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PowerHausAA grinding PLO

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sat. night
  PowerHausAA, Jan 18 2009

part of my new year's resolution is to get out more often, as i live 13 minutes(subway ride) from NYC. i stayed away from going out last year so much cuz i used to party 4-6 times a week for 5 years straight! however i totally turned into a degenerate online poker hermit in 08, so im making a very conscious effort to make it out at least once a week (which doesnt include walking 10 feet to my local bar and getting drunk).

my friend alana, one of my better/trustworthy friends in life, had a birthday party in the city.............
being the baller that i'm NOT i gave her this,

60 dollar bills wrapped in 2 twenties.......hahaha wanksta!
alana: i really cant take this
me: why dont u give it a count
alana: oh hahahahhaha ......i still cant take this
me: its left over titty bar money if it makes u feel better
alana: fine
i also gave her a 50+ mature dirty mag.....quite a NON hit at this party(it was totally gross, i am totally negative equity boner for like 3 months after looking at it)

so we pregame a bit, girls leave, then we pregame some more.......i dont know why playing drunk dice games with just boys was more appealing than following the girls to the bar, but i sure was pretty drunk afterwards.
took a bunch of random pictures that i really dont remember(i cant believe im that guy who takes too many pictures now, and all for blogs sake) this is at Volstead located at Midtown East. ive been to this place before but dont remember it....standard. as usual the bar is overcrowded a double Maker's costed like 15 (got it on rocks even though i specified neat) and everyone is just playing a big game of look cool as possible without talking or moving(in poker terms, it's like razz but less fun). this is a phenomenon i just don't quite understand yet, i'd rather just sit at a crappy dive bar and potty mouth with the locals. nonetheless i had a great time, saw people i havent seen in ages, and don't recall a lot of it.

rels......she always has her mouth open hahahhaa jk, picture doesnt do her justice.

stef(right) and dont remember other, funny cuz i dont remember seeing them last nite

crazy rach.......people really refer to her as crazy rachel! shes awesome and crazy in so many ways.

cullen the self proclaimed most photogenic person she knows......

you still stand by that? lmao

i was going to put a redeeming pic of rels......but thought this was too funny

mel,always good to see you.....damn you are hot. can i buy you with FPP's(frequent player points). PokerStars should definitely let us concierge you.

Concierge Service(for those viewing that aren't degenerate gamblers)

bar pic (im taking way too many pics!)

coat check starting to get embarrassed that i took this many pictures

voyeurism lol why not....took this pic of nancy coming out of the can while i was on coat check line (no fanny shots, sorry boys).

i have a friend, "ug" (his last name is lee, hence "ug" lee, from salute your shorts), whenever i go out with him he gets like boyband attention. he often gets raped by girls (most of you see this as a good thing), but he always seem like he got victimized so i feel bad. Fellas.....i would like to tell you he fought the good fight .....bah forgot the rest of that shawshank redemption line. reason for this story......well he is the EAST COAST version of Jonnycosmo(he is chinese, not sure what jonny is), but seriously, any time i go out he has like A list celebrity status with girls of all nations(even tranny's)! one of the nicest kids i know and he actually did play online poker for a bit.

another pic that shouldn't of been taken, but actually very informational. if you're ever in the NYC area, it's pretty useful to know your cab rights.

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leaks? or bad run?
  PowerHausAA, Jan 17 2009

so i didnt go out last night cuz i spent most of the day trying to cure my hangover(im such a wanker puss these days), so i played a night session that went like this.....

usually minus -16 buys doesnt affect me too much, but this time it was a little weird. since november 08 my variance has skyrocketed. december was decent but i still was experiencing too many days of -15 buy days. so it's gotta be a change in my game right? i know there are quite a few leaks(some which i have to accept for massive multitabling and some that are definitely fixable), so i minimized down to 6-8 was evident from the get go that i was playing far too many hands out of position. that being said......i'm just running like crap! i counted exactly 12 hands where i got in 75 + bb with the nuts against a set and exactly 10 turned to boats and on the flip side made TWO boats with 16 different sets on the flop(most of these werent even against nut hands, they were against draws most of which ended up hitting). my bankroll is hurting a little but i still got bonuses covering all my losses so i'm still green, but i cant be running like this every month can i? i'd really hate to be making like 12k bonuses a month and only seeing 5k of it, POINTLESS, id rather be SHOESALESMAN!

