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Stars/Skrill/Neteller for Paypal by Dinewbie, August 27

Hey guys, I need $100 on paypal for my $100 stars (or skrill or Neteller). I can send first. I have posted here a ton under the sn Fujikura and forgot my pw lol. Pretty sure a decent handful of people can vouch for me, but like I said, I'll send first anyway :D
Cheers and thanks LP!

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PLO Fun/PLO Interrogations by careface_, August 26

Hi guys,

I've never really had a blog here, or at least for a while. Little background, I've been playing NL200-NL400 for 7-8 years, give and take, always did fairly good but have been completely poker-sick for the past 2-3 years (still grinding as only/main income). Barely average over 30k hands of 6max nowadays per month, etc etc.

Was looking for something different, I've stopped learning NL a few years back, never really watched videos, never really worked on my game more than a few hours per week, etc. And a few weeks back, I really wanted to get that pleasure and feeling back, the one where you want to be the best, you work hard, you try to learn, etc.

So I tried some PLO for fun, I've played maybe 100k hands lifetime of PLO but never really got into it, and never really studied it.

I've been working very hard on it for the past 2-3 weeks, logged in about 50k hands of low stakes, tried to find leaks, exploitative stuff to do vs regs, instead of just grinding it out. Tried to be good/great instead of just beating the games, etc.

Played the first 3/4th of my hands without any hud nor tracker, and that swinged a lot, that was pretty random. I'd take a lot of notes but still, that was pretty damn random and still did okayish.

I've came up with about 8-9 questions, interrogations, I have about the game, about hands, about spots, about the thinking behind a play, the thinking the average reg has, etc.

I was wondering if anybody would like to talk about these, looking for someone who is trying hard to improve in the game and has a at least low stakes background and some success in poker in general (meaning not PLO only, if you had some success in NL and you are starting in PLO, you probably have a good thought process and it could be interesting).

Anyway, some of my interrogations I have written down can look a little bit like this,

- What is the true value of 3betting AA, in so many spots people/regs do it as the most standard play in the book, but how good is it in 3-4 different spots (ip, oop, stack sizes, multiway possibily, fish vs reg, etc)

- What stats and what hand sample to look for before knowing what exactly to do in most spots vs a particular regular. Combo of hud stats that are important in PLO vs NL?

- Bet sizings and inducing in PLO vs NL, what is there to change, should we think differently?, etc.

Anyway this wasn't really a blog, I'm pretty much only looking for someone to talk to to clear my mind, I've got many questions and many thoughts on my mind after playing a huge marathon of Omaha (for me), in the past few weeks.

Cheers, PM if you want to discuss.

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Gavin McInnes interviews Roosh V by Mortensen8, August 21

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Too Much Run Good by HungarianGOD, August 20

Hey LP,

Haven't really talked about my life before as I've never seen a purpose to doing so, but I guess that's changing a bit. Over the past 2 years I've obtained a masters degree, and am about to start working on a Ph.D in finance. I've always had been fascinated (and sometimes obsessed) with games of every type, and poker's mathematical side was an additional draw. There are a few casinos nearby where I live so I've been playing live to pay for MBA program tuition, and also for making myself get out of the house and be more social. The closest friends I have since moving to this city are the other poker pros who frequent the casinos that I've battled with time and time again. It was clear that I could make a living (albeit not a glamorous one) playing, and the game had not yet reached the point of being tiresome to me. I still love studying toy games and breaking down abstract concepts to apply to real situations, although none of that is necessary in live games.

I am 100% certain in saying that success at the live $1/2 through $5/10 games I've played depends much more on discipline than skill at the game. Most of the time you would still be by far the best player at a table even if you were significantly worse, but folding for 3 hours at a time while you are forced to sit in a seat waiting for playable hands can be trying to one's patience. The real fun of games comes from learning and improving anyway, so mindless noob-bashing doesn't seem very gratifying for someone who actually likes games and poker.

A couple professors in my masters program were pushing me to apply to Ph.D programs, but it also sounded like a good point in my life to take off 1 year and travel around playing live poker. The flexibility poker can provide is fantastic, and though I don't particularly enjoy traveling, travel is certainly something that would help me grow as a person. I've never been one to readily go outside of my comfort zone. I had tentatively planned on doing poker for a year, so had gotten permission to delay my application for a few weeks to decide if I wanted to take time off to play poker before seriously applying to Ph.D programs. I decided to apply anyway, and against the odds (60 applicants, 1 acceptance; speaking of running good) I was accepted into the program. Since I essentially gave my word my application was serious, I felt obligated to follow through and accept.

