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>be me by mnj, December 02

>hair on head thinning.

>hair on asshole thickening.

>what the kek; haiku.

also looking for a naturalish protein powder (least amount of preservatives/filler)

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Story Share by MyAnacondaDont, December 01

Found this in reddit: Parents of Reddit

I apologize in advance for the length of this story, but there is no other way to tell it, and it is something I really need to tell. So, I hope you will indulge me.

My oldest daughter has always been reserved and emotionally distant. Even as a toddler she would tolerate physical affection, but she never enjoyed it. She has also always been very intelligent and capable. When she was a freshman in high school, she made the cheer-leading squad. This gave her a new social status and, unfortunately, more attention from boys. I was and still am a teacher at this school. I am also the weightlifting coach and am a lifelong weightlifter myself. So, I relied on those two things to keep "the wrong sort" of boys away.

I was very wary when she told me she had been asked out by a senior. I vetoed the idea and didn't give it much more thought. She seemed to lose interest in him after a month or so and life went on. Fast Forward two and a half years to the summer before her senior year. My wife searches my kids rooms, backpacks, etc. periodically because she sees it as a necessary evil in order to be a good parent. As I mentioned earlier, our kid is distant and isn't one to share much about her life.

Well, my wife found a note to a friend. In this note, my daughter described a sexual assault that had happened to her when she was a freshman. Apparently, that senior whom I disapproved of had lured her to an unoccupied room in the school during the half time of a ball game at which she was cheer leading and sexually assaulted her. All this while my wife and I were there. My daughter never reported anything or told anyone as far as I know. I remember laying in bed staring at the ceiling for hours with a flame in the pit of my stomach after reading that. I had the strongest impulse to murder that kid, but something told me to wait, to make sure.

So, I collected data, looked into the school's camera records, and, of course, talked to my daughter about it. I was convinced he did it after my little investigation. He had long since graduated of course, but he still frequented the high school ball games of all types primarily to try to pick up high school girls. Well, about a month later my daughter was cheering at an away game. I walked up to the entrance and guess who was sitting on the rail staring at me with a shit-eating grin? You guessed it, the asshole that had raped my daughter.

A little background here. This was a kid that NO ONE liked at school. I often reach out to those kind of kids and go out of my way to be nice to them. He wasn't an exception, and he must have still thought our relationship amiable, as he waved me over and said hello. I had a moment where I truly felt like an observer in my own body. As though something took over while my conscious mind took a back seat. I grabbed his neck and squeezed hard. Humility aside, I am a physically strong man. I have the record USAPL bench press in my state at 501 pounds. This young man wasn't small at about 180 lbs., but he was like a rag doll to me. I put my face about an inch from his and as he went dead silent, I asked him if he raped my daughter. I felt him start to shake, and he stammered out "I guess you could say that."

His honesty caught me off guard and was the only reason I didn't rip his limbs off at that moment. I thought about my family, all they depend on me for, my elderly dad, and every other reason not to kill this little rapist bastard. I again put my face about an inch from his and summoned all my will to keep from killing him. I said, "Leave, and don't ever let me see you near her again." He jumped down off the rail and ran away, and so, I thought the situation was resolved, at least for the moment.

I went on in to the ball game and sat with my wife and other child who had arrived separately. Around ten minutes later, I saw you-know-who poke his head in and look around. He had come back. My daughter noticed him and turned away. I thought about the shame she must feel, and the hurt. I decided that I had no options left. I walked down the gym stairs and went out towards the bathrooms which he was standing in front of.

I patted him on the back and guided him toward the entrance as he was near a group of friends and the police were also at the game. He began to resist, so I slid my hand up his back to his neck and squeezed, this time as hard as I could. When he felt that, he froze and allowed me to guide him out. I was furious beyond description. He said in a half whimper/sob "This is a public place." I picked him up off the ground about 4 inches and squeezed his neck every bit as hard as I could. By now, we we in the parking lot. "Do you think I give a flying fuck about this being a public place?" I asked.

