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JonnyCosMo's Blog

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I'm on Cardplayer TV!
  JonnyCosMo, Dec 18 2007

Watch Ryan's interview after Day 4 of the Doyle Brunson Five Diamond World Poker Classic and you will see FrinkX, [vital]Myth, and myself goofing off and trying to make-up some hand sign. LOL LP FIGHTTTTINNNNGGGGG

****5 votes

Comments (9)

Last Night in Vegas
  JonnyCosMo, Dec 17 2007

So last night I played a fairly long session of $2/5 an $5/10. 5/10 went pretty poorly in my first session, and I thought I played one hand somewhat bad but given the information I had at the time it might not have been too bad. Basically what happened was I saw this old guy raise 2 pots in a row then reraise and show K9s vs this other guy so I viewed him has a gambling aggro player, instead of what was really true about him: Super tight / nit / scared old fart that happened to have taken a sick bad beat before I sat down so he steam raised K9s to show the guy who beat him. After I ate and grabbed some coffee I played a lot with my good friend Poker Pro Ann (but I think her nickname is going to have to change to Ann the Insomniac since she almost never sleeps). Anyways, we sat at a juicy $2/5 game with a bunch of complete idiots that were drunk. The following went down:

There was this one kid who was the self-proclaimed best player in the poker room by far. He was going on and on...and on...and on about how HUGE his edge was over the table we were sitting at. So I look over at Ann and she is rolling her eyes, and we kinda give each other that "Let's see who can fuck with this idiot the most" smile. So the kid opens to $25, Ann flat calls, I'm on the button with 42o, I make it $120. Kid insta-folds AQ face-up with a look of disgust on his face saying something along the lines of "I wish I could pick up the cards some of these guys are getting." Ann quickly folds and I table the 42o face-up with a smile. JonnyCosMo = 1 - Loud Idiot = 0. An orbit later I pick up AKs, he raises again and I reraise in the small blind to $120, he quickly calls. Flop comes K-5-3, and I bet $105. He insta-ships in $500 and I snap call, and he turns over 65o. Turn and river blank, ship the moneys. JonnyCosMo = 2 - Loud Idiot = 0. So the idiot stands up to go to the ATM, then comes back 30 mins later with a wad of small bills which tallied up to $647 total. The really nice guy playing next to me (his name was Matt) chuckled saying that it looks like thats the end of his bankroll. LOL I wasn't going to say it, but good call Matt! Ann ended up taking a big chunk out of this kid's stack, and once Marshall28 sat down and started to raise / reraise every hand the kid was in he quickly realized he was getting tooled and shut his mouth. After a couple hours, Marshall28 once again got sick of my constant abuse of his opening raises and my table position on him so he decided to pick up the seat to the left of me, to which I responded by taking his old seat (which was right next to the loud idiot). At this point the loud idiot reevaluated his view of my game and started talking to me about everyone else at the table, referring to them as "they". He proceeds to name drop a bunch of known players and online handles, and I'm just trying to tune him out until he says: "I know peachy keen, he is a good friend of mine." So I'm like, oh how do you know him? And he starts going off saying that him and peachy talk on the phone all the time and stuff, (and at this point he thinks that all I know about peachy is that he plays high stakes online) and obviously alarms are going off in my head that this kid is just 100% stuffed with shit. So after about 5 minutes of talking about how well he knows peachy (and me egging him on to tell me more) I asked him one simple question: "What's peachy's real name?" To which he insta-reply's "Matt Keen" to which I insta-reply back "You, sir, are a retard. Have a nice day." GG conversation.

Around that time I see Carmel (yes I fucked the name in my last blog post, her name is Carmel not Camill), walk into the poker room so I go up and watch her and Lyric play some 5/10 short handed for a little bit. After gathering information previous to meeting her again, I realized playing her heads-up in the Venetian would probably not be a very plus EV move on my part since she stated that her main game is heads-up (she placed 13th in the WSOP event that Rekrul won this summer), so we chatted a bit before I headed back to play my game. Oh, for those of you who wanted a picture, this is the girl I'm talking about:

So I just end up playing 2/5 for most of the night (since I was pretty cash broke at this point), and went to sleep at around 6am. Sorry, no epic showdown with Danile Alaei's super blond telepathic girlfriend because I'm a pussy

*****9 votes

Comments (17)

Most Fun Live Session Ever
  JonnyCosMo, Dec 16 2007

Start off this blog post by posting the results of the session: -$2300

And I've never had so much fun dumping that kind of money off. I sat down last night at around midnight at the 5/10 at the Wynn and saw that two people were playing heads-up, so I sat and made it a 3 handed game. The guy to my right was in a business suit and talking / acting like a retard (whatever) and the other player was a cute blond girl sitting with 2k+, so immediately I'm thinking the following: Short handed + Vegas Live Players + NL1000 = Ship the bank ez.

