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BW to poker - difference and how to make money? by DragOn_, May 23

Hello all, this is my first post on PS. Ive played BW off and on for about 10 years and achieved a high level of play within the game. I love BW and I could play it all day, I think the strategic depth and perfection of balance is beautiful, and I was very addicted - but I cant afford to invest any more time in it atm and Im looking for ways to make money and move ahead in life as well. Enter poker

I started out playing micro limits heads up, and then moved to NL2 and NL5 9player zoom games. Both of which I had very limited success with. Im having difficulty believing in a solid strategy to win online poker, although I know there are people that do succeed at it, many of whom also played bw first. I think to myself "If they can do it, so can I, I just need to find out what they know that I dont". Ive become frustrated though. The way I played bw seems to be dissimilar to the way people win at poker.

I played a defensive macro style in bw, aiming to cut corners wherever possible but always remain safe to any aggression through careful scouting. In poker though, "scouting" seems impossible without some kind of tracking software, and wins seem to be based more off prediction and feeling than any real knowledge of what is the correct move. You guess what skill level your opponent is, and what thought process he therefore will be using to beat you, and then level him. I dont see how that is a reliable strategy though, especially considering that most regs play many tables at once. I cant imagine being able to get inside the heads of any opponents when you have only a second or two to spend at each table to make the correct move, so the decision must come down to some predetermined formula, or gut feeling in the moment.

Maybe I just dont know enough about it to understand its depth, but poker strategy seems too simple to be a consistent money maker in a field of players who all know the same basic rules. Yet there are people who do consistently make money off of it what is the difference between winners and losers/break-even players? The way I see poker now I would compare it to rock-paper-scissors. Lets say for example in a 9player games, player1 3bets from mid position, and player2 in late position reraises him (4bets? still getting used to poker terminology..). So by reraising, player2 is representing that he has a strong hand like AA or KK. Player1 should probably fold unless he also has AA or KK. But given that thought process of player1, player2 could reraise with much less than AA or KK, assuming that player1 would fold in that situation most of the time. Player1, knowing that player2 could be thinking to reraise with anything and expect a fold, could call or even go all-in after the re-raise to represent AA or KK and force a fold...etc. Which of these are the correct play? Is there a correct play? Theres no play that cant be beaten some of the time, so the objective is to go for the play that will win more than 50% of the time, but the way to determine that is unclear and very unreliable as far as I can see.

I have some questions for those more experienced than me:

-is there a certain amount you should expect to win per hour/per something on average compared to the limited you play at, that indicates you are doing well? for example at a NL5 table maybe you could expect to win on average 2dollars per hour...also what is a good time period to base these averages off? 10hours? a week? a month?

-are tracking devices and playing the opponent what makes a winning player, or is it possible to win without having to pay for shit like that (I assume u have to pay for HUD or whatever else people use)

-how long does it take to grow from a noob to someone who can make 10hour..15/hour..20/hour..30/hour etc

and most importantly, what is the difference between people like me who arent making money, and those who are. would someone be interested in coaching me?

TLDR just read the bulleted parts
thanks for any feedback!

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The Tech Struggle by 2primenumbers, May 23


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pokerstove? by tooker, May 23

Anyone know where i can download pokerstove and it not be out of date? And if not what's a comparable program that is free?

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200 paypal for 200 stars by Fujikura, May 22

Anybody need it? :D K4ir0s?

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Working on one thing at a time by Enigma, May 21

Hey LPer's
For the past few months I have been working with a personal development coach, working on my business and interpersonal/employee relations.
Coupled with the reading I have been doing I feel like I am rapidly transforming my life. Using some of these principles applied to poker I give you this video.

Depending on the viewer response I may go further with the abstract self development aspects or revert back to helping people grasp the math and logic of the game.


Please enjoy and share,

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Passion by k4ir0s, May 21

When I was younger I remember always feeling passionate about something, whether it was starcraft, or poker.. I would always be on the lookout for something to invest most of my energy in. Whatever it was, there was always a sense of wonder about it. Now that i'm older, things feel more plain, and I find it difficult to feel excited and diligent like before.

I miss that feeling more than anything, and I despise growing old. I recently moved to Montreal to start doing mma, hoping to spark my passion . I'm also getting back into poker, because my funds are getting low!

Do you guys still feel passionate about things in your lives?


I know it's old, and quite of few of you prob already watched it

but I think it's a must watch for those of you who haven't

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Neat way to perform multiplication by 2primenumbers, May 20


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Neat way to perform multiplication by 2primenumbers, May 20


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Move cursor to bet box? by k4ir0s, May 19

I haven't played on stars in awhile..

Is there a hotkey setting that lets me move cursor to betting box? in stars, or tableninja.

I use to have a program called 'Stars Auto Hotkeys" or something like that, but it doesn't work anymore.

