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my stats by truffesbio4920, May 31

hey everyone...

I have removed my stats, just in case.

have a nice day/night

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What's up with people? by Night2o1, May 31

There has always been this behavior that puzzles me in hand histories. Someone posts a questions, "What should my action be on this river?". A couple of microstakes and low stakes donks respond with a simple genius explanation, "check."

A couple more post "check because (factor which has little bearing on the situation)".

A highstakes, intelligent player posts a different action, "Shove all-in.. " with accompanying small breakdown of their range and what they expect to get value from.

Two more microdonks respond "check"

What drives you donks to reject a skilled player's input and suggest the opposite move without any explanation? When people ask for help with a hand history they don't just think so highly of random jokers' opinion that they want you to reply "check" like you are even remotely authoritative on the subject.

I dunno I don't mean to complain.. just a weird thing I see people doing all the time. I probably do it too.

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Amazon Kindle review by hoylemj, May 31

(I'll try to add a video review sometime.)

Features and Software
eBook Formats, etc

This review is for anyone interested in buying an e-reader. I only have hands-on experience with the Kindle. There are a few sites ( for one) and video reviews you can find on Youtube that compare other options.

My main concerns in buying one were:

1) the price [is it worth it?] and
2) will I get the features I need [is it compatible with the e-books I have, etc]

The price of the Kindle has dropped quite a bit over the last couple of years. The standard Kindle costs about $140 [EDIT: was $165], but now you can also get a $25 discount if you buy one that includes "special offers" (built-in, non-removable advertisements).

I typically do all I can to get around advertisements so I was a bit hesitant to jump at even a $25 coupon, but these ads are only in the form of screensavers and a bar at the bottom of the main menu. I hardly even notice them, they are not placed in view of any reading material and when the screen/power saver is on you can just cover it up. If you don't mind the $140 tag, the Kindle is well worth that, but the difference in the "special offer" version is really just in the price tag.

Hands-on The Kindle:


The Kindle is very light (weighs a few ounces) and the screen is roughly 6".

There are > and < page turn buttons on both sides of the screen. This is good in case you are reading with one hand, even for a moment.

The keyboard has been shrunk from previous versions to save space (I have no trouble typing on it and I have relatively large hands.] You also have navigational arrows in the form of a box and inside the box is a select button. This was designed very well for moving around the main menu and sub-menus. Number buttons were taken off the keyboard and replaced by a symbol button which brings up a menu in which you can navigate to various numbers and symbols. I personally don't think you need to type in numbers that often (I do so mainly in naming files and folders/'collections' since you never really search for page numbers [bookmarks instead]) so I like the idea of using the 'Sym' key to type in numbers as opposed to physical keys on the keyboard.

The Kindle has speakers at the top of it's back (podcasts, audio books, mp3s, text-to-speech). That's the only thing on the backside.

On the bottom it has a USB/power port, a regular 3.5mm headphone jack, a -/+ volume bar, and a switch that lets you put the Kindle in screensaver mode.

All in all, it's amazingly tiny and light. It doesn't have a removable battery/power source, and charges up via USB like an i-pod or via a wall outlet converter (these come with it). The battery lasts a long time. I've read that if you were only using the Kindle to read e-books it would last up to a month (WiFi off, etc).

Features and software

First, let me say, the e-ink technology in these e-readers is unbelievably cool. It's the main reason you would buy a stand alone e-book reader as opposed to using a tablet, i-pad, or laptop. The screen really does look like a paper page plus this technology is what allows the readers to use up such little amounts of battery power over time. If I didn't know that I had an e-reader in my hand I would think it was a static, cardboard page - but, at the click of a button, almost instantaneously, we are on another page. And there is no glare in the sun as is much advertised so you can read it outside the same as in any other light source.

Compared to ipads, etc, the software on the Kindle is very basic.

At the home menu you select how you want to organize the your files. The options are 'Most Recent First', 'Title', 'Author', 'Collections.'

