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things that make you go damn.... by spets1, November 05

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Poll: things that make you go dayum!
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Bonus Picture of the Devil
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Stars for Bitcoin by FallinInLove, November 02

Hi, I would like to buy small amount of Bitcoin for stars money <50$. I prefer to trade w/ someone who is some time on this site already. Msg(330$ for 1BTC...)
50$= 0.151 BTC

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longple goes yolo around the world by longple, October 31

Courageous people feel the same fear everyone else does, they just decide not to live like they're afraid anymore - Bob Goff


Me and a friend had a conversation once under psychadelic circumstances and as we sat there takeing in our surroundings he turned to me and asked:
We all know whats right and wrong, and we all know what we should do to be happy and take care of ourself and others, why arent we doing that?

This is something ive kinda thought about for most of my life and more so since he layed it out to me that straight up. Its something i think everyone
is familiar with as a human being. The constant struggle between hope and fear where fear is holding us back. Many philosophical characters claims that
all fear roots back to the fear of death, more or less. Sam harris has a really good lecture on this.

On the other side of the spectrum tho, you know that ”fighting spirit” type feeling u sometimes feel inside when ur about to give up but decides not to?
That feeling that feeds the knowing of: FUCK, i can fucking do this, if I really wanted to. So why arent I doing this again?

I started ranting/brainstorming many hours ago now in a textdocument wich i do from time to time and i got into reviewing big turning points in my life
and after a while i felt like i wanted to continue the rant in a blogpost since im in a writeing type of mood today. Also i had intentions in makeing a
blogpost about my upcomeing plans for the future so why not mixx the two of them together. They kinda go hand in hand in a sense afterall.

Turning points of my life

I spent 3 hours writing on this subject earlier today (and im still going strong lol) and im gonna try to sum it up more so in this text. Something ive
realised about all of this, and there is many good podcasts and lectures and books on this subject, when it comes to pushing urself outside of your
comfortzone to grow as a person. Today i thought about all the big turning points in my life.

* Like most kids i was haveing a really insecure childhood growing up in a small town enviorment trying to be someone i wasnt. Drinking moonshine
every weekend from the age of 13 and trying to be a ”badass” to fit in to the redneckhillbillystereotypical-type people that i went to school with.
At that point my biggest secret in the whole world was that i liked to play guitar, and that i was good at starcraft, good enough actually to play in the
swedish nationalteam. Alltho back then i would rather have committed suicide then telling any other kid that i was actually good at a computer game,
what a massive fucking nerd to actually be good at something u love, right. Fucking retarded kids. When i was 16 i moved out from my parents house and got a
job and a supersmall cheap appartment and started takeing care of myself in another city to study music/theater/photgraphy on my own at this ”hippie”type school
while all my old friends stayed. -> still live in that town and thank god i did what i did when i was 16.

* When i was 19-20 i quit my job and moved in under the stairs (literally under the stairs, harry potter! high five bro!) with 5 other guys in the
appartment for a rent of 70$/month since i wanted to persue poker, wich was what i really loved and what i wanted to do while everyone thought i was fucking
insane, alot of you can probably relate to this . I lived there and it took me about 1-2 years of hard work to really become good enough at poker to make
enough money to really live comforably on my own and move out from under the stairs as i eventually leveled up through the stakes.

* I wasnt fat when i was growing up, but i got really fucking fat 2011 for some reason, mostly due to a semidepression and well, just playing poker all day
I decided later that year to go to thailand to train and lose weight, and me and my friend spent 2 superstrict months training/eating healthy in patong. For you who know
where patong is in thailand, its the true core of hookers drugs and partying in phuket, but we stayed clean of everything since we got an appartment there + was motivated to succeed.
2 months later, i'd lost 25 kg (~55pounds). Sure im still a bit overweight today and have been in periods after that but im never gonna get that big again and since then ive
lived a pretty healthy life overall Especially this year.

Before/afterpicks from that time during the late ~2011 trip:
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I stole the afterpic from raiderns LP interview he did with me, its from ~ that time, im not a big pictureperson
Ive for sure been blogging about that earlier, sorry to the blogfollowing readers for the repitition.

So? who cares..

So why am i bringing all of these ”big” events from my life up in this blog? Am i trying to brag about how i overcome some demons and managed to attain some success in life/poker?

What i came to realise as i was brainstorming in my bubble earlier this day was that all of those things that has shaped my life into something better
came from massive fucking action and pushing myself out of my comfortzone. Its so eye opening when u put it like that.

