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starcraft II by K40Cheddar, April 25

Just picked it up at the store! Since I can't play poker anymore I need something to fill in my available free time. I've been playing Call of Duty and Halo Reach a lot but Call of Duty is just way too easy and has a terrible matchmaking system, while Halo pretty much requires an arranged team of 4 to play at higher levels and I don't have 3 friends to consistently play with. I'm a big Warcraft III player and have never touched Starcraft but after hearing about it for awhile and seeing some friends play it I decided I would give it a shot.

Since I have never played Starcraft in my life I will probably be a complete and utter noob at this game for awhile. I got better at WC3 watching some replays to learn builds and strats and stuff. Anyone got some good links to SC2 replay sites that might help me get a good starting idea? Obviously can't learn without practicing either, I'm just looking for some additional resources.

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wife starting to have contractions.... by HeroPoker-CEO, April 25

We haven't even packed the hospital bag cause it is our second child, so we've been taking things pretty easy,
but now she is starting to have some very minor contractions and so now we're packing the hospital bag.

We live about 40 mins outside of Seoul, but our hospital is in Seoul because I wanted my second son to be born at the same hospital cause it was very good,
but I was expecting to move in with my brother-in-laws family this week and stay there which is about 5 mins from the hospital. The actual expected due date is May 3rd, but since last week the baby is already grown enough to be born at a healthy weight. Our first child was actually 1 week late, so we both figured that the second was going to be the same...apparently not! lol.

Mmm...well its 2:23am now in Korea, I guess I'll find out if they get stronger in the next hour, but even if they are like 1 hour apart,
we're headed off to Seoul to at least stay with my brother-in-law, as the labour for the second birth is quite quick.

I'll update if we actually leave the house tonight. I'd hate to leave during rush hour traffic in Seoul, if that is the case we're like to have the baby in Ilsan where we are now (much cleaner and spacious here than Seoul).


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Russians. by Arirang, April 25

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Pandora stream ripper? by Night2o1, April 24

Can anyone hook me up with some info on a legit pandora stream ripper? I have pandora one, if it makes any difference

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Movies (Feels good man) by whamm!, April 24

* The Dilemma (Comedy/Light Drama) - Kevin James, Vince Vaughn, Winona Ryder, Jennifer Connelly
- About telling your best friend how his wife is cheating on him and the problems that come with it
The movie was just Ok - could be on the don't watch list tbh

* Bulletproof Gangster"kill the irishman" (Bio/Action) - Ray Stevenson, Vinnie Jones, Vincent d'Onofrio, Christopher Walken
- Based on Danny Greene's life, Irish guy who gets fed up with Cleaveland crime families and starts fighting back. Highly recommended, very similar to "Rise of the Footsoldier"

* Insidious (Horror) - Very scary, people should definitely watch it. Had to watch with one eye open lol. fucking scary shit

* Waiting for Tomorrow(Love story/Drama) - Very slow drama/love story, if you want to feel sorry for a guy who's got absolutely no shot with a girl but hits a one outer in the end then i suggest you watch this. I dunno how I endured watching this movie but I did, and I actually found the whole thing decent. Proceed with caution on this one lol.(gf will prob love it)

* Lincoln Lawyer -(Mystery/thriller) Mat Maconaughey, Marissa Tomei, Ryan Philippe
- Courtroom Thriller about a rich boy accussed of attempted rape, assault on a hooker and his defense lawyer's methods of getting him off

* Hanna - Child raised to be an assassin by the CIA with the help of some manipulation of some engineering, looked really good even if i watched it on a terrible copy. Id recommend watching it in theatres, nice action sequences and the humor inserted are even surprisingly funny. awesome background music too

*Rise of the footsoldier - one of those good unknown gems ive watched 2 years ago, hooligans and gangsters
highly recommended

Newly released torrents which are crap:

Buried - ryan reynolds in a coffin for 2 hours, no chance to see his abs - fuck that lol
The Plague - just because its from a Clive Barker novel means you should watch it
Walking the Dead - horror mystery set in China
Tracker - Ray Winstone's piece of shit movie
Street Kings 2 - Busto sequel without the lead (No keanu here, just move along now)
Scream 4 - only watch if you have to

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Sex of child? by hernandez, April 24

1st Q: If you could somehow choose what sex you wanted your first child to be, would you prefer a son or a daughter?