First hand I play, the guy to my right limps in the SB so I raise with the good ol' 87o, he calls. Flop comes J-5-3, he checks and I make a standard c-bet. He insta check-minraises, so at this point I'm like eh whatever and fold. He shows like 97o, and was like kind of chuckled while saying "All these young kids think they can just play so aggressive"... so I kinda just smile and ignore him. Two hands later that same guy raises on the button and I reraise to $120 with JJ. He flat calls. The flop comes 7-7-6, and I bet $240 and he thinks for a little bit and calls. At this point I'm putting him on mostly a float or some weaker pocket pair. Turn comes a 3, and I check to him with the intention to check-raise. He bets $100... odd!?! It was slightly alarming that he made this smallish bet but I decided to stick with my game plan and made it $400. He insta shoved for $200 more and I just rolled my eyes and called. He shows 54o and stacks me... then the floor guy comes over and tells the guy to move to the main game (while he's stacking my chips obviously) and so he says something along the lines of "Come on man! Is there anyway I can stay here? This table is so easy!" ... And I'm thinking 'OK MORON!' but if you know me I kinda just smiled and was like whatever. So the floor guy pulls the idiot from our 3 handed game and I find myself heads-up vs the cute blond girl who was sitting with a lot of money. So instantly I'm loving life because heads-up is my thing, so we start playing and 2 mins into the match she 3 bets me. I'm like wtf!?! So I fold... then like 5 hands later I raise from the button and she 3 bets again. Whaaaaat is going on!!?! You are a live player in vegas and you are 3 betting me!?! Wtf this is no good! So the very next hand I 3 bet her and she folds then I raise the button and bam again another 3 bet. So finally I'm like "Ok, you play online a lot huh?" and she smiles and says "Yup!" ... Sick life... what looked to be a clueless blond tourist was actually an online grinder. So we play heads-up for over an hour chatting about random things, and finally the floor guy pulls her from our table to move her to the main game.

At this point I went to go check out the Chinese poker game that FrinkX was playing. They were playing $20 a point with royalties (some hands can get up to $500 with royalties), so I was trying to learn what was going on. Lisa (RaSZi's girlfriend for those of you who don't know) was also sitting at the table and informs me that the blond girl I was playing heads-up against was a friend of Daniel Alaei's and that she gets backed / taught by him. That explains a lot, since Daniel Alaei is like a super live sicko mind reading telepath. 20 mins later the floor guy tells me that there is an open seat in the main game so I hope back in and play some more. I fold like 8 hands in a row then I pick up AK suited and raise. I got 6 callers (including the idiot in the business suit who stacked me earlier) and the flop came K-3-4 w/ 2 spades. It was checked to me and I bet 200 into a 250 pot, and the idiot in the business suit insta made it 600 to go when action got to him. Everyone folds back to me so I jam for $700 more and the guy in the business suit snap calls and tables K9o. Turn and river brick for him and I get what I lost to him back + $300 more. Poker so ez. So eventually I got to talking to another young kid at my table who told me he was a Cardrunners member, so we get to chatting about online poker and it turns out he plays 3/6 and 5/10 on Absolute.