This was, I think, the first moment this kid realized he was dealing not with reasonable old teacher me, but with a whole other aspect of my personality which he had never imagined existed. I was carrying him at this point by the back of his neck toward a dark part of the parking lot. I don't know what I had planned to do, but I heard footsteps coming toward me, fast. I thought, I have one chance to make this little bastard regret what he did, and so, I drew him back, and threw him into a car with all my might. I saw him crumple, unconscious just as a deputy tackled me.

Now, police get a bad reputation sometimes, but after hearing my story, these cops shocked me by letting me go. The asshole had regained consciousness, and aside from being bruised and bloody, he seemed like he would be alright. The next day at school, a city policeman came to serve a warrant on me for assault. I thought for sure this would end my career, but I had no regrets. I felt like I had done the right thing, and if it cost me the job, so be it. Once again, however, I was surprised when the school board and the administration stood behind me.

The court hearings took about 3 months and thousands of dollars in legal fees, but eventually the case was dismissed. The little asshole couldn't help but embellish the story and when the police contradicted elements of it, along with two arrests for him in the meantime including statutory rape, the judge dismissed all charges. I remember seeing the fierce pride in my daughter's eyes as I walked out of that courtroom, and my heart has never felt so full as it did in that moment.

Edit: Thanks so much for the kind words and gold, but the real hero of the story is my daughter who weathered an unimaginably difficult situation with grace.

Edit2: Thanks again for gold and kind words.

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Weight loss challenge by SPEWTARD, December 01

Sup nits,

Basically since i started workin/havin some money and moved alone (like 10 years ago) i had to take care of my food and stuff and sadly i started to eat a bit (a lot) unhealthy and started to gain weight. I ve managed to lose some but always got back to fast food and not exercisin, etc.

So, i was doin "ok" until i started playin full time mtts again, gained like 13kg in 4 months which is insane and terrible and all my fault obv. I wont be tryin to drop kgs like super fast, im just gonna try to fix my bad habits.

Anyway im at 100kg atm, my height is only 1.72m so i have a loooot of overweight, so, time to stop bein a moron.

I signed up to the gym last month but i never started it seriously so its on hold right now.

The masterplan:

*have a healthy breakfast everyday (no more coca cola+cigarrete lol)
*remove coke and other sodas completely (replace with 2lts of water per day at least)
*exercise at least 3-4 days per week
*ban fast food completely
*reduce carbs as much as possible.
*eventually stop smokin
*stop killing myself with bad food.

So it doesnt look that hard but in a grown man its very hard to change habits like insta. Thats the challenge.

I ve made this spreadsheet to keep track of my goals, feel free to visit it and berate me if i fail to accomplish my goals.

Im not sure in how many months i could get into my ideal weight and im not gonna rush it, but if i read this in like 6 months and im wearin some of the NEW clothes i someday bought and could never use, id be more than satisfied.

If someone wants to jump in and bet against me with some realistic terms for the bet i might take it for motivation purposes, so feel free to msg me, also tips and how to eat right ideas are welcome.

Oh right, this is a poker forum, poker is ok now, im playin full schedule mtts startin from big 5 or 75 and endin at nightly 162, had some results, but still waitin for that big score.

love/hate relationship with mtts

gl all!


before (guy on the right)

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Top jeans advice by Mortensen8, December 01

Put them in the freezer if they're not completely filthy. The cold kills the bacteria that makes them smell and you don't wear them out.

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Full tilt dies by Mortensen8, November 30

90 players or so left in ftops 1, full tilt dies what do?

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Life update/pic/graph by Eluflop, November 29

