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Eastern Europe by MARSHALL28, April 08

So I'm planning on travelling to Eastern Europe this summer and am going to be looking for a place to live permanently. A friend has invited me to Bucharest this summer to check it out and show me around, so while I'm there I'd like to also stop by and check out some other places.

I'm looking for any kind of information or experiences you guys might have had in these places and recommendations regarding which cities you think are best. A very important requirement is that the general population be able to speak a decent amount of English. I'd like to travel to 4 or 5 different cities and then make a decision from there. I'm not interested in anywhere outside of Eastern Europe.

EDIT--If there's anyone in that part of the world that would be interested in taking an afternoon to show me around the city I'd be very grateful. I could in return share some poker knowledge, or take an hour to review a video of your play.


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>tfw by Gnarly, April 07

>tfw get sucked out on over and over and lose everything you made today

This is why I play poker. Why do you?

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Little help? by NewbSaibot, April 07

The following hand accurately reflects almost every hand my opponent played for approximately 3 hours at this table. Thats right, I am going to show you just one hand, because this one hand is all you need to know how this player plays, because this is all he did all night long. This isnt a whine blog, i finished this session +300BB's. I'm just trying to figure out what the best approach is to someone like this with hands other than the nuts. I can only presume his stats would have been around 80/50/30. I'm getting a hud after this session since it would have really come in handy last night.

Submitted by : NewbSaibot

PokerStars Hand #2844108277: Holdem No Limit ($0.25/$0.50) - 2014/04/06 3:30:39
Table #7779792 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: Small Blind ($191.73 in chips)
Seat 2: Big Blind ($43.67 in chips)
Seat 3: UTG ($42 in chips)
Seat 4: UTGplus1 ($15 in chips)
Seat 5: Hero ($67.71 in chips)
Seat 6: Dealer ($62.55 in chips)
Small Blind: posts small blind $0.25
Big Blind: posts big blind $0.50

Dealt to Hero QcAd
UTG: folds
UTGplus1: folds
Hero: raises $1.75 to $1.75
Dealer: folds
Small Blind: raises $2.75 to $3
Big Blind: folds
Hero: raises $7.75 to $9.50
Small Blind: calls $6.50

Flop(Odds) (Pot : $19.00)

Small Blind: checks
Hero: bets $9.75
Small Blind: calls $9.75

Turn(Odds) (Pot : $38.50)

Small Blind: checks
Hero: bets $48.46 and is all-in
Small Blind: folds
Uncalled bet ($48.46) returned to Hero
Hero: shows QcAd
Hero collected $37.05 from pot

Total pot $39 | Rake $1.95
Board  7cKsJdTh
Seat 1: Small Blind (small blind) mucked 5d9d
Seat 2: Big Blind (big blind) mucked Js4d
Seat 3: UTG mucked 3d8s
Seat 4: UTGplus1 mucked 6s3h
Seat 5: Hero won ($37.05)
Seat 6: Dealer (button) mucked As9h

I shoved because he had paid off earlier with top pair bottom kicker so I figured surely he has something here. But in general his entire playstyle was similar to the above. Just lots of nonsensical raises from out of position, floating every flop etc. I dont know if he was a maniac or just trying to pick off every single pot when he perceived weakness. Regardless, I was dealt all sorts of hands like 44, 76s, ATs, KJo, that I didnt know how to play vs him. Should I bet 3betting the ever loving shit against him? 4bet too? Or just call?

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To: Liquid Nazgul by Into Infinity, April 06

i think i'm good enough at dota 2 to play at a high level. please send me a direct invite to Liquid Dota. me and DeMoN will wait for our invites patiently. thank you

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US online poker stuff by GoldRush, April 06

Hey guys,

I've just been grinding tons of CG's @Bovada and livin life, relaxing w/ family and friends @ home atm. Just load 4 and crush all day, its kinda fun, feel so much happier everyday, greeds not runnin this train anymore, just desire to win.

I have quit tournaments until at least June, then maybe re-evaluate *lost passion for them and pretty much just hate them now*

(although i do use points random MTT's, makes for good rakeback),
I'm feeling healthier than I have in a very long time, thank god, I wasn't taking care of myself for a while there...

Was nice to enjoy the sun in like our first nice spring day today in PA. Been back from Canada for like a month, not sure if I'm going to be going to LV or NJ but most likely LV, unless NJ gets the international bill going asap.

In the General discussion forum I saw a lot of outrage at what news we have been given about the state of online poker in the US etc, I wrote this there, but figured blogging would just be better since its been a while.

The US Lottery system that is making $800 billion a year (i could be way off) has joined our coalition. This is HUGE. They want to keep this wagering going 110%, they have our backs, and they make Sheldons bankroll look like peanuts. This was the best thing to happen to USA poker last week, along with New Jersey pushing through a bill for International Poker, to play with the rest of the world, the first in the states to do it, and it passed through the first senate vote.

