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DFS Wednesday by Gadget, February 19

So I had a really bad DFS day yesterday. The Cavs/76ers blowout hurt my lineup a lot, the spread was Cavs -4 so I consider that to just be variance. I was facing a bunch of blatantly sub-optimal lineups for $50+ h2h's, so it kind of sucks that my lineup under performed so badly. That is going to happen from time to time though. Today should be a good day. Lot's of games, and none of them stand out as being exceptionally good value. Narrowing down my list of players was harder today than it is most days, here are my top 4 at each position:

**I like Rondo but I'm avoiding due to the trade deadline tomorrow at 3pm


D Green (3500)
**I like Gay with Cousins potentially out. Matchup is pretty bad though.

*Not the night to spend on PF imo

R Lopez(6300)

Good Luck

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The complaining though by 2primenumbers, February 19

-- ty for reading

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live poker by Highcard, February 18

Next time I play live poker and a flush hits on the river I am going say, "let me check my hand...", lift my actual hand and stare toward my palm. "Ok, allin".

After a certain period of time playing live poker I reach my threshold of feeling disgusting from handling the chips of dirty, degenerates. If it weren't for the hand sanitize dispensers near by I would wear OJ simpson gloves, I mean micheal jackson gloves.

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Sell me 1/10th of a bitcoin? by HungarianGOD, February 17

There was a site I wanted to try out that just used bitcoins (The state I'm in doesn't allow brovada -_-) and I was wondering if somebody was willing to sell me a small amount of bitcoin for paypal transfer, just enough to mess around on the site to see how I like it. The smallest amount I'd want to buy is 1/50th of one. If you are someone who posts a reasonable amount I'd be happy to transfer you the paypal money first.

If anybody wants to, just let me know. I don't know much about how bitcoin works, I am just tired of not being able to play online to improve at all.

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Hey LP by GoldRush, February 17

Hey guys,

This song Rocks -

Got back a couple days ago to the states after 6 months up in Canada, happy to be home. Was the biggest rollercoaster I've ever been on.

the trip was going really well, I was making like 1.2k a day for 45 days, then i got way to egotistical...

i forgot how to play from my heart for a long time. =[

Pretty much debt free though, did a good job on that while I was up there which is a great feeling, just a few to john and artanis left

Around January it was my last rent payment (2400 move in and 1200 a month - security covered 4th month on the 4 month lease) - I was struggling a lot, had very little confidence at the table, and had very little food.

I was questioning everything in my life. I sat there and played way above where I've ever played for about 45 days, after that I was playing like a fckin n00b and just lost direction.

Things were shit.

I had like $400 online and rent due in a week.
I managed to get to $1400 and get rent paid, and kept $100 on an rebuilt, knowing there was no reason for me to even be there, other than 60 days rent paid in downtown Ottawa when I was just about broke.

Everytime I won - I was sending my debts out - I kept nothing, John (jlost88) was my backer, he was astonished that i kept 0-10% of what was coming in, but a man on a mission, is just that.

So ya, I flowndered around with very little confidence, didn't have my medication, was having trust issues with the group of poker players I moved up there with, it was shit.

so long story short.
win 45k (got like 20ish of it) paid off mostly (only positive)
brag about it and started playing from ego.
Struggle for 2-3 months.......was making $50-$150 a day and cashing out food money etc.

I got really fed up - it was like day 105 of the downswing, and I stopped playin for a while, the game was making me sick, there was no passion or joy.

After taking a lot of time off, I came back and had a lot of fun again, was playing well, and playing 6max, MTTs and lowstakes PLO - to keep the game fresh and fun.

I then took 3 days and binked out a few tournaments (hadn't even paid for my ticket home yet on the 8th or so when I cashed out) - first day I invested 133 with helviti from LP, we won 1400, 2nd day we invested like 200 and got back like 100 each profit, 3rd day we both got a few hundo too. we tried the SM and a few other highstakes good ones but they didn't pan out. lost a flip for like 80k, just knew he was weak, river ace, w/e.

