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Leftovers by RiKD, November 26

Just some leftovers at the time.

PUA (Pick up Artist/Artistry)

I dabbled in PUA in my 20s. I will say the one thing it did for me is showed me the ease in which a dude can walk up to a woman in a club or bar and start a conversation. That was pretty powerful at the time. Now, there are a million things wrong with PUA. One of them being this focus on make outs. There were plenty of times I would get a make out in a public place and it virtually meant nothing. In fact, make outs in public places should not ever be happening. This is all like kind of late 18s – early 20s when people are just starting to get more drunk and it can get pretty sloppy out there. Hell, I started drinking in 7th grade I should have known better. In 7th grade we would play spin the bottle or 2 people go into a closet and make out or just time people making out. So, make outs do matter in the fact that it's a first kiss scenario but really it should be happening in more of a discrete way and with people who are vetted and not just complete strangers.

Holiday Loneliness

Perhaps because my libido has been shot since I have felt so crummy lately this has helped but there has not been much holiday loneliness thus far. I have no desire to go to a club and get a make out but it is not like the fact that I have no one to cuddle with under the covers on a cold night has not really phased me much either. I did start going to AA again which helps with friends. It has also helped that there were no Aunt Karens at the Thangsgiving dinner table. I am willing to be a little lonely in general if it means less headaches in the future.


I don't know who is in control I just know that many times it doesn't feel like me. I question myself. If I don't question myself and life just moves I am either on the tracks of determinism or free will. Determinism would feel like free will but I swear there are times that free will is free will and doesn't feel like anything but free will.

But in general I have to get out of my head especially if I am manic. I saw the blue fairy in the blue lights though. I saw a lot of things. I hallucinate. I have synesthesia. That bridge to guardian angels and new worlds and new gods is such mind fuck. I've seen it; I've been there. I don't want to drive 129 mph in a 45 mph with Orbital – The Box – Part 2 blaring as loud as it will go. Actually, to be more truthful I do want to do that... I don't want to kill anyone and I don't want to lose my license though.

c my love,
help guide me,
you are an og,
like ri, like zoé, like me

That's how I pray today. I pray to complicated new gods of new dimensions with horrific poetry.

I also don't think I am as manic as what I am writing. It's almost like I am playing a character of manic me.

Oh well, I should probably find something else to do.

r Love x y Love x z Love ...

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Been sick by RiKD, November 23

I've been sick with a really ferocious cold like 6 days. Allegedly not Covid which is probably a good thing. My sleep is awful. I mean I slept most of today thank goodness but it is all in like 1 hours blocks and then I have really bad coughing fits. Then I thought I could control the dreams. Which I could to a degree but if I slept for like 2 hours from 1-3am I lost control. I am at a point now I don't want vivid dreaming, lucid dreaming, I just want to sleep for like 1 12 hour block. That's all I want in this world. Due to my aches and general dissatisfaction basically nothing as brought me joy. All entertainment is banal. I feel like shit and don't feel like getting anything done at a time I need to get stuff done. I am trying not to make it stressful and just survive on a basal level but I hate that survival zone. So, that's what I've been up to. Suffering and more suffering. How are you?

I think part of the reason I am posting this is so I can post in the future if I can't sleep. It is brutal to wake up every hour until like 3am and can't sleep. Hopefully, I can make things interesting but who knows.

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Spirituality by RiKD, November 12

To a degree I need to be more concerned about the spirit and the soul versus material and physical things. That is rich coming from someone whose finances could make a grown man cry. I don't necessarily have to be a born again Christian but it is wise to know Christ. Hiring a meditation teacher and meditating all day and reading all day and attempting to follow 15 or 16 or 17 precepts is / was close to insanity. By the way, the cravings and the suffering never disappeared. It's not like Christ or God is going to get me out of this predicament but maybe some warm tea and Erykah Badu might for a period of time. D'Angelo and white tea. Lauryn Hill and white tea. I am a white supremacist with my tea and a black supremacist with my spirit. Mi Esprit.