Another thing that has led me to success many times is hitting rock bottom, feeling fucking miserable over a broken heart, overweight, just being busto
at poker etc, and finding that fighting spirit, FUCK things needs to change. Ive done this multiple times in my pokercareer to get better at poker.
Again end of 2012-2013 was such a period for me, i was heartbroken from a girl, i was busto degening away 100s of thousands of dollars like a maniac and i was staked with big depts.
I struggled with panic anxiety and other stuff for the first time in my life, I was gaining weight again and i was really really fucking scared for a period of time there.

What about it? Time went on, a year or so passed and I got my shit together, I realised, wtf am i doing? Am i just gonna give up? The kid that wanted to be the best in the world first in
starcraft, then in poker? Are you fucking kidding me? I started working out again, i got my pokershit together i worked in flopzilla, CREV, HEM and i worked hard again and what happened?
I started winning again (duh?!), i attained SNE and i payed back my depts. To tie this rant up, it was that fighting spirit that got me back on track. Like it has been time and time again.

Its more then okey to fail guys, but never fucking give up.

Moveing on..

Future? BJJ around the world!

Onwards to the bigger news that i wanted to blog about in the first place. Here it comes

Today i booked a one way ticket to Australia, a chain reaction from many things through my life, but lately breaking up with my gf earlier this year
due to not being ready yet. Simple as that, i wanna do these things im gonna do now before settleing down. Im sure i will come to realise in the future
that it is just settleing down, haveing kids and giveing nothing but love to your family is what life is all about and what i want to persue, but at
this point. I dont know it yet, i have to realise that first.

This is it. I hate it when people complain or come with excuses to why they arent doing something but something i hate more is when i catch myself doing it and
since im a person i assure you, it happends alot . This travel the world on my own thing is something ive had in my mind for many years now and
now its fucking time. Ive kind of felt like i wanted to become the pokerplayer first, and that all my time has to go into poker for me to achieve anything close
to that before doing this, wich is kind of a stupid mentality overall imo ”im gonna do what i want, after im done with this thing first, and then theres this other
thing after that, and then this other thing, THEN im gonna do it for sure”

My plan is to have no plan, basically. Im a pretty introverted humble person IRL, believe it or not, that rarely takes alot of space in social
situations and i want to force myself to get better at this, therefor im gonna start this quest traveling on my own for the true first time. I
also want to keep getting in better shape aswell as getting better at BJJ.

My goal is to start the ”adventure” without a laptop and to stay at hostels to really push myself to talk to random people and not fall back on the grind or internet. Im gonna train BJJ in sydney, i found some interesting gym near bondibeach wich im gonna start with. Do that for a few weeks to later meet up
with a friend whos traveling in australia atm, she asked me if i wanted to go snorkling in the great barrier reef with them in december and i figured it can be a good milestonegoal to have on my timeline.

After that i want to travel around australia for a few months and train BJJ at different gyms, buy some cheap small laptop and combine some grind with
the backpacking lifestyle.

Why blog?

Im really nervous. Ive never backpacked or traveled alone really before and its a bit scary. Im not stacked on money and i suck at PLO so my weak laazy
comfortzone half tells me that alot of things can go wrong, will they tho? Do i have much to lose? Whats the worst thing that can happen?

Im pretty sure i will learn some stuff atleast and hopefully i can add this trip to my next "brainstorming-over-past-turning-points-session"

I plan on committing to a BJJ around the world type thing and ill try to blog alot about life, traveling, BJJ and poker as i go on this adventure. Ive
been going back and fourth on blogging about it thinking in the terms of ”why do i need to make this public, am i so insecure that i want people to know
that im going for it?” and then i think, why the fuck not. It might motivate me, committ me and push me. Maybe it will keep me company at some times when
im alone for days and it can surely help me keep in contact with people at home, pokerfriends and such that will be reading my blog. Maybe i can inspire some
people as im a believer of not haveing everything figured out. My brother was almost murdered recently and me, and my family kinda realised
(wich we all know deep inside) that anything can happen, at any time. U think the variance in PLO is sick? Variance in life is even sicker and there is nothing
holding us back really from pushing it.

I do have plans, but i dont wanna plan everything to much for my future with where i wanna travel and with poker and such. Things can happen realisations can
be made and im just gonna start with the one way ticket to australia and see where that take me, with intentions of advanceing from my whitebelt status in
BJJ and to travel around alot, meet alot of people, see and experience alot of things.