aftermath of a bad session.......

on a side note, after trying to unsuccessfully macgyver boob shots the other night of my bartender..........

she finally gave up and just sent me them, ill have them uploaded tomorrow.

i've never owned a camera (or blog) up until this year and absolutely hated people who always took pictures, but now that i have one i cant stop! i'll be out in NYC tonight so i'll try to get some good pics of NYC sluttiness/bars/lounge/skyline ect.......and HOPEFULLY i don't lose it like usually lose EVERYTHING.

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  PowerHausAA, Jan 16 2009

i think im obsessed with boobs. ive never been a boob guy to begin with(hence my obsession with black women)but not just regular frontal cleavage boobs, but i think side boobage is so sexy. it is the ultimate tease to see boobage from the side!!!! in fact next girl i talk to (april 6th, 2010, trust me i asked the pyschic), i am going to politely ask her to position herself perpendicular to me.

got pretty drunk last night at karaoke night, ended up singing Shakira(that hip song) with 2 other hooligans at the bar, and I'm pretty sure we no longer are ever allowed to sing again. 12 shots of makers after, i had some thoughts about one particular patron.......

.........he is totally pathetic and 36 years old. everyone hates him cuz he is a totally depressing when he's drunk and constantly tells me he was hitler in the past lifetime(and that i was probably himler..WTF!!) and that he has the worst luck cuz of this. he also knows i play poker for a living and he is constantly griping about his terrible luck in poker(the best part is that he only plays freerolls), the last thing i need after a negative 4k day. but i gotta be honest with you.........he is probably the most stand up guy in the whole friggin bar. thought it was funny that of all the people ive met in the last few years......
the types i run into most frequently
-psuedo intelligent girl/guy who nod too frequently when you're talking and uses lines frequently like "here is my philsophical view.........". they over romaticize obama's presidency and seem so irate about people who are republican. there biggest tendency is to make themselves seem above the status quo. YUCK YUCK YUCK BY FAR MY LEAST FAVORITE.

-the ugly duckling, unfortunately so many people fall in this type. i meet these types far more often than any other types. the ones that develop into better looking people than the ones they once were. vanity is always an issue with these people because of there late blossoming, maturity comes a lot slower and painful. they have severe self esteem issues, but have a great gift in empathizing with others' problems, for they can relate greatly with alot of issues, but dont trust or have too much expecation out of them, they can be great useful friends but they need to satisfy/resolve there selfish needs and problems before they can fully give themselves to you as a friend. for guys, he'll totally ditch u for a girl, but ull still probably get a wedding invite. out they wont hesitate to sacrifice friendship to steal your man(dont expect wedding invite)

-the always been hot type.......its like the rich get richer story. you dont even have to be all that good looking to even be in this category. they have high self esteem and have most of the petty bullshit in there life resolved. these people usually dont understand many of the struggles the average person goes through and people are naturally drawn to them(if you're thinking about the hot girl/guy that are always bitches/asshole, they most likely are in the category above). they are the 5 percentile that the rest of the 95 percent want to be with. there lack of baggage makes them already more appealing than they are, no one wants to hang out with depressing people.

-the "i care too much about making sure that everyone knows i dont care at all" type. usually the syndrome starts with them getting fucked over really bad by an ex love. there really fun to hang out usually but its really hard to get close to them due to the thick wall they put up. THEY TOTALLY OVERATE THERE CHILDHOOD(more than any others)

anyways i just found it ironic that of all the people ive met, i found the best virtues in a bald 36 year old single man (who smells like poon funk cuz dont think he soaps when he showers) who is pathetic and self destructive.

im reading this over and im like woah, intense, as i could probably put myself in every single category at one point my life. i know i say "types" but i actually see people in phases, i know the middle two categories are based on looks but it actually is in relevance to there social environment and how THEY percieve themselves. i believe everyone goes through phases in there lives, and this does not decide the character of person you are. i have great deal of faith in humanity, but am a realist also. one of the best lines i heard recently..........I believe most people have good intentions but stupid actions - so I trust nobody including myself!

how this relates to poker......well like in life/poker we all go through phases in our game. the only person that can REALLY help you is yourself. there's nothing we can do about the runner runners we cant seem to ever dodge, or the miracle 1 outer on the river. don't set yourself up to lost or it becomes the inevitable. DONT BE A LEMON!