Got home and been a lot more relaxed, have made some big adjustments, i play cashgames mostly now (but i do 1-2 tournaments a day that are soft and pay well on ACR) and just work for $20 or so an hour at cashgames til I become one of the best. I played like 90k hands of CG's on stars, 50k hands of 1/2 zoom and did really well, I feel very confident in the games, although I'm just rebuilding at NL25 now. Always 4 tabling cash or 1-2 tabling MTT.

In life I haven't met any single cute girls recently, but have cleaned my act up a ton. Quit the clubs for about 4 months, quit any hard drugs, same timing about 4 months now, feel way better everyday.

I started working on my nutrition, feeling I have some deficiencies in some areas, i think this is going to help my life a lot, luckily my brother is a nutrition guru, that really helps.

This is a class stoned neilly ramble

Ottawa was a really nice city.

I learned that 60-200bi is never close to enough for MTT'

I became a cash grinder and changed my mindset 100%, had tons of coaching which I am super thankful for (John, Marshall, Forhelviti, CasinoCasino and my local buddies up there)

I really love the new Iveypoker site, the videos are extremely stellar. feel more confident everytime I watch a video.

I binked a $6 1k (1.4) today - kids can eat. (oh wait, no kids)

I went through more emotional stress, maybe even semi trauma during that last trip. Thats my last trip ever out of the usa for more than a month or two for poker. I just go to hard, I feel like im in a time constraint and have to be grinding 24/7 or something. idk, im slightly degen if im losing too. if im winning, im always in very good control and most people don't understand this. i think its a chemical imbalance or something in my head. not like i can go to my doc and say i ate tons of lsd and mdma over the last 10 years, then he wouldn't give me xanax lol

things got pretty scary up in canada a few times.

i was ballin pretty fckin hard and playing sooo amazing - i was playing on like level 10 about a month in (or whatever just a high ass level) - i had to take a few weeks off waiting on my meds, came back and was at like lvl 4 - expecting to come back at lvl 10. that was fckin terrible. was stressing over the 1st places too much.

i hate tournies.

i spent 4 years on mtts.

ive played poker like 10 years.

im just like a 1/2 - 2/4 6max grinder at roughly 1bb/100....

I have a great tournament skill.

Nowaday I'm gonna grind online mostly, Casino Fri and Sat night and MTT sundays, and ya, like a 6r and one of the "bigs" at ACR each day

About moving to play poker, I just wanna get an apartment here, do what i say above (get a 6 month lease) - hopefully do atleast a 30k wsop schedule - if I have a good summer, move to Humbolt County - Grow green legally and play at night.

When my br gets back to 2500 - I'm starting a 1 year timer. If I don't have 30k saved after all lfie and bills paid in 12 months, then i would go back to school and play on weekends.

I'm going to push it harder this year than I ever have. Hopefully I don't fuck up. About 500 pros tell me everyday I deserve huge wins (exaggeration but god its said a lot to me) - I've been cleaning my life up and working really hard and studying life a beast to just be the best beast ever.

thats a true ramble.
been a long time since I posted.

I got back a few days ago, I hope to ski 1-2 times and keep grinding a lot, I just want to get an apartment here I think..........but my friend offered me a great room in las vegas for $350 a month which has legal sites plus bodog and acr...and i'd be close to the big good live mtt's which will give me more opportunities at winning them. - gonna try to relax til 5k or so and make a decision then...

Fira - I've had some weird poker dreams man. One night I was walking from las vegas to my house, then barack obama and i were in the air parachuting to the earth, as i landed, i walked the land, and went over a hill, and Greg Raymer was there. His wife was super nice, they took me in, we had a great meal, and I stayed the night at there house lol.

Also, had a dream I was at the table with my dad and JohnnyCosmo and Elky (i think) - I had like AA - it was a FT and like everyone went all-in and I had AA and held, then JohnnyCosmo ran infront of the Trophy and stole the picture! I think they gave him the $ in the dream too!

I hope you guys have been well, I had to take a lil time off from LP, my ego gets goin sometimes, its a love/hate.

GL to everyone,
thats a long read lol

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Digital Slavery by spets1, February 17

So I have been thinking that invention of Bitcoin is as revolutionary as creation of internet or the wheel. I am a huge advocate of digital currencies.

