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good bye chenafren by failsafe, August 19

despite the good times together i knew it was over when you double unfriended me on facebook. the new sulu who will be replacing you is a dead mandarin worth more than 10.. he is a superior sulu reminiscent of georg takei. i expect superior results from a superior sulu. so, good bye, old buddy. you will be missed and commemorated.

no one has ever given me better than 15:1 odds on preflop hold 'em shoves and i think you were good for it. you're lucky.

i think it's highly unlikely that you would get pocket rockets each time you shoved against me, and i was pretty disappointed being knocked out of the tournament by aces.

it was cool that heist that we had put together to pull off. i wish we'd gone through with it now.

if only online poker wasn't illegal damn black Friday.

i think a lot of people still look up to you based on your results and i don't think that's being a misguided player. you're a great guy, and you still look sharp.

truth be told i don't think anyone else could do risk management for Dalai Lama XIV but looks like he'll be retiring pretty soon and it sounds like it's for good. sorry you never got your opium

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Wrote A Song by K40Cheddar, August 18

Hello LP,

Wrote a song. Maybe it sucks, maybe it doesn't. You decide. Let me know what you think.


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ACR 4 Bitcoin (My ACR your bitcoin) by Ryan Neilly, August 17

thx lp,


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Need Bitcoin 4ACR by Ryan Neilly, August 17

Taken care of thx lp

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BTC Giveaway #2 by Daut, August 17

Wrote another blog, this time on my 2nd WPT TV final table and how it was the most devastated I've been in poker despite cashing for nearly $200,000.

This time I'll give away .25 bitcoins to 1 lucky person to avoid paying out all over the place and ill be able to send bitcoins wherever the one person wants. Same deal as last time, head over, upvote the post, ask a question (I won't see the like), and post your username here. Will run the giveaway until the post pays out, which it is scheduled to do in 21 hours, then ill randomize a winner.

For people who didn't participate last time:

So here's what you need to do:
1. Go register an account at
2. go to this thread:
upvote, follow me, and leave a comment
3. post your username on this forum

I'll explain more about the steem model in this thread as I've learned a lot more over the past week. Will be a few hours from now, decided to play some poker and can't multitask quite that well.

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bovada client installer by Rinny, August 17

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BW ICCup by KeyleK_uk, August 16

Does anyone play Brood war at all anymore on Iccup? (or at all?) I was thinking of playing some starcraft 2 but then realised brood war is such a better game, so I downloaded and installed brood war but the Nostalgia (map pun intended) got the better of me and I couldn't play knowing that all the friends and things that made it fun wouldn't be around, or at least I wouldn't see them.

Does anyone still play brood war at all as I would be interested in getting into it again, if people don't play brood war (or starcraft 2) what games, if any do you guys recommend. I've played plenty of hearthstone and things but its not really competitive like brood war or even starcraft 2 (or at least not in the way I am looking for)

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Need some BTC! by Endo, August 16

Can anyone help me out? Looking for around $100 (can be anywhere between $75-125) in BTC. Have Paypal and Chase quickpay. Thanks guys!

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I love this guy! by Ryan Neilly, August 12

This guys on Americas got Talent, my friend GSR_01_integ from LP (he doesnt post often) told me some of the best acts to watch, this guy is absurdly funny!

another great one here too used the week with gambling stuff cuz well its the LP

Hope you guys Enjoy

The last 30 days have been my first 200 hour month in about 3 years, studying a ton and back to MTTing with some cashgames, finally feeling great about poker again!

ACR is kinda awesome, I was avoiding it like the plague, then made a deposit there and had to step my game up, this sites got me addicted to poker again! Love it!!!!

This is EPIC TOO!!

Just felt like bloggin,

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144hz vs 4k 60hz by CrownRoyal, August 11

assuming you have an i7 6700k and gtx 1070 which monitor would you pick and why?

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The Great Whore by Mortensen8, August 10

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Grappling X by NotSorry, August 10

Been awhile since an update, so little history, was stupid as hell and started training again too soon after injuring my MCL, and really fucked it up side lining my ass for an extra 3+ months. Feels strong now but been babying it just to make sure.

Heading down with the team to Fresno this weekend for the Grappling X jiujitsu tournament. Any TL-grapplers in the area should come check it out, either to compete or just watch. is the site if you want the address and times or to sign up.

I'll be competing in the Adult Male 200+ Purple Belt class and the Absolute. Haven't been able to really test myself in probably 6months so itching to get rolling.