(Two for the Money)Walter Abrams played by Pacino
You're a lemon. Like a bad car. There is something... there is something inherently defective in you, and you, and you, and me, and all of us. We're all lemons. We look like everyone else, but what makes us different is our defect. See, most gamblers, when they go to gamble, they go to win. When we go to gamble, we go to lose. Subconsciously. Me, I never feel better than when they're raking the chips away; not bringing them in. And everyone here knows what I'm talking about. Hell, even when we win it's just a matter of time before we give it all back. But when we lose, that's another story. When we lose, and I'm talking about the kind of loss that makes your asshole pucker to the size of a decimal point - you know what I mean - You've just recreated the worst possible nightmare this side of malignant cancer, for the twentieth goddamn time; and you're standing there and you suddenly realise, Hey, I'm still... here. I'm still breathing. I'm still alive. Us lemons, we fuck shit up all the time on purpose. Because we constantly need to remind ourselves we're alive. Gambling's not your problem. It's this fucked up need to feel something. To convince yourself you exist. That's the problem.

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short session
  PowerHausAA, Jan 15 2009

feeling a lot better physically but still a little uncomfort. did a short session, should've been 20+ buys but had a run of pretty bad luck towards the end(plus the command center was putting me to sleep).
-running good
-most players would raise here on the flop........however original raiser pretty much only plays strong hands. the way he had been playing i was sure on either kings or k,j AT LEAST so potentially drawing dead on turn/8 outs(against a set) minus whatever spades the others are holding is not a proposition i like. previous to this he would never bet pot unless he was incredibly strong. turns out he even had a straight draw with it too. dream catcher plays incredibly loose and aggressive, and judging by the other hands i had been in with him, he severely over values his hands. he bets pot on turn with the ace making Broadway........first raiser's flat call makes me suspect that he has a set(not the straight). board fills me up on river but still not an easy call at the river. i actually gave folding a thought for a hot second here because of flat call on turn, but folding is not all that appealing here either.
-running well.......i think i have the best hand here on the turn, was expecting him to have 7,8,10/flush draw type of hand. honestly, the blames on him. turn created two flush draws along with a plethora of straight draws and he half pots here(although the argument could be made that half pot is not a bad bet here), but i don't know why he bets so little out of position against such a draw heavy board and lol he just flat calls with 30 bucks behind. i guess in retrospect, he's losing most his money either way.

going to play a bit.......i'll try to remember to post more hands that involve more intricate problems and theory questions(but they're boring anyway lol)

on a side , played some FTP plo 10-50. i got sat out like 40 times cuz the dont blink there screens like Pstars. down to 35 bucks! had it to like 120 at one point but i had some crazy hand at plo50 that went like k k q 4 clubs with board of k 7 6 2 clubs all in flop against 6,6,8,10..........turn 8 river 9. even though its minuscule stakes, there is a bit of excitement of playing on a different site. so i have a little plan for FTP........
i'm going to go a bit old school here and totally grind my roll up.
Currently $35.10(plus 25 bucks in releasable bonuses WOOHOO)
Rules reloading/trading
2.must have 4 buyins of whatever level
3.must play quarter of bankroll at all times (when it drops blow go down levels) more than 2 tables at a time
it'll sort of be like STEPS sng......
gonna start at .05/.10 (round up my 35 to 40)
at $100 .1/.25
$400 .5/1
$800 1/2
$1600 2/4
$2400 3/6
$4000 5/10
$8000 10/20
$20000 25/50
$40000 100/200
$80000 200/400
$400000 500/1000

hahahhahhahaha........easy game right? doubt i'll even make it to .1/.25 lolol but playing cash games tourney style(waiting for high percentage double ups) shall be interesting. probably wasting valuable stars time but what the hell, im bored!