U all know im a rogan fan, and i know many of you are aswell.

If u read the entire thing, thanks for reading, please leave some comments/PMs with anything on your mind, insight/tips/questions what ever. let me know if
ur in australia the upcomeing months or if u have any tips on where to go or where to train BJJ etc.

Gl with everything guys <3

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today thoughts by Santafairy, October 29

1)i don't understand why a session always starts losing and ends winning? just wondering

2)do you remember the thing about team colors in online games? the study that said there was a statistically significant advantage to being on a red team rather than a blue team and then postulated some kind of psychology behind red being more scary/testosterone/whatever?

what about the same but with digits. for instance in magic you can easily force the number 7 out of people.

now do you think there could be something like that applied to bet sizing? like $48 is lower than $50 but if $48 sounds scarier could that bet have more fold equity? or maybe not the specific digits but some other property of the number like a number with high multiplicity looking stronger than a prime number. or does this just sound fucking retarded

or rather than the bet size, the size of the visual chip stack? so if you bet $100 but it's one chip it's less intimidating than a whole bunch of chips. is this why dwan always bets a random number like $14,350 in live games and gets folds from people who think they have a huge decision? whereas tony g snap overbets the pot like $50k with two chips and gets called with the nuts. i am not saying it is a big edge or that i could explain the mechanism i just wonder if anyone else thinks something like this could be at work even though we have no data/evidence

3)wtf do you people listen to? i tried classical music because it's a hobby of mine and there's so much of it and super long tracks. but it turned out to be a bad distraction because of emotional involvement in the music and whatever it just wasn't working. i find talk radio and some comedy is really soothing actually. something like charlie rose interviews where there's such a huge library of content and it's all the same kind of calming tone and volume, doesn't get you worked up. anyway i will look at the podcast thread maybe

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yayaya I am Lorde by CrownRoyal, October 29

and i will pushh

push, ow, hot! push, ow, hot!

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Road to 100k, a brand new start by ClouD87, October 28

Hey guys, it's ClouD, many of you already know me from Starcraft. I'm making this blog because I decided I will earn 100k by the end of next year by any means necessary. And I'm going to do it.

For the guys who have read my previous post a year ago, I started playing SNG with an italian poker school. They turned out to be big scammers, I wasted lots of time and wasn't given resources to study properly and improve. I made some money but not as much as expected and it was overall a big delusion. They actually impaired my progress and kept me ignorant as much as they could so they could keep a hamster on a wheel farming rakeback without too many questions. In the end a month ago some friends of mine made me realize what was going on, made me switch to cash and the nightmare finally ended. Trust me, it was tough, but I was still alive and I really wanted to prove myself once again I'm capable of great things if I put my heart into it :D

Some of you heard already of BestPokerCoaching and HansTheGreat (the guy who started at NL2 with 50$ and made 100k in 9 months of hard, hard work). I just applied for their coaching for profit program and he will be my coach from now on. I believe in his ability and I will try to follow his steps in my new journey. I'm going to play and study poker with all my passion and might and I will run towards my goal at the cost of killing myself. I just don't care anymore about RL, games, stupid shit and free time, all I desire at the moment is achieving the success I deserve and prove everyone I'm capable of great things at poker aswell.

I love teamliquid so this is the first place where I wrote my blog. I'll keep you guys updated, and I might also make a thread on 2+2, who knows. Cheer for me or hate me, I'll show everyone how a man will put everything he has on the line to achieve his dream!

I will be happy to talk with you guys about my experience and I will also read every post on this thread. First thing I will do is play 100k hands in 2 weeks on at NL10 zoom (I am Supernova already). I am starting today and I am super excited for my next months. Let's see how far my dedication will take me!

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Not so great day... by Bobosaur, October 26

I lurk the site a lot, just not feeling too great today and needed a place to vent. All-in equity is kinda sad, but to be honest, it felt like everything I did today (4b pots, 3b pots, everytime I c/r flop for value/bluff, everytime I raise turn and get called and then the river plays itself with 5bb left, or just anything in general)... would fail miserably lol.

and then when i finally do quit my session, I sighed to myself and leaned my head back and then my headset fell onto the garbage can.