I love poker, but after running what is probably 3 standard deviations above EV the last two weeks, I observed something else that is difficult about the game to me: the taking of other peoples money. I don't think it is wrong to do so per se; after all, it is a consensual relationship, and I do not take pains to hide the fact that I am there to make money from it. But if I were to play poker for a living for a longer period of time, I think it would eat into my happiness. Good poker players are usually intelligent and quantitatively gifted people, people that could really be adding a lot of value to society. Instead they end up just redistributing wealth (and occasionally from people who can't afford it) to themselves.

My program starts in about 10 days, so my study of poker will have to come to a pause for the moment. I'll still be at the casino a lot; that's where I do much of my reading/studying anyways (gotta have something to pass the time just folding for hours, right?). Poker has certainly treated me nicely the last couple of years; if I had run a bit worse maybe I wouldn't mind cutting it out of my life quite so much. As usual, I am very grateful to this community and the insightful (though sometimes vituperative) comments about concepts and hands. I think most people here are pretty smart, so on an individual level, whether you are continuing in poker or branching out into different things, I feel confident in your success and would encourage you to step into other activities if you feel poker is not the most soul-nourishing way to spend your life long-term.

In the meantime, I'll try to keep a bit of time carved out for anyone that wants to do practice heads-up matches. ^^

GL everyone


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First level cleared by traa, August 19

Running like god, but I don't think I played too bad at all
Taking a shot at 5nl now, will be moving back down if shit hits the fan (BR $75)

First session 5nl went very well, up ~6 BI. Now going on holidays, so no poker for 2wk

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i have made an ice penis by bigredhoss, August 15

i had a Powerade drink that i put in the freezer, forgot about it and it froze completely solid, pretty standard.

so i let it melt for a while, and started drinking it when it was partially melted but the middle was still frozen.

after a bit i noticed there was an ice penis in my Powerade, so i cut the bottle open so it could be shared with you all:

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Badass poem by Mortensen8, August 12

Starts around 2:55

Greater Love

Red lips are not so red
As the stained stones kissed by the English dead.
Kindness of wooed and wooer
Seems shame to their love pure.
O Love, your eyes lose lure
When I behold eyes blinded in my stead!

Your slender attitude
Trembles not exquisite like limbs knife-skewed,
Rolling and rolling there
Where God seems not to care:
Till the fierce love they bear
Cramps them in death’s extreme decrepitude.

Your voice sings not so soft,—
Though even as wind murmuring through raftered loft,—
Your dear voice is not dear,
Gentle, and evening clear,
As theirs whom none now hear,
Now earth has stopped their piteous mouths that coughed.

Heart, you were never hot
Nor large, nor full like hearts made great with shot;
And though your hand be pale,
Paler are all which trail
Your cross through flame and hail:
Weep, you may weep, for you may touch them not.

Wilfred Owen

Sample is from this on a sidenote

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20K hands by traa, August 12

A real big difference EV-wise. Shaky play & a few cases of tilt.
Got beats to but they weren't allin before the river. Guess that show a lack of aggression.
Folded big hands. Got lucky a few times, posted the 5 biggest EVdiff hands

Didn't expect such a big difference in EV at all (overall).
But Graphs don't lie I guess.

- Was able to cash out my 20 euro deposit, so only playing with winnings.
- Playing Zoom mostly, so I'm actually autobotting w/o reads because hud doesn't work propperly

Biggest EVdiff hands
+ Show Spoiler +

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Feelings and Thoughts by RiKD, August 12

Hi All,

I don't know (denial?)