Some people claim that daughters are generally closer to their fathers as they get older, and sons are closer with their mother. So that's something to consider.
Poll: I would prefer my first born child is a
(Vote): girl
(Vote): boy

2nd: How many children do you want, and what order? Eg, 5 kids: boy, boy, boy, girl, girl.
Poll: I would like to have this many children eventually:
(Vote): None
(Vote): One
(Vote): Two
(Vote): Three
(Vote): Four
(Vote): Five or more

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winning by k4ir0s, April 24

most $ won in a session =D

this month so far (6-12 tabling nl200 FR) POSITIVE REDLINE YEAH!
+ Show Spoiler +

last month (16-20 tabling nl100 FR)
+ Show Spoiler +

Just hit Supernova finally! lol

Also im trying to get back into playing SC2, is it even possible to play that game casually? I lost like 10 games before even winning one (playing terran for the 1st time). Seems like i'd have to play alot of it to fully enjoy it, not sure if it's worth it

ALSO to everyone thinking about moving to PS because they think the games are so soft, STAY AWAY games are unbeatable.

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Calling all micro players! by ShaperofDreams, April 23

(or anyone who is willing to help)

I agree with what Tasteless/Artosis/Idra say about Starcraft, that it's not only practice but the ability to communicate with like-minded people that helps players improve.

I want to put together a group of people to talk to about poker with, my poker email is, and I can make a skype if people prefer that.

Also I will post all hands I find confusing on the hands section of LP, which should be a lot.

I'd really appreciate any help, and later the ability to help others (hopefully)!

Also if we find that one of us is spamming questions too much we can be men and say we are busy, or just straight up tell each other to slow down and be more picky with questions.

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I'M BACK BABY! by tutz_x, April 23

hey guys!! :D
after more than a year way from poker, I'm back! I decided to quit to take care of some issues in my life, things that I couldnt handle well at the time. I cashed out all my roll but I'm gonna put some back on PS to get back to action.

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Your own life? by hernandez, April 23

If someone offered you $5,000,000 for free... but the only catch is there is 1x) odds you will die (and not receive any money for your next of kin either).

So how much do you value your life compared to getting $5 million... would you ever accept this deal, and if so, at what odds?


Q: What method of death would it be?
A: Painless lethal injection.

Q: How do i express the odds I am willing to take?
A: 1:N odds of you dying vs not dying (eg. 1:100 means 1 in 100 times you will die, 99 in 100 you will get 5 million).

Q: What currency is the $5,000,000?

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Regridin' is ez by player999, April 22

last 2 days

no reason to panic

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Free HoN Account by collegesucks, April 22

I'm really quitting the game this time. I have to get into grad school, finish additional levels in my CFA exams, and spend more time with the people I love in RL. After repeated failures, I figured that the best way to quit was to give away my paid account for free to someone on LP.

I have 2 conditions:

1. I'd like to give it away to someone who's not completely new to HoN/DoTA, because this game has an insane learning curve and some of you may become too disgusted to continue playing.
2. I don't want to give it away to someone who's completely random to me.

Additionally, I don't mind giving away this account to someone who's already playing HoN because I've immensely enjoyed playing with all of you from LP, and I think a lot of you wouldn't mind having a second account to screw around with.

There's a name change option that I've purchased with in-game coins, so you can change the account name to whatever you desire once you've won the account from me.

Leave a comment in this blog and I'll pick out the names I recognize, assign numbers to your name and do a random roll during a final log-in to the HoN client for the winner, to whom I will PM the account information.

Peace out noobs

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Going to Korea by edzwoo, April 22

Gonna be a short blog.

Visiting an old friend there. Leaving on the plane in 4 hours or so.

We have a pretty sick schedule; we'll probably hit up all the best places to eat and go sight-seeing.

I'm coming back on May 4th; expect lots of awesome pics of the food!

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Stars shares for the 'daily bigs' by MTT-DESTROYER, April 22

Hi, stars have renamed some of their usual daily mtt's into 'the daily bigs' and if you play 3 of them of the same value you receive a free scoop ticket for the same value as well. (e.g play 3 x $11 get an $11 scoop ticket).

They are:

$11 50k
$22 25k
$55 100k
$109 50k

Total per day = $197
Total for 3 days = $591

I'm looking to sell 30% of my action for which you get 30% of any returns, plus you get the added bonus of 30% in the four Scoop events I will play with the tickets earnt from this promotion, a lot of VALUE! I am 25k in profit from mtt's and I am very comfortable playing these limits.

I have sold shares before to OjKa and I sent back any money we had left, i'm sure he can confirm this if required.

