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Slutember! by spets1, October 01

Visitors to my website snapshot during september 2012

Horny iranians man...

Unique visitors : 1418

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September by Eluflop, October 01

mostly zoom 05/1 6max

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September by superfashion, October 01

Just got money on Lock. Been working on improving my game at 20nl.

graph starts on the 12th of september

goals for october:

grind a lot of hands
get rolled for 50nl

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September by gawdawaful, October 01

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Back at it by Sanity, October 01

Starting grinding again in august at NL50 and played NL100 all september on Lock Poker.

Ran 9 buyins under EV for the month, I always run bad when I take shots.

Gonna try to put in about 2x volume this month, hopefully I run better :D

GL in october to everyone

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10nl merge by [GiTM]-Ace, October 01

Since I'm back home in NYC no more pokerstars Decided to give cash another go around. Last time i played 5nl and 10nl for about 60k hands or so i think. Was winning but just gave it up for the sng grind again since I prob needed the money. Not sure why actually. Anyways this time around i have no other options to distract me( I guess i could grind hypers or dons but meh)

Decided to try 6m this time around. I've always done fr in the past.

Started on the 24th. I prob could have gotten a bit more hands in there. I been mostly 4 tabling. 6 at sometimes so not really getting mass volume or anything. Looks like im actually running god and should be losing. Which is weird b/c i remember breezing through 10nl last time. Not sure if its b/c its 6m or games got better. Most likely its me having tons of leaks. Ill see after Oct.

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September EOM wrap by NeillyJQ, September 30


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September results by player999, September 30

Got some 200s going and even some 300s but last few days were some scary swings so I'll focus on 100s for a lil longer, I can 100% take any swings there. Still, best month ever sng-wise, and thats only playing when I was on a break from WCOOP. Put in only 71.3 sng hours so pretty ridic results, and running below EV.

MTTs sucked though, played some today and can't win rly

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September by MARSHALL28, September 30

So ... ~8k + ~16k + ~3k + ~6k from zach = ~33k? Almost as good as last month ... Now only If I could just get in more than 40 hours.

Uploaded with

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1-3k Moneybookers for Stars by SemPeR, September 30

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September 2012 by Joe, September 30

After a not so good August (lost around $2k online, but luckily played live a bit and made some profit), I put in quite a decent volume online in September and things went ok. At least in cash games. Tournaments sucked, lost almost 1/2 my cg profits during the wcoop series. Had one deepish run in 6max plo, but ended up 24th which was worth almost nothing obviously.

Anyway, cash games results:

Its mostly headsup, with a bit of 6-max too.

Next month I am hoping to get in about the same volume or possibly even a little bit more (which is gonna be hard though, its almost 180 hours of play time). I will also play more 1/2 and should things go well I might start playing a bit of 2/4 too, but lets not be too optimistic. Just hoping to get similar results like this month.


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Weathering the storm by Enigma, September 30

So after a depressing two weeks of losses finally had a good run. My last session of the month today had a ridiculous 6.84bb/100 over 823 hands. Need to remember times like this when you get s**t on over and over and post loses of -4bb/100 + and you just want to throw up and quit life. Only made about 23 units overall but no longer want to cut myself! (j/k)
Guess the lesson to be learned here is that making proper decisions based on ev will prevail even when it feels like you are being owned.
I know I am still guilty of chasing losses and spewing off bets when stuck, but I guess this is one of those things that makes poker hard.
Hope everyone had a great month!

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September by TianYuan, September 30

I did a huuuuuuuuuuge overhaul of my game around hand 50k~ or so, but unfortunately while prior to that I had been mostly playing bad/running good, I started playing good/running horrible, but still really really happy with how I played the last week of the month, I fixed soooooo many leaks and September is gonna be sweet. Also cut down to 3 tables of zoom (had been playing between 4-6 zoom or 4-9 regular), in conjunction with the game overhaul.

Stake breakdown is... 99% PLO100 Zoom, but about half the losses are from PLO200 Zoom and PLO100 Hu.

Got about 28,000 VPPs this month, 32,000 to go before back to supernova. Won a couple of hundred playing live and there's some bonuses etc in there, but numbers are pretty accurate. I think this is the 2nd or 3rd time I have a losing month ever actually, and it's definitely the least concerned I've been about one (if the month had ended around hand 50k I'd have been depressed, but taking a deep look at my own game I just realized there were so many things I could fix, it turned into something really positive).

