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???? by Arirang, February 04

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why do we procrastinate? by mnj, February 04

Pretty simple question, was wondering ur responses.

is life that hard and we wish to do things that sort of pause/skip life?
- play video games, or golf, or surf the internet, play billiards, go out with friends

these are all so much easier than doing your hw, studying, keeping up with the news, etc but we all know these are absolutely more + Ev in the longrun

why do we discount the cost of these activities so much? we are rational beings, i suppose, this might be a false premise, but assumign that we are rational beings(we should start from somewhere no?) the only we would choose procrastination is if we truly believe doing the more "productive" thing is actually less +EV than we think, and therefore we can take pleasure in our procrastination.

tell me waht you think. been trying to be logical about the procrastination, (Dota2/watching gomtv)and i've managed to cut it down, but still have massive binges

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An Absolute Legend on Jeremy Kyle by Syllogism, February 04

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decent sam harris video by nolan, February 04

friend linked me this earlier.

gave it solid attention, it's a really interesting/good discussion.

if you guys are bored you may enjoy checking it out.

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Can anyone borrow plo hem by Trolala, February 03


Can anyone lend me plo hem code?

Would like to review some sessions and see whether investing more into that game makes sense.


Some grindin' music.

Anyone likes this electro jazz/swing type music?

Gorillaz liveee:

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my findings released by bigredhoss, February 02

The LP Identity Conspiracy

Ever since Neilly left LP, something has been bothering me. Nobody just leaves LP. Sure, he may have been banned, but at some point he would certainly pop up with a new account as “NeillyQK” or “lovesweedandpoker” or something. But there’s been nothing; it doesn’t make sense. Unless, of course, he never actually left.

After doing some research, I’ve made some interesting comparisons between Neilly and another LP poster + Show Spoiler +

Let’s look at the similarities:

-Both have had their greatest poker success in tournaments

-Both have played online cash games as high as 25/50

-If his name is Neilly, why does he always sign out of his blog posts as “Ryan”? *Suspected same names*

-Both are significantly involved in “staking” in their own particular ways.

-Same age? I was unable to find this data but it has to be close.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. As we all know, Daut loves his math. Whatever floats your boat, I guess. What may be less known, however, is that “Neilly” likes math as well. When Lemon confronted him in this hand, asking if he uses math, the truth came out:

  “im a very mathematical player”

He continues, going on to say:

  “…I know all the odds in poker.

All the odds? Impressive, Neilly. Maybe a little too impressive.

Then there’s Neilly’s well-known fondness of weed. Well, apparently Daut is no noobie to the doobie himself. Interesting how this detail also happens to turn up on Neilly’s blog, too:

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And where does Neilly keep getting his money from, anyway? Are we to believe that people continue to throw money at him given his history? That seems a bit far-fetched. But what if he has a financially successful friend/alternate personality...who just so happens to be in the staking business.

It's easy to see how the pieces of the puzzle fit together now, but in reality he was dropping hints long ago for anyone who paid attention.

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And of course there's the bi-polar issue. Neilly has mentioned being bipolar in numerous blog posts. Now I want you to stay with me on this. Before the PCA win, before CardRunners, before staking and significant cash game success, what was Daut known for? Making mind-bogglingly nitty folds. He posted hand after hand, folding bottom set on a dry board, and was swarmed by other posters saying that such things are not done. This certainly must have eaten at his psyche. I believe this is what spurred on the creation of his alternate personality.

All of the rage and animosity he had built up over being called a nit all the time finally had an outlet. His alternate personality could do all the things he never could - have no regard for money, and live a care-free life of degeneracy without an ounce of common sense. What a wonderful release that must have been.

Finally, I'll leave you with this cryptic block of text left by Daut (again, in Neilly's blog)...

  ”I actually respect neilly quite a bit. Despite his mistakes he has an amazing work ethic and a really good attitude. He also does have some impressive results in tournaments. He is a great example of someone with very limited brain power who can succeed in poker by working really hard and staying positive. Almost everyone else that is successful on LP is very smart or at least has above average intellect. Neilly seems like he might be the dumbest person on LP. I would be surprised if his iq was above 90. I mean the guy might even be clinically Mentally Retarded. Neilly is working with much less upstairs than everyone else but has actually accomplished a lot more than many other LPers. Of course he did go ahead and flush most or all of those successes down the toilet by playing in games he shouldnt have, but that doesnt mean he wasnt a good poker player in his own game.