Hi guys,
Its been a while, i think this is my first post in 2014. here we go:
So about a year ago i broke up with a girl i was together with for 7 years. Decided its time to make some sort of a change in life. First I Rented a new apartment. The poker didn't go as good as one would wish, so I decided that it's a bit pointless to live the semi antisocial life that the online poker offers you. Coincidentally a friend of mine was just founding a new tennis school and needed a decent coach, I was like alright let's do this. So I started giving tennis group lessons for children and grownups. At first i only gave like 3-5 lessons per day and still played poker a lot. Soon clients started booking private lessons a lot with me. So my life started to shift more and more tennis, less and less poker. So this summer i could't maintain my supernova status in Stars. And that's fine with me. So currently i'm giving like 8-9 lessons a day, enjoying it. I am also selling Babolat tennis gear and rackets, hosting diffirent tennis tournaments and tennis camps in Turkey and elsewhere in Estonia, making a little extra here and there. We got like 220 children and 120 grownups in the tennisschool at the moment.Before i started to work with tennis i weighted about 93-95 kilograms. I thought while im making all these changes I might as well get ripped and loose some weight too, so I started to eat healthy stuff. Cutting out sugar, carbs and stuff your body doesn't really need. So as of right i have lost like 9-10 kilograms. I am currently weighting 85-86. Pretty happy about this. Now me, my new girlfriend and one more friend are working on a cool business idea, scheduled to launch this in Jan 2015. Hopefully we will get it going. Some pics:

Poker: I have played embarrassingly few hands the last four months. So one day this week i came home from work and suddenly felt this urge to play some poker. So i did. I did great so i played the whole week like one or two sessions a day. I played only 6max 100 nl and a little zoom too. Since everybody is a fan of the graph, here it is:

Good Luck at the tables,

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BTFO by Mortensen8, November 27

This just made my day.

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HU report NL50 by Forrest Gump, November 27

-5bb/100 comes from Rake in this game, -5bb/100 in 3K hands in Betcris poker, losing at Argentinian site in pesos, -20bb/100 at NL50 HU at PS over 8K hands.
Im sure I lost the most at the beggining of every match, since I dont know what is standard in an unknown opponent and becose most of them sitouts before the hand #150. I think I've been read a lot of times too and played against very few good players who I had to sitout at hand #200 (may be 5% of my matches). So, I'll take a break with this and see some LHE HU

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vegas report by carlosdiaz, November 26

Hello, I probably should of wrote this blog after I got back from Vegas but what the heck, I'll just write what I remember, I had a very nice trip.
I played 41hr in 6 nights, the first night I just got there I remember being -600 in a 1/2 action/drunk/bingo game at the stratosphere, as soon as I pulled the comeback I decided to call it a day with almost no profit, was in a good game but I wasn't playing my A game, flight got delayed and blablabla I was tired so I just quit and hit the bed, since day1 I went to the Bellagio, this was my first time there and I liked it, found a soft field with a good mix of players and also they don't rake for promos or any shit just rake $4 cap, the comps are $2/hr so I thought overall was a good place to grind.

I played 2/5 for the first time and my impressions are that the dynamics changes a little bit but its not far different from a 1/3 game, my first 30 mins at the table and got stacked lol welcome, effective stacks ~420 villain covers, one limper, hero TT in the cutoff raises to $25, villain in sb calls, bb and limper folds, hu to the flop 2 3 3, he donks $50 I call, turn 4 all rainbow he fires $125, at this point I'm not very sure what should I do, I was new to the table and villain has shown agression against me in previous hands, I decide to call, river is another 3, so board is now 23343, he shoves, I tank for a bit and call thinking I'm beat but whatever if I am I'll just take my beat and move on, he shows QQ, I reload $500 and couple of orbits later doubled up when I opened in late position to $20 with 68o attacking a nit sitting in the bb, I got called by 3 players, 4way pot flop comes 794, sb fires $50 I call, others folds, turn is a T, sb fires $30 I try to look confused and just make a big raise I make it $180, he snap shoves and ofc I call, river is a 9 pairing the board I ask if he's got a boat, he says no so I turn my straight and take it down, made a mistake not seeing what he had, I ended that session with 800+ in profits which mostly came from a calling station lady who doubled up thru me when I pulled a semi bluff against her and she called me down with top pair middle kicker, I beat her so bad after that getting max value from all my hands, her husband was at the table also and I could feel his pain watching her donating all the money to me lol, for the next couple of days I continued playing mostly 2/5 with good results.