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first rail session/rants
  PowerHausAA, Jan 13 2009

ok so i did that thing where u get free 50 bucks on full tilt or whatever when i signed up on LP(not quite sure what the hell im even supposed to do with 50 bucks and in retrospect maybe i shouldn't have just incase i ever wanted to play there with a rakeback account, if anyone knows how to do it would be of great help), and i started watching the high stakes they dont mess around, never really did the rail watching thing but i was hooked and eventually had to watch 24 on TiVo(which was awesome btw). bet these guy's never played a hubble's free roll haha

i'm finding it amazing as to how many interesting blogs and posts are out there........been kind of in the dark about the online poker community, but it's great!

played a bit yesterday and stopped my session short to grab a few drinks with a friend (she just came back from florida, she was supposed to go to the BCS bowl game but found out her uncle was killed when she got there), then ultimately just ended up hanging at my local bar.

my local bar(more pics to come as this is the only thing aside from poker i do)

my favorite irish bartender(she claims poker isn't a real job, and that men don't mature mentally after 12, SHE'S WRONG! but she does have redeeming factors like.........BIG BOOBS(boob pic to come!)) i hope she's reading this so she can wear a boob shirt next time i see her as i'm sure there would be nothing more exciting for her than to indulge a bunch of degenerate computer gambling community with a boob shot.

i would just like to declare that ive used the bathroom 9 times today and of the non standing variety. no joke, i musta eaten some old lady poon last nite cuz for the first time in like 7 years i almost went to the doctors(i refuse to go to doctors/dentist). graphic, i know, but i felt like william wallace getting gutted at the end of the movie.

probably gonna take the rest of the day off due to my physical situation. too much info?......probably/most definitely but i have nothing poker related to report lol!

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Comments (7)

negtaive 20 buys woohooo
  PowerHausAA, Jan 12 2009

weekend was fun in general(minus below). who woulda thought arizona was gonna beat carolina?!?! actually lil wayne did predict it on espn's first take, in fact he got all 4 picks right(maybe the only person in the country). i had some friends over for the games both sat and sun. although sunday i was playing/watching and my friends got to see the fury that is a bad poker session(i tried to hold it in as much as possible). jill is a die hard giants fan and she was pretty devastated. i generally root for NY teams(minus rangers/knicks and buffalo teams dont count), cuz a winning team = a happy city. i know theres a lot of mets/yankees, jets/giants, islanders/rangers rivalry, but its good for local businesses and give the the town something to talk about, so i root for the majority of the ny teams. ive been sleeping really early these days(earliest i go to bed is around 4 am est), so ive been playing pretty early(noonish). i stopped by broadway(my local bar) last night for a few drinks for the UNC/WAKE game, but ive been going in a lot less(and drinking a lot less), which is a good thing. im also passing out more frequently when i drink nowadays(more frequently than usual). i need to get back into drinking shape lol.

eh..once its done its done, cant let it linger, just get it out of your system and saddle up again. so many of those buys accounted for really bad play on my part. i put my money in way too money times crushed and when i did get it in good was getting destroyed on the river and ran into overfulls vs quads few times. i was probably running like 20 percent on coin flips that were for 75BB or more. still doesn't excuse me for losing more than i should. bad runs always turn me into a calling station and i should just quit instead of trying to hit my daily VPP/FPP quota.

once i get in this general area of the red i buy myself something extravagant. call it reverse logic if you want. the weekend was fairly rough as u can see by the stats. not the worst ive had but none the less pretty bad. i thought at the beginning of they year i should be able to make 300k + (240 coming from bonuses) on the high side and 250 on the really low side. in 2008 i had 2 really bad months, one for (-20k, and one for -9k) the rest of the year was fairly good for me, and even on breakeven/negative months bonuses would put me in the green. ever since ive put in higher volume of hands/tables ive definately seen a drop in profit/hand, but i like the insurance of guaranteed money through bonus, so im going to try to play a little more of a style that doesnt yield -4k sessions(lol so is everyone else i guess).

so onto a big spend.........i think its overpriced($3,269) so if i can just find the brackets i would like to buy it separately.