We can learn a lot from how hard neilly grinds and always seems to keep a positive attitude despite getting hated on nonstop, being perpetually broke, playing absurd hours in poker, having the intelligence of a 2 year old down syndrome child and constantly trying to pay off debts. im curious how far you guys would go if you made forrest gump look like albert einstein.”

What the fuck does that even mean? Nobody really knows. It's like a compliment tortilla stuffed with flames. But if that isn't a bipolar-sounding quote I don't know what is.

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Reading by Daut, February 02

My mom's kindle was tilting the shit out of her. She would order stuff from amazon and it wouldnt show up in her library, its a simple device with no buttons and hard to get used to and she preferred reading on her ipad so she gave it to me. Since then i've read 7 books and can barely put the thing down.

books ive read:
hunger games trilogy - was an enjoyable and quick read.

ready player one:
awesome book. it was basically like someone combined the 1980s with an MMORPG. would recommend any nerd who knows anything about the 80s to read it.

Ender's Game:
Really disappointed that 12 year old Daut never read this book. But very glad 28 year old Daut finally discovered it.

Speaker for the Dead:
The sequel to Ender's Game. Well kind of the sequel. The author later decided to add lots of prequels and interquels so there are a few books that take place in between, but this is the next book he wrote in the series and I have decided to skip over most of the others. Loved it even more than Ender's game.

the third book in the Ender's game series. its somewhat different than the first two, its turned very philosophical and talky but I love it. I have never been as infuriated with characters in a work of fiction as I am with this book and I think thats a good sign. I imagine most people who read Ender's Game either stopped after the first or second book and never reached the third. Def worth continuing forward.

My february reading list is the last few books in the Ender's game series. Children of the Mind and whatever comes after that in the main ender series. Then I will probably move on to some nonfiction works.

my nonfiction reading list:
Fooled by randomness:
A universe from nothing by Lawrence Krauss:
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins:

you guys recommend anything else that falls into line with the books ive been reading? or any recommendations whatsoever,im on pace to read about 85 books this year so probably have time for just about everything

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Why so small? by NewbSaibot, February 02

That was the question of the night, when I adjusted my preflop raise strategy to always consist of 3.5BB+1/limper. I recently asked for some advice on how to deal with preflop overbetting in loose live games. Anyone who has played live surely knows what I'm talking about, as it is a very common occurrence. Basically fish have evolved to open 8-10BB's on average to try and limit how many players actually call them. They're trying to "weed out the rift raft" as they often put it, as they only want good hands to call them. That way when they lose they dont feel bad about being sucked out on, cuz "hey, at least you had a good hand". I started doing it too, albeit only because I expected to get massive value out of inferior hands. But it just never worked out right. So I said fuck it and played like I would online.

I ended up running $200 up to $1100 in 6 hours. It was like nothing. Sure I got a few extra callers at times, but really nothing that made life difficult for me. And now I'm not investing 40BB's every fucking hand I play. I even got a few jabs when people were like "lol, why are you raising so small, this isnt like last night". The greatest was raising $8 utg and being told "wow I didnt put you on aces with such a small raise" after I stacked one guy. And then 5 hands later stacking someone again with 24s when I raised $7 in the CO (guy tried to slowplay me in the BB with AA). While it might seem silly to balance your range vs fish, they do sorta notice what you're doing a little bit. They dont really adjust their ranges vs you, they just adjust their calling frequency.

What I found really advantageous about using online betsizing is that it allowed mt to raise speculative hands preflop like suited connectors and all my PP's. I could never raise $20 utg with 44 previously, but $7? Sure. And it works out great that 6 people call because thats exactly what I want with 44 anyway. And if I have AK and flop top pair, chances are it's the best hand anyhow and most of the table will fold to a cbet, and the 1-2 people who call are dominated as usual. So getting the pot HU doesnt really seem to serve any great purpose, since their ranges are all garbage in the first place. Online isolation is much more relevant since you actually expect callers and limpers to have playable hands. You really arent happy with AK when you raise $8 vs a bunch of regs and get 3 callers. But live it's fuckin ez peezy, because there's really no threat other than blatant suckouts which are far and few between.