Maybe this is more important for me because I am an alcoholic and all around addict. Maybe I am forced to think about this stuff more. I don't really know what normies think about but sometimes maybe it is tough to relate to them as humans. I related more to my cat than someone that enjoys The View.

Read The Trouble with Being Born by Emil Cioran and try and refute it. I cannot. God is dead and we killed him. Try to refute Nietzsche on important matters. I could try to start reading off of Oprah's Book Club but cleaning up vomit all of the time would get tiresome.

I need to be in diners at 4:00 AM laughing my ass off with groups of people with fucked up sense of humor.

I need to be in forests. Deep, dense forest.

I probably shouldn't make fun of other peoples' spirituality unless it is funny?

I wish to be free.

There are many ways to be free in a place like the USA and many ways not to be free.

The fact that freedom of expression is valued is a rather large plus here. It is depressing to list all the ways in which I am not free. I am free to buy hundreds of different brands of shampoo (I forget who said this). I am free to starve to death.

I am free to write. I am free to groove. I am free to do a bunch of coke and go to a disco and pick up some slut hog and have a hell of a night, hell of a life yikes.

"Just being the best version of my self 24/7/365, all day every day, can't stop, won't step, whooooo!!!!" yikes

Sometimes I want to just settle in to some peace and quiet and lie down and read some Dune for a while.

Life can be exhausting no?

Imagine the first zip line through a jungle in Costa Rica and like the 17th zip line through a jungle in Costa Rica. Really, by 9 I was like get me off this thing.

Really think about the first time entering someone and then keeping that excitement going for like 10-20 min. I've fucked for 44 min. and that was just stupid. I don't mind a woman coming first or playing with herself or toys or really whatever although I am not man enough to let her peg me. I think it is hilarious to joke about getting pegged but for me no thanks unless the dildo is the size of a Pringles can.

But, I think we all need some form of spirituality in our lives. What happens when the laughter stops?

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just want to say by lostaccount, November 04

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It's over in a way unless we adjust by RiKD, November 03

I'm 37. It's virtually over for me and I won't even go through the years of maxing my salary but why are we concerned with all of that. Maximizing salary means likely maximizing staring at the wall in a cubicle... I don't mean to make this into some Fight Club bullshit. I can't sleep. It's the night time. It's the right time for some Tribe Called Quest. If there is one thing that works in my life it's A Tribe Called Quest at night.

I miss painting. Now, there is a timeless activity. That brings me happiness until at least 90 or so or I start losing my vision like Matisse or Picasso. The next step is I need a studio and learn oil paints. I more or less wrecked the carpet in my parents' home so no more painting there. Painting is one activity I don't feel bad for being 37. I just love doing it.

I saw somewhere today that if someone wants to retire at 40 and have a $150,000 burn rate they need $9,000,000. That seems really absurd but it is also not that tangible to me. Some days like today I am ok being 37 with a liver disease that could kill me in a horrible, painful, nauseating downfall in 2 years.

Telling me to get a job. Of course. I am looking. It is kind of hard to know how much to even settle for. Inflation has been so wild it almost seems like less than $20/hr and I am getting taken advantage of. I mean I am still getting taken advantage of but something I can live with realistically.

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Tips on obtaining a free checkbook (US Banks) by hiems, November 02

Im going to share my tip on how to obtain a free checkbook.

If you come across a decent amount of money (idk the exact amount) but let's say 25k or 30k or maybe even 15k. Check to see if you can be upgraded to your bank's preferred checking account. Most likely this tier will come with a free checkbook.

Now, it's important to note that these tiers are a scam and its dumb to have that much money in your checking account for no good reason.

Anyway basically once you get to the preferred checking tier they will mail you your free checkbook. Once you receive it, you can promptly proceed to downgrade to regular checking and siphon away all of the money to wherever you want.

