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SnG's by TopGear, March 22

Hey so i've recently been playing SnG's and I much prefer them to cash games. I've been playing mainly the 45 man $1 ones, as I enjoy those.

I haven't played poker for 3 years but I deposited about £50 ($70~) a few days ago on stars, just to see if I actually enjoy playing poker or not still. I tried fullring NL2 and didn't really enjoy it as much as SnG's.

I've played 81 of these 45 man and cashed in 13 (1st place - 3, 2nd place - 2, 3rd - 2, rest up to 7th), however that puts me at about breakeven. Are these even profitable? I only played these instead of the 2.50 180 ones because I don't think im rolled for those (guessing i'd need 100 buyins at least? I could deposit more to get me started playing those). But those are the ones i'd much prefer, or even the 90 man ones but I think those are turbos and I don't really know how to play them.

I also purchased HM2 today (small stakes version at discount was $25), so fiddling around with that, hopefully will make my game a bit better.

If anyone else plays microstakes SNGs/MTTs and wanna talk about hands/discuss poker shit, I just got skype. name is = m.chadders so feel free to add me. I'm not part of any coaching sites or anything but have a few boks like HoH and poker theory and of course LP.

I'll try and put some more volume into the $1 sng's and see if I can actually beat those longterm for the moment.

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Done with college oO by sodarayg, March 22

So I finished a quarter early and now I'm just waiting until May/June to apply to med school.

I'm planning on going to the library to check out some philosophy books, but that won't take up all of my time.

Please suggest some other books to read, things to learn, food to cook, etc .


Obligatory girl pic:
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Multitabling HU help by Endo, March 22

I'm having trouble multi-tabling HU because the action goes so fast. Any suggestions/recommendations? Mostly I can't keep track of how the meta/flow is going at certain tables and I don't notice small things like timing bets because tables flip around so fast demanding action. How does everyone else adjust for things like this?

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Jesus Camp doc. by LikeASet, March 22

Get ready to tilt really fking hard.

No wonder people like Romney have a chance of becoming president of our country. Parents in the documentary trying to convince their children that global warming is not real. I don't even know why I'm watching this one, I just like watching documentaries on hulu, youtube, etc.

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whine + my hu stats by drone666, March 22


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New Comp by palak, March 21

Set myself a budget of $1300 not counting any random things like wires or other crap.
CPU: i7-2600k--$280, $297 after tax...will OC to ~4.8ghz
Cooling: Corsair H60--#67..$52AR
Ram: 8gb g-skill-$50..43AR
Case: Thor V2--$130
PSU: Thermaltank 850W modular--$108..$78AR
SSD: Samsung 830 128GB--$140
MoBo:Asrock Z68 Extreme3 Gen3--$122
Total so far: $862
Budget left: $438
GPU? Leaning towards AMD 7870 for $370..hopefully figure get it for cheaper, maybe 340 or 330.
Data HDD: Reusing other HDs, will have 1.5TB internal, 500GB portable external..will eventually upgrade internal since it is almost full. Maybe 2TB for $100 if I can find that later.

Anyone have any opinions or ideas for me on what to do for GPU. Since I don't need one immediately I am going to wait to see how Nvidia's new cards are and what the Diablo 3 specs are. Only requirement is that the GPU setup can run 3 monitors, so eyefinity or nv surround set up.

For anyone saying "y buy a pc now w/ ivy bridge just around the corver and y 2600k instead of 2500k"...Ivy bridge is only showing a 6-10% improvement over sandy and sandy prices likely won't drop to much due to ivy's release (intel is a bitch like that). Also I do enough CAD and other work that hyper threading actually will help me out.

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Watches < $800 AUD - Recommendations? by hhse, March 20
Poll: Watch (A), (B) or (C) ?
(Vote): Brown dial, leather strap
(Vote): Off-White dial, leather strap
(Vote): Black dial, steal strap


I'm after a watch for multi-purpose - outings/business. I don't like anything too "bling bling" and I don't like anything all one colour "i.e all silver/all black/all gold etc". I want it to be slightly stylish but nothing out of the ordinary, where should I start as I know almost zilch about Watches. Are leather bands high maintenance? I don't want to have to go out and replace it so often.

My budget is <$800 AUD which is relatively close to <$800 USD.

Any help would be great, i.e brands/styles/pictures. I've had a look at the watch thread, but it was hard to tell the pricing on them.


Ok, after a quick research, this is what I came up with:




A bit above my price range but that is ok. I'm debating between the three above:


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poker analysis game by mnj, March 20

Does anyone remember the link to a game, where you basically play like 20-50 hands and they "analyze" your game and give you results?

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I'm 25 by DustySwedeDude, March 20

Turned 25 yesterday. Spent the day with my family and my girlfriend. I did not wish for much so I got a new hoodie and a bunch of books. My gf got me a "one piece". I've yet to try it on.

Still feeling slightly stressed out due to a bunch of crap I have to do, mostly related to moving and such.