In my opinion this is where the Kindle is the weakest and thus has most room for improvement (I'm pretty sure they can do this in software updates for existing Kindle owners). You don't really have a lot of power in customizing and organizing how your files are stored and accessed. This was a bit awkward for me since I am so used to the common file explorer/windows structure (that allows you to create folders with-in folders ad infinitum), but there are ways to work with or around it.

Personally, I like to browse my e-books by categories/genres and subcategories (folders within folders). This also works well for storing books on DVDs and moving them to my computer and to my Kindle, back and forth.

On the Kindle, you can have only 1 level of folders called Collections. Then in each of those of course, you have your books with no sub-collection folders. This is not a terrible drawback, but it does limit accessibility.

Right now I have 3 pages of collections on my main menu. For each collection, you are given its name and in parantheses, at the end of the collection name, the number of books in that collection. When you click on the collection, you move down 1 level into that folder where all the books in it are sorted either by 'Most Recent First', 'Title', and 'Author.'

For each book you view, the Kindle will remember the last page you were on. You can also place bookmarks in each book.

The worst feature of the Kindle is that you can't load new books directly into their corresponding collections. Every time I load books onto the device, I either have to select each book and manually click around to 'Add to Collection' and then create a collection or move it to one already created, or I have to do the same thing (only much quicker) with free software named Calibre.

Within Calibre you can choose to create collections based on those you have created and organized in Calibre (it keeps up with the library of books on your computer) or you can access the Kindle and manually setup which books are in which collection, rather laboriously within the software (still faster than doing it within the Kindle itself).

I've only had the Kindle for a week so maybe I will find a better way to organize my ebooks in time. These sites have been helpful so far:

Moving on...

Pressing the Menu button while on the Home menu brings up a drop-down with these options:

-Turn Wireless On/Off
-Shop in Kindle Store
In the Kindle store you can download and read the 1st chapter of any book for free.

-View Archived Items
-Create New Collection
-Sync & Check for Items
(Registration, Device Name, Wi-Fi Settings(available networks), Device Info)

-View Special Offers
(Web Browser [basic web browsing, no flash], Play mp3s [put music on the Kindle and control the player with the keyboard], Text-to-Speech [can activate at anytime with keyboard shortcuts])

The drop-down menu in the Settings screen includes the additional options:

-Change Primary Dictionary
(You can look up words as you read)
-Update Your Kindle
-Reset to Factory Defaults
-Sync and Check for Items

When you access any dropdown menu, the top bar changes to show the time and amount of free space.

eBook formats, etc
The Kindle only supports internal memory - up to 4GB. It will directly read *.Mobi files and Amazon store files (*.Azw or something like that) and PDFs. *.Epub files can be converted to Mobi or PDF format via Calibre. Mobi and Amazon book files are very small (< 1 MB), look best within the kindle, and allow you to use basically all of the Kindle's features ("Go to...","Search", more font size options, better visibility, etc). PDFs are much larger can be more a bit more difficult to read. For instance, with a Mobi or Azw file, you can change the font size similar to how HTML font changes (big, bigger, bigger, bigger, etc) and all the font will adjust to fit the screen. The only difference of course is that you will have more page numbers. Since PDFs are just image files of pages, the only way to increase the font size (which is almost always required) is to select '100%', '150%', '200%', 'fit to page', or 'actual size.' Basically the read will zoom in the same as Adobe Reader, but you are left having to scroll back and forth to get through a single page.

There is a 'Aa' button on the Kindle keyboard that brings up these compatibility options. The options are "font size (Zoom % for PDF), Typeface, Line Spacing, Words per Line, Contrast, Text to Speech, Screen Rotation/Orientation."
With the last option, Screen Rotation, you can often adjust even a zoomed-in PDF so that you can move around comfortably enough using the page turn buttons.

I prefer finding a file in a format other than PDF because of the extra hassle in navigating them, but PDFs are a bit ubiquitous and as I stated, the hassle isn't too bad (as I feared before buying a Kindle).

