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lol tilt by Gnarly, October 17

>be me
>play lol
>a couple of games a week
>only ai games pretty much
>recently for the last two weeks
>at least one person in every game
>doubles mid or gets killed on purpose all game
>matches go from 20ish minutes to an hour and a half
>start losing to bots KEK
>"we have been able to reduce bad player behavior by NOPE %"

It's like when you know the other person in the hand with you is a fucking idiot and for some reason, they just get there every time against you and no matter how bad they play, they keep winning over and over and over and there's never anything you can do about it because it's destined for the rest of time that you get mopped the FUCK up. You just don't play against them, ever.

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1 hour coaching for guessing pizza toppings by Daut, October 15

does not include marinara, herb butter sauce or garlic. 9 toppings.

closest guess so far:
@TristanCre8ive 3m3 minutes ago
@rcdaut chicken, pineapple, basil, artichoke, bacon, prosciutto, mozzarella, ham, gargonzola..

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Mustang tablet by NewbSaibot, October 15

I've actually had this installed for a few years but only just now bothered to make a video demonstrating it properly. Whaddya think? The future is nigh! Only recently have Google & Apple begun to compete in the carputer arena with very limited and restricted results. This thing is allin baby! With all the R&D and red tape involved making these commercially my guess is it will be another 10 years before this kind of connectivity is standard.

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British Elvis by MyAnacondaDont, October 14

so much swag, so cool
i love the way he makes noises

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My life by Narious, October 13

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No money at other poker by Forrest Gump, October 12

Everyones better each day and player volume decrease over time
Still it may be some profit to be made at:

Razz (2/4 to 5/10 mostly): 5.69 BB/100 in 5K hands with SD of 8.874. That means that in a worst case scenario I should be a 2BB/100

Triple Draw (2/4 to 15/30 mostly): 1.95 BB/100 in 35K hands with SD of 19.52. That means that I could be a loser and that's not a reasonable sample size.

Badugi (2/4 to 5/10 mostly): -2.07 BB/100 in 11K hands. Not a sample, but a winner without rake. Still a small chance to be a 1BB/100 winner with bad luck. But I better try to fix leaks, table select harder and put more volume before reaching conclusions

Thanks to MadeInPolanD who post in the "petition against spin n go" thread this link:

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Brain and Life updates by jchysk, October 11

I'm happy to inform you that I have not yet had a psychotic break and am still pumping.

I've been recording all my drug intake by dosage and time with the exception of nicotine for the past 18 months. The reason I've excluded nicotine is because my intake has been minimal and it's difficult to keep track of.

I started making a few charts of the various drugs in my system (removing the more illicit ones) based on half-life and dosage, but realized how much time it was taking me and haven't finished them yet. Basic schedule now is exercise daily. Drugs - cycle through caffeine and modafinil with nicotine on the side. Then at least once every 2 months go completely straight edge for a couple weeks to recapture full effectiveness of the drugs.


Sleep - I'm getting more sleep than ever, at least over the past 7 years of recorded data. I'm averaging around 7 hours 20 minutes a night now. My efficiency unfortunately doesn't seem to be any better. REM and SWS is about the same as when I was getting 6h30m, but light sleep is longer. Lucid dreams have decreased to about 1 in every 6 cycles.

Physical Exercise - Probably the most noticeably positive effect. I've exercised 27.78% of days over the past 18 months. It's been mostly jogging, although I've switched a couple months ago to doing the Insanity workouts which seem more efficient. My resting heart rate has gone from low 70s to low 60s over the past year. I measure it first thing when I wake up. My body fat was gradually increasing and skeletal muscle gradually decreasing until I switched to Insanity. Body fat hit an all time high of 20% and over the past couple months it's declining back and currently at 18% with skeletal muscle at 42%. My weight range over the past 18 months has stayed within a narrow 118-124 lbs range and is currently 122.