The bank will not retaliate against you, and you have just won yourself a checkbook that will have otherwise cost you at least $10.

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How I broke the code to contact lenses in the USA by hiems, November 02

I haven't worn contact lenses in awhile because I never liked them. But I decided to try em out again recently a month or so ago.

I realized since I don't like wearing them generally I would give the daily lenses a shot. My plan was only to wear them a couple times a year.

I got my eye exam and contacts fitted and they said they would do a follow up in a week or so. During this time I only wore it like 2 times despite being given like a 2 week supply. Afterwards during my followup I said it wasn't all that comfortable and the optometrist said there was an even more comfortable lens. We ordered that and I picked up the 2 weeks supply that was free again and I haven't worn it at all.

Now I basically have a month's supply of contact lenses which will last me the whole year and I didnt have to pay for it at all.

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Sebastian died by RiKD, October 30

My cat Sebastian died last night. I walked into the bathroom and he was surrounded by vomit barely gasping for air.

I am trying to write jokes to put a 10 minute set together and all I can think about were the gasps and his entirely limp body as I put him into the cat carrier. I am pretty sure he stopped breathing 10 min. into a 20 min. trip to the ER. RIP. I had a vivid dream last night that he was alive and sleeping with me in my bed but then I half woke up and he obviously was not there. It could be phantom Sebastian for a while here. I don't know what stage of grief I am in but Sebastian was my favorite cat I ever had and I am sad.

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Crypto Job by Nitewin, October 28

Hi my name is Nitewin. I am looking for a job, preferably remote.

Anyone know of any solid remote jobs that pay decent?

Is the Crypto job still available by any chance?

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I am an addict by RiKD, October 07

Just feel like letting one fly over here. I am an addict. I just ate 2 bars of orange dark chocolate because there was just not much else going on and I was uncomfortable with my self. The ticking of my blue switch mechanical keyboard brings me pleasure.

I have been feeling uncomfortable lately like I need help from a miracle worker therapist fast or I need to start going to AA meetings again. These are just other drugs and in reality I am screwed. I have noticed I have just been anxious lately and bored and there is no real shot of making friends and things are too cramped. I would make music but my nephew is sleeping. I can only think to come back to one of my major addictions. My blog on this website.

At this juncture I don't think it is wise to fight through USA Government Bureaucracy for a shot at some some slice of Social Security money. As far as I can tell I am pretty well medicated. About as good as I'll ever be. NEET life can be a rough life. It is time to try and do something.

I don't know if this blog is any different to a blog 4 years ago. Sad really. I can't seem to break through. What is there to break through?

Sovereignty. Money right. Girlfriend to be there.

Do we ever get to get off of our knees? Constantly worrying about stepping on the toes of the ones that feed?

I want to be as free as Richard Pryor,
Not running around with my hair on fire.

You know I saw my nigga Daut posting in the NFT thread the other day. I was like damn, that nigga is probably pretty free. Good for him. I know more or less what he has done and what he is doing. I am just not there. And there is a chance he is feeling just as lonely as me right as I type this and that may or may not be true. I have a case of the ennuí. Maybe it is gone later tonight, tomorrow, next week, who knows. The good thing is that my mind is not going to suicidal ideations or worse. It's a little little dark age.

I do not know how much I have to look forward to. People have been telling me to jot down gratitude lists for 7 years. I do not want to have anything to do with your God or your gratitude. I will fuck the newcomer with the fat ass when my parents are on vacation though... That's fucked up {that's fucked up}.

I just read a biography on David Foster Wallace and I would wager that he had a larger problem with depression than I have but sometimes I wonder if I really can make it out this existence without killing myself.