The last day I decided not to play much and just enjoy myself with some good food/turism, I bought a ticket to the beatles love show from cirque du soleil so I was at the strip a couple hrs before the show and decided to play 1/3 before getting into the show, I took a big hit with AK vs JJ on AJ83K board in the first orbit, I met this cool guy from Italy who was basically just traveling all around the world getting woman and fun, we kind of became friends right away and just before leaving we got into some big hands, he got the best part, I tried to bluff him on the river and got called, I made a bad bluff and he made a good call, he took like $200 off my stack, the next hand he's on the btn and I'm on the sb, someone raises to $8 he 3bets to $25, I wake up with 77 and decide to call for setmine, it was my last hand before leaving, 3way flop comes Qc7cJc I check, mp checks, italian fires $70 into $75 and I just shove for $315, he doesn't think it too much and calls, he flips over AcKd turn is a 3c river blanks and I muck my hand, I go to the show (which was very nice btw) and sit back in on my way back with the last $300 I had left in my pocket (my money was @my hotel far away) just 5 mins after I sit italian shows up and get a seat right on my left lol, I'm thinking this guy must thinks I'm a whale and he's here for my money, lucky for me I got redemption by beating him, I'm playing $350 he's sitting with $1k+ so I open with AQo in EP to $12 he 3bets to $35 all folds to me, I decide to play it safe and call since AQ has great value against him, he was very aggro, flop comes 2 2 4 I check he quickly bets $50 I call, turn is a 6 all rainbow I check he quickly puts $70 into the pot I'm thinking I'm ahead here and by now I know he's capable of fire 3 bullets without anything so I think at this point I either fold or decide to fully commit with my hand and call with the intention of calling down most rivers, obviously this play doesn't seem +EV but I was just playing by gut at this point against this guy, river is 8, I check and he quickly throws three hundred bills putting me allin, my gut says call, I take a look at him and he gets very nervous and seems so uncomfortable, this made me say call instantly, he's clearly disgusted he shows AJ I turn my hand "we got a hero!" dealer exclaims. This play gave me so much confidence and I stacked a fish right after that with AK>AQ I build my stack up to 900-1k in about 1.5hrs and jump into 2/5 game. I sit there and 10 mins later my italian friend keeps chasing me lol, as soon as he sits he asks me how could I call him with AQ on the previous hand lol, so we play against each other a few more hands me getting the best outta him and then I play a big pot when I opened to $20 on EP with 55, big guy with lot of bling bling min 3bets to $40, big fish calls on bb and I call, flop comes 956, short story ended up allin on the flop the 3 of us, gangsta had AA and the fish 93s lol, I won a nice pot. Few orbits later table broke after fishes left and regs refused to keep battling, I left very satisfied with a nice profit and happy the way I played overall the whole trip.

I think my game is getting stronger as I feel I've evolved a lot in terms of metagame, understanding dynamics, profiling villains, just picking up information that is usally flowing on the table and use it to play my hands/lines properly, it can be very valuable info if used correctly, I think 90% of the players out there don't even notice these things and just sits there to chill and play whatever cards they get dealt, even the regs are just looking at their phones, ipad etc. As for me I think my whole approach to the game has changed in the past year, I've found that mixing live/online works great for me as the online games gives me a much better understanding of how the game really is in the long term and when it comes to live games just feels so much easier to make the correct play + having good skills/intuition helps, I've been also getting lucky when needed so that factor is working to my favour too, at this point I could tell my only goal at poker is just to play the next hand the best possible way. I'm planning a trip to Phoenix, Arizona on December and that will be it for the year pokerwise for me.

Vegas results
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Overall graph
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My only purchase was a musicbox and 2 vinyls and I'm hoping to buy some more of my favorite bands, I've never payed for music before but I was happy with my purchase, why not return some little to the music industry after all of these years taking so much. + Show Spoiler +

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Have a good one!

edit - fixed mistake on pic+added bonus

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>be me by Mortensen8, November 25

>be me
>be in park
>stand under tree
>getting ready to light shitty stalk spliff because I'm quitting and desperate
>mfw see two fluorescent horses/riders 20m away
>put out stalk spliff right away (only just lit it)
>hide under sleeve
>horses with police on get closer
>asks me if I have a dog
>say no
>asks me why I'm standing out here
>point to the tree like a tard
>police says, 'just getting out of the rain huh'
>say yea
>mfw they leave

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Casino Bonuses: Types and Importance by JosephYoung, November 25

Online casinos have been around for quite some time now. Over the past few years, the popularity of online casinos has increased tremendously in Europe. Whether we talk of Sweden or any other European country, many online casinos have emerged that provide authentic gaming experience to people. From improved software to the availability of a wide variety of games, there are many factors that have contributed to the growing popularity of online casinos. Casino bonuses offered by online casino websites have also played a significant role in increasing their popularity.

