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Newblish Blog

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this is why i make whine blogs
  Newblish, Feb 23 2010

I dont think i played the KK hand wrong honestly, not when he folds to 0 3bets. I did have really retarded bet sizing considering i played that hand so quickly(when i clicked it back min raised..), but still shouldnt matter and it snot like the money wouldnt go in. Honestly the guy was 45% 3bet(no joke) and cbet pot 100% of flops. Im not folding J9 and especially not Q3 just because hes a spewtard faggot donk. Epic run bad session, courtesy of cake poker. Had him down to 100 and unchecked auto post blinds when i was dealt that KK hand, and then never left after that wanting my money back. Oh and yeah, calling 3bets with the hands i did was perfectly fine considering i saw him 3bet 74o, 28o, J6o and all sorts of garbage.

only hand i won :

obviously the guy cant even fold in this spot and pots like a retard just because he hits top pair.

Bed time, cake poker and the potting clown win tonight. Until the next time...


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uninstalled poker programs
  Newblish, Nov 15 2009

Not playing this abomination of a game until i graduate from university.

Its one thing to run bad almost every session, but its another to run to the point of statistical impossibility in terms of bad luck that ive experienced these last two months.

I just.. refuse to take it anymore and i need to take a three week break from this game. Im just so sick of getting 2/3 outtered every 4/5th hand and losing every single pot that im ahead. Im just not going to endure the emotional stress of having to deal with my bad luck for awhile.. its enough. There are only so many times people can say "focus and be patient" or "improve your game" because eventually youd think that even if i was playing bad that a bad beat would swing my way eventually, but it seriously never happens(yes, i realize everyone says this when they are angry, but i wish i could emphasize it more - I am serious - I literally can not remember when i sucked out with a 2/3 outter since the summer - which was my KK vs AA preflop).

Anyway, whatever! Enough of my self pity over this shit. I think this time off is going to be really worth it. All of my exams are coming, not to mention a few gigantic papers so i really dont want to have to deal with any stress this game may cause. It may help me to really look at this game and realize what i want to achieve with it in the long run anyway.

Ill still hang out here until then though. Good luck everyone.

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what a fucking shitty month
  Newblish, Oct 27 2009

up 1.2k, then down 2k. Then back up 1.5k. Now i play nl400 vs a donk and lose 1k to him because i miss every flop and he calls 3 barrels with a gutshot and hits river(etc etc etc etc). down 1k for the month again.

What a fucking horrible month and what a shitty game. Sigh. Never had a losing month before, but here it is!. Happy birthday and poker loves you! (birthday was the 24th).

/end rant! Fuck this game for a week or so.


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ok i fucking hate this game.
  Newblish, Oct 06 2009


Gonna remove this post. Was just a "i want to let off steam because i had a bad session(the worst one ive ever had) and i get piles of one of - hatred/spam/people posting random useless shit that has no real relevance to anything.

Jesus christ, Sorry for fucking venting some frustration you idiots(not all of you, though you know who you are - street hooker).

If anything positive can come out of this - It's that this has taught me that i need to work on controlling my emotions and just forget about these days. Thats ultimately all you can ever do.

/peace out.

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sept results
  Newblish, Sep 30 2009

Going to write this real quick, dont have much time,

I'm up 7.1k this month. Best month I've ever had. Played about 50-60 hours total.. so im really happy with my results.

I hate university atm and cant wait to get the fuck out of it. It's so tiring and boring at this point(im in my final semester in a 4 year program) and i despise it more than anything. Kind of sick of how little time i have to play poker now, especially considering my results have improved tremendously and that i have the potential to go much further. Lot's of shit to decide once university is finally over for good this december -> break from studies/work/poker/vacation etc etc.
Honestly can NOT wait for december though.

Lastly for reference to any future blog posts - I'm currently a 400NL heads up player. Hope that moves up in the coming months if i have the time to play.


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summer's end and back to school
  Newblish, Sep 04 2009

Well the summer once again nears its end. The summer was for the most part boring, though it had its moments.

This is the first summer in four years that i didnt have a summer job. I planned to only find a job in my field if anything and refused to work any $10/hr/minimum wage jobs that require no skill or brainpower. It didnt work out however, the federal govt offered me a position and then withdrew it after realizing they didnt have the proper funding to employ enough people to meet the job requirement standards over the summer.