30 inch middle screen flanked two vertical 20 inchers.

orrrrrr the 3 x 30 inchers ($5,279), i dont think this is necessary, but still considering. dont know what kind of computer setup id need for this.

42,000vpp/2,000,000vpp (gotta long way to go)

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need to shape up!
  PowerHausAA, Jan 10 2009

trying to get back into mental shape to play 20+ tables for more than 6 hours at a time. been making some pretty bad mistakes recently. what should be a 10+ buyin session turns into -2 to +2 session. although my aggressiveness has picked up from the breakeven bs playing i was doing, im still making too many mistakes(small and large) to actually be making any substantial money. also been getting 3 betted all over the place, lol probably deserve it, i played so nitty in nov and dec. other than that fpps are coming in super fast so breaking even is actually winning. in the end its all about money, right? haha it makes me feel better to put it that way.
-kind of scratching my head on this one......i purposely flat call to get almost exact situation i got on flop. i see comments about 4 betting it but this guy is clearly not folding to a 4 bet, had a few big pots with him previous to this one.
i see it like this
situation 1)i 4 bet he'll probably call/shove or just get it in since his hand is ideal to put up against aces.
situation 2) flat call shove on his cont bet. i just cant see how he even might be thinking he's live with a drawless board and a reraise with mid pair.
-frustrating but i still shoved on the turn. losing play for him in the long run :shrug:
-not something i do regularly.....severe position disadvantage too. i shove here against twosevoff cuz well its twosevoff. i have him beat here most the time. 10,7 diamonds snap calls and so do jacks. lol shoot me. even when they called i felt like i was still winning.
-pretty bad suckout, thought i just had to dodge kqj109 to win here. u lose some/win some. i was getting pretty sick of getting 3 betted by this guy too.
-random freerolled. just cuz it was the straight flush, i post.
-i hate myself....everytime im trying to end a session i go do something ridiculous. i was thinking deep stack.......let me try to check this, of course he hits and i blow up on the river and shove. no excuse!

around 33k vpp off pace by 22k (should be at 55k right now) ill put in some longer sessions next few weeks so i can have some time off for superbowl and birthday.

jill can be partially blamed for last hand, i was getting pressure to drink beer and watch bal/ten. snowing in NY should be a fun night out.

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jan 08
  PowerHausAA, Jan 09 2009

gonna try to get all my stats up for last year although it might take a while i stopped using pokertracker after a month in 08 gonna take a while to crunch over a million hands

this is jan 08......

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pre BCS championship session
  PowerHausAA, Jan 08 2009

more random hands not all that interesting but im in the green for the year instead of being 9 buys down........think im gonna take a break for the BCS championship game. i personally like the regular season better to see the new rankings and controversy, bowl games are just wutever. notre dame fan unfortunately.
-i blame myself...out of position and against shortstacker(unprofitable in the long run)
-not much but amazed i won, felt like a triple sit n go style knockout
-downside of so many tables(refer to turn min bet)
-hate these spots, generally a break even proposition getting it all in preflop with aces was hoping for fold but with 25% of stack already in there.....netted around a hundi but kind of made me flat call the next one
-in retrospect i shoulda blasted him on preflop, but was nearing the end of my session so made a wuss flat call plus i knew he was calling a 100% if i repotted, didnt think sb was shoving there.....thought i was beat for sure.
-slow playing is for suckers! mighta worked out for better though.....

lame full ring stats are in red, but ill take the plus +12ish buy session

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setup(the command center)
  PowerHausAA, Jan 08 2009

westinghouse 22 inch 200(sale)and 300$ got 1 a few years back and another a year later.....planning on getting a 30 inch

this recliner is awesome hard to get outta....forces me to play long sessions i guess

i already have bad hearing

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