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nl25 review by Into Infinity, October 16

decided to put in some money on ACR since i had some BTC lying around.

i was never a big winner (used to make cry posts on here a lot, but i was a pretty big gay back then) but pre-black friday i was winning around 4 BB/100 or so? i was pretty bad at the game but i thought it was easy to win doing the standard stuff.

my first impression of ACR is that nl25 is full of regs. i've been 6 tabling 6 max and it seems like i'll have the same people on every table.

anyway... i haven't played in a while and haven't been keeping up with the poker meta so maybe i'm just a bit out of touch (or i just suck, lol)

first 3.5k hands. not too impressive. a lot of my bigger losing hands is just fancy play syndrome and putting myself in bad spots (edit: one session, all the tables were full, so i sat at 4 empty tables and had the same guy sit against me on all four and destroy me for four BIs before i gave up), but i've hand some hands where i scratched my head a bit at. hoping for some input:

hand 1:
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hand 2:
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hand 3:
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The ACR 1m Gntd by Ryan Neilly, October 15


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Gladiator quote that's wrong by deathstar, October 14

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bought a camera by drone666, October 03

and took this picture

I think it got pretty cool, although im a noob and dont know how to take good pictures yet

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zoom challenge by Stroggoz, October 02

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I am a man yelling into a well by RiKD, September 25

I have yet to find a new forum so here is where I am. I am a man that yells into wells. The whole moving forward from my current job is a pretty crucial topic for me but perhaps it is a tired topic on here. Today, I would rather talk about gifted silhouettes holding surfboards on their head and Thai food that creates a little bit of a sweat, a little bit of a flush in the face, certainly a runny nose. In terms of Thai food one has to feel a little bit of pain to experience a smooth burn of pleasure. It is a wonderful sadomasochistic relationship. I get a Thai iced tea for emergency reasons and delicious reasons. Cold cream is the antidote and the aphrodite. Perhaps some mango and sticky rice if the mango is in season.

There seems to be no salida out of the 2nd shift for me so I have to make the best of it. I have been calling people on the telephone a lot. It is not like we can hang out but at least it is good conversation. I suppose this is a surrogate for actually going somewhere and conversing in person but it is currently the best I can do. Just like posting on LP is the best I can do. It is my day off and I suppose it is just something I enjoy doing.

I had a dream last night that I moved to a new place. I had a clean slate to find a new job, new AA meetings, new friends. I was pretty thrilled with it. Like I could take what I did wrong and what has not worked out here and use it in the new place.

I was thinking about my dad. He just spent 2 weeks in China. He doesn't want to fucking be in China for 2 weeks but it is part of his consulting gig. Actually, luckily for him he really enjoys being in the steel mills on the audits but sometimes the hotels are shitty, he is away from his wife, and there is the brutal jet lag. We all want incomes. We all have certain things that can give us a certain uniqueness in the world of commerce. So, my dad goes to China for 2 weeks. So, I work the 2nd shift at a job I don't particularly like doing. I don't think there is anything unique about me that makes me good at prepping food. I think that job could be done by a lot of people hence why it's only $11/hr. It really is just following recipes and cleaning up after yourself. There are some tricks and hacks that can be learned along the way. I need to get back in the zone where there are things that are unique to me that others can not do. A job that not many others can do. A job that I like. The problem is I just don't know if I have any of those types of skills. I would like to think I am gifted in some of the soft skills but who really knows. The hard skills, the stuff on paper, I think I am being honest with myself in that I am lacking in that area for a lot of jobs. It's a problem. It leaves me dwindling and floating from one shitty job to the next. The answer seems to be get more skills. I think I would be a horrible electrician plus I hate it. I need to find something I would be decent at and like it ok but here I go again talking about, well, my life but specifically moving forward which I said I wouldn't talk about but it is clearly on my mind.