There are no aps for the Kindle. You can purchase reading lights ($20ish), carrying cases ($8-$100), customizable Gelaskins ($20), screen protectors ($5), car charger, and such.

You can also download/access newspapers, blogs, and magazines at for small fees. I've read reviews on these and it seems that people who are used to the print versions are not very happy with these services (namely the magazines).
I haven't bought any of these but within Calibre you have an option to "Fetch news" or set up a schedule for downloading news from quite a few optional sources (under English there are 342 ranging from Accountancy Age to Al Jazeera to Fox News to National Geographic to the NY times).
I just DL'ed Newsweek and the NY Times moments ago and am pretty damn impressed. Included was all sections and all articles with some pictures. This was free so I imagine it is a more limited version than you'd get normally.

e-Readers are worth the price to pay for the advantages of a dedicated reader (namely e-ink technology). The cheapest one available at the moment, The Kindle (3rd generation) is even cheaper if you get the $25 discounted, 'special offers' version (has built-in ads that are not a problem even if you are an anti-ad type of person.)

Pros: Lightweight, Ultra thin, Lots of accessories, $115 with a few ads, Plays audio files, E-ink is as easy on your eyes as a paper page, Very long battery life, Charges via USB/outlet/(other common methods), Hunderds of books on a device that is as small as a paperback, Text-to-speech, Wi-Fi with basic browsing, Good free 3rd party software (Calibre) to help manage and convert files (ePubs), Built-in dictionaries, supports MOBI and Amzn files which are tiny, can read PDF, Free news sources, Very mobile and noninvasive (read practically anywhere), Ebooks are cheap, Can DL and read the 1st chapter of any ebook available at Amzn.

Cons: File organizing and browsing is not as efficient as it could be (By far. Most eReaders have a similar problem though from what I hear the Sony eReader is more like windows explorer), Too damn much info to read.

(As of Jun 01 prices are now: regular/special offers version 3G: $190/$165 Wi-fi: $140/$115)

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[DONE]$1060 FTP for my PS by player999, May 31


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This week's watchable movies on Torrent by whamm!, May 31

*Stake land- (horror, vampire apocalypse-ish) vampire version of "zombieland", but ok for killing time and is decent enough for horror fans.

*Cedar Rapids- (light comedy/drama) toothless guy from the Hangover and John Reilly, plus that black shiiiiiiiet guy from "the wire" series, actually that guy was hilarious here. Funny enough.

*Seconds Apart- (Horror/Mystery) story about a demented pair of twins who have sadistic tendencies. Very creepy and a decent horror suspense flick.

*True Grit- Cohen brothers movie, won shitload of Oscars, remake of john wayne classic, plus starring Lebowski himself jeff bridges = must watch obv. This is no Unforgiven but it's also very cool and smart in an Oscar kind of way.

*The ward - (Horror/Mystery) Decent horror movie , AMber heard is here but does not take her clothes off, she's pretty though. Nice twist in the end, and it's the best part of the whole movie.

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time to quit... by moneypoker, May 31

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Soccer Breakdown by rS.Wisdom[9], May 31

Classic but goody from ESPN. For anyone who hasn't already seen this... enjoy. It has everything you need to know about soccer.

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_Best_ Video EVER by NeillyJQ, May 31

Watch the whole video LOL - action takes place at 2:24

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May Results by NeillyJQ, May 31

Stellar month;

Online MTT Winnings $ -.-
Live Poker $ -.-

Lol...just saw this, about 1:00 in DN goes on a rant about Stud being a "blah game" and a great song : "coffee soda juice" check it :-)

6:55 sammy goes on his back like a _ _ _ _ c a t v durrr??? :-)

Hope to keep up the run good going into the great weekend on stars.

double prize pools in MTTs so SWEET!

If I could only fcking play online poker FMLFMLFMLFML!