Actually finally up a couple of buy ins for the month which feels good. Learning to 15-table just to get my supernova status within a reasonable time frame and I'm doing surprisingly good with that. Started tightening up my game and upping the aggression to kind of adjust to playing more tables and trying to play hands in a "simple and solid" way rather then doing a bunch of FPS. It's really fun to play tight because you get away with all kinds of crap when you're having a bit tighter stats.

Hoping to get supernova, get even more solid with mass tabling and get a small mid stakes roll together at about the same time as I hit supernova and then find a good way to do a solid hourly with "reasonable" variance. Gotta acquire more monies to put into investment to get a passive income. I want to be able to live of passive income without doing much before I turn 40.

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follow me twitter by F4Zi, March 20


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Another Update by thewh00sel, March 19

It's been 10 days since I last posted any updates, but I have continued to run meh and am down about 3k since you last heard from me, which has murdered my hourly down to about $75 or so. March Madness kicked off this past weekend and the games were pretty great, but I still couldn't manage to put up any good sessions; maybe I'll try playing somewhere other than Bellagio next weekend. Hopefully next weekend and the Final Four will still keep it pretty busy here and I can redeem myself. Hours-wise I'm fairly happy with myself. For March I've put in 104.5 hours so far, which puts me on pace to hit a really solid 180 hours if I can keep it up. And given that I've been breakeven for this month I am pretty determined to put in some time at the tables.

On a cool side-note. Myself and some other winning 5/10 regs whose games I respect all wanted to know what the average hourly would be in today's games for someone who converted from online to grind live over a significant sample size. So we all took our 5/10 hourly rates and number of hours to determine what it would be. Results were about in line with what I expected, but in case you guys are interested...Over 3823 hours the 7 of us have a combined average hourly of $86.76. Using an estimate of 35 hands per hour, that translates to 133,805 hands which imo actually means something from a sample-size standpoint.

Some interesting facts derived by that data:
- $2.48/hand
- 24.79 bb/100 12.39 BB/100
- Rake is $12 per hour or about 12% of the gross hourly (i.e 86.76+12=98.76 so 12/98.76=~12%)
- Tips vary by player so I will not try to calculate how it affects win-rate except to say that it is still $86.76 post-tipping and rake.
- Standard deviation was about 35 I think but someone else has access to all of the individual hourly rates so I couldn't do this calculation myself and don't really know to appropriately use it but there it is.

If anyone has any ideas for other information that could be useful from this data let me know. I probably won't be blogging again until the end of the month, but you never know so stay tuned!


ps- Budgeting is going "ok." We made a splurge purchase for Alli for $100 on craigslist but she seems to enjoy it.

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Running bad at poker, but running good in life by Carthac, March 18

At least it is only NL10

Been playing some NL10 to get back into the swing of online poker. I am happy with my re-integration of stats back into my play, playing a lot more position based, making the correct play in marginal spots, etc. Playing well, with the exception of me tilting off 2 buyins in spots that were tough folds but where I was clearly beat. Oh well, such is poker

Anyways, onto the good stuff. First off, DIABLO 3 IS COMING OUT IN 2 MONTHS, HOOOOLY SHIT. Played the beta, but it is only one short act so there is not too much to do. Seems really awesome for the small amount I have played.

A good buddy of myn will be competing in the upcoming MLG for SC2. I don't expect him to get close to winning, but given his skill, he could make it to the group phase. Competition at MLG's are incredibly tough, and given this is his first lan, I have tried to express to him to not get his hopes up as he will most likely have incredibly strong lan jitters.


If you have not seen the show, I implore you to start immediately. It is easily the best show on TV by a large margin. I have read through 2 books and they are incredibly good.

On to some sad news, the quarterback that made me an Indianapolis Colts fan is going to be moving to a new team in a couple days. Peyton Manning leaving has been the oddest situation I have ever encountered in all of sports. The man that literally built the franchise, made me a fan of the team, brought the team a new stadium, and turned Indianapolis into a football town is leaving, yet no fans are bitter. Everyone I speak to understands the decision that was made and is thankful towards him for everything he did. I have mixed feelings; I am unsure of whether to stay a Colts fan because of the team he played for, or be a fan of the new team he goes to because I was such a huge fan of him? Probably will end up being a fan of both, but we will see

Spring break started this week, and while I would like to be out having as much fun as I can, finances are not going to permit me to do so. Having to pay 60 a week for gas just to go to school(not counting going anywhere else). Thusly, I am going to be using the time to kick up my running regimen( attempting to go from 1.5 mile a day to 2.5), catch up on out of class projects, hang out with the family, and whatever else I can find to do.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading

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Hole Cards? by player999, March 17

[21:25:46] João Cardoso: helio
[21:25:54] João Cardoso: i bet some day in your life
[21:26:03] João Cardoso: you did a game without seeing your cards
[21:26:19] Helio Neves: gonna do it right now
[21:26:21] Helio Neves: just for u


also played some sickk sick hands today
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SPARTACUS POLL by Floofy, March 17

Hey guys i want to do a poll because i've read some people's opinion and i think theyre are totally stupid and i want to see LP's opinion.