So, I was walking on the beach and there was this woman in front of me with a great ass. I was behind her for quite a while finding myself mesmerized by her plump behind. So, I get to my car and I am listening to Caribou's playlist on Spotify and Juvenile's "Back That Ass Up" comes up. I don't know why but that moment made me infinitely happy.

Oh, I saw in another thread on here whaaam! put LP at 10% suicide watch. That is probably referring to my blog. Thankfully, I am in a place where I don't think about suicide much at the moment. I am eeking out a living. I think some of the help on here has contributed. Loco's post on surrogates and others got me thinking about a lot of things. I think it helps that I like my managers and the people I work with so I get some socialization there and I am exercising most days. I am giving people a call instead of watching tv or posting on here. I am getting to the AA meetings I can and want to go to. I am really seemingly doing the best I can. So, that means I could be doing things better but it comes to a point where you just can't expect to be doing everything perfectly.

I think I have gotten to the point in which I want to read some literature rather than write anymore.


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Where to play? by wobbly_au, September 24

Hey guys,

Pokerstars wont serve aussies anymore
Where can I go and play some casual games?
1. good UI
2. low rake or good rakeback for low volume mid stakes.

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ETC Entry by Trav94, September 24

Hey boys (and potential women?) I'm bored. Poker is mediocre at best. But I've been having more fun (and making more money) with crypto this year.

Figured I'd start a blog posting some entries for fun (and free). So I can look back and see how they ended up. First entry is ETC (Ethereum Classic).

After making a U shape, ETC went parabolic so it had to correct sooner or later. Made basically a Head and Shoulders with the neckline along the .328 fib.

First bounce was .0032 about. But it didn't have a ton of support. Only 2 previous touches just above the .001 fib, and we fell out

We landed on MUCH stronger support at give or take .002798.

As you can see. We have A LOT more touches along the bottom part of the chart and we intersect with the .786 fib as well. I'm hoping this all stays true.

Entry at give or take .00281746 satoshis's. Stop loss like .00264213. If it falls out more, then it's still downtrending. Or some FUD fucked us or something. Stop would be all time highs. It will likely go higher than previous all time high, but whatever. Figure that out yourselves.

Good luck all traders

edit: Spotted this a bit after the touch of the trend line & fib as I don't chart ETC really, but we are still most likely to surge past all time highs so not too late for a long entry.

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My statement on Ana situation. by wobbly_au, September 22

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Maybe I have found problem but not solution by RiKD, September 16

Hi dear reader, I am limiting the number of blogs I write but it is like I had withdraw and I would rather write a blog than watch tv. I think writing a blog has more value than watching tv. There aren't too many other activities I could fit in this time so here I am. I realize this is a forum of mostly gamblers and gamers but I do appreciate any suggestions or experiences. Here are some facts:

- I am not that happy at my job. I have a longing to get away from some of these more mundane and tedious jobs. I tried produce picking and didn't like it. I tried security guard and was not too pleased. Seafood clerk was not ideal and it is really feeling like this foray into food and bev and food prep is not for me. The only way it really makes sense is if I have a passion to be a chef which I don't.

- It was said on here before that we need to enjoy our job or enjoy our life. I think it is difficult to enjoy ones' life on a shitty job especially if the income is low. I realize jobs can be shitty on any level of the pay scale. It is certainly easier to enjoy ones' life on a shitty high paying job as long as the hours aren't shitty.

- It is just flat out hard to get a lot out of life on a 2nd shift job. Still, connections are possible and I need to be seeking that out. I took a wonderful walk on the beach today and that is one of the things that I really can't go wrong with.

- They say it is easier to get a job if you have a job. That is one of the reasons why I have held off putting in my 2 weeks. So many times putting in my 2 weeks crosses my mind and so many times it passes or I just don't do it. I don't know if I am afraid to do it or many times it ends up my job is really not that bad and I am being a baby? There was talk about November and I was like "god, am I really going to be here in November? October? I don't even want to be here tomorrow or today."