Laziness took over with regard to the job search. My parents bitched at me constantly to get a job(even a shitty one) because otherwise i was doing "nothing" with my time. I eventually got an interview with farm boy.. and though i was quite sure i nailed it and couldnt have done a better job i ended up not getting a phone call back.

However, this deep down made me happy. I didnt want to waste my time with that shit. Why? Because poker over this summer has been more than i had hoped for. I am both very happy with my results and proud of myself for the work i put into grinding. I made more than i ever would with a shitty $10/hr job.

Here are my results over the 4 months since i got HEM(mid May to now).

My laptop broke in the middle of august, so it doesnt include around 1k of winnings. So im up roughly 11k over these four months. Poker has paid for both school and will most likely buy me a new computer soon. Very very happy with my progess thus far since starting a little over a year ago with a $50 bankroll on cake(not including random sng micro donkaments on PS before that ;o).

Used to be very results oriented in the past and always bitched about how bad i used to run. Some days i still try to fight the urge to bitch because i have some pretty shitty days, but its really nothing more than part of the game and i have no right to complain.

May this final semester at University not derail me completely from poker as i intend to play nl400 once my roll reaches 15k again(previously was 17k but i had to cash out 4k for school :[ ).


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getting so sick of poker and this nonsense..
  Newblish, Jul 08 2009

Though things ended alot better than they could have i just cant help but let off a huge amount of steam after what i would like to call the Bailamn1 #2 session.(read my last blog post if you want to read that story but be warned i was super pissed off and not thinking as clearly when i wrote that).

Basically i just played some huge donk for like 2 hours straight heads up and had all this shit happen to me: (no i dont believe it either. believe me (95% equity fails yet again))

uh, thought there were alot more than that that i saved.. apparently not. There were like 5-6 more extreme bad beats/coolers i took vs this guy but w/e.

He was up to $550 at point point (this is nl100). But my stubborness made me stay because i refused to let this kind of shit happen twice. I did manage to get to $300 vs $300 which is insanely deepstacked. I wanted every penny back from this stupid dipshit. Thankfully i ended up getting some of my money back, but nowhere near enough.

Its just all so fucking annoying.. i mean i ran like absolute dog shit vs him. I just want to vent my frustration yet again because i cant stand this retarded shit.. i just want to run semi-normal in this game.. not get 1 outtered when i flop an ace high flush or have 10 10 vs JJ deepstacked (which ironically happeend earlier when i was the one with JJ but well.. look what happened -

ALllllllllllllll i want is to run semi-normal.. no coolers/bad beats every single session. Please i beg of you o mighty poker gods.

Ok.. rant over.. i would like to thank full tilt poker for its wonderful hospitality in my heads up match. FTP i love you.

Maybe its for the better that this guy left when he did anyway.. if i lost 300BB vs 300BB id absolutely flip out and most likely have nightmares forever. Almost certainly it would have been KK vs AA preflop too or something.

Anyway, lastly - if anyone wishes to comment : how on earth am i supposed to deal with these kinds of ridiculous sessions? I just cant handle the emotional swimg it gives me. I know i was much better than that guy yet he was up 5.5 BI's at one point. Whats worse is im already on an $800 downswing.. Its just so frustrating.

Ok rant REALLY over now. And wow, i think every single blog post so far has been me bitching/venting about how bad i run

Here is a snapshot of the end.


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getting so sick of poker and this kind nonsense..
  Newblish, Jul 08 2009

double post.

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June results
  Newblish, Jul 01 2009

June was a very good month. I was running pretty much on par with my all-in EV which made me very happy considering i was somewhere like 40 nl50 BI's below EV last month playing nl50 heads up at one point.

Played nl100 for like a week then took shots i should have taken awhile ago at nl200 and it was successful. I plan to move up to nl400 once i get like 4-5k more.

Here is June's graph. Had a sick heater near the end

My goal is simply to play more. I only play like 0-3 hours a day on average but i could be making more and moving up quicker if i simply took more time to grind as i have done in the past.

All in all - very happy with my progess consisdering how bad ive felt ive run in the past(as my previous blog posts would suggest ) Ive come to accept losing more than i used to and am really starting to realize that when i do lose a pot that i "shouldnt" lose that there is nothing i can do about it.