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LF mtts/turbo 180s stake. Again. by SPEWTARD, May 19

got a deal, nvm. <3

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Movie(the "free" kind) Recos by whamm!, May 17

fresh movie from norway, nice plot change but dont watch the trailer

Korean gangster movie - worth the watch

Teddy KGB is cheesy in this, still the story should've been awesome if they spent a little more money

Mehico, drugs, violence, documentary - great if you want to appreciate how lucky you are to be born in your city (except if you're Baal)

Watched this as an adult now, didn't realize how fucking good this movie was. Something about old movies trailblazing genres ...

Found footage movie but the decent kind,

Nice thriller

Armstrong dbagness

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joined an actual gym by mnj, May 17

I fell back to 138 from 145 lbs. It just feels so hard to keep on weight. Eating has become an absolute chore and my jaw is so tired and sore like you've chewed gum for 5 straight days. Been eating ground beef with various vegetables, zucchini, onions, garlic, scallions, shallots, brocoli, cauliflower, snow peas, green beans etc. and i started putting olive oil in my protein shakes and coffee instead of coconut oil on top of taking fish oil and magnesium supplements.

here's a small infographic on olive oil/coconut oil.

i think the key is that olive oil seems to help more with inflamation similar to fish oil.

i've been looking forward to going to an actual gym with barbells for squats, deadlifts and bench. i've been working out in an apartment home gym with just dumbbells. while i think there are benefits to dumbbells , for instance balance and making sure each arm or leg is working to lift weights (u can also do different weights like a 30 and 35 in your left/right hand for chest press), i think the load factor of barbells help more for building muscle.

this is strictly anecdotal but i think barbells stress your entire body in terms of both muscular and skeletal structure and because of that puts your body in a much more anabolic mode and builds both muscle and bone. i used to have knee pain back in highschool when i was playing tennis like 4-5 hours a day. much later in college i started squatting like it cured cancer and was astonished to find that my knee pain disappeared . i think with dumbbells you are more strictly targeting the muscles but without the benefits of loading or stressing your entire body. i think longrun with a "denser" skeletal structure, one is able to put on more muscle.

something i forgot about gyms, was how rampant broscience is. i just want to say that back in undergrad because of a few friends, i blindly followed "leangains" or intermittent fasting. i was always skeptical but when all your roommates are working out on empty stomachs it's hard not to follow. i think one of the best models or life frameworks when questioning bullshitty claims is an evolutionary approach.

insert skeptical african child: so you're telling me you're going to get even bigger gains when working out on an empty stomach?

so i eventually read the entire pdf of "eat stop eat" and started to check every citation. some of the ones i still remember was a piece that read something along the lines of "working out fasted provides even bigger gains" and the citation read something like "strength training while fasted does not lead to muscle loss". so the author basically mis interpreted the citation; just because it's not negative doesn't mean it's positive. it can be zero. also the very next paragraph stated that working out in a fasted state decreased the ability to perform isometric, eccentric, concentric exercises.

i still think there might be advantages in leangains but that they are mostly fat related or diet related.

anyways if you're serious about working out and are just starting or a beginner, tune out all the bullshit. there are better things to do than discuss if jizzing reduces the ability to lift more weight (lets be real it does). just pick up the heaviest weight you can sensibly lift (good form) and shoot for 20 reps total however you want to split it. stick with squats, deadlits and bench press in that order.

google mark rippetoe youtube for videos on correct form.

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DH Bucharest recap by napoleono, May 16

I promised some pics, so here they are. Overall it was pretty awesome and had a lot of fun. Got to listen to Tasteless, Artosis, Demuslim and Incontrol cast for 2 days straight from like 1 meter away. Also managed to convince wife to come with me for a couple of hours and from what I could tell she had her share of fun considering the circumstances and that she barely recognizes the races in sc2 :D

On my way to the event (this park is like 5 min walk from the place I live) :

The venue:

My shy wife:

The event is about to start (this pic got retweeted by Demu ):

Free stuff from HyperX -Its just HyperX! (related video ^^)

Behind the bars:

Heading home after Day 1:

You wanna piece of me boy?

TLO casting after being eliminated:

And the others are resting in the meanwhile:

Jjakji just found out that WCS is due to start in 2 weeks and he had travel plans with his soon-to-be-fiance as they were getting engaged in a couple of days :D Poor guy was devastated, but his english is pretty decent ^^

Top8 about to start - main stage only sc2 from now on:

JaeDong with Smyx after taking down Snute

Me with Tastosis - shitty pic taken by a random stranger


....about to start:

And awkard celebrating gif (as we are used to in all DHs):

All in all it was awesome. Recently they announced DH Masters which will be held in November, cant wait it. Also next year they wanna do the event at a 30k football stadium :D Esports is well and alive.

Take care guys

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Protein and Cholesterol by mnj, May 16

Can u eat bad or good cholesterol?