- So, the easy answer is I need another job. The crux is I don't know what I want to do. I could just end up being in these whatever jobs for eternity. It feels that way. It feels that I have to do something decisive to get out of here. I currently don't have the gumption, the awareness, the courage, the passion to make a move like that and I don't know what it will take to get me there. I also struggle with applying for jobs. So, it is important to clean my room yet I just don't do it. Applying to jobs certainly has more value than watching tv or posting on LP.

I guess it is the same problem that it has been for maybe 3 years. Maybe my whole life.

So, what do I do?

I guess I try out another industry I may be interested in. Connect more with people. Get the resumes into places that aren't dead end.

Figure out ways to get better connection into my days. Also, I seem to always feel better after exercise even if it is just a 40 min. walk. That is really the big 2 I can think of right now.

I just wanted to get something down on paper. I could have just done a personal journal but there is discussion on here that helps sometimes.


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What's the most tiliting? by LikeASet, September 15

I don't know why I watch youtube videos of these that usually tilt the fk out of me and now I can't sleep.

- BLM/race baiters
- 3rd Wave Feminists
- People who actually want socialism
- SJW's trying to regulate free speech
- Fat Acceptance people
- Apologists for terrorists
- People who think white people are the devil (I'm Asian and people like this still tilt the fk out of me)

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Hi guys by wobbly_au, September 14

Hey LPers,

Hows everyone going? Couple of work friends invited me to play beer stakes at a home game so I thought of you.

Hows everyone doing?

I don't have a lot of time but for the people that use to follow this blog the TLDR is.

2 Kids
Went to work as a data scientist
Worked as PM for a listed company
Now founded my own company (Pre-Series A just closed)
SIgned a teenager (OG.ana) into professional esports, got scammed after he won a bunch of tournaments because he didn't want to pay my cut.

Life is a different kind of exciting now, but obviously I miss the excitement from highstakes poker.

If any of you want to connect or play some LP home games PM me.

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jet + buttcoins by Into Infinity, September 14

hi lp

i work in a cubicle making comfy (read, good but underpaid imo) money doing a stressful job (doing sql and making business recommendations/BI) for a company i don't really care about. i feel like i'm become so apathetic with life. crypto is my new 401k and i've been accumulating various shitcoins (mostly omg + a handful of others like FUN) since may, right before that big bull run, waiting for the day buttcoins will let me CEO10k/day.

i've been thinking about doing one of those teach english abroad things and have been teaching myself anime speak for about a month now using genki (about 1/2way through genki1) and memrise/anki, putting in about 3 hours a day. i feel like i really need something big to happen in my life otherwise i feel like i'm going to be one of those stereotypical guys who hates their job then goes home and beats their wife and kids.

thoughts? anyone have any experience packing up your stuff and leaving everything behind?

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How bout dem apples by RiKD, September 10

So, I haven't been on this site in 2 days. Nothing really changed. Not one thing I could notice. Which is a shame in a way. I really like this site's poster base? Collection of posters? I think most of us are just at a certain frequency of liking RTS games and poker and many other things in common but with diversity. We are not all that active now however. That is a shame. I remember finding Team Liquid sometime in college and finding poker around that time too like 2004-2005. LP has been here this whole time. I remember it to procrastinate often during college and much entertainment and there were some decent poker discussions back in the day too. I have been using it to vent my thoughts and reveries. I will be looking to do that less in the future. There are personal journals, therapists, and certain friends that actually care for that sort of thing but I will likely miss it. I could vent my thoughts and maybe someone would reply with something interesting. I didn't really care if I was a freak show attraction or not but even just talking about some of this stuff with a friend that cares I have found it to be better. I haven't found another forum to discuss stuff with. I don't really want to leave LP. I have nothing really to complain about. I went up to Columbus, OH to hang out with my brother and sister during Hurricane Irma and I am having a good time. I suppose I could complain about being back on the 2nd shift at a job I don't really like but that just comes down to I am not going to quit until it gets really bad or I have another job lined up. The other problem is in the job search. I don't even really know what I am searching for. Something on day shift and not so mundane would be nice. I will likely always find something to complain about work.