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Looking for mtts coaching-stake deal by kinoartee, October 26

Hi, im Kino Artee from Mexico, im a mtt regular in PS, and now im looking for a mtt stake, 1-55$ on Stars and FTP, i moslty play regular speed, a few turbos, im available to play in the mornings and some late nigths wed-sunday and mondays and tuesdays all day.

I dont have enough posts here, but im a regular blogger in, also i can give you some good references: Baalim, SPEWTARD, carlosdiaz bonzocuellar, fizhh.

In case someone know about a stable looking for stakees ill appreciate to know that, thank you.
My nick in pokerstars is kinoartee.

Thank you so much and good luck

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$55 Red Spade Open backer by Trav94, October 26

This is super last minute, but if I could get backed for the Red Spade Open in like an hour. That'd be cool. Never really been backed or staked before. No markup or anything (not sure if markup is applicable when seeking a full stake?)

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Real talk - Putin by Mortensen8, October 24

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Waitlist joiner? by k4ir0s, October 24

I'm looking for a something that joins me on all waitlists. Does table ninja 2 have this function?

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she by spets1, October 24

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GTATQ gets shafted by Apple and forced to bankrupt by 2primenumbers, October 24

no worry

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Ever use the I-CHING? by 2primenumbers, October 23

its ok

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Indie Journalism by 2primenumbers, October 22


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live poker update II by carlosdiaz, October 22

Hi fellas, It's been 7 months since my last entry and it's because I kind of lost motivation for the game, you know that feeling of excitement you get when you're about to play just wasn't there.

I'll just try to resume very short the past 7 months or so.

After half a year of grinding live tables I started to play online again in May and after a few years off the online tables I didn't felt too rusty, went straight to play nl50 zoom (I liked zoom, it's like a hard training) and after a couple of days I was back to the old grind, 4 tables daily for hours, I played over 100k hands in 1 month, ended up a few buyins bellow, even after rakeback. I was burned out after those 100k hands and I just decided to stop playing online and stick to live poker for the next couple months with slight winnings.

A new local casino began to offer poker with nl200 and nl800 tables that run daily, this was great news to me since I now was able to play with new locals and also give a shot to higher stakes without having to go to the US. so far so good, I won a few buyins and took the shot @800, never played this stakes before but I felt really comfortable since I knew the level of my opponents wasn't big deal, it didn't go well and I lost 300ish that session but I wasn't hurt at all, overall I played well but cards didn't go my way that time, I took the second shot early October and it went better, I won 3 buyins which felt nice obviously. I've also been playing at Phoenix, Arizona lately at the Talking Stick Casino, huge poker room with lots of games and stakes which feels like a whole new experience.

My goal for the year was to reach 16.5k, I didn't make it but overall I can say I'm glad because for now the love for the game is back and I know it's because of the higher stakes I can and will play now, it's like jumping into a whole new ocean, the truth is I don't play this game for the money, I see the money just as a measure of how good/bad I do at this game, what really drives me is the competition with myself, to push myself higher into the ladder.

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Bonus: I'll just drop this in here.
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are bitcoins still a good investment? by Into Infinity, October 21

i was thinking of buying a bunch if the price dips in the 200 range. how stupid am i?

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Prague+nutrition?+update by LemOn[5thF], October 21

Hey guys, It's been over a month since last update.
September was well...less than stellar. The heater had to end at some point though, it was a blast during the summer though, drinking multiple times per week, holiday, gym almost daily.

This is September:
65 hours is something I got somehow used to but is awfully low of course.

Oh well at least I managed to

Join a gym
-7 mnutes from my flat, there's multiple climbing walls, training area, and it's in a squash centre with squash, table tennis, tanning beds ...all a man needs
It's like $25/month too, and I've been going 5x per week on average.

Be ill for over half the time
Yeah I have a cold since like the first day I arrived in here, can't shake that sun'bitch got almost used to it now.
The thing about Prague is that there's all I need, loving the variety so far. There's the same organized group as in my last town that do street workouts, help local communities etc. There are people that are trying to excercise, don't drink live by solid principles like no violence, drugs etc. have goals. A lot of people are really young there so I definitely want to stay involved. What's not so good about Prague is the distances and how fragmented stuff is - the last town I was in had 100k people, everyone exercised in the same place at the same time where here it takes me even 70 minutes to get to training and people keep switching, creating small groups etc. Everything is way less personal and tight-nit in other words.

Restarted meditation+ mindfullness
Yeah so last time I really got to Zen and philosophy it turned into a huge clusterfuck where I started to read about science, Buddhism, thought about perspective and meaning of life, and the irrelevance of our day to day lives and goals and I realized that I had to stop.