So, I have to get a job. Video Game Tester seems pretty good enough for me it's just a matter of if I have the magic find on or not. I am not even thinking in terms of anything really. As long as it pays more than disability it seems like a good enough deal. Even though I know that I need to look at situations where the output is greater than the input. Meaning I make 50 pizzas in a day and it's robotic hell and I get paid jack shit .... I just don't want to be in shitty job hell. But then I think about it and I am like well actually I need sovereignty, a money surplus, and a good girlfriend not just a neutral or bad girlfriend.... It seems like outside of my reality.

I have been grasping with this stuff for it seems like far too long. Like I just can't seem to get it. How hard is it to get a job, get an apartment, pay bills, get a girlfriend, and live the good life?

But maybe no one that I know is actually living the good life. There are certainly many that are awfully close it seems. Especially a lot of my former poker playing friends they are still torturing themselves over what the good life entails (including myself) when a lot of it is right before our eyes.

Yet, life is complicated. Needs, wants, boredom, entertainment. How to quell the craving, the striatum, the dopamine pump. I don't actually want to meditate for 4 hours a day and live a subdued life. There has to be some sort of alternative. I think that it is only getting worse for me and my generation and even worse for the generation before us.

Man, I tried wearing Tom Ford and sippin' Champagne. I just vomited it all up and ruined my clothes. Or fucked a Beyoncé and felt nothing. Lying awake all night like damn THAT pussy didn't put me to sleep? I still have some Tom Ford shades that I wear that looks awfully strange since I mostly dress like a homeless person these days.

Speed and deadmau5 can make me happy.

My cat Sebastien makes me happy.

That 2 bars of orange dark chocolate have apparently made me happy.

White tea makes me happy.

This keyboard makes me happy.

Holy shit I just made a gratitude list and it is dissolving the ennuí it seems.

But if I leave what is out there for me...

Time to find out.

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Actual Crossroads (non-dumb) by hiems, September 29

I'm considering making a move to a new city. I realized that I can switch companies doing the same thing I am doing now and relocate to an area with lower cost of living while making more $. I've been brainstorming places for a good month or so now, and the top contender is Dallas/FortWerth area. Other contenders were Houston but I figure I don't want to deal with hurricanes and the weather is slightly worse. Also the economy is more tied to oil idk if that is good or bad. Atlanta was another contender but just didn't have too many positives to beat out Dallas or Houston. Charlotte NC was also a consideration but then I realize RiKD lives there so that is obviously off the table. Aside from that though the Airport while being underrated for a smaller city, still has expensive/worse flights compared to major hubs like DAL/HOU.

I considered Vegas/San Diego but Vegas isn't great for me in terms of work probably and San Diego too expensive and too many liberals.

Anyway my financial projections are -- Currently making 85k maybe in a few years make 95k. By switching companies and moving would probably start at 95k and 115k/120kish in a few years. I've run some "Take home pay calculator" Sims and it seems like I'd earn between $200-$400 a week more with this other job. This accounts for the income tax I'd save by living in Texas.

The only thing that skews this is that I am still living at home with the parents LOL so that saves me a good 10k-15k TAXFREE minimum a year. T-a-x-f-r-e-e. That is like equivalent of making 13k-20k doing nothing. That is a pretty tough thing to beat.

Housing options living in Texas would be to monklife a craigslist room or buy a property and rent spare rooms out but IDK. There are houses in DFW suburbs that are 3bed 3bath for 250k and I could rent spare rooms out, but idk I'd be paying a hefty 3% in property taxes per year. Also furnishing a place so I can rent it out probably costs close to 10k at a minimum I am thinking.

edit: forgot to mention that my current setup is really easy. I'm making progress at the gym, getting better at guitar. There's a good chance I'd have to give those up by moving.

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Crossroads by RiKD, September 28

Poll: Go on disability or Get a job?
(Vote): Disability
(Vote): Get a job you bum

+ reasoning

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Saturday Night Vibes (Music) by RiKD, September 26

I'm jonesin' for some D2R but parents are watching shows like Great British Baking Show so I can't get my fix.