So 10% = $59.10
30% = $177.30

Here is my OPR link:

PM me for any other info/questions

Thank you

10% sold by PM 20% left

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Discipline by Uptown, April 21

Related to an earlier blogpost regarding our most +EV choices in life.

I'm at a stage in life where poker makes Zero sense to play.

1) I have a job which gives me great career options going forward and is a constantly challenging learning process. Any extra work I put into learning extra skills and industry knowledge/standards translates to huge long term +EV.

2) I have an investment portfolio that has a much greater long term EV return for time invested (i.e. keeping track of the markets, reading business and economic news every day, studying financials and business propositions of public corporations, etc) than can ever realistically give me for the same number of hours committed. Even if I make GREAT money at poker per year, the per hour return compounded over many decades will definitely lose out to equivalent commitment to investing disciplines.

3) I have a number of pursuits that give me great joy and are healthy pastimes (random coding projects, the odd blogging activity, yardwork -loliknow-, gym ratting, etc.).

The upsides Poker gave me were
a) Monetary gains - countered by points (1) and (2) above.

b) Enjoyment - countered by point (3) above.

c) Meeting people - irreplaceable, but at this point I don't feel the need to actually play the game to sustain or grow this aspect.

I still get mild to strong urges to play Poker again. It's unmistakably a fun game for me to play. But my enjoyment is correlated to winning, and winning tends to be a long term result. Long term means I need to commit many hours to make sure I win, and in turn enjoy the activity.

The dots just don't connect for me anymore, so I try my best to reason myself out of playing the game. I've been successful so far, and hopefully I can build on this track record. It's tough quitting 'the habit', but spending 3-4 hours in front of a monitor clicking buttons and being stressed out about running into the top of someone's range just doesn't seem to make sense for me anymore.

I guess the current hoopla surrounding FTP/Stars does help me out in this regard.

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Waiting my flight for dublin! by HeRoS)eNGagE, April 20

Like my last blog post said, i won a sat to the irish open in dblin
Well i am atm at the airport waiting for my flight, leaving in 1 hour
hope ill do good in the tourney^^
gona try to keep it up to date here so you guys know if i busted or not
i hope ill do great
its gona be my first live event ever so thats gona be fun lol
gona have alot of stress too i guess but ill prolly be fine after like 30 min of playing or w/e
we will see ;o)
some peoples told me live players are just terrible so it gives me some hope^^
its around 600k EURO for first so it could be a great payday hahaha
around 700 players the last 2 years i think so its not tooooo big of a tourney
just need to run good^^
since luckyace pay everything for me obv my goal is to finish in the cash, and ill be happy obv^^
so anyway im or watch a movie w/e
gona try to put somes pics here too i guess

wish me luckkkkk

omg right when i finished writing it my internet fucked up but i didnt lost anything i had wrote, phew the run good starting ! xD

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Talking to longple for 10 mins by Rocketshiptrip, April 20

I should just quit and soon busto

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gotta get back to the grind by hansen jr., April 20

anyone wanna do a prop bet for playing at least 30k hands or smth over the next 30 days?

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buying %/stake question by sweetbread, April 20

I understand how a normal stake works for cashgames, i.e. 50/50 split for x hands with makeup. But what if a player and a staker put up an equal amount of money for the bankroll, what percentage should go to the player?

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300/Spartan Training by RiKD, April 20

gave this a go this morning:

25x Pull-up +
50x Deadlift @ 135# +
50x Push-up +
50x Box Jump @ 24" box +
50x Floor Wiper @ 135# (one-count) +
50x KB Clean and Press @ 36# (KB must touch floor between reps) +
25x Pull-up
300 reps total

it was pretty kick ass.

i've been basically bodypart split bb training for a long ass time and decided to switch it up a bit. i want to diet down but on standard bb split it is frustrating to work your ass off doing the same lifts over and over again and lose strength. on the come up it's a lot of fun b/c you can eat a shit ton of grits then like slather some chicken w/ a ton of bbq sauce and potatoes and go wild in the gym and see all your lifts improve but i've more or less stayed the same for a while.

basically i remember there was a thread posted about the spartacus workout as well as i know there are a lot of mma guys on here and i was just wondering if anyone has experience w/ this type of training. #1 it was extremely motivating to see how fast i can do the workout. #2 in theory and practice i don't see how anything can get you more shredded. #3 it's new and exciting. i don't want to lose all my gains from standard bb'ing though so was curious about this from ppl w/ more experience.

also, anyone have any workout drug recommendations?

i have used hot-rox in the past and would use again.

best fish oil?

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