Brain Exercise - There are many tools and services out there for improving brain plasticity. Unfortunately most of them are pretty gimmicky or are only good for so long before you just master the games you're playing. My current exercise on this front is: Brain-n-back, Anki (memorized 1600 new items in the past 13 months), learning French, and learning guitar. My progress on all fronts has been awesome and really helps reinforce the practice.

Nicotine - In my last report I hadn't realized any of the benefits. I believe this was because I had such a low tolerance that I would get light headed quickly. After a few weeks of a more deliberate use, my tolerance level increased to a point where I can use it for a quick mental pick-me-up. I use it a couple times daily except during clean weeks.

Modafinil - Still the most effective drug I've ever taken for concentration. It lasts about 7 hours and I take it 3 days in a row (200mg -> 100mg -> 100mg) about once every 2-3 weeks. I do need to have a reminder to eat while on it since my appetite is suppressed. If I don't, then when it begins wearing off I'm extremely hungry.

Diet - I eat 4-5 meal a day. Recently I've began replacing one meal a day with Soylent that would have otherwise been fast food.


Since I'm putting so much more effort towards all these life health activities (exercise, brain, sleep), my time spent working has taken a hit and I'm averaging closer to 70 hours a week. I take one full weekend off a month and make that a really nice vacation somewhere or attend a big event every 2 or 3 months. Also June I take a lot of time off to play WSOP events and attend EDC. Overall I feel the quality of my work is staying high and productivity hasn't suffered.


I think for now I'll stick with the Insanity workouts and I think within 6 months I can be down below 14% body fat again. I might try to change it up if I hit a plateau.

The Emotiv Insight I ordered on Kickstarter is scheduled for delivery in December. I plan on wearing that quite a bit and keeping a detailed set of data for analysis. It'll be really nice to correlate drugs and exercise directly to brain performance data over an extended period of time.

A mid-term goal is to get to a conversational level in French where I can find a partner to speak with once a week to maintain that level of fluency and also read some comics in French. Some of my long term stretch goals are learning Japanese, how to play piano, and hitting a billion+ in net worth.


If you have any feedback on exercise with efficiency measured by amount of time spent with the goal being overall brain health I'd like to hear it. It's an important area that my knowledge of is very limited.

Drugs. I've tried most nootropics and related so I've got a good grasp in this area, but I'll still take feedback.

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I wrote a poker bot for facebook by Rinny, October 10

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September Progress by lhr0909, October 10

Although this month my job has been very brutal and been working till 8pm on average, I somehow managed to be able to play just a little bit more poker than last month. Played just a little shy of 8k hands for the month and was up almost $50 (2 sites combined), which I think was pretty okay for my shitty noob level

Change of this month is:
* played much less on Seals (just not enough tables on the stakes I want to play at, and time issues)
* took shots on 10NL Bovada
* played more zone (anonymous zoom) than normal tables

I think I could have won a bit more, but my stats were very swingy, and I had to jump up and down between 5NL and 10NL because I was right on the edge. I would win up to $210, then lost a whole bunch, back down to $175 ish and I would need to play 5NL to build it back up a bit until I was comfortable with my play, then I finally said "fuck it I would play with 17 BIs on 10NL" and managed to come back from another huge loss at 10NL, which put my BR down to $179 from $210 again.

Graph to show the swongs:
+ Show Spoiler +

I think zone helped me improve in a way because every opponent is essentially readless (all you know is how much money they have behind them) and I have to play every single hand the same way (not exploiting opponents). I started to fold more 1pair hands (top pair especially) on the turn and river and was a lot more conservative vs 3bets preflop. Although I do miss exploiting opponents, especially on Bovada where player pool is super soft, I think playing zone helps me in a way where I can get my fundamentals down and I can practice more on hand reading, narrowing opponents' ranges the right way etc.

