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Next Month Plz
  Motiva, Mar 29 2009

I've hardly played any so far this month. Every day I try to get myself to play atleast a few hundred to a thousand hands. Or so it was in previous months.

I did take a bit over a week off to get married and do all of that. But man poker wise march has been tough. I'm staying true to BR and am quitting when i become tilted, but because of that I just can't get any hands in hahah

just dropped 2 buy ins tonight in 150 hands. and I'm done for the night. This blog is just a way to vent some frustration I suppose. Thanks for reading.

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  Motiva, Mar 02 2009

lol I don't know what I'm doing wrong or what I changed, but I seem to be on some sort of downswing...

My red line is pretty breakeven, but I haven't won a showdown in 15 years. I'm not really sure what to change. I'm running 15/12 now in FR, I've tightened up in EP and MP but it "seems" to have the opposite of the desired effect. I'm still running 21/17 in 6max and that's the only place I've been able to not lose 5 buy ins a session.

One major problem with my game that i'm sure about is that I go to showdown ~27% which is too high. But at NL2 I just don't know what to do about it, noone ever folds to the point to where cbetting is useless. And Am i not supposed to call down with 2 overcards and a gutshot getting 15 to 1 pot odds because these kids minbet into 50bb pots....

So frustrated I'm taking the day off.

I guess on a side note I played a few homegames w/ some friends and they have no clue and I went 4-0, winning my GF some tickets to some silly show and a bunch of junk like tshirt, mug, cookies, alchz... but shit fuck all that.

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24k hands so far
  Motiva, Feb 22 2009

I've been doing good about sticking to my bankroll and I've played more hands this month, than any before. 24k hands this month. I haven't gotten busto where I would have normally. I'm having trouble with NL5. Horrendous Trouble. I am 11 buy ins below expectation on my EV graph. But that would still put me at roughly -20 buy ins at NL5 over 7k hands. I'm running 17/14/2.5 fullring NL5.

I'm still beating NL2 at 10bb/100 over 18k hand sample (EV graph puts me at roughly 5bi over EV in NL2) running 20.5/14.5/2.5. 3betting 6.6% across all 24k hands. My WTSD is 27% @ NL5 and 29% @ NL2. Winning @ Showdown is 37.5% NL5 and 50.2% NL2.

I think I've largely been going in to NL5 with the wrong mindset. I think this is because NL2 is easy and people will stack off with middle pair frequently. I need to go into NL5 with the NL25 mindset I used to have when I was a bankroll degen. I've come a long way in the last 6 months and I'm getting more confident the more I experience retarded swings because I'm finally using proper bankroll management. For the last 6 months i've just been degenning it up playing everything from NL2 to NL100 and eventually losing 3/4 of my roll in a single buy in and starting over or going broke. I've stopped doing that... I've learned my lesson.

I had been 6-8 tabling NL2 and 4-6 tabling NL5 when I was taking shots. Last night I ran really hot 12 tabling for the first time and it was more enjoyable. I loaded up to 16 tables and it was a bit too much for me. I think I'll prolly start playing 10 tables of NL2 until I'm ready for my next shot of NL5 which I'll 4-6 table again.

Thanks for reading.

Total Graph in big blinds.
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  Motiva, Feb 19 2009

Well... I've made a lot of progress. I've finally got to where when i get really tilted I don't decide that it's time to jump up 3 levels.

I was playing on Cake. The bonuses and rakeback were nice. I usually have to play on off hours though, so the table selections at NL10 were pretty wretched unless I wanted to wait in like 30 minutes and mix 6max and FR. In an effort to get the best of both worlds, as well as really get bankroll management engraved into my thick skull I divided that NL10 roll into two NL5 Rolls.

I deposited at Pokernordica for 30% rakeback, 100% bonus of my NL5 roll. I deposited the other NL5 roll onto Pokerstars the day before they announced the new bonus. This has allowed me to play at Pokernordica when the games are good and then Pokerstars during the off hours.

So far at Pokernordica things have gone well. I'm up 8 buy ins over a couple thousand hands.

However at Pokerstars, where I have done most of my playing. I Can't beat NL5. It's incredibly frustrating, as I'm sure you're all familiar with.