I am in denial about the things i am in denial about


I have had a lot of thoughts and feelings about depression. A lot of help from fellow humans. Many that do not even know. One key thought today was an analogy compared to quicksand. If i find myself in depression, to viciously fight and struggle typically only makes things worse. It tends to multiply the feelings of depression with guilt and shame. I am a human being. Human after all. I will feel depressed. It is going to happen. For me, it is better to be aware of that reality, be accepting of that reality, and then let go of that feeling and get on with things. Pick some tomatoes. Call some people i care about. People that inspire me. Energize me. Listen to some daft punk. Some James Blake:

One thing i really enjoy is on Spotify there is a playlist where someone combined James Blake's album "Overgrown" with James Blake's commentary of "Overgrown." I find it really awesome and inspiring. I forget which track it is but he talks about how he feels that as a singer, when he is expressing himself through song, he is just a vessel for whatever is going on at the time. That is his reasoning for doing all his albums in one take. If he starts editing and this and that it is in some ways taking away from the expression at the time and diluting the message. I am not entirely sure how i feel about this. One thought, is that we are all capable of carrying a message from "God," we just all have different ways of expressing those messages. That is not an original thought now that i think about it. From my knowledge, that comes from a YouTube video of a live show of Jay Z at Barclays. I think i make that connection because how i became aware of James Blake was from a Jay Z interview on the Breakfast Club on YouTube. Sometimes all these little coincidences and connections are fascinating. Sometimes that is just too much to think about and it is in my best interest to move on:


So, another thing that has been on my mind:

Eh, Fuck it. Ya know?

Sometimes one wakes up
rubs the eyes for a bit
robotically, unconsciously makes some coffee
looks out the window for a bit
nibbles on some food
sits down does some stuff
drinks some coffee
time to move some bowels along
time to sing a song
time to move on

but before i forget:

at some point i have some feelings and thoughts on:

positive energy vs negative energy
energizing occupation vs de-energizing occupation
expression vs suppression/repression

so, i would love to hear your feelings and thoughts on anything. Feelings and thoughts on above. Feelings and thoughts on whatever you are feeling and thinking.



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Safety Tips While Playing at Online betting sites by Crickettips, August 12

--- Nuked ---

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is the raid 2 the goat action movie? by Into Infinity, August 11

Poll: is the raid 2 the goat action movie
(Vote): yes
(Vote): yes

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Bought a new comp :) by flounder44, August 10

Intel Core i7-4790K Devil’s Canyon Quad-Core 4.0GH
MSI R9 390 GAMING 8G Radeon R9 390 8GB 512-Bit GDD
MSI Z97M-G43 LGA 1150 Intel Z97 HDMI SATA 6Gb/s US
SeaSonic S12G-750 750W ATX12V / EPS12V 80 PLUS GOL
Xigmatek Aquila CCD-14ABW-U01 Black Steel Mini-ITX
Microsoft Windows 8.1 64-bit - OEM
G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DD
Mushkin Enhanced Reactor MKNSSDRE256GB 2.5" 256GB
Arctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver - OEM

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Going All-In against Roommate? by punix, August 09

Hey LP,

Moved to the US in May for a 6 month research internship at an US-American university (usually iam a PhD student in Germany). To keep my expenses low (since €-$ conversion sucks balls since several months) I searched a furnished Apt. with roommates. The city where Iam at is quite small and is basically University all over the place. Mostly places were leased by big property managements that have certain areas where all houses look the same, you have some amenities and stuff.. Was hard to find a furnished one for only 6 months but managed to get one for 8 months and agreed to that. It is a 3 way Apt. but everyone signs his lease individually with the management.

When I arrived I was the only one in the Apt for a month after that I got some1 moving in. The guy that moved in is literally the stupidest person Ive ever met in my entire life. He is a American and he has over 300 videos and 2000 photos of himself at Facebook (that says a lot already imo). Every post on Facebook from him has at least 2 very critical grammatical or spelling errors. Also the things he says don't really make sense and you have to figure out what he means. So far so good. So I thought okay if we get along for the next 5 months no problem and getting along shouldnt be that hard as Iam usually not in the Apt from Mo-Fr from 8am til 9pm since I go to work and afterwards to the Gym every day.

Turned out I could be wrong. He bought a cat in the 2nd week he got here and I was a little worried 'bout that. Iam fine with pets but a stupid person carying for another living thing ?! But ok...

His day-night rythm is completely fucked up he stays awake the whole night and then sleeps maybe during the day (I have no idea ?! since sometimes he gets up early and leaves. sometimes he is gone for the whole night.. i have the feeling this guy is up to no good). He started doing his laundry during the night... The washing machine is fucking loud and next to my room so I couldnt sleep at all and he did his laundry at times like 3am.. So I was not too pleased with that and asked him wtf was going on and if he couldnt do his laundry at normal uptimes. He agreed.