I will switch topics and say going to a farm to pick apples is awesome. Picking one off the tree and eating it is incredible. I also had a PB&J and milk for the first time in forever and it was phenomenal. Amazing apples and peanut butter are an angel's treat as well. Sushi and ice cream. Jimmy John's Beachclub and bbq chips. I have been eating well. There is a lot going on here at the moment and I don't particularly have anything else to say so I will move on with the day. Perhaps slowly moving on with my life as I drift from LP. I guess we are all sort of there. Some have already drifted long ago.

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baldur's gate? by LikeASet, September 08

sup nerds...

I've only played the first one, but it's one of my favorite games of all time.

I was thinking about getting Baldur's Gate the Complete Saga on Steam...

Worth it?

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5 Bitcoin pics by spets1, September 02

Conditions apply**************

*****Conditions: By looking at these pictures you automatically agree that real Bitcoin will not have Segwit and Blockstream Core development team are bunch of corrupt fags who are trying to make Bitcoin into BankCoin

Poll: Which One Is True?
(Vote): Pic 1 (Blockstream ar funded by bilderberg)
(Vote): 2 (Luke Dash Jr believes the Earth is Flat)
(Vote): 3 (BSCore is trying to increase bitcoin fees)
(Vote): 5 (r/bitcoin is a heavily censored forum)
(Vote): Fuck this shit
(Vote): All of the above + Blockstream are fags

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Another Orbit by RiKD, September 01

Well, another round of bills paid and I can do about 2 more orbits with out working before I go broke. Selling my couch and putting in some hours down at the pizza shop has certainly helped with that. My goals are to move out of my parents house and have a little bit higher expenses. I want to be doing a little more. I am not there yet. I am still kind of on the bare minimum expenses track and should be looking to take on another job. I don't quite have the money or the friends to really enjoy too many days off. 30 hours at the pizza place would probably be enough except for I don't particularly like being there. 16 hours a week makes it more bearable but then I have a lot of free time to fill up and am going broke quite a bit faster. I am not looking to squeak by and stay above going broke I am looking to do something during the day that is not too bad of an occupation and get some savings going. They always say it is easier to find a job if you have a job so it is probably wise to keep this job until I can find a new one. I have been real lazy with it but also I am just not that great at job searching mostly because I don't always know what I am searching for. Some would say I could be searching for a job even at this moment of me writing this and that would be time better spent. That could be right. All I have written down right now is Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. I could always look back into Uber. It might be an interesting way to check out a new city. The problem is I don't have any pro strategists in Charleston like I did in Pittsburgh. I would just be driving like a chicken with it's head cut off which leads to little action and frustrating rides.

I spent the whole day yesterday with a friend at a beautiful state park hiking and taking pictures. It was a wonderful day and something I need more of. We really had the time to touch most bases and have some good conversation. It was much better than sitting in the house wondering what I should do.

I have been having conversations about work weeks and such. I really think the Danes get it. 30 hour work weeks with a living wage. It gives more people a chance to work and everyone a chance to have a better life. Of course, I think most would take 20 hours a week or less if they could still pay their bills. The kitchen manager where I work who has been a chef most of his life ie accustomed to working 12-14 hr days 5-6 days a week just wanted a solid 9-5. He does not really get a chance to do a whole lot if he is opening or closing. He just wanted something where he could go out some nights of the week and have weekends completely off. Something that I could get $15/hr for 30 hrs./wk would be perfect for my life now but I don't think that would accommodate my own apartment and slightly higher expenses. If I truly could get $20/hr doing Uber and make my own schedule and work 30 hours or so a week that could be great. I would have to venture through a 2nd shift which I am hesitant to do. It is just kind of a dead zone regarding things to do after work and that is something that is important to me now. Doing things after work that I like to do and where there is the opportunity to meet people. I shouldn't really go back to $8.50/hr as that doesn't get me anywhere. It is the whole reason I am in Charleston to begin with. I didn't want to leave Pittsburgh and spending the day yesterday with one of my best Pittsburgh friends I would love to go back there. The novelty of Charleston has kind of worn off and it is just a place that I live now. I still think the city is beautiful, the beaches are beautiful and it has some real charm but I could see myself moving back to Pittsburgh if the opportunity is right or moving someplace entirely new. I don't really want to always be seeking something that can not be found. I had connection in Pittsburgh unlike anywhere else I have been since poker. The thing is unless I develop some more savings it will be difficult to move anywhere with out having a job already lined up. Do I want to go back down the corporate route? Many times they can offer signing bonuses and moving expenses. I don't know if I have the skills.