Now i think it might be all a conspiracy theory! We don't know who created the bitcoin! Was it aliens? Was it government? Who The FUck Was it? Why stay anonymous?

A new digital coin (cryptocurrency) has come out few weeks ago, it is called Huntercoin.

Basically what it does is. A human/person must be doing something on the computer on internet to earn these coins, say play a game, collect digital coins. It's the future of humanity. Enslavement is imminent.

this is their website:

Specifications from the Huntercoin website:

>Human Mining – Control Hunters to harvest coins in another dimension using strategy, time & teamwork.
>1 Minute Block Times.
>Dual Algorithm –SHA256 + Scrypt. Each algo has separate difficulty, both targeting 2 minute blocks. Both are Merge Mineable.. See
>Total 10 coins Per Block – 1 to the miner, 8.75 onto the Map.
>Crown of Fortune – 1 Unique Item on the map which will generate 0.25 HUCs per block
>When a Hunter harvests coins and brings them back to a spawn area, the coins will materialize in their wallet, Miners will receive 10% of these ‘banked’ coins (TAX)
>When a Hunter is killed, 4% of the coins they held will be taken by miners. The rest will be dropped to the ground.
>Hardware Miners should receive in total (over time) ~20% of the Block Reward (2 Coins) + Player Death Taxes.
>42 Million Total Coins
>Retarget Every block based on last 2016 Blocks (for each algo separately) – PPC Style
>Can be considered a basic decentralized P2P Massively Multiplayer Online Crypto Currency and Game, which takes place within the block chain.
>Includes all relevant features of other crypto currencies.
>Integrated Client Chat – Player can chat per block.
>Serverless (open source and decentralized)
>Starting cost per Player is 1 HUC
>View the in game World Live (currently showing closed beta world and oldish client)

The other interesting thing from this coin is that these creatures or "characters" that will be in the game, that try to collect these coins will be the closest thing to real life people. I have read some of the strategy to collect these coin. One person on the forums says:

"It's quite addicting to play, but you will be playing all day for any kind of pay out. Also self-destructing hunters are annoying as hell. In the end I found best strategy was to have a vanguard and rearguard, as well as manually controlling my hunter on return to base to succeed."

You can already see taht the game strategy is evolving just like human society has. People collect resources to provide for the community. But there is another choice. To steal, rob, form gangs to control and even maybe make poeple pay tax later on! Jsut build a gang. An army of these "bombers" and demand everyone pay tax for you to protect them.

So basically there is a chance of the game to evolve so far that the game character will be "alive" making all the human decisions. It will be as if he is alive and aware of what he is doing. He might even have a brain and think that he has free will, because all the decisions he makes will be thought out and will make sense in his own brain.

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My solo guitar virtuoso album! by Sliggy, February 16

Hey guys! This year I'll be releasing my first solo album entitled "The Judge."

It'll basically be a guitar circle jerk but it's my first virtuoso album and it will feature a few somewhat notable names in the modern metal / prog world.

This is my debut track, hope you guys enjoy!

If you want to keep up to date on what I'm doing, like my Facebook page here:

Many thanks!

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DFS Stats by Gadget, February 14

Since it's all-star weekend in the NBA I have had a little extra time on my hands, most of which has gone into working on my statistical model I plan on using next year for DFS. I also had the time to compile all my stats so far for my ~4 month DFS career. Here's some graphs/charts for those that may be interested.
This is from a starting BR of $200 with a $200 deposit bonus. I have only been playing close to optimally since half way through January, so keep that in mind. Also, that huge dip at the end is the $1200 error I made by forgetting to set my lineup.

There is a little bit of a breakdown of what game's I'm playing and my ROI in each. My next blog entry will likely be a very basic tutorial on how to approach DFS since that seems like it would help the most people.

Also, if you do not have an account on Fanduel and I have helped you get into DFS in any way, use my referral link when you sign up. Be sure to search for a promo code as well. There is always one that will give you deposit match up to $200. Thanks guys.

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The Tap is leaking by punix, February 13

It has been a short time since my last blog post but I have played alot and Iam highly motivated.
Why am I already updating? I think such a blog is a very nice opportunity to do alot of self reflection on yourself and your play, while even may getting some helpful comments from more experienced users. Objective self reflection and learning from mistakes is the key to success.
I definetly have to do an analysis about my game play and have to reflect it objectively.