Camill (the cute blond chick that I was playing heads-up against) joined in on the conversation as well as this other young guy who seemed to play online a little too. She ends up losing a couple pots to some random donks at the table and gets frustrated so she asks the table if they would want to do a $100 hand in the blind, but we couldnt get the dealer to run the hand since half the table didn't agree. So Camill purposed another idea to me and the two other guys, and added in a prop called Dueces where we each picked a different suited duece (2) from the deck and if your duece flops, everyone in the prop had to pay you $100 each. One of the young guys added a sleeper rule, so if you didn't call out your prop before the river was dealt, you slept the prop (won't get paid for the prop). Obviously I warned the other 3 that I run infinitly good in these prop bets, and picked the Duece of Diamonds as my prop card. Naturally, the duece of diamonds flops two hands after we set up the game, and ofcourse as usual I'm not looking at the flop and my head is somewhere off in la-la land, so when the river got dealt on that hand everyone at the table started laughing that I just slept my prop. Standard. 25 minutes later, my duece flops again... and this time I'm playing in a big hand where I was forced to laydown 2 pair to this super tight/passive nit. So I fold the pot, and the dealer picks up the flop, and everyone laughs at me again for sleeping my prop. At this point I realize how -EV it is for me to be playing props since I'm like never paying any attention to it. No worries though, as 5 minutes later my duece flops yet again and this time I'm totally 100% aware of the fact so I let out this loud "SHIP THE MONEYS!!!" And I'm pretty sure they heard me at the blackjack tables.

A little while later Lyric sits at my table, and is playing his standard tight/solid style. So I raise to $40 with QQ utg, and get flat called directly behind me, and Lyric pops it up $160 in the cut-off. I asked for a chip count and he had $1500 total at the start of the hand. At this point I'm totally clueless as to what to do since Lyric has to know my raising range UTG isn't exactly wide (although it's not really close to premium either) and he plays a ton more full ring than I do (I almost never play full ring). So I ended up flat calling and the guy behind me flat calls. Flop comes 4-8-9 w two spades and I check to Lyric who now bets $500... and at this point he can probably figure out my hand is TT-QQ, which is a big problem since his bet screams "I want to play for stacks". So I agonize for like 5 minutes and finally ended up folding. The flat caller behind in insta-ships it in and Lyric rolls his eyes and is like "I guess I call". The flat caller behind me had 98o and Lyric tables AJs in spades. River spade, ship it to Lyric. My roommate sits down at the table about an hour later, (if you don't know that's Marshall28) and he is raising a lot of hands so naturally I fuck with him like I always do and start 3 betting him. Then we play this one funny hand where he raised to 50 utg, and I flat called KQdd on the button. The flop came 2-5-7 w/ 1 diamond and 2 spades and he made a standard c-bet so I decided to float him here. Turn was gin for me with the Q. He bets 3/4 pot and I tank for like 2 mins and then call. River is an ace (all flush draws miss), and he shuts down and checks so basically I realize he has some pair like 66 88-JJ or like 87 or something of that hand strength nature. So I count up the pot and see that it's $600+ in there, so I decide to value shove all-in for $1200+ trying to give off representing a busted flush or something since he has a pretty horrible habit of trying to make insane bluff catches, and has a real hard time folding...anything. So he tanks for a little bit, crys "sick" and then folds 88, thinking I have the absolute nuts or something, and I show him my hand and told him I was value shoving. This new guy at our table ends up seeing this hand and has this odd look on his face like "wow these kids are crazy". So naturally, an orbit later I pick up AA on the button, this new guy raises to $40, Lyric calls in the cut-off, I make it $160, the new guy fiddles with his chips a little bit (had a real unsure look on his face) then called and Lyric folded. Flop came 7c-9s-Qc, and the new guy checked. I bet $280 and the new guy made it $700. So I think for a minute then ship the rest of the money in, and the new guy gets this sick look on his face, thinks for another minute before he realizes he's pot committed with T9cc. Turn was 6c (sick life) but I had the Ac in my hand for the redraw. River bricked and poof, there goes my stack.

Camill was trying to get the floor guy to give her and I a dealer to play a fun heads-up freezeout but the Wynn was short on dealers at 6am, so she asked if I wanted to go to the Venetian which wasn't a very appealing idea at that hour of the morning, so I think we are going to play at the Venetian tonight (and by tonight I mean 2am onwards) and try and get a heads-up table going. Head to Venetian tonight if you want to see an epic showdown. :D

*****3 votes

Comments (11)

Vegas Here I Come
  JonnyCosMo, Dec 14 2007

Get ready bitches

*****1 votes

Comments (2)

Anime Review Anyone? Here's My WORD Bitches!
  JonnyCosMo, Dec 14 2007

Going to be in Vegas in 14 hours. Yea I know I'm a little late with the main event going onto the 2nd day, but whatever I'm coming. For those who don't know, Mig (46k), Daut (35k) and Rain (40k) all survived to Day 2 of the $15,000 Main Event. Hopefully they can get something happening on the 2nd day. But right now, they are a distraction... because I'm studying for my last final exam. Fuck everyone that is in Vegas right now! I hate you all (until tomorrow)!