Twitter: @SpeedMMA
Instagram: speedmma

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Bitcoin Giveaway to LP by Daut, August 10

I jumped into cryptocurrency research head first last week, trying to learn everything I could about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ethereum Classic. Soon after I started moving down the list of highest market valued currencies and I came across Steem, currently the 4th highest market cap (just over 200 million USD) of cryptocurrencies:

Basically, Steemit is a forum like reddit, but upvoting content comes with monetary reward in the way of their cryptocurrency Steem. Many of us have been providing valuable advice online for years with little to no compensation, so I jumped at the idea of this. Its benefits are obvious, and you can probably guess the downsides: many people post low content drivel, there is rampant plagiarism, and silly narcissitic posts by popular people have outrageous payouts. For instance, a playboy model wrote an introductory blog which received over $10,000. Yes, you read that right. It's hard to have blogs blow up like that and have huge payouts, but there are a few blogs a day that pay in the mid 4 figures. There are also rewards for commenting and upvoting posts early that blow up into big threads. The whole process needs a bit of tweaking, but I love the concept.

I did an AMA over there a few days ago and the blog brought in nearly $200. The poker following is small there, and the forum is new, but in an age where billion dollar websites such as HuffingtonPost refuse to pay its writers, I believe strongly in a website and cryptocurrency that has monetary incentives for users providing great content.

So, I wrote a blog detailing my PCA win. It's geared towards casual and non poker fans reading it, so there isn't technical range breakdown or anything of that matter, but I'm inviting you guys to come in and participate and you all can ask me anything you want there about poker, DFS, or anything else and I'll try to get to everyone, and I'll be giving away bitcoins to a few LP users.

So here's what you need to do:
1. Go register an account at
2. go to this thread:
upvote, follow me, and leave a comment
3. post your username on this forum

I'll put everyone who comes over into a randomizer and I'll give away .1 bitcoins to 4 different people. That's roughly $60 each for $240 total. I don't expect to make money on this blog (will very likely lose money), but I do want to promote cryptocurrencies and the concept of forum users being paid for providing valuable content.

You can either accept your bitcoins to a wallet, I can send them to your Steem account, or if you don't want bitcoin, I'll send you $50 on paypal (want the bitcoin value to be more to promote cryptocurrency)

Have a trip this weekend so will run this for 48 hours then randomize. Let's say 7pm PST on thursday, or 0300 LP time that day

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2016 update by iop, August 08

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Back my Bovada by Ryan Neilly, August 07

--- taken care of thx ----

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massive tilt by PolarFox, August 04

af of 5 is loose or tight? why does it seem like every time a nit bets at me, they are bluffing, and that every time someone thats playing 60/50 is always playing the best hand and never bluffing? ive lost 50% of my flushes and sets, and 45% of my straights over 25k hands. i tone my aggression down simply because i believe im supposed to lose. i folded pocket queens five times tonight to 4bets, and lost three times with them when i went all in. every time, they had kk or aa. (they even showed me) its annoying because when i make the fold, i have no idea if its a good fold or not, and it drives me fucking insane because it seems i have to make these folds so much. i refuse to believe that because im losing so much of my strong hands, that i should fold, and call out of spite, losing a buy in here and there.

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EV Math by Smuft, August 03

Making a spreadsheet to help choose between bet/calling a shove or checking

For visualization purposes (BB to act)

Assumptions made:

Besides the normal assumptions about ranges and equity, we'll also be using "R" for realized equity to help approximate the value of some lines. ie. when we check and get called, there are many different rivers and calculating what we think will happen on each of them is too time consuming so instead we just approximate and say on average we realize X % of our equity

Variables needed:

- equity vs calling range
- equity vs shoving range
- equity vs XB range
- equity vs betting range

- call %
- shove %
- fold %
- XB %
- bet %

- pot
- stack size
- bet size

- R vs calling range
- R vs XB range
- R vs betting range

EV formula for each exit:

(B = Bet, R = Raise, C = Call, X = check, |XD = check down*)
*|XD is where R is used


equity vs shoving range * (pot + stack size) - ((1 - equity vs shoving range) * stack size)


(equity vs calling range * R vs calling range) * (pot + bet size) - ((1 - (equity vs calling range * R vs calling range) * bet size)




(equity vs XB range * R vs XB range) * pot


(equity vs betting range * R vs betting range) * (pot + bet size) - ((1 - (equity vs betting range * R vs betting range) * (bet size)


Overall EV Bet:

(shove % * BRC EV) + (call % * BC EV) + (fold % * BF EV)

Overall EV Check:

(XB % * XX EV) + (XC % * XC EV)

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$100 PStars for 100 ACR by Ryan Neilly, August 02

Can anyone accept $100 stars and xfer me ACR funds.