After my last blog post, I went to a little downswing, but recovered very nicely after thinking again about my play!
After going to a new bankroll peak, I went on a huge downswing again and yet it looks like I did not fully recover from it eventhough the last 12k hands have been kinda akward (my all-in EV basically stayed above $30 and was at some points even peaking at $40 but my net winnings have gone down): I was running alot of 2nd nuts into 1st nuts situation where you could not do soo much about it. Anyway, Iam not here to cry about this! Its normal and it happens in poker everyday somewhere.

I know I can play "solid" (compared to the standart NL2 level) and win on that stake if I play correctly, but at some points I always seem to forget how to play my "A-game" and mess it up with my old loosing style. I take some bad beats, mix in some bad plays etc. Think everybody has been there.
When I remind myself on what do to better I almost asap do better. That's why I want to write down and think about what I'am still doing wrong (of course there will be alot of things that I do wrong), so that I can go back and read it and might even get some comments (as stated above) about it, which could help immensely.

Played FR and 6m mixed so lets go with some Stats and review them:

Starting with the general stats:

- My FR VPIP might be a little bit too high but should not be completely off. Maybe the VPIP/PFR ratio is also a little bit too small.
- I should fold more to 3bets! 50% seems too low!!
- My old problem is still there (ofc I included all my hands: the newer sessions look in general better in that way): WTSD too high and especially W$SD way too low!
- My W$WSF seems very, very high or?? I should probably give up way more flops than I actually do.
- I should CBet less!
- I steal a little bit too often and fold to less against steals!

Positions: FR

Positional view seems okayish imo. The only thing I find a bit "strange" is that I have way more hands EP than on CO/BTN. I mean having more than CO/BTN is okay but not soo much more or?
Eventhough I open BTN 3x more. But as one can see on the VPIP/PFR: I often fold the BTN if it has been raised before me. I guess this is a leak?!
Also my CO opening can be a little wider.

Positions: 6max

Still my CO opening range should be wider! But also the sample size is smaller, so less significant.

Filtered Holecards that showed the most -$: FR

Filtered Holecards that showed the most -$: 6max

Also here the significane drops quite hard but am I overrating hands like AQo, KJs, KJo ? Looks a bit like I do. Especially AQo!!
I guess thats mostly because I often call 3b with AQo. I should stop doing that!

If anyone has additional thought or comments to it, they are well appreciated!

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DFS and Live Hourly Winrate? by Gadget, February 12

What's up guys. I had my first big setback in DFS this weekend. I went to visit my girlfriend and was doing DFS on my laptop on Saturday night and I forgot to switch out my dummy lineup for my real lineup. Absolute disaster. I had about 15% of my BR in play, or $1200. I guess it was a $1200 lesson. I now have an alarm set for 6:55pm every night so I never make this mistake again. The good news is that I have had something like 12 winning days in my last 14 including the dummy roster disaster. I feel very good about my edge, and am growing more and more confident in my ability to make money playing DFS. I have settled on 15% being the number I want to stick with as far as amount of my BR in play. I will definitely take some shots with a higher %, but for the most part I will stick with 15%. I'm going to just give my top 4 plays at each position based on Fanduel prices from now on. They are listed in order, so the 1st guy listed I consider to be the best play. Here it goes:

*Still looking at San Antonio Guards
*I Like Rondo a bit too with Bradley out





GL Everyone.

I also have a question about what I can expect as an hourly winrate for live $1/$2. I have mine calculated so far and I'm up $1270 in 33 hours. That gives me a winrate of about $38 per hour. I feel like I'm running well below expectations so far, but my winrate seems to be around what I would expect. Does anyone have any good data for this?

I'm planning on playing $1/$2 until I have 10k in profits and then I will move up to $2/$5. Any and all tips for building a live BR would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Poker Dream by fira, February 12

I'm sitting at a live 9max table. All unknowns except for two players: to my right is Marc-Etienne McLaughlin (WSOP 2013), who seemed like a decent player. To my left is an older guy with glasses whom I've played with at 1/2 live. Pretty loose, sometimes misreads his hands. Not sure what stakes, but it seemed like mid-high.