If anything there are some nice state parks around here where I can find the forest. Yesterday, I was in a forest where I could also hear the sea.

I could be out of the job reverie but what do you all think? Would you have enough to do in your free time if you only worked 20 hours? Occupation takes up some time and there is typically socialization in most jobs. I remember I was working trials pretty heavy in the steel mills and there was a lot at stake working even 80 hours a week. Sometimes I was really energized and focused like we HAD to win this account and it felt like a game or felt like poker used to. It helped I was hourly. When they seduced me into salary and the game had kind of lost its luster especially towards the end I was just fucking burnt out and depressed all of the time. That week long vacation to go to a friend's wedding was like pure bliss, relief, liberation. Then I was probably at 30 hours a week after that because we lost the account which was pretty good but I didn't have anything to do so I just drank and drank more and more. Drinking can pass the time pretty well. It is one thing to be bored and have the means to where money is not really an object. It is another thing to be sober and bored on a pretty low budget especially if there are no friends who are also free and on a pretty low budget. It is just a matter of managing all this stuff. Like others have said in past blogs I have to find the combination of job I like or friends I like because that is how I am spending my waking hours. Thank goodness I am mostly out of that trap where I feel I need material stuff. I need a hike and a conversation. A cup of coffee and a conversation. A walk on the beach and a conversation. We won't even get into the dating. I don't need sex. I want sex but I don't need it. Dating falls under the expenses being potentially quite a bit higher but I don't think it has to be that way. I really appreciated the blog on dating. Maybe a casual coffee and a walk makes the most sense on a first date. I certainly don't want to get all dressed up in the vulgarian outfit to go to one of the one hundred or more Southern Fine Dining places where I can get great hushpuppies, great shrimp and grits and then a great pecan pie. I can get that at maybe one hundred places or more here. It is going to be about $100 for the two of us. I may barely even know the person. I guess it was kind of drilled into me that that is how dating works. It is ideal to have the money where that is not an issue. It is ideal to have a set of vulgarian outfits that I could do this nightly. That's not really what I want. Of course that is convenient because it is not what I can have. I don't really need the woman to be looking absolutely stunning each night either. She doesn't have to put the stilettos on and the fabulous cocktail dress and get her hair all perfect. There is a part of me that still wants this but maybe let's save that for a 3rd date or a 5th date or maybe never. The thing is I think most women want the guy in the vulgarian outfit at the sexy cocktail lounge drinking cognac or maybe that is still just one of my hang ups. Some version of James Bond in the tuxedo sipping Martini's. I don't think it helps that that is when I had most of my success with women. Vulgarian outfit drinking wine with dinner then switching to champagne or cognac. There is something about when a woman gets all done up she is feeling sexy. I will tell you this though a women I dated a bit ago looked just as sexy in workout clothes after running a 5k. Holy shit was she radiant. The same thing goes for yoga classes. Everyone is in such a great mood after yoga class. I have to start doing yoga again.

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It begins by NewbSaibot, September 01

So quick recap -- went pro, played 2/5, did well, lived paycheck to paycheck, spent bankroll, almost homeless, got a job, got a car, and finally this month we're back at the felt. Live poker obviously, since it's the only thing I feel comfortable playing.