Figured instead of going off talking to myself I'll DJ the Saturday night vibes:

Can't top Amy. Can never top Amy.

Hope you enjoy. Bon appétit.

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D2R by RiKD, September 24

So, my family wanted to play d2r so I am playing on switch. Feels pretty filthy to lounge in a lounge chair whackin' creeps but it's kind of fun.

If anyone wants to play let's play.

I don't know how to start a friends list for on switch though.

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Found part of the code by RiKD, September 20

I woke up late today but slept a pretty solid 10 hours. I can't remember the last time that happened not including being sedated on Trazadone. I was late for the Browns game (! PM EST) but who gives a shit right? I watch the Browns every Sunday with my family on Zoom. I woke up and had just enough time to make some coffee and have some avocado toast while they adjusted all the settings upstairs. Browns game was an ugly game but we won relatively decisively. Since then I have just been putting in rotating sessions on learning python, continuing to write a song on the guitar, and playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Before I knew it it was time to eat dinner. That time fucking flew by!

That is part of the code. Find things you can do that are some level of fun and some level of learning. I could just play good vidya for 4 hours or I could read a good book for 4 hours but I remember in high school they said to rotate the learning.


Hour 1 = code
15 min. break
Hour 2 = guitar/voice
15 min. break
Hour 3 = TLOZ:BOTW
15. min. break


It may be hard to jam out to the song I'm making and then read a dry book on Biology. So, things have to be matched up intelligently.

I also think part of the code is just doing what you want to a degree. I remember one time I read a really good novel in 2 days because that's just what I did. On the other hand I would not want to do heroin and end up sleeping and shitting on the concrete.

One of the downsides of today is I have had let's say 6 hours of rotated flow. What happens when the fun stops?

Well, I feel empty and sad like I will never have a dopamine kick again in my life and seek out LP to hopefully remedy that.

I just want us all to have the keys to the good life. At this point going on a white tea iv and posting on LP is probably not ideal. It is not ideal. So, keep note of that to.

It's just so fun typing with my blue switch mechanical keyboard I don't ever want to stop typing and my Razer mouse is just as fun scrolling and clicking. WHAT I NEED IS A COMPUTER GAME TO FEED THE BEAST! I need $500 like a crackhead needs crack. I have calculated the $500 out to the best of my ability to build a kick ass pc. Honestly, this macbook pro could probably run WoW or SC2 but I don't want to touch either of those games with a ten foot poll. I almost could eke out Path of Exile or CS:GO or Dota 2 but in reality not even really that close.

EXERCISE - another key to life
SLEEP - another key to life
MEDITATION - another key to life
SOCIAL CONNECTION - another key to life
MONEY - Fuck, I need money to eat food and do things and seduce women into giving me enthusiastic blow jobs.

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pokemon cards by lostaccount, September 19

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Soma by RiKD, September 17

My body distinct from the mind and soul.


Ever since coming off the Trazadone I have been sleeping pretty terribly. I think it was Cioran that called a bed a torture chamber. Writing may be the only thing that can get me through it until I get a sleep test and they are probably going to want to sell me a cpap machine. I really never wanted to go on a cpap machine but I am overfed and obese so that is what happens to fatties like me. The frustrating part being that my meds are mostly to blame for the weight gain. I just can't win.


So, there are at least 2 things that bring Byung-Chul Han some semblance of happiness. The first is fresh cooked rice in Japan. I've never been to Japan but I love the smell of fresh cooked rice. The second is learning to sing Winterreise by Schubert (in German) with a piano accompaniment. My mom is going to learn the piano part. The piece is over an hour long and I kind of want to be a baller and learn the whole thing but maybe I just pick a certain section that I really like.