It's folded around to McLaughlin, who raises standard. He'd been raising a lot from late positions. I'm on button and look down at KdKh, and make a smallish raise, a bit under 3x. Older guy calls in SB, and McLaughlin sighs and says something like "you've got the best hand" but calls anyway. Two unknowns who were apparently sitting between me and McLaughlin call. I'm confused and panicking a bit because I didn't realize they were there, not to mention in the hand. I'd have raised a lot more. Oh well, to the flop.

Flop is AsQc7c, 5 way. Checked around to me. I decide to bet about 40% pot for value/protection. Older guy calls, McLaughlin makes a comment about my sizing and calls. The two unknowns fold.

Turn is Ks, 3 way. I don't remember what I did, but it didn't seem important at the time. Let's say I checked.

River is Ah, 3 way. Older guy goes allin for around pot, McLaughlin thinks for a bit and calls. I shove for about a minraise, and McLaughlin calls. Older guy shows AJo, McLaughlin shows KdKh. Wait, isn't that my hand? I flip over my cards and see that I had A8o. What the hell?

The next hand begins. As I'm trying to explain what happened, I hear a knock on my door and my great-aunt telling me it's 2PM and I should get up. Sick beat.

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You click and then... by 2primenumbers, February 10

-- ty for reading

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Black chip poker checks by squishypoopie, February 10

Does anyone here from US play on black chip poker? I requested a check payout on 1/20 and it is 2/10, but still no check. anyone in us ever request a check and been paid?


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Buying action in cash games by AndrewSong, February 10

I'm looking to buy action from long time crushers at HSNL.

If you've been crushing NLH and haven't been able to move up because of bankroll, seat script or simply fear of risk, my group can help you. We are looking to buy action at 5/10 up to nosebleeds. The most we will commit is 50% as a group and it will be by case by case basis. We are long term HSNL players that's been actively buying and selling action. We also sell our own piece and you can choose to buy our action as well. Easiest way to be a part of us would be having a stellar reputation and a way to prove to us that you don't need to be part of us. If your interested, contact me at Andrew Song on 2p2 or PM me here.

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Some live poker by DustySwedeDude, February 09

Played some random live tournaments and had Longple over for a day or two last week. For some reason he is kind of a celebrity in the local casino, to the point that it was kind of funny.

Also talked a bit to MangeJao and SammeJao who I think posts/posted here a while back. Had a lot of fun but ended up busting quite early in the big on and only min cash in some smallish PLO-tournament.

Did play a bunch of weird hands though.

Blinds 250/500k, 50 ante. I minraise UTG 9 handed with QTo, friendly local young guy min3bets me on the button. I don't think he's a pro poker player, but he has some idea about how to play even though he makes a lot of live-weirdo-plays like limping UTG with a wideish range etc. I call his 3bet, and we have about 30k effective behind. I've been running over the table a bit and have a big stack.

Flop comes 9d8d3x and I c/c a little more then half pot, I have no diamnod. Turn is a offsuit king and it goes check/check. River is a offsuit 6 that completes a weird straight or two, I bet 12k into ~ 4.5k hoping that he folds range.

Blinds probably like 0.5/1k or a little bit less, I have ~65k and raise UTG with JJ, loose/passive calling station who looks like a out-of-shape Josh Barnett calls, young guy 3bets with maybe a 30k stack from mid pos, I call and Josh calls. Josh has been looking a lot at me and I've been asking him if he looks at me "already" because he wants to play a big pot. Flop 662r, checks around, turn 8c that brings a club flush draw. I bet 8k into ~12k wanting to get Josh along and fold out whatever random high cards the kid has. Turn 2c. I'm to drunk to notice the flush, I try to valuebet 15k into a little less then 30 on 622c8c6c. Josh tanks, talks a bit weird about how I can't have 2x and calls with a KcQc.

Also did a bunch of weird "must bluff"-bluffs and random "standardish" herocalls that was somewhat fun but not enough so that I wanted to post then.