On another note, this week I decided to spew some money into some more useful than a sweatshirt. Got a set of Bose speakers for my computer, a new cordless mouse & keyboard, and a baller ass gaming mouse pad. Yes I'm preparing to be a monster at DOTA. I also got a few anime DVDs, that I will quickly review here:

Kurau: Phantom Memory
Summary (from Wikipedia because I'm lazy like that): Dr. Amami is a tireless scientist working in the field of alternative energy who at the beginning of the series is on the verge of a major breakthrough in the area of Rynax energy. On her 12th birthday, his daughter Kurau accompanies her father to the lab where an experiment goes horribly wrong and she is struck by a bolt of this energy and falls unconscious. When she wakes up again, it is found that her body has been taken over by the Rynaxes who are actually living organisms and not just a form of energy. One of them is too weak to awaken for ten years, which it eventually does by spawning an identical twin of Kurau, only having the body of a 12 year old. These two people look and interact very much like two sisters. Kurau grows up to be employed as an "Agent": a freelance operative who takes any job that's potentially too dangerous or illegal to involve normal private eyes or the Global Police Organization (GPO). Although barely in her twenties, Kurau is already one of the best in the business, and the rumor is that there's no job she won't take, or anything she can't do. Very few know much more than that, however, because there's no one who really knows her and her past is a complete mystery. In truth, the Kurau the world sees is actually the result of a freak accident in which her younger self's body became fused with an energy-being called a Rynax. This is not a case of two beings sharing one body, however, as the two personalities have merged into a new composite creature that shares two different pasts. As a result, Kurau is the ultimate loner, not quite comfortable with human society and forced to shun close relationships with other humans lest they discover her secret. At the same time, she longs to be reunited with her Rynax "Pair," whose essence sleeps inside her.

Quick Video Clip:

CosMo's Word: This series is such an epic fail. I'm sorry to say, but I am truly disappointed. Pretty much the only DVD from the series worth watching is the first one, since thats the one she does all her Agent ninja style ass kicking missions. After the first DVD, the story takes a disastrous turn for the worst as it becomes all about her twin counterpart "Christmas" and how she loves her so much, and then there is some crying when Christmas is captured, and more crying when they reunited, and then more crying when she rescues her father, followed by more crying when she starts talking to him. OMFG!!! Such a good story line turned to total shit. So disappointing!!! This series would be half decent if they just edited out all this emotional crying bullshit. It puts me on the sickest life tilt. The art is A+, the music is A+ as well, the storyline started at a strong B then quickly fell to a solid F (and yes I'm using a letter grading system rather than the 1-10 scale because I'm educated unlike some of you unschooled fucks). So overall: I'm giving this series a D+ because the first DVD is actually pretty awesome.

Ergo Proxy
Summary (again from Wikipedia): The story begins in a futuristic domed city called Romdo,[1] built to protect its citizens after a global ecological disaster. In this utopia, humans and androids (AutoReivs[1]) coexist with each other peacefully under a total management system. A series of murders committed by berserk robots (infected with the Cogito virus) starts to jeopardize the delicate balance of the social order. Behind the scenes, the government is conducting secret experiments on a mysterious humanoid lifeform called Proxy, which is believed to hold the key to the survival of mankind. Re-l Mayer is assigned to investigate some of the murders with her AutoReiv partner Iggy. She encounters a Cogito-infected AutoReiv and a fast and flexible monster. She later learns that the monster was a Proxy, the same sort of creature as another main character who normally assumes the guise of a citizen named Vincent Law. After being hunted down, Vincent leaves Romdo, and Re-l tags along to discover the truth behind the Proxies and the domes.