Ultimately, I just felt so much more comfortable, like I was playing online more or less. The SPR was always fitting, I wasnt overcommitted to hands, everything just clicked since I felt like I was in control of every hand I played. Going to keep up this strat for awhile and make sure I wasnt just running hot.

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January by MARSHALL28, February 02

Sigh. So I finished January +34,040. I know this would normally be a celebratory post but to know that I won 56k in one day and lost 22k spread out over all the other days, it's hard to feel like a winner. Feels sorta like I'm gambling and randomly got lucky one day. Never really felt like this before.

Lost like 19k on the last day of the month, realized I got back to taking too many norcos again and that it again was affecting my play. Obviously have been trying to detox myself from those since that day and have been taking a few days off. Good thing I've had other stuff to take my mind off of it lately. Hopefully that continues.

I've probably been playing more than a few guys HU who have an edge over me lately. Easy to tell since I lost a grip to a few specific people while playing HU and had a general overall win from the rest of my games. I'm just not as good as some people and the higher I try to play HU vs guys who will play anybody, the more money I feel I'm likely to lose. Am I improving? Yes, but I don't think I'm improving enough to justify shot taking @ 10/20 and 15/30 vs players better than me. I need to keep those shots vs those guys at 5/10 from now on. That's the adjustment I'm making for next month and the rest of the year. Just barely on pace for my goal of earning 400k for the year so that's a good thing. Guess we'll see what happens next month and those to follow.

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January by Fayth, February 01

So I started grinding again after being pretty freaking inactive for the past 2 years (now a proud daddy of a little girl and a little boy) I was never really motivated to grind, always wasting a lot of time playing SC2 or whatever else....

So yeah I went to WPT Montreal in late November for the 3.3k main event and luckily I finished 11th for $32k and had action of 2 of my friends who finished 1st and 2nd that added an extra ~$30k to my winnings... this kinda motivated me to get back into it, I don't remember exactly how much I've made in december, I've played a lot of live games in december and almost no online and I think I won something like 6 or 7k

January I decided I would give a shot at HU again since it's where I've made most of my money and I enjoy it a LOT more than 6max/FR, despite having very very little action at 2/4 and up (almost exclusively regulars) I still had quite a bunch of people play me at 1/2 and 0.5/1 so here are the HU results

I lost like $3k at 3/6 6max prior to that on like january 2nd I believe and won $1.2k on my laptop.. I also went to Niagara Falls for the fallsview poker classic, won like $3k playing cash games, busted from the $2.5k event and final tabled the $5k event and despite being chip leader the tournament was fairly shallow and I ran like garbage on the FT against shortacks... busted 5th for $44k (swapped like 35% of my action with several people). Played some live games in quebec, one of them was 1/2 PLO where I went godmode and won a little bit less than $3k lol

Overall I think It's a little bit more than $40k in profits, I'm pretty happy about my results, I was aiming for a +$150k year so I'm well on pace

oh and for those who'd be interested here are pictures of my children

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Jan 2013 by Jamie217, February 01

At the end of the year I had to withdraw a fair amount of my BR for real life shit, so that left me with enough to grind 100nlzoom for Jan. 100zoom is incredibly soft and I started mixing in 200zoom a bit but kept running bad over short samples with a small roll so I kept having to stick to 100. Volume wise I did alright, mostly 4 tabling so 80k hands is ok but Feb is going to be a lot worse for volume

Going to Florida for a golf trip on Monday for a week and then Cuba on the 20th with a bunch of friends to an all inclusive resort so Im pretty pumped about all of that. Essentially it means I will only be playing poker for 12-14 days of the month though so hopefully 30k/40k hands would be nice but we'll see.

These stats are from my desktop and laptop so thats why there is a split



Superbowl on Sunday as well, everyone seems to be on San Fran so I might put some money on Balt....Whats everyone think?