I spent a couple of days really examining some common opening ranges in PPT, which is something I've been meaning to do for a long time but never got around to. Gotta say it wasnt as difficult or tedious work as I thought it'd be, PLO ranges may contain a lot more hands than NLHE but PPT has some pretty good syntax.

Volume wise, it's a little lower than I wanted but still decent. Next month I'm probably going to go back to Sweden for about a month or so (prob towards the end of the month), hopefully get a drivers license, maybe Vegas after around IPL time, then back to Korea again. Going to shoot for getting the 32k vpps I need for supernova before I go, if I run decent it shouldnt be too difficult (I know I said that last time but hey, this is a lot more modest of a goal :D). If I have to move down to PL50 then it'd be harder but oh well - will just have to buy a laptop in sweden and finish it there.

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gl sundays - hem question by NeillyJQ, September 30


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Life update 2010-2012 by Zalfor, September 30

I haven't posted here since 2011 and I really haven't posted anything productive here since 2010. But seeing as how I keep lurking here I might as well keep posting some stuff here.

So, 2010 I graduated from college. I spent 3 months during that summer playing poker, playing golf and spending a lot of time with my friends back in California. By the fall, I started my new job as a trader in Chicago. The transition period for me was good and I found a lot of cool people at work to hang out with. I currently been rooming with one of my work buddies for the past 2 years. Overall, as time went on and on I played less and less poker. When Black Friday happened I left a bunch of money (bunch is relative i guess) on the poker sites so that I would be able to play with it whenever I felt like it.

Unfortunately leaving money on FTP was a bad idea haha. But in the grand scheme of things, it was basically a drop in the bucket.

So progress through 2011, I met this girl online and we have been dating ever since. She is wonderful and makes me feel more complete as a person. Needless to say my personal life has been pretty good as well.

Going through 2011 and realizing that it's almost the end of 2012 I feel like the poker has been such a long time since I played seriously. I still look through some HHs out of habit and I still check some of the threads that seem interesting but life for me has really moved on. I am fortunate for all the lessons that poker has taught me. How to avoid the degen life style, how to analyse situations and at the end of the day how to self reflect and self improve. I am really happy to have been part of this community where I have met really good people.

Poker has taught me some great lessons and I think that I will always cherish the time I spent grinding away at college and struggling at the 10NL tables. Reflecting on it all, the money and everything really is so much less important than the other positives that it left me with. I don't plan on playing too much poker in the future and in fact the other day on my vacation I was playing 10/25 in Monaco. I definitely felt like I was no longer one of the better players at the table. That was quite a humbling experience as well. The basics were still there of course, but the small mistakes piled on and I definitely didn't feel like a winning player.

In the future I guess I'm going to be one of those fish at the high stakes tables that you guys make money from. But being a fish is a good privilege to be able to have.

Played poker in college
Does trading for living now
Happy to have played poker in college
Thinks poker was helpful to rest of life skills

BTW if anyone has any life/career questions or advice they want to share please don't hesitate to PM. Until then I'm going to burrow and lurk again.

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Sep Income & Expenses by thewh00sel, September 30

Time for another installment of Income & Expenses. This section, ironically enough, is where I break down my income and list my expenses for each month along with a short analysis of how I think I can improve on them in the future.

Income: $18,543
From me: 15,985
From Spouse: 2,558
It was a good month compared to last month's annoying upswing followed by a horrendous breakeven finish. I managed to get in 150 hours, which I am fairly happy with. I've started to track my arrival and departure time from the casino to keep any non-playing time (waiting for a seat, walking from the car to the poker room) from affecting the amount of time that I am actually playing. And with those numbers factored in, I actually spent 159 hours at the casino. That is right on target with my goal of 40 hours of work per week. A little accounting gymnastics never hurt anyone right? It seems like I spend an average of 25min of "buffer time" each session away from the table before and after I actually sit down in a game. I'll continue to monitor this number going forward to see if that average holds true.