Casino bonuses are monetary incentives offered by casino websites to attract customers. By offering high bonuses, these sites try to increase the loyalty of the customers. It’s a way an online casino website differentiates itself from its competitors. The bonuses offered is one of the most important factors that customers take into account before singing up at a casino website. For them, it’s an excellent opportunity to win huge amounts of money. Thus, it’s a win-win situation for both casino websites and the customers.

Casino bonuses are of different types. In fact, there are so many types of bonuses available that it can get difficult for customers to understand how they work. In the absence of proper understanding and knowledge, choosing the right casino website may prove to be a hard task. Below are some of the major types of casino bonuses-

Welcome Bonus
Offering a good welcome bonus is one of the ways to encourage customers to sign up. This bonus is offered to the new players and can be in the form of deposit bonus or matching bonus.

Deposit bonus
When you deposit an amount in your account, you get extra money that can be used in playing. This type of bonus is known as deposit bonus. First deposit bonus is the bonus you get when you deposit the amount in your account for the first time.

No Deposit Bonus
In no deposit bonus, you get the money in your account without depositing any amount. This is a form of free cash that you can use while playing.

Birthday Bonus
Some casino websites celebrate the birthdays of their customers by offering them birthday bonuses. It’s an excellent way to increase loyalty. Generally, Free Spins and Cash Drops are offered to the customers.

Loyalty Bonus
Many websites also offer loyalty bonuses to the customers every time they place a bet. As the name suggests, it is offered to reward loyal customers.

As an online casino player, it is important for you to find out the types of bonuses offered by the casino website before singing up. This will go a long way when it comes to enhancing your overall gaming experience and helping you win big money. There are many online casinos in Sweden and other European countries that offer a wide range of casino bonuses to attract and retain customers.

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the importance of angle shooting by Gnarly, November 25

>get jj on the button
>get three limpers
>make it 6bb
>the first limper reraises to 20bb
>i snap all-in (he has 60~bb)
>he snap calls
>the board comes out
>there's an ace
>i ask him what kicker he has
>he flips over a 7
>i flip over a j
>he throws his hand in the muck
>i don't show the other j

gotta love home games. shit would never fly online

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sports betting by Into Infinity, November 24

5 Team Parlay #379229154

Football - NFL Lines (Game) Point Spread


(275) Dallas Cowboys -5½ Nov 23/14@08:30p

Final Scores

Dallas Cowboys 31

New York Giants 28

Basketball - NBA Lines (Game) Point Spread

(501) Portland Trail Blazers -5½ (-105) Nov 23/14@06:05p

Final Scores

Portland Trail Blazers 94

Boston Celtics 88

Basketball - NBA Lines (Game) Total

(509) Denver Nuggets vs. (510) Los Angeles Lakers

Under 220 (-105) Nov 23/14@09:35p

Final Scores

Denver Nuggets 101

Los Angeles Lakers 94

Basketball - NBA Lines (Game) Point Spread

(509) Denver Nuggets -1 (-125) Nov 23/14@09:35p

Bought 0.5 points

Final Scores

Denver Nuggets 101

Los Angeles Lakers 94

Basketball - NBA Lines (Game) Moneyline

(507) Golden State Warriors -380 Nov 23/14@07:05p

Final Scores

Golden State Warriors 91

Oklahoma City Thunder 86

Outcome: Loss

Date settled: Nov 23, 2014 11:50:11 PM

fuck you cowboys

would've been singing this if i won

instead i'm singing this

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FR/6max, moving up stakes? by DragOn_, November 24

K so I was lurking LemOn[5thF]'s blog and saw this

  On November 23 2014 15:19 Ryan Neilly wrote:
imo play pure nl25 for 1 week and move up to 50 for a month then move to nl100 and never play below nl100 again 30 days from now. if u have to be staked to do it, then be staked, but pissing around for a year for 5 grand on micros is just a huge waste of time.

that is a hobby with insane hours instead of what it can be.

get in the right games.


and it made me think a bit..Im playing NL10/NL25 fullring zoom atm and have some questions about the difference between games

#1 why does every1 play 6max zoom at limits higher than NL50? Is there some innate advantage, like getting more rakeback through faster hands or something? More fish?