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January by Rinny, February 01

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January by ToT)MidiaN(, February 01

As I'm aiming for SNE this year, I thought I'd start blogging a bit more about poker and hopefully find some extra motivation that way. In the past I've talked about what's going on in my life as well as poker in my blog, but this year I'm just gonna post about poker.

I've been playing 8 tables of Zoom200 and 500 in the hope of making enough VPPs for SNE by the end of the year and, somewhat luckily, January was my best winning cash game month since early 2011, which was the last time I was going for SNE (Was on pace until halfway through Feb then made ~100k VPPs for the rest of the rest) and doing well at PLO. However January has been the worst month I ever remember having at tournaments, though this isn't the end of the world since I've never put in much volume in tournaments so it's not much of a loss monetarily. Clearly, I'm largely doing so well due to my running way way above expectation at Zoom500, but I think that situationally I've ran pretty atrocious there. I do think there's a sizable skill gap between Zoom200 and Zoom500, but not so much that I should have near enough 7bb/100 EV winrate at Zoom200, and a negative one at Zoom500. TCOOP was the reason for the poor tournament results, nothing good happened there and I was only close to a deep run in one tournament, the $320 knockout NLHE tournament where I had above average chips with ~180 players left, only to bust not long after due to 2 lost flips. A shame, because the prizes were increasing rapidly from then on out, but not really a surprise given that average chips at that point was about 10bbs.

HEM2 Screenshots:

So for the month:
VPPs: 63,358.97 (20k behind SNE pace)
Cash: +$20,496.21
MTTs: -$3,829.33
Overall: +$16,666.88 (Not including fpps and bonuses)

Next month I'm mainly just hoping to have a positive EV winrate at Zoom500, aim for ~4bb/100 EV winrate at Zoom200, and get in as close to 100k VPPs as possible and start to make some headway on SNE.

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january by Stroggoz, January 31

slightly ahead of pace for SNE. @95k vpps.

just 8 tabled 100/200 zoom all month. So i didn't play that well. But i think i ran pretty bad as well, prob the worst i've ever run if i include last month which was equally as bad.

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Stupid game sometimes by Enigma, January 31

What a dumb month...

at least finished in the black, but for almost half the month was running in the red. came very close to busto at one point. Had to move down a few limits for about 5 days as I didn't have enough buy-ins to play my usual number of tables.

Looking forward to Feb.; gonna be in Vegas from 8th-12th, and in the meantime will try to keep online results in the black.

GLHF everyone!

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January by Mortensen8, January 31

Was going for sne was never gonna happen and now I got job again..
Wish I didn't play any nlhe.
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January! by player999, January 31

Ran really really bad, but thats ok, I learned a lot and from talking to people there are a lot of them running even worse, pretty sick this game we play tbh. Had 1 MTT session and made 4 FTs and though they were all micros they helped the comeback. Failed the 50k VPP goal by ~2k but thats not so bad.

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North Korea by nolan, January 31

I think the telegraph might lean a little towards sensationalism in their reporting but still a bit concerning.

From a geo-political standpoint the situation in the Korean peninsula is very tense. China in particular is in a very precarious position with regards to somewhat needing the status quo situation in Korea and at the same time being irritated at the position North Korea threatens to put them into if they were to actually act out toward South Korea or US Military bases.

Oddly enough, this is all also tied into the situation in Syria.

I know North Korea has more or less been a pretty sick bluffer for the past few decades but there are a lot more indicators than usual that things are getting pretty dicey.

I, for one, am perpetually nervous about the situation in the Korean Peninsula.

What do you guys think?

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Tablet Suggestions? by c4rnage, January 31

Im thinking on buying a tablet in the range of $100-400, could be higher but not much, my principal reason is to read books/magazines, but that doesn't mean im not interested on using other applications, web, etc.
Only thing that must be, is 10inch.
My first choice is the Galaxy Tab 2, but i have read that it has its problems when playing 1080hd, probably this is nothing to worry about but in the case i end up loading 1080hd material i wouldn't like to have problems playing it, and for the specifications that i has apparently the cost is high... so im looking for alternatives (no Ipads please)


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Finding + Fixing Leaks Two Hour Sesh by r0mx0, January 31

Hey i am offering myself for this kind of session , offers pls send message , thnx

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