game obsession. They did so, receiving RMB 3,000 (less than $500), which they spent entirely shortly after. The couple then proceeded to sell their first child and got 10 times as much for him -- RMB 30,000, or about $4600.

Upon having their third child -- another boy -- the parents followed in their previous footsteps and also got RMB 30,000 for him.

They were finally turned into authorities when Li Lin’s mother found out what her son and his girlfriend had done.

When asked if they missed their children, the parents answered, "We don’t want to raise them, we just want to sell them for some money.”

Sanxiang City News reports the couple didn't know they were breaking the law.

Another article on the same thing.

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HU help plz by k4ir0s, July 26

My main game is FR, but i've been trying to learn HU lately. Is it worth working on my HU game? or should I focus 100% on FR. I've been playing HU because I want to improve my game in general, but i've been spewing alot of money trying to learn HU..eventhough im playing at nl100 instead of nl200, im begining to think I should just stick to FR forever :/

I don't know if it's tilt that causes me to play so poorly.. but I make a ton of ridiculous/stupid call downs with bottom pair hands. Also It's annoying finding people that'll play me, I get hit and run 10 times in a row before finding an opponent. 90% of regs are bumhunters, and most fish just leave after winning ~20$. plus I can't even play more than 2 tables

I imagine i'll have to get better at HU sooner or later, right? :/ i'd really appreciate some advice on how to play these hands correctly

KatyIgnatova = 67/45, 29% fold to 3bet, 21% raise cbet, 40% fold to cbet, 50% bet in position.

#1 we're deep, do i have to repop here and get it in?
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#2 He often calls my 3bet with alot of suited connectors/gapper type hands, but he could also have hands like A8o i think.. it kinda feels weak to fold here knowing that he probably has alot of FDs? deep here also
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#3 turn bet good or bad? should I continue my bluff here?
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volante2die4 = 55/45, 75% fold to 3bet, 38% fold to cbet, 23% c/r flop,
#4 is checking the turn better?
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#5 I feel like im overplaying my hand, but he's probably gonna shove the river anyways if I check.. so I figure by shoving I can atleast rep a missed draw..dunno how lite he's calling me down.
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#6 I was wondering.. is it ok float this flop? since we're deep and I can hit some backdoors, if so, what do I do when he checks a brick turn?
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#7 do i bet now? is my flop call ok?
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The miracle drug by WhoAmI, July 26

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Starcraft II question by pluzich, July 26

Got a new laptop, will be able to play SC II
I am in Germany right now but want an English version, the shops from what I understand sell only the German version. I'm pretty sure one can use the German key with an English installation. sells the game for almost 20 Euros more than the shops, which is disgusting and I'm not going to pay that extra.

So does anyone know how to do this? Want a EU key (can buy from shop) + the game in English.

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U.S. deposits and W/Ds by hoylemj, July 26

Just wondering how depositing funds and cashing-out is working for US players...
Is Western Union the only option for deposits and is anyone having trouble cashing out or cashing checks? I'm interested in Hero Poker but information on any sites would be great.

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Mystery Man in Jail by Night2o1, July 25

So there's this mystery man in a utah jail

the story captured my imagination

who is this mysterious character!?

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