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FTOPS leaderboard by Mortensen8, April 22

Won the ftops leaderboard, prize was full tilt pro for 4 months which is 100% rakeback and choosing between 10k clearable bonus or 12k ftops tickets, I chose the tickets.

Key to winning these things is obviously (running good) playing every mtt which I have been doing for a while now, I was a bit apprehensive at first about playing the weird games, but it's a lot of fun to learn and useful, well for series at least.

Anyway gl at the tables and play those weird games except for stud hi that ain't no fun

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Indepth into my PLO Podcasts by Joeingram1, April 22

Hey guys, I haven't blogged yet about the PLO podcasts that I have been doing for a couple of months now. I wanted to talk a bit more about the idea I originally had, the process so far, feedback I've gotten and what I hope to do with them in the future.

I wrote about the website idea I had a couple months back and with that I have been wanting to do some type of podcast for a long time now. I had wanted it to be focused on PLO because there isn't anything else out there that PLO players can listen to that is specific for the game. I'm not one to get in depth about poker strategy, as I have written about on my blog before. I decided that I would try to do a podcast focused around high stakes hands posted on 2plus2 in the NVG high stakes thread and would sometimes take hands posted in the PLO specific forums. I started doing the first one and went for a bit of strategy talk, level 1 type of stuff, and focus more on trying to make it entertaining. As I have alot of experiences with almost every player I had some good and bad things to say about almost every player in the hands I choose to post. I was hoping to put together something that high stakes regs could enjoy watching but also something that small stakes regs and casual fans of PLO/poker in general would be able to enjoy. I think finding that balance could have been a difficult thing but I think so far I have been able to do that. I had hoped that people would start listening to it and then become interested in playing more PLO themselves. It has turned out this is what has been happening as I have gotten many messages on all my social media platforms from people asking questions, telling me about there experiences with the game so far, and more. The feedback overall has been really good and its encouraging moving forward with doing podcasts. I think some of them have been a bit long for people but my thinking is that if you want to watch it all you can, if you want to stop after 25 minutes you can do that also.

My initial intent was that I wanted everyone in the world to be playing PLO, its such a fun game.... who wouldn't want to play . I've been posting my videos on my youtube channel and they have been getting linked in both PLO forums on 2p2 and also there was a thread in NVG made where new episodes have been posted. I've tried to communicate with everyone who has given me feedback good or bad. I wanted to try to be as interactive with people that are taking the time to listen to these because thats how I have wanted people to be to me that I might be a fan of. The pokertube guys have been putting them up on there website as well and it has gotten some extra views. Overall I am very pleased with the number of views on youtube that I have been able to get with these. For the first couple of podcasts some websites wrote up articles about them and linked to them but I figured that would happen initially and then would not keep happening with future episodes. The goal moving forward is to continue putting out quality content and also be able to put more people onto the fact that they even exist. I haven't done the greatest job so far in terms staying on a consistent schedule and blogging about my experience so far with it which I need to work harder at.

I'm going to start doing podcasts with people outside of PLO and the WCG podcasts in hopes that I can ultimately attract new listeners to my PLOcasts. I'm actually recording my first podcast today with Bart Hanson. His longtime NL podcasts were something I listened to every single week for years when I was coming up in the poker world and with his live poker training site I think I will have alot good things to talk about with him that will make for a great conversation. My hope with this new series is that I can talk more with people who I find interesting and would like to know more about but also that fans of that person will want to hear more about. Hopefully those fans can enjoy my content and become fans of mine and the listeners to my podcasts will become fans of theirs. I actually have no idea if this is sound logic when it comes to this type of thing but we shall see. My main focus right now is still putting in 4-8 hours/day playing poker and with the results I've been having, I don't need to worry about trying to monetize any of this. That also has lead to me becoming pretty lackadaisical with putting out new episodes. I've been spending some weeks playing poker and basketball all day and never even thinking about doing podcasts. I think moving forward that if I want to have the most success possible with this I will need to nail down a better schedule and put in more effort staying on that.