After a while he asked me on FB what iam doing from (random date) to (random date) and for me that was kinda obvious that probably he wants to go away and wants me to look after his cat so I responded with "yea iam in town and can watch your cat". He was totally amazed by how I figured that out ("lool. so crazy howd you know that? none of my american friends could have figured that out. omg. lol" <- I think that demonstrates his stupidity once again). Just the night before he left for his short vacation trip he did laundry again in the middle of the night and I had an important meeting the next day. He also packed his things afterwards for the trip in a very loud way (smashed his cupboard and let things randomly fall on the ground). Basically he kept me awake from 2am to 6am. I wrote him a FB message that I was super pissed and that I already told him to not do his fucking laundry in the middle of the night and that he is very disrespectful and that if he does that ever again shit will get serious and stuff. He responded with "u 2 have a great day" "dont worry about the cat".
After the first sentence I was furious.... The 2nd sentence didnt made annnnnnnnnnny fucking sense. A usual human being would think that he took his cat to his parents or a friend or something (why would he say dont worry about it?). Turns out that was not the case and I still had to worry about his cat but that probably just him being stupid.

Watching the cat was fine for me and he offered to give me money for that or anything but I declined since it wasnt a big effort and its ok. After he returned I talked to him about the incident with the washing machine and his response to my message ("u 2 have a great day") which upset me big time. He couldnt even look me in the eyes and kind of apologized but he started lying and said he apologized on FB 5 times and that I was still kinda yelling at him through FB. I told him that is kinda stupid to lie about something like FB chats where everyone can proof it asap with the log.

He avoided me (was probably a bit afraid because I kinda raged a bit in the conversation since it is just reckless and mega stupid) for couple of days but after some days we were cool again and everything was normal.

Iam the one that is in charge with electricty (some1 has to register it and then we split internally). He hasnt paid his electricity duties at all so far. He told me that he would pay me at least the June bill on Friday. So far I was absolutely cool about it as I dont really need the money asap but I definitely want the fucking money that I already paid for him. So he still owes me june and july bill!! To be fair he said couple of times that he doesnt have the money right now and if its okay if he delays his payment a bit. I agreed as I didnt need it asap and one day he told me "hey. thanks for being so cool with the payment stuff. i dont wanna be in debts with ppl. i will definitely pay you but i dont wanna fuck up my credit and i need to pay fees when getting cash (he needs to pay me in cash since i dont have an US bank acc) but Ill get it til friday and then you get your money". I agreed once again.

Til Tuesday he was not in our Apt. at all (its sunday right now).
So A) no payment on Friday as promised but even worse
B) his cat is in his fucking room alone for already 5 days straight. He didn't say a thing that he was going to leave but since he posts his whole life on FB I know that he is at his parents place and he was talking about getting a tatoo (so nno money to pay me but going on vacations, getting tatoos and stuff). The cat is at least alive since I can hear it "mwauing" but I have no real idea in what exact condition or if its shitting all over the place (I hope it at least shits in his fucking bed).

This guy is sooo fucking irresponsible and awful. Question for me is now: Do I go all-in and report all that shit to the management and try to get him kicked out ?! (I have no idea when this idiot is planing on returning) or should I stay cool about it and wait at least a day more and see if he comes back.
I can see by looking at his door that it is unlocked. So theoretically I could enter it BUT he never told me a thing about leaving and shit and I dont really wanna enter his room without any permission from him (since he didnt say a word... and its kinda illegal to just enter his room and I dont wanna get in trouble). I could just msg him on FB but I see it happening that he will just say something "oh i left my door unlocked. just watch the cat pls" and then out of a sudden Iam responsible for whatever happens to the cat. I definitely do not want that!
The only thing about trying to get him kicked out is if they dont kick him out and just charge him for being a jackass then our life in here will be pretty fucked up (as he will be super upset facing charges and it will be obvious that I told them like a little pussy behind his back). On one side I dont care too much about that but on the other side I wanna leave in piece and sleep during nights. So I would prefere a peaceful option. That can only be: not saying a thing or forcing a kick-out or if he just faces charges try to get the management to move me to another building or stuff.

What do you think about it LP?

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Anxiety: Need advice by Floofy, August 08

Hey guys... so i'm not sure anyone can really help me with this, but writing alone might help, so here it is.

I'm going to start with the beginning.