Online Gaming isn't going anywhere, legal or offshore, its going to be played.

California is also doing everything possible to get the Native tribes to agree to ALLOW PokerstarS in California, because "that is what the players want" - we'd go there NP.

was all over last week.

things are battling back and forth, its like a soap opera, just keeps going on.

a huge plus this week is that New Jersey has pushed through a bill for INTERNATIONAL gaming for a larger playerbase which will move most of us from the USA to Jersey overnight.

This is what you should be looking forward to.

Also, Sheldon Addelson *sp? has kind of made an ass out of himself in the past week or two, he has hurt his case some. I do believe he will have some sort of short term impact here, but nothing sustainable.

The #'s have been coming in (hands/profits for sites) and its in the millions, and continuously growing and the casino's have tied in tens to hundreds of millions of dollars for upstart costs, this is locked in for at least 10 years (there is a 10 year clause somewhere in the Bills) without a complete VETO from the house, things will continue to progress.

The Wire act will stay as is, its been through the courts.

Even if it gets changed back, nothing changes here, and we have plenty of good sites + casino's to play in, with random grind trips out of country, its a blessing, if you view it that way.

but yeah, take it from someone with OCd who reads every article for the last 2 years 11 months and 2 weeks. Things are only going forward, one man with billions has a problem with it, the online gambling lottery of the USA has a problem with Sheldon, they side with us 100%, because if the wire act is repealed, then ppl can't buy tickets online, which would crush there industry etc.

Keep grinding.
Be Water.


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right to die by JosephCalgary, April 05

I have nembutal but my family intercepted it and locked it in a safe. Ive wanted to die everyday for the past 7 years.
Poll: Is it wrong for my family to withhold nembutal from me?
(Vote): Yes
(Vote): No

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how do by Gnarly, April 05

when i go play at the usual game, i find that im usually never respected, even though im quite a nit. ill show down with top 10 hands or so, and i ALWAYS manage to get some fucko to call me down on a 15 bb preflop pot with 84o expecting to get lucky. then, of course, they have to get lucky. this makes me tighten up even more, because i feel like an open book since they will NEVER lay anything down to me unless i have the nuts which they'll fold the very first time i bet out.

i just dont understand how to play when no one will ever fold to me, i will never EVER win a hand, and there is always at least one hand better than mine. i expect to lose with AA and usually right at this point in time. i dont feel i can ever bluff, cause im fucking open book, and everyone already expects to get lucky against me, that other people start picking up on my bad luck and start playing against me with literally any two.

how can i earn respect when the cards dont respect me? i mean, shit, the ENTIRE game felt bad for me tonight and kept giving me rebates.

am i being results oriented or am i just really fucking good at knowing when im beat?

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[Request] NLP Advice by SemPeR, April 04

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FTOPS 9 by Mortensen8, April 03

Just a quick brag post won turbo rush event for 25k
Does anyone know anyone know when I get the ftops avatar or if I have to change something?

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Quarter 1 bragpost by thewh00sel, April 03

Title says it all. Since the turn of the new year, I've played 10/20 almost exclusively. So far it's paid off. I ran quite hot at the beginning of the year, and got into some very good spots against big whales. This boost in bankroll provided a boost in confidence that translated well to my poker game. Not confidence like bluff every hand like a hero, but allowing myself to play my "A" game sitting deepstacked against all opponents.

My average hours played has suffered a bit, but that's due in part to us pulling our daughter out of school and me spending more time with her and the baby at home. She was picking up some bad habits, and it just wasn't worth the cost because I had to stay home with the baby either way, so driving her up to school and coming back home is a waste of time and money. And I still take her to the park and other events for socialization and learning so I'm happy with the exchange.

In other exciting news, my wife will be taking next year off of work to stay home with the girls. She'll be doing the preschooling for our oldest. We are also going to make a big decision with regard to schooling of our oldest after this year. I am heavily leaning toward "unschooling." If you haven't heard of it, it's the act of raising your kids without public education, and simply teaching them whatever they want to learn about at any time. It's a legal form of homeschooling in the United States, and has shown some promising results in kids that are going through it or have gone through it. (wiki link:


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Just writing some code by lhr0909, April 03

My day job is a software developer. So I love tinkering things on a computer. Recently I hooked up my tracking program, fpdb (I am too lazy to buy HEM2/PT4), to my profolio page on the Internet, so it shows my poker graphs on a web page. Theoretically it should work for all tracking softwares, because they all use a database (PostgreSQL or MySQL, which are similar). With some sort of database reading software, I should be able to read the data out with relative ease.