I first deposited, lost 10 buy ins in 3k hands. Actually moved down to NL2(making progress) and beat it pretty well. Last night I moved back up to NL5 @ 20 BI, since then I've played 1k hands lost 8 buy ins. It's incredible. I just hate it. I almost want to earn a few more buy ins at Pokernordica and then withdraw damning by bonus just to skip NL5 at PS...

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lol beating NL2 for 10bb/100 and losing at NL5 at -35bb/100 mostly 6max. and I'm running 21/17/2.5

How standard is that NL5 downswing? I'm sure I've started to play horribly because it's destroying my confidence... I felt more confident at NL5 8 months ago when I made my first blog as a complete fish. If I made a video would anyone both watching it? lol

Thanks for reading...

edit: I also just got a DC subscription and HEM for my bday from my GF... I definitely like HEM > PT3 and DC is sick so far...

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Comments (9)

  Motiva, Jan 23 2009

Is poker so consistently black or white for everyone? What I mean is that each segment of 1000 to 5000 hand samples of mine are always either an upswing or a downswing? Maybe my game has enough leaks to where breakeven points are also downswings? Always seems so black or white for me.

Is this standard or did I change something I'm not aware of? (First 3200 hands are the first two days, and the rest is today)

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So it goes.
  Motiva, Jan 17 2009

Well to continue from yesterday lets just say it's time to take a small break. I logged on this evening looking forward to cleaning some fish and to turn this downswing around. First orbit my KK gets owned by AA and I go on hyper-tilt. Here we are several hours later and i'm down far more than I thought possible. I don't understand what I've changed. Sure a few bad beats and some retarded tilt have played there parts, but the only real excuse is bad play and poor BR management.

I've been a bit too agressive with my bankroll. I started with only $2 on cake and their smallest NL stake is NL4 so I started by playing that and working my way up to roughly ~50 and then I took a couple of shots at NL10, and then at ~150 I started taking shots at NL20. This was all working very well over a good 5-7k hands, and then at 300 I decided I might as well take a shot at NL50, and lets just say that was a massive mistake. After that failed shot I went back to playing NL20 on a ~200 bank roll and failed some more. Then around ~100 I started playing NL 10... ~40 @ NL4. ect all the way back down to where I started at $2. lol FML I fail at BR Management. Sure, I've come leagues in terms of understanding the game and playing at the table, but I still struggle with BR management, though I'm learning my lesson time and time again.

I understand my mistake there and I certainly resolve to continue my battle with my demons of tilt. The one thing I don't understand is WTF went wrong? How did I go from consistently beating the stakes one night with my showdown winnings up, and nonshowdown winnings going down. The next day, I wake up take a shot fail and from there on out showdown winnings go down fast as fuck while my nonshowdown winnings creep into the positive? I guess I'm trying to figure out if this is some sort of life-tilt where I'm just being too aggressive and so when there is fold equity I get it, and the when I'm beat i get stacked... tis how it's been going pretty much. If I've got the best hand everyone folds, if i've got 2nd best i get slowplayed and stacked cause Im fucking tilted? I guess if it was easy to figure out what you're doing wrong then poker wouldn't be so difficult.

In short. I'm a fool for being too aggressive with my BR and also for not taking at least a days break after being so fucking tilted. I'm gonna wait a week maybe two and then start over. Time to play some SC and Quakelive I guess =- Anyone got any good books to recommend on poker? I've read most of them, but I love to read and I'm going to have some free time now haha.

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Meh FML?
  Motiva, Jan 15 2009

I've been running alright. There is something about cake poker. I like playing there because noone has HUDs and once my PT3 trial runs out I won't have one anyway and I don't wanna dish the money out. I also figure it's better to master what I can without training wheels...

Top pair seems to be such a money loser to me, if I could somehow not lose the money I lose from my top pairs... November was pretty much my first "winning" month even though I think I only won something like $5 on microstakes. December was pretty bad for me overall though I didn't get to play a whole lot due to the holidays and such. I had deposited ~30 on cake poker to check it out and lost that.

I got my $1.75 rakebake from cake and I had turned that into a decent NL10 roll until about 15 minutes ago. At the same time though I took a pretty bad downswing on pokerstars and I'm currently playing NL2 on there off and on when I don't feel like playing on Cake.

About 15 minutes ago I just went on horrendous tilt and tilted off 1/2 my roll, So I'm moving down to NL4 on Cake until I can get my motherfucking mind correct. So I figured it was time to make a blog and vent alittle. lol. FML I'M FUCKING RETARDED!!!!!!