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Most important blog post ever. Please read.
  Newblish, May 20 2009

Right now i am sick to my stomach, i felt like i was going to die of an anxiety attack in the last 2 hours. Why? well... lets start it off this way - I thought to myself.. you know.. i know people have accused online poker of being rigged at times.. but well - perhaps it is true after all.. i mean.. how could what happened to me happen at all? My friends it makes no sense for what just happened to me to have happened... it was the worst gut feeling i have ever felt in my life - like i was helpless, i just could NOT win. but why? wtf was wrong? Well the answer is everything.

So it was a normal night where i decided to sit down and session it up again. I started off down a BI, 3 outtered for a $150 pot.. standard, happens all the time.. i moved on. So i grind my losses back.. lose the BI again to another bad beat.. again whatever.. push on like i always do. So at this point i was like: ok.. im going to bum hunt because i want my $$ back and i hate losing it the way i did. Ill get it back the cheap way : play only short stack donks.

So w/e i start it up, things are going ok, then along comes this guy : bailman1
He bought in for like 36.7, so i assumed he was a horrible donk with his entire BR or something. Well.. yup, it looked like i was right. He was opening every single hand to a random number between 2 and 25BB's on the button every single hand. Not only that, but his 3bet % was 50% over 274 hands. So i picked up on that fast and thought : ok easy match..

well... what the fuck did i know? not much i guess, FTP had a little something in store for me.

and well.. here goes the start :

first big hand vs donk

I was so fucking angry that i threw a spoon at my wall and got it stuck. Why the fuck was this happening? is this some kind of joke?

so anyway, pissed off to fuck, i continue because obviously this guy is dead money, so then i win it all back :

K9 hand vs donk

Now remember this guys : after this he had " $10 ! " Thats it, his stack was $10!!! So i was like : k good, game over i win. (if i could go back in time one time, this would be the time - i would have quit right there)

Or did I? within like 15 hands, he was back to 100, reraising left and right turning 2 pair, turning sets, turning top pair A, etc etc etc. I was like : ok FTP enough please... wtf are you doing this for?

This was one of the hands in that span :

preflop nuts lose again

And this is where my stomach started to turn and i felt like dying very shortly after:

turned practical nuts? Nope

oh but.. well thats not all folks :

preflop nuts(or so i thought)

QQ was the nuts 100% vs this guy too.. when he turned over his hand i could have sworn i was about to have a heart attack - it was literally to the point of overshock and i didnt know if i was dreaming or if this was supposed to happen to me.

This my friends made me want to stab myself.. how is that possible? And why did it have to happen to me? is there something i did to deserve that? (Anyone who thinks my shove is bad is an idiot because he was 100% calling even 27o here)

Anyway, being so stubborn i tell myself : THIS GUY IS DEAD MONEY, you WILL get it back, its impossible that you dont. Wrong...

yay FTP1

yay FTP2

yay FTP3
(uh maybe that one was a bit earlier, but well first time i flopped top pair all night.. = nuts(in my mind)

Ok folkds, and the grand grand final, you ready?

impossible? Yeah i thought so too

Oh yeah, so here are some neat screen shots!

oh and who could forget the plunge of death -

Ok so - i challenge anyone on LP to show me that you run worse than this. I honestly do not think it is possible. Remember - this guy is like 95 VPIP and has 50% 3bet. I mean.. its literally impossible to get coolered so badly.. its practically as if its set up. In fact i honestly would be surprised if it wasnt.
Ill never ever get over this, not ever. I mean fine, give them a few bs suckouts here and there, but.. not this.. this is too much. I almost feel like asking FTP to explain themlseves after this, i mean.. its one thing to run bad, but its another thing to KNOW that youre going to lose when dealt QQ/KK or any fucking 2 cards youre dealt.

The challenge is up guys - has anyone seen worse than this? If so, enlighten my mood. I should have a 20k roll by now but instead its less than half of that.

Ah.. what the heck, im not even mad right now, im not even letting off steam.. im still in shock.. i do NOT believe what just happened.. and i never will.

and meh, feels like my most important blog, but im guessing the next one will be : Newblish got his account stolen by an unknown employee at FTP who claimed it was his account all along - or something like that.. you know.

Ok guys - peace out, this game is honestly a piece of shit.. but hey.. i still love it(for some reason)... and ill never give up.

ps. again - if anyone has EVER come across worse shit than this, im honestly all ears and you my friend(whoever you are have all of my sympathy and i feel terrible for you).


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