We started mid august at 2/2 with about about $1000 in our roll. I kinda figured I dont need a whole bankroll to at least get the ball rolling. If I drop 500BB's right out the gate then whatever, but if I can begin crushing right out the gate that just puts us that much closer to going pro again.


I'm proud of myself. Not so much for my play but just for the goals im setting and the goals I intend to follow. Lets just pretend for a moment I won the 500k bad beat; I'd keep my car. I'd keep my apt. I'd play 2/5, and literally nothing would change. Thats what fucked me up before. I got greedy and thanks to bad habits from my old jobs where I could just spend everything I made I set myself up for failure since as a poker player you must always be saving. While I dont believe in supernatural shit, I do think it was as good a time as any to go busto, since I was taught a valuable lesson before it was too late. Had I moved up to 5/10 or something and lost it all with no backup plan I could have been seriously screwed.

In fact at times I did flirt with suicidal thoughts. I doubt I would have ever committed but then again, if I was on the street sleeping in my car that 9mm hollowpoint in the arm rest might have seemed like a good way out.

Anyway working a 9-5 job definitely sucks but hey, it kept a roof over my head and put food on the table. It's an entry level IT position I'm ridiculously over qualified for but beggars cant be choosers. I couldnt look for a higher paying job anyway since I was in the midst of a bankruptcy filing and having too much income can make that a problem. I was in the sweet spot to write off 50k in debt yet afford a 1 bedroom apartment without having my wages garnished. Now that that's been taken care of my life can finally get on track. God it feels good to be playing again.

Only other interesting tidbit was banging a coworker and then having her ex-fiance show up at her apt in a coke induced rage. One of those moments where I'm not sure if I wanted to be armed or not. We pretty much broke things off tonight since clearly that shit hasnt been handled yet. Sucks but I guess it's for the best, especially since I probably shouldnt be spending money on females right now..... then again that waitress at the card room is so fucking hot........

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I am not over going broke in poker by RiKD, August 29

Well, it's time to get in a reverie and write again and then when I am finished I can go and get a haircut. I don't do the fancy stuff anymore that is time consuming to take care of I just get a buzz cut, level 3, cropped at the sides and the back. Simple. It suits me and is non fussy and I like that. I am doing my part to always veer towards minimalism.

I found out for sure, clear in my mind yesterday that I am still not over going broke in poker. A guy in an AA meeting was talking about losing his business and being resentful and struggling and I was like "whoa, that is me." Previous to going broke that was a fun time in my life too. I had really good friends and we did a lot of fun stuff. I do remember there were some periods of darkness or depression and downswings where I was questioning what I was doing with my life but there were other times where I was truly passionate about poker. I did not always have an easy time of balancing things out. When I was passionate I made plenty of money but was not always open to doing stuff. When I was depressed I didn't feel like doing anything but that was mostly when I was in between traveling living with my parents. One thing for me, when I was in bad downswings many times I just said fuck it and lived it up and the fact that my life was good meant I was usually playing pretty well through the bad variance. Not always. I of course exploded into a dark tilt to lose my bankroll over the course of 2 or 3 months. I not only lost my bankroll, I lost my life, I in some ways lost my friends, I lost the lifestyle and I am still grieving over that and still resentful over that. Some of my closest friends and we barely ever talk anymore. I was saying in the meeting that that was a better time in my life. The fun times. When marijuana was awesome and the benders were joyous and humorous. I smoked A LOT of marijuana. It just seemed to be the thing to do. Being high was great. Getting high and doing all these different things was exactly how I wanted to be living my life at that time. Even going on a joint, volcano, gravity bong, blunt, pipe, whatever iv and listening to music and playing like 8,000 hands was great. I still remember smoking big weed in Cali going deep in the FTOPS Main Event one year. A lot of facets of poker are definitely more fun high. Even getting AA deep in the FTOPS Main Event was like we were all geeking out. Then I busted and it was disappointing but then I got into a sick hot tub that overlooked the city and after passing some blunts around for a while all of the frustrations are forgotten. That is the life I miss. Deciding that we are hungry and want Korean BBQ or sushi or a steak and being less than 15 min. from some of the best variations one is going to find on planet Earth. Beautifully stoned hitting a 5 iron to 6 ft. on a golf course at a resort in Mexico. The prop bets, the bullshitting. Many times we all played against each other. It was fun. It was a game. Sometimes a guy would get buried in a game and the tilt was in someways enjoyable. Only a poker player can understand that. I remember a friend was playing Jungleman at large stakes and I was sweating and took a piece just for the shits of it. This was before he was really known. A relatively unknown at 25/50 and above. We got murdered. It hurt. I had a 5/10 piece and lost $10,000. In a way it helped to shave off some fears I had of playing high stakes. I made it back and then some in a short period of time. Then the first time you win a $10,000 pot at 10/20 and have all these deep stacks is another inflection point. I could never get to that point in 25/50. I just seemed to always lose the $20,000 pots and some of the players there were likely much more skilled than me. It did pick up my game though. Playing hands with Jman and Durrrr and all those guys you really have to be on top of your game and have strong ranges and no tells.