You need to rank

#1 Spartacus:

#2 Theokolese:

#3: Onemaous:

#4: Crixus:

#5: Gannicus

#6: Cabarus (the dude from gods of the arena's final fight:

Mine is in this order:

#1 Theokolese: Beat Onemaous + should have beaten crixus+spartacus 1v2 EASILY if he didn't get blinded.
#2 Onemaous: Only one to "survive" theokolese. Beat crixus+spartacus 1v2 easily. Did decent against gannicus even if he had his hands shackled with a mediocre sword, with no equipment, and probably in poor shape.
#3 Cabarus: Was doing fine against both crixus and gannicus. Should have won if he finished gannicus instead of bragging to the crowd.
#4 Crixus: Many will disagree with this, but before he nearly died of his wounds against theokolese, he owned spartacus 1v1 VERY easily. After this, the one time he fought spartacus again he was still weak, and he was poisoned, and even with all of this he didnt do that badly.

Also the victory against theokolese is arguably more because of him. In a 1v1 fight, he managed to do a really good sword hit on theokolese, spartacus didn't manage to do anything until crixus completly blinded theokolese with sunlight (right before the blinding, spartacus didn't even have his sword anymore he was going to get owned for sure).

In addition to this, while Crixus was still really inexperienced, he was able to pull close matches against gannicus (or at least not get totally destroyed), i think once Crixus got experience and got at his best he should win.

#5 i can't really tell between spartacus and gannicus, seems like a really close match based on the episode where they fought together. Ill go with spartacus old actor > gannicus, but can't imagine new one owning anything.

Making a poll with this would be too complicated so just reply directly

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Love Yourself Long Time by tutz, March 16

In the past year or so I've been trying to make a more than usual effort to improve myself as a human being. I want to learn things than can lead myself towards a happier life, better understand of the people around me and to improve my self-awareness. I just came across this video and tought it would be a good idea to share it. Enjoy!


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Euro CardRooms by BreakofReality, March 16

Hey guys, I'm having trouble finding what the different European sites rakeback deals are.

Could you guys give me your thoughts on which you like and why (customer support/withdraw time) etc...


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Ignition by tloapc, March 16

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New cardroom by NewbSaibot, March 16

A few weeks ago I decided to take a shot at home games again. Every few months I'll drop a buyin at NL200 and hope for a winning session. Finally I had a few. There's this brand new cardroom which just opened up a couple of weeks ago in Florida I want to take a shot at. Below is a graph of my earnings to date, which I intend to bring with me.

I know it's not much, but I've always wanted to play in an actual poker room. Mainly so I can play as long as I want, switch tables, and just to experience the ambiance of it all. I recently discovered overbetting which seems to have helped produce some profits in my short sessions. The general idea is to get pots mostly HU, and take it down with a cbet or value bet TPTK. I still dont feel I'm really "doing it right" overall though. I just bleed too many chips cbetting these massive pots I have created, or get pot committed with overpairs & draws by the turn. Anyway I plan to play 1/2, unless I book a huge session and then maybe I'll buy in once at 2/5.

Here were my notes when I first started playing:

Money is won FROM REAL HANDS, not big bluffs.
Do not play unsuited semi-connectors
Do not play unsuited connectors from any position except the button
Do not cbet with poor equity
Do not call cbets with intention to fold turn. Idiots turn 33 into a bluff.
DO NOT call down with less than top pair without a read.
NOTHING FANCY postflop. Players arent bluffing that much.
It’s GOOD to occasionally raise 89s/Axs/K9s UTG.
It’s OK to occasionally limp 89s/Axs/K9s from EP. Fold more often OOP.
BE PATIENT. They will pay you off eventually.

My notes have now evolved into:

Abuse position vs limpers
Squeeze at every opportunity
Cbet 99% of the time HU/3way

I think my new notes have been introducing a lot more variance/spew, and I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not. Any advice welcome and appreciated.

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Hit a one outer IRL this time by whamm!, March 15

*made money
*thanks LP bros & Joe Hogan podcasts
*finally can relax from poker for good
*time to venture into different things

SC2 sux

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Micro Millions by Luis9071, March 15

Hi everybody

Im selling action for some micro-millions ill play...

-Micro Millions 03: 5.50 Nl Holdem 75k gtd
-Micro Millions 32: 11 Nl Holdem 400k gtd sunday storm special
-Micro Millions 98: 22 Nl Holdem 1M gtd Main event

Im already registered for the 3 events
and ill play them no matter if i sell or not sell action

total pkg: $38.50

1% 0.39
2% 0.77
5% 1.93
10% 3.85
15% 5.78
20% 7.70

I dont have much bankroll so im selling action on this small package...

skype: Luis9071

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