Posting some stats for the month and hope to get some pointers so I can move up faster :O

Bovada (sorry no positional stats on this one)


Hope this month I can play a little bit more and start playing more consistently, and hopefully don't have to look back at 5NL bovada shitshow again!

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Vancouver + PLO by Ryan Neilly, October 10

Hey guys, been a good bit since I wrote a blog, so here's one

I moved up to Vancouver, and was playing staked for a while. For about 1.5 years with him, and was backed by John in the past as well. Anyways, yesterday he came over to my place and we chatted and I started playing on my own dime again. We just do so much better as friends than business partners.

So. I did put myself in a win or go home kinda scenario, but at 100%. Its pretty relaxed though, and have a few bux to work with. Need to make 1500 a month for living expenses and just build br etc. should be able to get 2 $600 bonuses a month + profits so that shouldn't be too tough.

If I had to go home, i have 1500 aside for nl25 and a place etc - not much, better win!

Been goin out some, havin fun golfin, random drinks and amazing herbs I've made like 3 good friends since comin up, mostly cuz im just workin non stop - but they are all good quality people. Makes the transition much easier.

John has made this an amazing trip for me, we have been through so much together, he promised me for months if I came up I wouldn't be disappointed. I'm prolly happier than I've been in 5 years or so. For my bday - he made one of my fantasies possible and come true, I just had to do a little work. Was fucking epic - lets say I was trippin balls, hours of insanity, in a good way wish i could share more - can't tho, dont ask.

(x) still coke free well over a year tho!

I recently heard Raszi say if he isn't crushing plo then he would just quit poker, this got me thinking. I had 2 10/20 plo coaches (one is a 2/5 zoom, other 10/20) *Love ur videos JoeIngram, you should do one with me lol * you INSPIRED ME. btw i also did the same through my 20's and know many others that have, its logical lol

This is where all the money is at. This is just obviously apparent to the most blind eyes.

I grabbed a PT4 PLO version to track with HEM2 stats up while grinding, Its been pretty nuts, in a good way, im excited to play non stop for first time in a long time! STARTED PLOIN - NO STOPPIN!!@! ^^

So heres the graph of the first 2 days cuz it was kinda insane and fun to say the least.

I was learning some here and there about PLO for the last 2-3 years, won a few nice MTT's that were PLO, but never went higher than NL50. Well, since NLHE is impossible to go through the limits and MTT's are so high variance and luckbox oriented, I decided to truly become a full time PLO specialist.

I'm gonna just sit on 25 all month printing cash (hopefully [x]).
The hourly is actually much higher than I anticipated.
Idk if i care to even move up for a long time.

I used to just hit and run it instead of grinding it or just take shots (in general). Now that im studying PLO the game is just so much more fun - actually running equity sims etc, and things have been working out kinda pretty good.

I welcome this and have been doing quite well, I have moved to full time PLO.

I'll be playin NL25 PLO 6max all month, and consider moving up 11/1.

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beans by Gnarly, October 09

>have dried pinto beans
>decide to cook a cup of beans
>soak a cup of beans and 3 cups of water for 24 hours
>put beans back into pot along with another 3 cups of water
>simmer for 6 hours
>cook some ground beef, veggies, and beans in a skillet with water for an hour
>beans are still as hard as they were before i soaked them


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need PP, have stars by k4ir0s, October 09

anything from $20, to a few hundred. for my stars

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poker? i don't even know her! by Santafairy, October 08

today's goal was the first attempt at a 10k

and be up. so

last ~3k were mediocre but cleverly avoided a 4bi downswing at around ~8k mark by not check shoving OOP 4 times

any tips on last hand #10k?

+ Show Spoiler +

also why did the player pool have to shrink, do fish sleep? or won't they drown

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productive day at work by mnj, October 08

ground breaking research.

i had to know

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Remember when I used to give a shit (Stanhope) by Loco, October 07

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$50 stars for $50 on paypal by atlih007, October 06

Got it!