Is the cholesterol in protein alarming? My goals are more health oriented vs gaining muscles

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255 stars, for PP by k4ir0s, May 15

I can actually use more PP money, let me know if any of you want stars$. i'll pay 5% extra

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Another online poker ban? by Surge, May 15

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121.60 paypal for stars by Fujikura, May 15


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Ex GF story 2 lol :) by PplusAD, May 15

Some of the guys here may remeber , most probably dont
about 3 1/2 years ago from now i did a post about my EX GF (at that time she was still my GF)and how fucked up things were.

It was a long and sick story that i wrote in a Topic called GF Story that i did delete later on.
it got alot of attention and responses were very mixed.

Some said she is a crazy bitch and i should run
others said she may be overreacting and crazy but i was an absolute asshole and shoulda expectet to get what i deserve ...(Well still cant see how ..but people have different opinions)

Well end of story at that time was that i took full risk and called the police which ended our relationship and made her flee to Austria ....
(It was a bit risky since she told me she would accuse me of rape and domestic violence if i ever called the police ... And there was a good chance i could run into problems with the way she is and our relationship was but i took the risk and trusted in karma)
worked out.
She flet the country

I was free

Now 3 1/2 years later i get a facebook message from a guy who is sad to live in Austria.
I figured its would be something related to my ex gf and so i didnt block him instantly but let him talk:

His Words:
Sorry to bother you and i dont know if there is anything that can come out of thet conversation but i am desperate and dont know what else to do.
My live is a complete mess and currently i cant see a way out.
I am the Boyfriend of your ex GF (J....H....) and have a child with her (2months old).
My life is an absolut desaster right now
This girl is destroying my soul but i cant see a way to get rid of her without loosing my child.

If i break up she will turn my child against me and my own blood will always hate me ...the father who left the family behind.
But i cant stay together with her.
She is so fucking crazy.... she completely ruins my life and does things u probably cant imagine.
Is there any chance by any means u can give me some tipps on what to do ?
I just dont know what to do anymore
i am lost

I replied:

Well i know exactly what she is capable of and what she does.
And i feel sorry for you since i was in the same position kinda ...
This girl crushes souls as an addiction.
There is some fights u just cant win.
And trying to have a happy Life with this person involved in ---> thats a fight u just cant win.
Sucks for you

Forget about your child and run .....or be a slave to a demon for the rest of your life.
choose the lesser evil

->and then i blocked him.

sicklife T_T

If i was in his position with a child.... i could only see 1 way out
as hard as it is....
the pain of leaving the child behind is nothing on a scale compared to having this demon involved in your daily life for the rest of your years

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PLO Casual by Bejamin1, May 14

I've recently begun playing poker again after a relatively long hiatus. My story in poker is like many of us. I was good enough to earn money back when the games were soft and I was lucky enough to box a few tournaments to turn in a decent haul for my time invested. Then when Black Friday hit I stopped playing because I'd recently transferred most of my roll to FTP.

I'll preface this with some facts - I've always been a casual grinder, even if for flickering moments of good run I aspired to be more. I've always been mostly a mediocre poker player with mostly built his game on what videos, books and forums told me I should be doing. I played what most know as the "exploitation style" which relied heavily on a HUD.

I've returned to poker fresh with a completely different take on how I approach not just playing the game but thinking about the game. I more or less used to hate poker and I never found any joy in it. I was locked into one way of thinking and one way of doing things and spent most of my sessions mindlessly grinding within the rules of what I thought was good poker. I'm happy to say that is no longer the case, and not surprisingly I'm now thoroughly enjoy playing the game.

One of the biggest changes I've recently made is in bankroll management. I used to tell myself I should follow the 20 buy-in rule. Move up as soon as I have 20 for the next limit. This approach left me constantly stressed and playing as scared money. This is especially painful in PLO when sessions can often swing +/- 10 buy-ins. Not exactly friendly to those risk of ruin parameters. I've since decided on a 100 buy-in rule. I will dominate each stake I play before I move up. And I will do it all whilst freeing myself from the stress of constantly worrying about the status of my bankroll.

My decision to do this isn't for everyone. Neither are a lot of the sometimes odd things I do "just to see what happens" in various hands I play and post. Some are posted for comedy, and some out of boredom. I probably should post less bad-beat hands, but my comically bad run in 3-bet pots just amuses the shit out of me.

As of today the BR is at 1394, My shot at 25PLO will come when I reach 1500. Below is my graph of the last 1 1/2 months. One for SD vs. NSD and the other for winnings vs. adjusted winnings. I find the spike in redline at the end pretty fun. I work full-time and I'm busy as fuck with my Master's on the side of that so I only play when I have free time.

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New avatar by LemOn[5thF], May 14

How do you guys like it?

Also I read this book:
in 2 days.
Such a fun read, it was a fast flowing novel such a great de-tilter I'd recommend

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