Mai 2013, my Ex dumps me. I start working out crazily to get hotter or something. October 2013, i'm with my current girlfriend. Mai 2014, i start a new job in a new city, goes well.
September 2015, i get hired permanently, and its also a really nice job, with only 35 hours/week and good pay, etc. However, one of the guys who trains me has a throat infection. A few days later, i get some weird pain in a weird spot in my throat. I see several doctors, some of them try antibiotics, etc. Nothing works and i'm stuck with this pain. It sometimes gets better, but when its bad, just talking hurts. They even make me see a throat specialist, who doesn't find anything even with a scan. I get worried it might be a cancer or some shit.

November 2014, i go in vacantion with GF in cuba. everything goes good, but the plane makes me VERY ANXIOUS (no panic attacks or anything, just normal anxiety). After this, for some reasons, i decide to stop working out. No real smart reason for this... i guess my motivation was to get hotter for the girls and that stopped.

beginning January 2015, i get vacantion, and i play CS GO almost all day. i get weird feelings like my hearth stops when going to bed... 2 days later, i get some chest pressure which finally does something similar to a heart attack -> i later understands its probably a panic attack. I go to emergencies, they do ECG, but nothing.

February 2015, i now live with my GF, but i still get those weird symptoms of all sorts (hearths stop, chests stabs, chest tightness, pains in arm, etc).

between January and now, doctors do severals tests to me (6 ECG, 3 blood tests, 1 echo, 1 CT scan), and they never find anything heart related.

One doctor suggested it could be hearthburn. But the heartburn medication only helped a little, i still get those strange symptoms. However, my strange throat symptoms now stopped after that.

Another doctor suggested its anxiety, and suggested i see a psy for that. I saw one a month ago.... she tryed to find what could cause this anxiety, but really, i couldn't find anything other than this chest pressure. She seemed to think maybe there's something wrong with my stomach and i should see a specialist.

So i took now have a meeting with my doctor on september... but i'm not sure he will really do much.

Nowadays, the only symptom i'm getting is chest pressure/tightness along with annoying feelings in left arm. Only thing which seems to help is hot showers. One doctor even gave me Ativan, but it only helps relax, it doesn't make the pressure go away. Sometimes the left side pressures moves to the middle and give me a weird feeling of difficulty breathing but my lungs are fine on X rays.

Doctors/internet suggested me all kind of breathing exercice, or suggested to exercice, but it doesnt do anything for me. I mean, if there is actually something making me anxious (like plane), then yes it helps, but there isn't...

I don't really know what to do anymore.. it seems to get worse over time (have the tightness almost all the time). I don't want this shit to affect my job or gf. Sometimes it goes away for 3-4 days but thats it

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Video Games Goal Achieved, Spin and Go Time! by lhr0909, August 08


Haven't been playing poker for months because of this:

Now that I got Hearthstone out of the way, I am going to play some poker now lol.

Have been talking to SemPeR a bit about poker when he was switching out of poker into software engineering. But I didn't really take his poker coaching benefit until July when he came in and visit from Vancouver for a week. I asked him what is the best way to learn poker fast (lol) and he told me to get into heads-up. Played a bit of HUSNG and got tons of advice from him.

The HUSNG traffic is terrible in the States, so I found my way to play on stars again. But instead of HUSNG, I feel like Spin and Go's are probably more fun to get into. So we will see! Will post some graphs soon.

Also been going to TI5 every day :O I still got work to go to, so my schedule has been getting up at 6am, go to work from 7a-4p, and just go straight to KeyArena and watch some dota 2 with a beer in my hand (YES). Definitely tired after this whole week. Today is the finals, hope I get to see some good DotA 2 games.

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20E on skrill for 25 E on stars by r0mx0, August 07

PLS gentleman havent deposited on skrill for 12 months and now i need to renew the withdrawaling option by depositiong through it again, pls help ....

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$510 ipoker for paypal by, August 07

I'm looking to trade $510 dollars for paypal. Any takers?

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Rust, True Detective S1 by Expiate, August 06

For the fans of Rust Cohle from True Detective season 1:

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selling hm2 lowstakes license by voodoouser, August 06

I am selling my hm2 low stakes
license for 30$ (regular price
is 60$).
Leave a message here or pm me.

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Sports bet brag by iop, August 05

Just managed to luck box a sports bet. I guess I've used up my luck for the remainder of this year.

TLDR = Bet ~$5 turned into ~$5,000

LOL - Sweden's biggest newspaper even wrote an article about it.

The bet

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