So here are the steps I took to get this:

1. Get a server hosted on (server is super cheap nowadays, and digital ocean offers even cheaper price! for $5/month you get a pretty good server with blazing fast network speed), then install a bunch of shit like LEMP (Linux, nginx (not sure why it is E), MySQL, and PHP) stack, phpmyadmin, and other shit.

2. Set your tracking software to take in that online database instead of the local database.

3. Write some code to surface the graphing data. This part is kinda tricky, because there is a query you have to call the database with, and you don't know what it is. So what I did is to make my database log all the queries, and as my fpdb refreshes the graph, fpdb will make a query to the database, and BAM! Copy-pasta, then code code code, and we got this (omitting a bunch of steps for the code/setting up the server to run the code and other tedious crap):

4. Then I graph the data with some javascript. There we have it!

As far as poker goes, I withdrew my 1 bitcoin from Seals and started fresh on Bovada. Not planning on taking the money out at all, but just sit down and actually learn how to play well. Cash graph (5NL only) seems break-even, and I think there were some bad beats here and there, and there were more hands that I just didn't play well at all. But since Bovada has more people, I got more game choice. I really enjoy playing Sit n Go's (I play $3-$4 SnG's with about $170 in the roll, should be decent BRM right?!) and from the graph, I think I am doing okay in it

As always, I thank everyone on LP that have given me help/advice and I will keep playing and getting better!

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pc help/ live poker by LikeASet, April 02

My live progress is going pretty well despite not playing my A game all the time, have been playing 20-30 hours per week for the last 2 months, am currently up 8500$.

On another note I think my pc is r.i.p. from viruses and repeated overheating. Thinking about buying another gaming pc but I'm not a super serious gamer so I don't really want to spend above 900$. I was thinking about buying this one ...,2817,2425551,00.asp

opinions? I'm also browsing on so any recomendations on prebuilt rigs would be apriciated. Also, i'm too lazy to buy separate parts and put them together.

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sleeping schedules by drone666, April 02

for years my sleeping schedule is fucked up
I've been sleeping most of the time 4am and waking up 12pm
I think I wake up in the morning like 15 times per year, only when I really need to

I always thought most creative people used to stay awake in the night and sleep at daytime ( also that they did that polyphasic sleep that I think it's bullshit )
but I found this and I'm a little surprised

anyway, should I change my sleeping schedule ??? even when the night field is way softer ???

another thing, usually when I go to the gym right after I wake( 12:30pm~1:00pm) I'm lazy for the rest of the day, anyone experienced something like that ?? shouldn't be the opposite ??

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LP Ventrilo server by Hoolz_1907, April 02

Ok so thanks to Marius' thread, which spun into something absolutely crazy Floofy like, I decided we should get the ventrilo server back so here we are:

Game: Ventrilo ( v3.0.6 )
Server Name:
Server IP:
Join Address: ventrilo://

It's setup for 3 months and there's space for 30

I can't check if it works at the moment as I'm not at home but feel free to test. If any setup is needed I'll do that in a few hours.

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bovada nopevada by Gnarly, April 01

whats the metagame for zone? treat the bb as if you were the button and to treat the actual button/co as if they were blinds that need to be bullied by betting oop into the raiser on the flop every time? i had about five hands folded to me preflop in the last couple days, which is insanely what the fuck? i see the players per flop avg and it's usually a quart to a third, and there's usually the big blind calling me every time.

is anyone experience no effectiveness for buying the blinds? this seems like it would prevent me from being able to "hedge" some of my other losses like folding the blinds. im not sure what the best way to adjust is, but maybe i can figure some things out in a couple days.

btw, i got fired from my job today because even though i told the other store, owned by the brother of my boss, specifically the bosses wife, that i was putting in my 2 weeks, it never made it to the boss. he told my boss that he thinks im a bad employee and some other stuff that i couldn't really understand since they have foreign accents, and even though my boss knows that i put in the two weeks, he didn't think i told them. i told him that i told his brothers wife on x date and he said he would take that into consideration, but ive already been replaced.

she was like my tiger mom D: how could she do that to me? probably an accident but still...

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"MATH" Problem by mnj, March 31

5 ? 2 = 11
2 ? 4 = 14
3 ? 2 = 7
4 ? 5 = 30

8 ? 4 = what is this equal

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"MATH" Problem by mnj, March 31

5 ? 2 = 11
2 ? 4 = 14
3 ? 2

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sick beat by drone666, March 31

saddest day in a while
my 12 years old dog died today

RIP Malinka

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My first popular videos by 2primenumbers, March 31

- diaf

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Funk Rolling by PuertoRican, March 31

I don't wrestle or train BJJ, but this was a nice introduction to the "Funk Roll." It makes you want to go and try it out for yourself.

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