Then I got TT in vs the A9o of some aggro norweigian guy 2 hours later and lost to A9 and later busted my last 8bb with K2ss from CO vs AJ on the B. Promtly ended up playing some live PLO and loose a 1000bb pot first thing I do and then I fold for 30 min and the casino closed lol.

In the PLO donkament the day before I played like crap. With a biggish stack like 8 from the money I raise/called a 3bet UTG oop vs "Mangejao" with KQhhQ9. I assumed the guy was out to get me but probably wanted to have a decent hand to do it. Flop KJTdd, I c/c flop, turn blank and I c/c again thinking that I'll call anything but a diamond hoping that the uses his AA blockers a lot. Turn 3d and he ships, I fold and he shows AdAx8x8x for all the blockers in the world. I think it's probably a call given some sizeing issues but w/e.

I also managed to get it in with ~8 outs for my tournament life 2 times and suck out both just before the bubble.

Was fun hanging out with Longple, had some fun at the poker tables and overall it was a fairly decent week. Mr Longple is a nice guy to hang out with. Also noticed that they probably don't do the safe warm up in Umeå as in other places when it comes to BJJ. Never seen a guy who done more then 6 months of that go for overhooks when he hugs.

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BOOM by GameOverNoob, February 08

Shipped the job.

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live poker update by carlosdiaz, February 07

So I went to Vegas as planned, first two days I played 200NL at MGM and I won $700, so I decided to walk to the Wynn to get higher action and somehow I ended up @Aria playing 1/3, table was tough, full of regs only 1 fish at the table, everyone was pretty deep so I bought 300, lot of PF action 3bets 4bets, not what I'm used to at 200NL lol, I didn't want to play scared money so I just went there and try to play my game which didn't result well, I got caught bluffing (I still think was a good bluff, reg tanked for about 4 mins and made a cry call with babyflush on a paired board) then I lost another buyin I got it allin on the turn with ases up on a 3bet pot (A7 on A754 board, A8 made the call, 6 on the river, gg) so I dropped 2 buyins and I ended up almost even lol, I usually dont drink while play but @Vegas I just couldn't help it so I dont know if it affected my game but meh, I fell in love with Stella Artois lol, so I just got a 24.
+ Show Spoiler +

I just came back from Tucson where I usually play and did well, after 250 hours I finally got a high hand, I made a straight flush with 6c4c which got me an extra $200 :D
+ Show Spoiler +

+ Show Spoiler +

My goal for this year (September 2013-2014) is to hit $215,000mxn = 16.5Kusd so I'm in good pace to reach it since I'm planning to do one more visit in February to Tucson.
Thanks for reading, GL all.

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Friday Night NBA DFS by Sanai, February 07

Refreshing Thursday off (not) and I'm back to the daily fantasy grind. Wednesday was an interesting night. I did well, think I had an ROI of about 55-60%. I learned a couple of things as well. My DWade pick did not pan out like I hoped, but Griff dropped a bomb on MIA. Also, a couple of games that looked like they were going to blowouts ended up being close and that worked out for me. I was nowhere near some of the biggest totals of the night, but I still felt good after looking at those lineups because my projections underperformed while theirs massively overperformed (fuck you jeff green). Basically, it wasn't something I could have accurately predicted given my current analytical style so I'm glad to come out with a solid profit on a night like that.

There were some Thur+Fri leagues available, but I skipped cuz Thur's 2 games looked like a DFSer's nightmare. TOnight's a big night though. Gonna keep it quick and dirty:


Think Wall is a great pick tonight. Cleveland sucks vs PGs and he's been on a tear. Only fear is that Kyrie is a gametime decision. If he doesn't play, it could turn into a blowout.

On the subject of WAS v CLE, I fit Jarrett Jack into most of my lineups tonight. He's already starting at SG tonight and if Kyrie is sick/out, then his value jumps. WAS has some solid options as well: I expect both John Wall and Brad Beal to have good-to-amazing nights.

Rondo is officially out for tonight. I read on ESPN that Bradley's ankle is iffy and makes him a GTD so I considered fitting Pressey or Bayless in as a cheap PG option. Probably will go with Pressey if I do this since he seems to be getting minutes priority over Bayless (though I think Bayless is the better player overall).