Quick Video Clip:

CosMo's Word: This shit is pretty fucking awesome. No doubt one of the best DVD's (of any genre) I've seen all year. Let's start off with the art, the opening sequence is just done so well (youtube that shit if you don't believe me). The entire series is very clean, and all of the action sequences are are very fluid, unique, and unrepeated (watch Dragon Ball Z if you don't know what I mean about action sequences being repeated constantly). The music is just okay, kind of on the dark / goth side (except for the opening, which is again so awesome and you should probably be youtubing that shit as you read this) but it's very fitting with the story line. The story is just awesome, with a ton of historical references subliminally woven into the series. The plot becomes a little hard to follow towards the end, but I think the series ended in such a way that it left you wondering but at the same time completed the story well. The only criticism I have for this series is that I wish there were more action sequences since the few that were actually put together were done so well. This DVD series receives a solid A.

I got a few other DVD that I haven't watched yet, but once I do I'll put up a review for them. If anyone has seen any good anime DVD's recently, definitly leave a comment, I'm interested in watching new things.

*****1 votes

Comments (9)

Instances of Dumb Spewing #1
  JonnyCosMo, Dec 10 2007

Was over at Myth's place earlier in the week and we were joking about how some poker players are total nits with their money etc... and Myth says something that I found amusing: "You aren't a real poker player unless you occasionally spew some money" So...

This morning I woke up for my final at 7:00, after studying til 3:00. It was pretty cold outside so naturally I was a genius and decided that a t-shirt will do. I get to school at 7:50 with my final starting at 8:00, and I'm freezing my ass off, so I go to the book store to buy a SDSU sweatshirt. The lady who rings me up tells me it's $32.80 or something like that, but I only have $100's in my wallet, so I give her the $100. She then looks down in the cashier and realizes there isn't enough change in the box for it. So she goes off to the back to find more change for her box. It's now 8:00am... so I'm like fuck this, pick up my sweatshirt and leave.

Yes I just paid $100 for a sweatshirt. Am I a real poker player yet Myth? lol

*****2 votes

Comments (25)

December So Far
  JonnyCosMo, Dec 07 2007

So far this December, I feel like I'm running really sick bad. This is not a joke. But in reality I can't be running that bad...

In all fairness I'm probably running pretty good. It's just very frustrating to be -4.5 buyins on my PokerEV grapher, and only winning 46% of my showdowns. When your playing, you can actually feel that equity lost everytime you get someone all-in dead to 2 outs on the turn and they get there. It's sick But I feel like I've adjusted well, I'm playing tighter than normal, not tilting, playing shorter sessions more frequently, and I feel very in control when I play. Implementing a stop loss (thanks for the idea sbrugby!) has really helped this month as well.

On a funny note: My PT says I'm a losing player from the hours of 5pm to 10pm at night my time (PST). But I'm destroying the games from the hours of 4am to 10am. Weird? Europeans really need to learn their poker. They are significantly worse than the regulars in the evening hours.

***3 votes

Comments (8)

Friend W/ Death wish
  JonnyCosMo, Dec 04 2007

I have a friend with a death wish...

My friend Mike (different Mike from my Halloween costume) is on the left.

Spitting Caves, Hawaii

Death Jump some?

***2 votes

Comments (16)

F*ck You Canada!
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 27 2007

Just took a social psychology test about 30 mins ago and pretty much got raped. Finally I get to the last question on the test and I see a curve ball thrown out:

If you fly due south from Detroit Michigan, what is the first foreign country you fly over?

a) Mexico
b) Panama
c) Cuba
d) Canada

Now normally this would be a fairly hard question for someone who wasn't really up to date on their US geography, and I believe the most common / lazy answer would be Mexico. But I'm taking Geography 321 at SDSU right now so I had the exact location of Detroit in my mental map and realized that it was more to the east... therefore it's over Cuba. Sweet, this question was easy. So I go to turn in the test and I ask my teacher: "Hey dude, what's up with the last question on the test?" and he says "Oh, I told the class the answer in the last class period." (Obv I dont go to every class period because that's -EV) So I'm like "Haha, that's a tricky question, because most people would put Mexico, but I know better, I put Cuba, ship it ez." He starts to give a little chuckle, and I'm like huh? Then he turns to me and says "Look it up when you get to a computer."

So I get back and I look it up:

And now I'm thinking it's an ez ship it. Obv it's Cuba see? But upon looking closer I found the horrible truth...

OMG Where did you come from!?! Such a sick beat. WTF!!!