#2 is fullring or 6max zoom generally easier at the same stake or not really a difference?

#3 how big are the gaps in difficulty moving up from NL25/NL50/NL100/NL200 etc..should I be aiming to move up multiple limits quickly once I have a solid game plan, is there a "sweet spot" limit? How many hands should I play at each limit before moving up while being a winning player?

I started playing poker in April, basically played 24/7 since then and lost a shitload of money but I learned a lot, read books lurked forums etc, decided I wasnt going to work labour jobs anymore and just do poker. I probably shouldve worked longer while I built up a good bankroll + worked on my game, but thats what I did and then unfortunately ran into some life/financial troubles so I had to withdraw most of my bankroll and lost a shitload more due to stress/playing under rolled and trying to take shots at NL50 like an idiot...

So now im only rolled for NL10, soon to be NL25 again but after making some major changes in my play I feel much more confident. I dont really want to make the same mistakes again and im going to move up in a more controlled manner. Im not sure what the best way of doing that is though. I want to go as far as I can go and Im willing to put in the effort required.

TLDR how fast to move up stakes/difference between 6max and FR zoom, advice prz

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Results+Staking? by LemOn[5thF], November 23

Hello peoples.
Did you guys ever go through or consider one of them longer term staking+coaching deals?
What are the pros and cons of those?
There are people offering 60-90 chops with coaching even on 2p2, just wondering what you guys think about that.

I've had some unforseen real life expenses combined with a downer after a shot at nl50, even tho it's no issue I once again kinda have to play stakes lower than I beat comfortably because I'm a risk avoiding jew

Since I sent them out to test the waters, here's my results since depositing 50 bucks since coming back

This is Nov 2013-1st nov 2013 from $50 didnt save lines
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graph from 1st nov 2013 for 2013 when I started playign serious
bb 2013
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$ 2013
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By stake 2013
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By stake 2014
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sharkscope all time - includes fpp sats I assume
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>going full time by Gnarly, November 23

>be me
>be poker player
>move up to 2/5
>start winning
>making more money from poker than at my job
>but my job still brings in roughly a third of what i'm winning
>however, i could put more hours in at the table if i didn't have the job

meh, maybe i should wait for 5/10?

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Fall logic by MyAnacondaDont, November 19 that looks like 25ft? no injuries. this girl, looks like 10 ft. both feet broken.
thought I should add this one, dude shatter one heel and fractured the other one.

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Want Paypal, Have Stars by SemPeR, November 19

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Try this by Mortensen8, November 19

(Deleting the vid)
Apple cider vinegar, but has to be organic/raw 'mother' type diluted with plenty of water and some lemon, don't drink it everyday. Wouldn't add honey.

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Poker Job? by LikeASet, November 18

So I'm about to apply for a position as a prop player for a local casino. The casino is about 10 minutes away and I plan on it being my main source of income until I finish my nursing classes. I will probably be playing mostly 3/6, 4/8 limit holdem, and 4/8 limit omaha hi-lo, with some 2/5 nl holdem. I have been told by a recent hire that the pay is 9$ + 15$, so basically 24$/hr while you're playing and probably 9$/hr while you're just waiting around.

I'm currently a part time personal trainer that get's paid 18$/hr + commission but kinda getting burnt out/tired of the job even though I love fitness and gains.

Would you guys go for the job? Do you see yourself being a slight winner, break even, or slight losing playing in a limit format? Is it reasonable to expect making 2bb's/hr on top of the hourly so basically 32$ ish per hour?

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