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Video blog follow up to yesterdays post by Joeingram1, October 06

Decided to put this one in video form, look forward to fun comment war

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Life Update by GoTuNk, October 05


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Recent podcasts with Oddsen and Greg Merson by Joeingram1, October 05

Here are the last 2 podcasts I did with HSPLOer Odd_oddsen and WSOP Main champ Greg Merson. Odds was much funnier than I expected him to be. Crashwhips from 2p2 wrote up a good summary of the episode. I will be recording this week with the WCOOP Main Event winner CrownUpGuy and long time HSNL/PLOer Alexiemartov/Magic Ninja


-He owns 2 houses, a house he paid 1.5million usd that he lives in, and another house he rents out apts in

-He said after realizing he was "set for life" from poker, he decided it was a bad idea to risk a downswing at nosebleed stakes, so he is now staked for 25/50+

-Skjervoy was visiting him last year + while hammered, had an accident in a sauna w/ vodka and the flames heating the sauna, and set himself on fire

-~1:05 Funny Gus Hansen / Phil Ivey Vegas story

-He is mad at Lefort I guess bc Lefort spoke so highly of Oddsen's game on an earlier CJ podcast. He says he thinks that's a big reason he stopped getting shorthanded action at high stakes + thinks it cost him 200-300k in ev. He goes on to say Lefort is very good + def top 5 in the world at hu plo

-His list of top 6m plo players:

1. Johan
2. Isildroon
3. Berri_Sweet
4. Lautie
5. Fjutekk
6. JediMaster

I also did one with Greg Merson who won the 2012 WSOP Main Event and is a long time reg on Pokerstars. Feedback on this one has been really great and some people commented it was a bit more serious of a tone as compared to most.

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Finding Inspiration in Others by Joeingram1, October 05

Hey guys

I've suddenly found myself feeling inspired lately and this lead me to get inspired to write about finding inspiration Make sense??

I think I have underestimated how important it is for me personally to feed off of inspiration I get from other people. This realization came to me very recently when I started hanging out more with my friend who is really into fashion, smelling good, looking good. Everyone is into smelling good and looking good for the most part right? I know I used to be this way for a good period of time but for whatever reason I have not put as much stock into it as I once did. I think the line between wanting to look/feel good and being obsessed with how you look is interesting. I know that when people used to meet me they would say that they thought I was obsessed with how I looked, saying it with a negative connotation. I think after hearing it so many times I started believing that maybe it was a negative thing to want to really look GOOD when it comes to being in shape, how you dress, tan, etc... Now I think I've come to the realization that if you have interest in attracting a higher quality of person in a potential partner (one who cares about these things for themselves) then you should should also. I'm not really sure how you can do this without almost becoming obsessed about it but I think as I get older, it becomes a bit more manageable of an emotion.

After thinking more about it, I made a facebook status update thanking 4 people who I felt like really inspired me over the last years of my life. I've always tried to take away inspiration when I meet people who have some qualities that I really admire, I try to think about how I can possibly be more that way. I'm not sure if this is how most people do it. I think the biggest initial inspiration I can remember is when I met my friend Asher while I was living in San Diego. I was into hair and how I dressed a bit up until that point of my life but after meeting him I realized how fun fashion could be, how much better you could look because of it and that I could style my hair a different way then sorta short/bit spikyish on the top. I also really admired the way he handled himself around a group of people. Up to that point I was a pretty big noob at this and really had no idea (debatably still don't) but seeing the way someone could be in a situation like that really opened my eyes that I didn't have to be such an asshole in a lot of spots. I could talk about the way the other 3 specific people I tagged impacted me if there is enough interest in reading about it.

I'm not sure if this post is more like a "hey you guys should try this" or "hey does anyone else find this happens to them." I think it is a combo of both of those ideas. I think I really forgot just how much other people could impact my own life and got away from it entirely for about a year now. I'm hoping from this point on that I can start finding it again in other people and possibly change the way I am for the better.


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