Terrence Ross and DeMar DeRozan are good SG options. I think I prefer Ross for the price and the fact that he dropped 51 pts on the Clips last time they clashed.

Jamal Crawford is another option for me as I think he will carry more offensive responsibility tonight against a Toronto defense that stifles PFs.


Lots of juicy pickups at the SF position in the LAL v PHI game. RKelly, WJohnson, ETurner are a few of my favorites. I fully expect those two teams to unleash the frustrations of their respectively shitty seasons on each other. It helps that each team's defense is about as protective as a see-through negligee.

KD's price tag is still too high for my taste, though I think he drops another 50+ FPs here against Orlando.

Many viable PFs on the menu tonight, though not necessarily the expensive ones. I'm probably getting at least one stud for this slot and another for PG, then filling up the rest with midtier value picks. Melo looks good against a Denver defense that has suffered against PFs all season. Blake has proven himself essentially matchup proof in my eyes, but still I think there are better spots to draft him. LaMarcus against the Indiana interior is something I will look forward to watching on TV but not on my DFS site screen. I am stacking KLove and Davis together in one of my cash lineups. I think they will go to town on each other without really stopping each other in what should be a close game. Nene and TYoung are very reasonably priced and I have them in most of my lineups.

I won't be paying up for centers tonight and will be settling for Hawes and Sacre to fill up my lineups with maybe Varejao or Drummond thrown into 1 or 2 lineups here and there. I expect both Sacre and Hawes to make value and that's good enough for me.

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Trying to sublet my apartment by MARSHALL28, February 07

Figured I might as well put this up here too just in case...

I'm trying to sublet my current apartment. Not that there's anything wrong with this one, it's actually super nice. I just found one that's not so expensive yet still fits all my needs.

Even if you wanted to just stay for a month or two that would be cool, I just desperately need to get someone in here because rent is very high. Rent is $2900. Here's some pictures and the ad:

**180 degree view of Sail Bay all the way down to the roller coaster in Mission Beach**

**Fully equipped with all high efficiency appliances**

**Well maintained, classy, quiet condominium complex** (San Remo)

Other amenities include:

Oversized community hot tub

Parking spot in gated garage

Close to the 5 and the 8 freeways

Fanuel Park and the beach are literally in your backyard


The landlord is also a great guy who is understanding and always willing to help to make sure you are happy in your rental so I very much regret the fact that I must move. Once you get here, you'll probably never want to leave.

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Update DFS and Live Poker by Gadget, February 07

Hey guys, I've been grinding live poker and DFS(Daily Fantasy Sports) for the past 2 weeks just about non stop. I'm tossing around the idea of living cheaply off of these 2 sources of income. I wouldn't make that decision until the start of NFL next year because I only play NFL and NBA DFS, but I'm wondering how some of you guys have made the transition to living off of poker. Here is my current situation:

I'm a computer engineer. I graduated college last year and have been working for about 7 months at my first job out of college. I make 75k a year, ~6k a month, and have expenses of about 2k per month, which I would try to reduce to around 1500 if I ever went through with this. Keep in mind that I could probably find another job fairly easily if I needed to.

Ideally about 80% of my income would come from DFS and 20% from poker. I have a DFS bankroll of 8k and a poker bankroll of 4k, I also have 13k in savings and 7k in retirement accounts.

So by the time next September rolls around I would have maybe 20k for DFS and 8k for live poker. I would be playing mostly $200nl live, with some smaller tournaments mixed in. In 4 months of DFS so far I have a 4000% return on my initial investment. That is with no large scores or anything, just grinding daily h2h games. I have quite a large edge, my only concern is that when I start relying on the money, I may have some sort of big downswing. I'm not sure how to calculate my risk or ruin or anything, maybe someone could help me with that? It seems quite low to me, because my biggest downswing to date has been about 15-20% of my BR.

I know the general advice seems to be "finish school", and "don't quit your job", but I think my situation is unique since I have a pretty decent amount of savings, no debt, and a degree in a field that is fairly easy to find work in. Let me know what you think guys.

I'm really bad at writing and I probably left out a ton of details, let me know if anything needs clarifying.

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