I might be moving up to Canada this friday, altho not 100% sure yet, but about 95% sure at the moment......although i really don't want to....and short on funds......aiya.....will know by wednesday / thurs


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Ambient Music #10 by SugoGosu, May 31

Long time overdue, for those Americans who can't gamble on any large site anymore and are stuck with merge and cake poker, may these tracks lighten your mood.

I have been staked for Merge (NL4/NL10 T_T) since I had trouble depositing. breakeven so far but the past 4 days i'm up 18 buyins after rakeback. hopefully this trend will last longer and i can be back to NL50 and take shots at NL100 soon.

I took this picture.

So let's get to the music!

1) It May Never End
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2) Sleep Dealer
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3) The End Of The Ocean
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4) Lights At Sea
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5) Epigram
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6) Kaneda
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7) Glittering Blackness, Fall
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8) Oracles Always Lie
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9) Dawn Chorus Ignites
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10) Loss of a Child
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Previous Ambient Music Lists:
+ Show Spoiler +

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Step 1: Quit Videogames by Night2o1, May 30

Step 2: be amazingly, mind numbingly bored


FUCK wat do i do ?////

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swedish regs coming to SM? by longple, May 30

any lpswedes coming to play poker SM 2011 now on CC stockholm between 3-7th ?

gonna be on CC between 3rd and 7th prettymuch 24/7 for liveaction, even if i bust main event early


search filip wilhelm bryndahl on facebook if ur goin for my looks so u can find me!

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need paypal by gawdawaful, May 30

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Niagara Report by Arirang, May 30

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May results by Pillars, May 29

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Live poker update by iop, May 29

Well I moved to Chicago a few weeks ago, and my best girlfriends friend is studying medicine in Chicago, but he's also a former high stakes poker player. So he, I and another friend headed out to Horseshoe Hammond in Indiana to play some poker. I hadn't played live in almost a year, so I was anxious to play and compare the skill levels to playing live in Sweden, and also some of the differences (like tipping the dealer).

We took the shuttle out at 18:00, and had to wait till 20:45 before sitting down at 1/2 (200 cap). I sit down, and play at pretty tight table. Didn't go to showdown once, but managed to chip up to 300 or so, before I decided it was time to change tables, because it was too tight.

Sat down at another table that seemed worse than the first one, but played far better, a lot looser and a lot of bad players. Even the 'regulars' are terrible. Due to not playing regularly, I had one hand that got me thinking, but it's clear today.

Hand plays like this:

Pre-flop: I'm on the button, and get 3 people limping infront of me, I raise to 14, with 8c 6c (I got $800 or so) , SB who is a fish sitting with $135 calls, 2 limpers fold, and the TAG straight forward player calls, he covers.

Flop:6s 7c 9c - iirc pot is $48, SB checks, TAG checks, and I bet $30 into $48. SB insta pushes allin for $120 or so. Straightforward TAG thinks for a min or so, and cold calls. I'm pretty sure that he has a set now. I think the right play is to call flop and re-eval turn. I ended up folding after 2-3 minutes and tabled my OESFD + Bottom pair, turn and river bricks but it doesn't matter because I can't be results orientad.

Anyhow played well, well timed bluffs, and could extract a lot of value. Was never really allin during the whole day. Ended up up 3 buyins or so, so I was pleased. Hope to go back soon!

I turned 26 a few weeks ago, and celebrated my B-day in New York with a few friends, had a great time, and really enjoyed New York. Got a business trip out in LA in 2 weeks or so, and another family gathering in San Diego, so I'm looking forward to everything.


My B-day dinner gang

US pride

A bit further down in Wrigleyville, Chicago

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old gangsta times by drone666, May 29

lol, just found this picture from 2002 or 2003 I guess

who knows what I would be doing today if I didn't start playing poker...