***2 votes

Comments (14)

Casino Poker Is Amazingly Easy
  JonnyCosMo, Nov 22 2007

So I went to Palomar card room last night in San Diego to play some live poker. They got this nice little card room with 6 tables, running mostly No Limit Hold'Em. Their 5/10 game is a $1500 max buyin, so I sit with $1000 at around 10pm. This is what proceeds to happen:

I sit down in the middle of a hand, it was a raised pot... with 6 people seeing the flop. The board comes out 5-5-8, the player in the big blind fires out a pot size bet, the original raiser in the hand insta-snap calls, everyone else folds. Turn comes a 4, the big blind shoves, the original raiser holds his hand over his head and finally is like... "uugghh alright I call." The river is a Q, and the guy in the big blind tables 98o like it was the nuts... The original raiser looks at his hand and is like "It's good" then mucks. The fuck?

Very next hand, a short stack shoves for $120, another semi-short stack re-shoves for $400. Drunk gambling guy at the far end of the table is like "OMG THIS IS MY FAVORITE HAND!!!" And calls. Everyone else folds and the drunk gambling guy shows 96s. The flop comes 5-7-8, BAM get the fuck out short stacks! And they say online poker is rigged.

So for the first 30 minutes I just sat and played tight, pretty much folded every single hand until I picked up KTdd on the button. There were two limpers so I raised, and both the limpers called (standard). The flop came Q-5-2 w/ one diamond, and both players checked to me so I decided to use my tight image to my advantage and made a standard c-bet. The first limper called and the other one folded, so at this point I was thinking he had some pair like 33,44,66-88. The turn came the Ad, and the player again checked to me. Since I turned the mega draw and I thought he had a hand I could push off, I decided to fire yet another barrel. The guy quickly (and yes I mean QUICKLY) called. The river came a 2c which totally ruined any chance to triple barrel bluff this moron. He checked and I checked behind and he tables 44. Huh? I felt sick mucking my hand.

Another hour passes by, I'm getting cold decked to the extreme, I pretty much couldn't pick up anything playable. On the other hand, the guy to my right ran like Jamie Gold the entire time I was there. He hit 6 sets when it went to showdown, flopped trips and straights multiple times with absolute shit cards. He was playing every hand so naturally he should be hitting some flops, but it really felt like this guy was hitting every freaking flop. It was pretty gross. So anyways, this guy ends up destroying the only player I thought might have been somewhat good in this hand:

The 'Good' player (I put it in quotes since he seemed like the only player capable of 2nd level thinking, although that really doesn't make you good in poker, it makes you a god in this game) raises UTG to $40, the guy to my right who hadn't folded a hand all night reraises to $600. Earlier in the night, the guy to my right made it some absurd amount like $500, after 4 players limped then he showed 83o. So the 'Good' player tanks forever, and then starts talking to the guy to my right. The guy to my right kept saying "If you call, do you want to check it down? huh? huh?" So finally the 'Good' player was like "Oh, that probably means you have 83o again" and he jams all-in for $4k more. The guy to my right insta Phil Hellmuth style fist pump snap calls and tables AA. The 'Good' Player flips up KK. I feel gross for the good player, flop comes K-Q-T. ZING! SHIP SOME JUSTICE ONE TIME!?! Turn 3. HOLD!?! River J... Doh! It was a pretty gross moment... but atleast the 'Good' player left.

3 hours into my session I was stuck almost $1k, had won a total of 3 pots the entire night, and I was bored out of my mind. I was trying my best to stay emotionally in control, but all these retarded plays paying off around me was driving me crazy. Finally I played my first big pot of the night when I was dealt AQs. This somewhat loose / aggro idiot raises in the CO so I reraise on the button, he calls. Flop comes A-9-9, he leads for 1/2 pot, so I flat call. Turn comes a 7 and he leads for 3/4 pot, so I tank for a little bit (not nearly half as long as some of these idiots were tanking for) and then called. River was a 9. He jams... I lol at myself, and realize I might be victim of the zeebo therom here, but whatever this guy was stupid so I called...

He shows KQo and is like "Good hand". "Thanks" I said. I'm back to even in one pot. LOL! I played for 4.5 hours total and ended stuck $50 which is like breaking even. I was pretty happy with my emotional control through out the session, as there were multiple times I could have just lost it and tilted myself broke but I didn't.

1. Live poker is a joke.
2. People who play in casinos are totally retarded, and totally degen.
3. Being cold decked while playing live is similar to sitting in a warm bath tub with your wrists cut.

*****2 votes

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