That also leads to the question, what kind of success does this even lead to? What is the point of doing these? I have asked myself that a couple of times and I'm not even sure what it means to be a success in poker podcasting. Hoping that I can get as many people as possible into playing the game I intend to play for a long time to come is what I think about the most. I think that some good networking possibilities could come from it but that remains to be seen. I really enjoy doing them so far as I think most of the poker content being put out right now is pretty boring and I am hoping I can provide a bit of entertainment in other poker players lives, even if its only for an hour/week. I think I went more in depth on this whole subject than I initially intended to

Here is a link to the first high stakes PLO podcast I did. I started having a guest with my last podcast which featured krmont22. If you watch the first couple episodes, I tried to do a good job on building up some players more than others. The last episode with Krmont I started live streaming for people that wanted to listen to things unedited and people have really seemed to enjoy that. I fucked up on capturing the audio doing this (still noob at editing) so it ended up being a veryyyyyy long live stream version but for the people that can make it through it all, i think its really entertaing. In the future I hope to do many more with guests because I enjoy that format much more. I like getting to know my peers better and being able to showcase them a bit.

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Easter Holiday by CCMoz, April 22

Easter Holiday (so far)

The great thing about being a teacher are the amount of holidays. True, I put in the hours when working to make up for the time off but with 5 days left until I go back I am bored.
So far this holiday I have:
Done several large dog walks,
Seen friends and a couple of nights out,
Caught up on lots of sleep and errands / chores,
Started training again at the gym.

Today as been a lazy one - shopping, Dota 2 and catching up with Game of Thrones.
Highlight = half price (cooked) roast chicken breasts that were very tasty.
Tomorrow I am looking forward to going to the seaside with my friends Tommy and the Dogs, possibly plan the Yorkshire Three Peak walk at the end of May and gamble on some horses.


Not really bothered about poker at the minute so I will play a modest 1000k hands per day @ 25nl zoom with a starting BR of $475.
End goal - make a little bit of spend for summer holidays.

EDIT - 1023 hands down. BR $413.21. Pro.

Currently, as I type this I have a Weimeraner pretending to be my best friend. Sneaky one is after my sausage roll but I am wise to her tricks!

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Vid commentary on my match by LemOn[5thF], April 21

Sup guys

I made it to a semi-final of a HUsng tourney and it just got released with a HUsng coach commentary.

needless to say I played like 15husng in my life before this still managed to play decent besides some mandatory spews,Lemon style
Apparently floating a large cr with J8o on KK4 is not standard 50bb deep?

footage is here:
Click here for link

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Any LPers in NYC? by tomson, April 21

I'll be in New York with my girlfriend for the first week of May. I would be really grateful for any help finding a cheap place to stay, apparently finding a not so expensive hotel on short notice is not to so easy. Can offer poker lessons in return. Thanks.

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The real blog by GoldRush, April 19

is, this is my 2nd blog

Ill write it sometime...
GoodluCK LP,

ownEd u?

User was temp-banned for this post.
stop fucking around.

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massive traffic ticket by hiems, April 19

I'd rather not go into too much because I am really pissed right now.

But I got pulled over by a cop 2 months ago. She said all I needed to do was show up in court and that it was a no fine thing. I've been really busy and made the mistake of not showing up.

I get notice in the mail today of a massive fine amount + interest. What to do? I can't go into speak with anyone either on the phone or at the admin building because it is the weekend. But I'm going to try and speak with anyone I can to reduce the amount. Willing to do alot of community service as well.

Am I drawing dead?

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Anticipated New BloG by GoldRush, April 19

will be posted soon,

GoodluCK LP,

ownEd u?

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New BloG by GoldRush, April 18

I'm gonna do a write up soon,

Good Luck til then LP,

Great job @ Seminole hard rock

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live poker journey 2014 by LikeASet, April 18

My local live game which is 10 min away has had a new structure for the past few months, small blind = 2, big blind = 3 , 5 to go, must bet in increments of 5 unless all in, max buy in = the deepest stack at the table.

current stats;

feb +1950
march + 5650
april + 2650

I just had a $2100 losing day playing pretty spewy and semi tilted, I need to invest in an Ipad to keep me from getting bored because I'm pretty sure I'm raising too loose from early positions. My best day so far this year at this game is probably around +$1800. I definitely have to keep improving my game even though I pretty much have an edge over everyone that goes there, and I'm not even super good.

quick question, has anyone ever taken notes on people during live sessions? I was thinking about starting to do that if I buy an Ipad or something.