Anyway Stats and shit:
I've been running 19/10/3.5 over the past 20k hands or so. Vast improvements over what I was only just a few months ago...

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Meh I wish Cake would/could retrict my limits and shit cause that helps a lot on PS for me. So fucking discouraged after that last god damned massive gutfuck. Can't be results oriented, need to stay within my roll more strictly, and FML i need to stop losing so much money on TP+FD hands.

Any comments, feedback ect ect let me know cause shit I feel like I really need some help or somesort of focus or something... I DUNNO FML OK

EDIT2: EV Graph even though I dunno what it means.
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The hand that I fucked myself on was I had AQc (on the button) and the board came Qs7c4c (we're both ~90bb deep) after I raised pf to 4bb. The leads out 2/3pot sized bet I reraise 3x his bet, he shoves, I call. he shows AA and my draw doesn't complete. Misplayed horribly?

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More wbcoop plz
  Motiva, Dec 09 2008

Online Poker

I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!

This PokerStars tournament is a No Limit Texas Hold’em event exclusive to Bloggers.

Registration code: 330652

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  Motiva, Nov 04 2008

I'm getting a lot better, been trying to play and study almost every day since about August. I think I could be a winning player if I could just utilize more self control, and perhaps pay more attention while I'm playing. I catch myself not paying enough attention a lot.

PT3 has me at 26/13 the past 10k hands. A vast improvement from where I started. It's showing as well. I am winning much more consistently, and losing less when I lose. I feel like I could easily be a winning player if my patience and self control could improve. This is mostly due to a pretty slow/boring/bad session, It starts with mild impatience and frustration and ends with a big 0 under my name. This is especially true when I get it in against what I feel is a weak player with a marginal hand.

Opponent here is 46/6/1.75 over 131 hands.

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45/14/6 over 30 hands here.
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Both are ridiculous bad tilt on my part and just plain stupid. If I could just avoid having my 1-2 sessions a week like this. I feel I could easily become a winning player. I need to just find a way to avoid/combat the frustration. Perhaps this is something that is just learned after you lose this way enough. Either way it is certainly the biggest leak in my game. Any tips for dealing with this sort of irrational behavior?

Before last night these looked much better. Last night my stupidity decided I need NL25 and NL50 in the negative.
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Before last month I was almost exclusively a 6max/HU player but I was having a bad run, worse than my usual suck. So i switched to FR and am enjoying it far more, and was almost all in the green until I decided that I don't like winning. lol. In FR though I think I could do much better than I am, and I am certainly dedicated and determined. I just need to relax.

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NL2 + Bankroll Building
  Motiva, Aug 26 2008

Sup LP

I'm fresh from, I've been playing poker casually for a couple of years now at bars and with friends. I used to also play a good number of micro tourney's on PS with mediocre results. Losing more than winning, but winning enough to play for quite some time even without -any- bankroll management. About 3 months ago I decided to make the switch to cash games.

I've been reading up on poker. I just started Theory of Poker, so I'm hoping that will help me out a little with my game. I've read the Harrington tourny series and a few others. After ToP I'm thinking I'll move on to the Harrington Cash game series, and possibly some books on the Psychology of poker. Any suggestions?

Since starting with cash games my results were pretty atrocious to start. After some adjustments I made a fairly decent run at NL25 with a $50 deposit. I don't know how bad I was tilted towards the end, but it seems pretty bad IMO. + Show Spoiler +

After that run I realized how important bank roll really is. So I've made another $50 deposit and I've start at .1/.2NL and I've had mediocre results. I've been playing 1k-2k hands a day for the past few days. I tried to switch to .2/.5 when I hit 75 (buying in at $3) and I lost money there so I'm dropping down to .1/.2 again.

Current Results:
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I don't really know anyone else that plays poker. Most of the people I talk to think I'm wasting my time AND money. I feel really confident though, and am willing to invest a lot of time. So, since the Liquid Poker people who I don't know are the only people I know in the poker scene, here I am. Any Advice, Suggestions, Obvious problems with my stats?

I also mainly 6 max 6tables .1/.2.. I've been thinking about switching it up to 9max. I've also been fairly break even in 2-10$ heads up. Does it really just depend on your style or is there a particular method for building bank roll that is the most efficient?


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