If you like deadmau5 or a more techno'y take from him that hits pretty hard try:


Schön de Berlin


I can communicate and appreciate beauty better than most people I know. Especially when I am the right amount manic. The right amount grandiose and my synesthesia and sensitivity are not going haywire. I know I am least a little bit manic because I can't get enough damn quality sleep and I am crying listening to deadmau5, apparat, and massive attack. The sensitivity is dialed up. I've also had multiple near-death experiences. Nothing crazy where I was pronounced dead. I knew one woman who overdosed on heroin and woke up in a body bag... That is like super power near death experience. She is a super hero.

Has anyone here had a near-death experience and has it enhanced your abilities in life in any way?

My near-death experiences were mostly avoiding fatal car crashes by like 1 meter or 1 second. Those usually really jazzed me up for like a month but I still think they hold weight. The time I had like 40 glasses of wine in me and had a knife in my stomach but instead heated the knife up with a lighter and branded myself on my arm and hand was pretty fucking intense.

I think this is partly why Dostoevsky wrote so well, Shostakovich composed so well, I am thinking mostly Russians here because they have such great art and most of them went through so much shit.

I don't know. It is just a hypothesis I have based on the show The OA. I base everything on the show The OA. Brit Marling better be an angel from another dimension or my life plan might be screwed. Some Tik Tok dances are actually inter-dimensional rituals. Only someone with a trained eye can tell.

I don't care what anyone says. I saw the blue fairy in the blue lights. I think she is a bit of a trickster but has a lot of wisdom to share.

I am unsure if I follow Eros to untrodden paths or I come across untrodden paths and find Eros there. It could be both. Eros is not some static entity.

I suppose I continue to seek knowledge. I cannot think my way into untrodden paths or perhaps I can. I think that it is more of finding oneself on an untrodden path and not being too loud about it. No need to be coy but don't scare the birds. You never know when it will disappear below your feet and Eros will be gone until next time.

Until next time.

Schluss Tschüss

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Computer down. I repeat computer down. by RiKD, September 16

I had a 2009 Gateway Gaming Rig that I barely played any hands on but still easily made up for it in profits. Poker days lol. Since I liked my 2009 Macbook Pro more the Gateway was literally in a garbage bag collecting dust for 12 years until I finally put it to rest today. I got a USB wireless thing and connected to the router ok but the damn computer is so old it was not recognizing modern DNS if that is even possible? Meaning I could not go on any websites. The Gateway was running Vista 64-bit for crying out loud. I played one final game of Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne and then it is customary for me to open the damn thing up and take it all apart and look at it one final time before I laid it to rest in the trash. I was hoping to mess around learning code on Microsoft. Microsoft 10 is $140 by the way. I was also looking to maybe get some gaming in but it was not meant to be.

Now, I am down to my 2009 17'' Macbook Pro which I adore but it was giving me the rainbow wheel of death 2 weeks ago and an iPhone 6 that is totally scuffed up. I keep knocking on wood that they will keep pulling it out day in and day out like champions.

I am done with Apple though. I would like to build my own desktop pc. I either want to go just enough to handle gaming or decide not to game and just go pretty bare bones. Ideally get a used laptop from someone trusted. I don't mind Mac OS and the esthétique but still I find Macs overpriced and Apple is going in the wrong direction in regards to security. I don't know about phone. My brother said there are $150 smart phones out now. I am not against going Shanzhai Chinese. I did for my blue switch mechanical keyboard and I love that thing. My mouse is USA Razer and I think I love that thing even more. But, since the reboot of the Gateway went South my beautiful, beautiful hardware is just sitting there unused.

Maybe some hardware and software nerds will find this interesting, maybe not.

Ideally, I have re-furbished laptop with ubuntu (great suggestion Jelle).

I hate microsoft but if I am building a pc for vidya and coding primarily then I would think it is microsoft > linux?

Linux would be better for my laptop that I would not game on and I could learn python for linux too.

I don't know.

Just a nukka that is way too amped and can't sleep at 1am.

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Nft by lostaccount, September 14

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Abstract Art by hiems, September 13

a true masterpiece.

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