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need Skrill got PS/Neteller by drone666, April 18

need 1~1.5k skrill
can send PS or Neteller, I pay the taxes and can send first to reputable members

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Top Wow by Gnarly, April 15

Toppest Wow sister stole 12k from my dad
how fucking dumb can you get?

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A pirate is born by NewbSaibot, April 12

Sure got burned for the second time utilizing one of these online video streaming rental services (google play, vudu). Rented the hobbit last night, got bored watching it, came back to finish it tonight, EXPIRED. You know what? Fuck you. Fuck you hard bitch. I tried to play fair. I tried to give you a reasonable chance not to horse fuck me. I gave you my money. I played by the rules, and this is what I got. An unreasonable time frame. Well good job MPAA, you just drove another user to 100% dedicated piracy. You had your shot, you had one of those elusive users who knows all too well how to steal your shit, but decided that because he can afford to pay that he should pay, and this is how you return the favor. You put me in a situation where undoubtedly the goal was to see if I would pay twice. I mean afterall who can only watch half a movie right? What other possible motive would there be other than to stack the deck so that the movie expires during the next logical viewing period (the same time the next day). Why wouldn't you give someone 48 hours? What do you have to lose? What advantage does this give me?

Anyway downloading HD version right now along with half a dozen other movies that were in my wish list to pay for.

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EHUNL2 by SemPeR, April 12

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Goal Progress by thewh00sel, April 11

  Feb Goal Progress
Pay off auto loans of ~16k
8% complete

25% complete: 12k left @ 4.3%

Put a dent in student loans of ~60k
0.8% paid off

6.6% complete: 56k left @6.8%

Invest ~25-30k outside of any day-trading or sports betting ventures.
0% complete

Invested about 15k into various index funds and 2k into part ownership of two bitcoin miners
~50% complete

  Play a few less tournaments during the WSOP (and win one)

  1800 hours of cash games
7.78% complete

21% complete: 387 hours. Slacking here and definitely off pace.

  Added Goal
65% Saving rate for the year
Average Savings Rate: 77%

Average savings rate: 80%

So I'm exceeding most goals due to running well for the first part of the year. Should have put that as one of my goals as well, heh.

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Streaming Dota 2 by pokErAIGHT, April 11


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people who feed on purpose in dota2 should be by mnj, April 11

banned for life.


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5nl is fun by Gnarly, April 10

>be me
>have AKs
>be button
>open button
>raise to three blinds
>bb 3bets me to 10 blinds
>i 4bet to 30 blinds
>he shoves all in
>i snap call
>he turns over A8o
>ez day
>immediately pairs his 8

Why do I overwhelmingly lose when I'm overwhelmingly ahead? People on zone are the dumbest mother fuckers in the entire online poker world possible, and they are the most lucky pieces of shits ever. They constantly shove preflop with 72o, a3o, 96o; as long as you have a decent hand, you're always ahead. AA and KK NEVER get raised unless it's someone who actually understands that you should raise those hands, which are the people you want to avoid. It's the easiest things to spot the complete mass of menstrual clots, but god damn it sure is fucking impossible getting paid off when you're ahead.


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cashed out by GameOverNoob, April 09

2k baby! hahha

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Videogame Giveaway by RichardG, April 09

Hi ya'll,
I am doing a giveaway of horror game Daylight
( (watch pewdiepie play it in early release )

My plan is to make a promo video for the giveaway and just enter in anyone who replies to the video for a random raffle. I'll ask a simple question so commentators and I can get around the one anti-raffle law I know of that says "entrants must pass a skill test" or whatever

This video is a channel update for my youtubes and the UNOFFICIAL daylight giveaway announcement

Just looking to let you guys in on the gig a bit early since you're in my "in crowd"

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