Hours of cash Played: 150 hours over 21 sessions
MTTs played: 0
Hourly Rate: 106.57

Expenses $4,689

[i]Home- 597

This is where most of the savings came from for this month. We refinanced our mortgage, and as a result we automatically skip this month's payment. We paid $337 to the title company for the refinance, and the rest went to HOA fees and getting some oil stains removed from our driveway to comply with some annoying HOA regulations. This number will be back in the normal range next month

Auto & Transport- 1,300
600 to car payments
152 to insurance
265 to gas
283 to registration renewal

Health and Fitness- 502
Insurance- 418 -This will go down to 189 next month as my wife now has benefits
Gym- 34 -Still trying to cancel this. Been a hassle so far.
Co-Pays -50

Food & Dining- 1,091
$33 Farmer's Market
$26 Olive Garden
$26 Firehouse subs
$75 Wal Mart groceries
$19 Marco's Pizza
$45 Home Plate Grill
$4 Starbucks
$370 Wal Mart
$88 Albertson's
$57.50 Asian Online Groceries
$20 McDonald's
$328 Meat Truck

This number would actually be in a more acceptable range of $700 if we didn't purchase $328 in beef/chicken off of a meat truck this month. Hopefully the purchase shows in next month's food bill being lowered as a result. We also could probably try to not eat out as much...

Bills & Utilities- 408
24 Water
114 Cable
8 Netflix
92 Gas
166 Mobile Phone

At first glance it looks like a victory because the number is half of last month's number. However, on further inspection you'll notice that there is no electricity bill this month. I believe I will be paying that at the beginning of October so next month's bill will likely be higher. Still planning to cancel the cable...

Shopping- 536
200 Clothing
97 Bike Trailer
234 Biking gear (helmets/gloves/Tires/Tubes/etc)

We bought $200 worth of winter/spring clothes for the little one, plus a $97 bike trailer off of craigslist, along with some other biking gear. It has gotten a decent workout so far as I've taken her via bike to the park 6 times this month. Pretty happy about getting a 6 mile round-trip bike ride in twice a week or so as I've lost about 10 lbs this month; down to 195 from 205. Bike maintenence is also typically pretty low, so future costs for the bikes shouldn't be too much.

Business Expenses- 4
Only Valet parked once this month and I added all of my other casino tips into the income from playing already.

Entertainment- 40
We went to go see Finding Nemo 3D as a family and, although it was fairly expensive, it was a fun movie and our two year old watched and enjoyed the whole thing. It went a lot better than expected.

Other- 260
It was our 5th wedding anniversary this month so we each gave each other gifts. I got a "Beer of the Month" membership for 6 months and she got a replacement chain for a necklace I gave her on our honeymoon that she thought was lost.

That's everything. If we hadn't gotten a pass on the mortgage payment for this month, our expenses would have been ~$6,500, which is below the $6,800 average that we have been spending this year. After adding this month up on the scoreboard, it has brought the average monthly spending down to $6,628 for the year. Not amazing, but with a little focus and determination, and the help of some nice weather to keep the energy bill down, October should be a very mild month expense-wise.

With an income of $18,543 and expenses of $4,689, we had a savings rate this month of 74%

That brings our savings rate for the year to an average of 36.71%, a far cry from my original goal of 65%. If we can get the number up over 40% for the year then I'll be happy with it at this point.

Here's to another strong month! Looking forward to powering through the end of the year.

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Going back to basics by The Dean, September 29

Its been a while since I posted my last blog entry and so have to apologise for that. Been busy grinding the NL50 levels on Stars and I seem to have found my optimal earning level. I can only describe my game as "automated" for want of a better description.

Many people would say "ABC" but that is just another way to say the same thing. Over the years I have practiced my ABC to should a level that it is almost as automatic as basic strategy in blackjack. I know that I will never be a mid-stakes player playing this way but I am doing well at my level and multi-tabling isn't harming me because I am not watching the players closely enough.

I use a HUD but only in a basic way and look at VPIP, PFR and 3/bet stats which are crucial around the blinds. But also in full ring then the tendency is for players to be more risk averse. I went through a bad run of results in the summer where my earn rate dropped over a 100k period. Luckily someone who I trust analysed my game and I was opening my ranges too much.

I just don't think that full ring allows you to do that but back on track now. I am also playing at better times of the day as well on while before I was playing in the day so that I had more of a social life......the choice had to be made.....either man up and play in the evenings and around midnight or pack it in.

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FSDFDA FUCK HAIRLINESDFASDSG by bigredhoss, September 28

just confirmed my suspicion that i am starting to go bald, hairline in front is receding into a horseshoe kind of thing and there's a small spot on top that's probably not noticeable to others yet but it's there, and now realizing it is generally thinning everywhere IM 25 YEARS OLD NOT 55 I AM SORRY IF I SLOWROLLED SOMEONE IN A PAST LIFE FOR THIS KARMA ITUTGYGUYVGHKL;IY FUCK FUCK FUCK CONFIRMED SUICIDE WATCH

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how can I get my hands on fruityloops by 2c0ntent, September 28


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Another month. by DustySwedeDude, September 28

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