So, it feels like those days were better days. It's not like I even feel any less energetic. I think there is some hopelessness in me that it will never get better for me. I don't know if that matters so much as long as life isn't overarchingly bad. There is a difference between having a stroke and losing the ability to talk or move and just being a bit older and not having any real passion for occupation, very few local friends, no dating life. We used to get big houses or apartments and just all live together. That is a very 20 something poker thing to do. It was a lot of fun though. The best thing is to just get acceptance with all things in life. It is very likely to be in my 50s and think back to parts of my 30s that were great. Oh, to have those days back. I don't want to waste my 30s in misery. I would say much of the last 3 years there were a lot of good times. I was broke with nothing and barely working but I had friends and we did fun things. I think why this part of my life is so trying is again I have found a job I don't particularly like and I am struggling with that and I am struggling with finding friends and things to do. I don't want to harp on that so much because that is clearly my main problems and it comes up in every blog.

I shouldn't be complaining so much but I need to recognize and get acceptance with going broke in poker. That was where it all started going downhill with some upticks but even worse downticks. I am still feeling the effects of that. I am still a bit lost in the rubble. Maybe that sounds pathetic. It was 2010. It really fucked up the trajectory of my life. Alcoholism was probably inevitable. That's a bummer. Bipolar can be a mother fucker. That's a bummer. But, it is about who do I want to be? I can't get distracted from that. I don't really want to be working at a multinational corporation. Do I want to be a teacher? People continue to hint at that. Why was I a history major? Is that really a turning point in my life? Forgoing the chemistry degree that seemed inevitable from my family history. I was the oldest in the generation. The first to go to college. The resounding pressure was to be a chemist, or an engineer, or a chemical engineer. I don't know if any of this stuff matters now but the only thing my History degree seems good for these days is for people to suggest I become a teacher. It taught me how to think, read, write. Those are pretty important skills. I think most people do not get it... or maybe they do and I don't get it. It seems like for most college is a place to learn how to make a lot of money after college. That is probably the wisest way to look at it. I was just there and was expected to at least graduate in something. I graduated beating $2/4 pretty handily. That seemed good enough for me. I don't think I am a scientist or an engineer. I am a starving artist looking for a meal. A proper meal. Please don't take my soul Mr. Employer. Ugghhh, what a crap life to have such an uninspiring job and no friends. A job that doesn't even make money. It is something to do I suppose. Something to pass the time so I don't have to sit in this house all day. I am getting really good at cutting stuff and preparing food although it is mostly just following directions. Fuck this, it is time to get a haircut.

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$100 on Mayweather, any takers on McGregor? by Endo, August 27

Just 1:1, paypal/google wallet. Will take first to comment/if you comment consider yourself booked. Open until the fight starts.

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