Going to do some MTT's for a friend, but need to find someone that can help with this


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Q2 - 2016 by NewbSaibot, August 01

Alright so, Q2 sucked for a variety of reasons, most of which I'll try not to deflect from anything more than poor decision making. For starters I completely messed up my sleep schedule thanks to that damn blizzard game Overwatch. There is a direct correlation from May 26th (official release date of game) and my sudden downswing/breakeven stretch lol. I am so completely addicted to this game I can easily play 10 hours straight and found myself going to sleep and waking up at all sorts of crazy hours. This was disastrous for poker as I ended up missing out on lots of good action by playing at odd hours of the day/night. There were times were I was just exhausted at 7pm on a Saturday and could not stay up, completely forfeiting one of the most profitable days.

The next huge mistake I made was taking a shot at 5/10. My bankroll was 17k, a mere 3 buyins away from 5/10 anyway so I figure might as well take a 5 buyin shot now. I mean, if I had 20k and moved up to 5/10 it's not like I'd drop back down if I hit 17k so whats the difference? Well, psychologically speaking there's tons. Playing with 20 buyins vs feeling like you only have 5 buyins while shot taking really throws you off your game. On top of that, both times I sat everyone was straddling which basically meant I was playing 10/25. To further compound the issue, usually within an hour someone would say "hey why dont we just bump it to 10/25 so we can play time rake?" to which everyone agreed. So my dumb ass really ended up taking a 2 buyin shot at 10/25 which is just disgraceful. Part of it was pride, I didnt want to sheepishly walk away from the table and look poor. The other was greed. I mean there's plenty of times you sit down and just run it up from your initial buyin, so maybe I can run good here too which would be quite a boost to the bankroll. 2 buyins at 10/25 vs 5 buyins at 5/10, whats the difference right? Fuck it....... big mistake. I wont ever be doing that again.

I'm not sure I quite got over that hit. Ever since then it feels like I'm playing kinda frustrated. I cant quite tell if it's just from running bad or a combination of things. I experimented with different bet sizings but still feel most comfortable betting half pot under most circumstances. Because stack sizes vary so heavily in multiway pots at low stakes games I find it hard to know exactly who and what range of hands im targeting. I'll iso something like 9Ts OTB and get 5 callers. Flop will be 67Q and someone will donkbet from UTG for like 1/4 pot and MP will call. I feel inclined to raise here because fuck that donkbet and fuck that sizing. I just dont know what my success rate is here.

Anyway I'm going to adjust my range and limping frequency. Right now my range was basically

EP : 22+/JTs+/QJo+/A9s+

MP: 22+/78s+/JTo+/A9o+/A6s+

LP: 22+/56s+/JTo+/A6o+/A2s+

BTN: 22+/54s+/JTo+/Ax+

SB: Play button range

and I'd almost always come in for a raise if I was opening here, plus the occasional 3bet vs the reg's if I was squeezing LP and it was obvious they were targeting a deep fish on their right.

I've adjusted this range to be more precise in regards to when I'll limp vs when I'll raise to include the following:
The R/L tags indicate raising/limping.

EP-R: 88+/AQs+
EP-L: 22-77/KTs+/AJo+/ATs+

MP-R: 88+/AJo+/ATs+
MP-L: 22+/54s+/QJs+/KTs+

LP-R: 55+/KTs+/AJo+/ATs+
LP-L: 22+/52s+/Q9s+/KQo+/ATo+

BTN-R: 55+/KTs+/AJo+/ATs+
BTN-L: 54o+/A2s+/QJo+/Q8s+/K9s+

What I've done here is included a much wider limping range and much tighter EP range just to be more exploitable since so many pots go unraised preflop anyway. If you notice from my previous range hands like Q8s weren't even a part of it. I would just auto-fold that from any position no matter what. I think adding in these new hands combined with small bet sizing may enable these hands to be played easier since I cant valuetown myself too terribly on any runout.

TLDR: Fucked up taking a shot, fucked up not taking schedule seriously playing video games instead, probably got on a little life tilt from poor results and played sub-optimally overall. RESULTS!!

Q2 2016 - 10/25 included + Show Spoiler +

Q2 2016 - 10/25 excluded + Show Spoiler +

YTD since going pro + Show Spoiler +

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Pornography is mind Control: Rewiring Your Brain by Mortensen8, July 31

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