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Proper MSL Semifinal ZvsZ Jaedong vs Zero by whamm!, May 28

Exciting ZvZ semifinal action

+ Show Spoiler +

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Back!! by player999, May 28

Pretty much haven't played HUsngs since the black friday due to donkaments, now its time to go back to the grind

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Was doing great yesterday too but start running bad and fucked up and moved up and played too many 200s and 300s vs decent players and ran bad there too. w/e, games r great and I haven't forgotten how to play. Time to reclaim the lobbies that were mine for so long and now seem to belong to bad-breakeven regs.

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Kevin Connolly is the worst actor ever. by byrnesam, May 28

Given that i have a lot of free time, it gives me the opportunity to really take a step back and evaluate whats going on.

I really like Entourage, for all its short-comings the series has me hooked, and with the imminent release of season 8 and the feature length film, I would like to take the time to inform everyone and anyone that Kevin "Eric 'E' Murphy' Connolly" is probably the worst actor that exists today.

He is ruining the series on his own.

Lets take a look:

5: Season 1 - 7: He is a monumental fuck-up. Granted this is character base, but i think it speaks volumes of him as an actor. He cant perform the most basic of fucking tasks and is pretty much the reason Vincents career has been on the ropes numerous times.

We are supposed to believe, that the fuck-up of the entire show, is now working out of the offices of one of Hollywoods most successful? AND THAT HE IS DOING THIS WHEN HIS ONLY FUCKING CLIENTS AGENT WORKS FROM ANOTHER? AND DRIVING AN ASTON MARTIN.

GODDAMN. Im sure he has been given an office space in L.As most exclusive district to manage his 1 client, who happens to be a coke-head and run by someone else. When do they see a return on this dumbass?

4: HES GINGER. Pretty much. Nuff Said.

3: He cant act. Enjoy watching his fucking stagnant ass "HUUUUUUR WHUT?!" attitude for 8 seasons. If you want to watch him in anything other than Entourage, expect much of the same. The part of Eric was written with him in mind. The writers must be on fuckin crack.

2: Hes short.


They arent yours Kevin... Unless you happen to be Kobe Bryant tall and the people at HBO did some lord of the rings special effects. You fucking midget. DEAL WITH IT

1: He ruined the best scene in Entourage. Season 5 - episode seven "Gotta look up to get down"

As Ari arrives at the airport to fly out to Switzerland to fly to Geneva to speak with Alans boss about becoming studio head. Ari tells Vinnie that hes in a position to get him any job he wants in the future. This moment is crucial. We see the boundry between boss, client and friend smashed. Vincent says "Id like to finish what we started" which is a little surprising to the audience, more surprising is that Ari really cares about his opinion.

Radiohead's "Fake Plastic Trees" plays during this whole scene, adding to its emotional value - we see the turmoil between agent and client and friend.

After Ari has admitted why he is flying to Geneva we see Vincent getting on the plane

"YO! WHATS UP?!" Says E, in his typical droll style
"They just offered Ari the studio-head position..."






He is shocked when he hears the news from Vin, even though he clearly would have no real fucking idea what was going on. For all intents and purposes this would be a great deal for Vinnie. Thats the surprise, that Vinnie cares more about the relationship forged prior to that moment.


Lets not also forget that he gets with hot chicks. Even with being Vinnie Chases manager, i dont believe this guy could get with more than a 4, and yet we were forced to endure his endless hot chick streak until he ended up with Sloan, who despite being equal in height is clearly leagues above anything Kevin could ever get.

He is also portrayed as a "tough guy". You dont get much fuckin softer than some pussy ass 4ft ginger cunt. Why did you do this HBO? Why did you write him this way?

He also wears running shoes throughout the show. Im guessing this adds a couple of inches. Nothing says Hollywood like a pair of New Balance.

Of all the characters in Entourage, including the ancillary characters, Kevin is the worst.

Congratulations Kevin Connolly for consistently being the most terrible actor in Entourage after 7 seasons. All reports seem to show you being as terrible and as douche-baggy in real life as you are on the show. Which is no surprise.

I hope you read this. Dick.

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