In today's world filled with petty goals and arbitrary values you kind of have to give in, chase the illusions and create your own and use and manipulate your ego into wanting things as opposed to just trying to be a realist and switching the ego off.

Nevertheless, I got back to meditation, joined a local non religious one first and it was boring and ppl were really at the start of it all so I went to Zen instead, listened to Tommy Angelo's eight fold path on Mindfulness some 8 times but I've decided that this time around I will use meditation for the practical use of calming my mind, understanding feelings, and focusing on the present moment, and completely drop the philosophical part and searching for the meaning of self.

There's nothing as great as taking a bad beat 5 times in a row, closing eyes, mindfully counting to 10 and not giving a fuck about it all of a sudden

I immediately joined a local club's reserve team and trained 2x per week. I was immediately noticed and was asked if I'd join em for first team practice sometimes.

To be honest this is one of the things I am unsure about. Training takes me from about 7:30pm to 11:30pm 2x per week in the reserve team, every other weekend I'd have a day or two with games, and the first team practices even more than that. It also tires me out quite a bit and since I am a goalkeeper the social contact is not as great as during street workouts, and not as time effective as the gym. Still it's something I am good at so will probably keep going on and off. It's not a priority for me though.

Because of the heater my development's stalled a bit. Really I had a blast drinking a ton working on fitness, doing floorball, family etc. but theose 60 ish hrs per month became norm. Which was fine when I took it as holiday, abysmal when I want to get better and make this a proper career since I wasn't learning very much at all either.

I was spewing since the move, and was playing rly well before it but kinda forgot a lot of what I was doing well, started losing and spewing in Prague. There's tons of thing I need to learn, I revisited Mathematics of poker, started watching videos again, posting hands as you have noticed and was talking to some great people from LP - I am really grateful for every comment you have, even when I am tilted and reply with a dickish attitude. I watched a video on RiO, Uri Peleg said it in his strategy battle, Tommy Angelo stresses this but humility and being able to step back and evaluate what others are saying instead of automatically defending yourself is still one of the things I struggle with. But hey, that's because I am human

I moved down to 16 cause of cashouts+badrun but now im back at 25, dabbling into zoom again.

From now on I will prioritize poker a lot more, so far I had lots going on, I had often just 1-2 full days for poker gym and learning per week - super low of course.
My sleep regime got distorted, was ill, a lot etc. So considering all that, fuck it... I did pretty well :D

The expenses are higher in Prague and I'm starting to think about the future too so I am putting my foot on the pedal and Poker will be the highest of my priorities again, and I will treat most choices as poker choices - what'll make me a better player, starting from exercise, what I eat, what I watch how much I sleep etc.

Especially Nutrition and the timing of it will be my focus. So far I have been very roughly focusing on macros, healthy options etc. But Lefort's reply made me rly think

I read neuroposychology of poker and the importance of balancing serotonin dopamine etc. because of mood and focus and what you eat and how much has a large impact on those
+ blood sugar levels need to be balanced.

If you guys have any tips on not only how to eat healthy, but how to time specific macros and foods for a 10am gym, 12:00-23:00 grind and learning schedule I'd greatly appreciate it.

Also I might do a video or a coaching sesh for POkerstrategy soon, that'd be awesome. Even tho with the downer and focusing on life instead of poker past few months I lack the confidence that I'd be able to give people much
She found my blog. Oops. It's really strange now- for over 10 years the Starcraft and poker worlds have been completely separate from that thing people call real life. So it was sort of my diary where I could spew whatever I wanted and nobody in real life would find out. My last GFs or anyone else didn't give a toss about what I do really, so it's kind of flattering but also means no more secrets from the dirty corner of my mind, sorry boys
On the bright side we had lots of fun reading through Floofy's posts though you are a genius sir.

It's not the easiest thing in the world to get schedules aligned, she's busy and so am I with the evening activities. On the other hand, I really like the fact that she's successful and has lots going on and I don't have to feel that I'm neglecting her or anything when I focus on poker and exercise - It seems +EV for sure, we do stuff that I would hardly do alone that take my mind off the grind, e.g. went for a "blind exhibition" in complete darkness where a blind person (or so he claimed ) takes you on a tour across a flat, street etc,, did some fun stuff like dinner parties, food festival, table tennis, now spent 2 full days without any poker or computer in her village.. It's fun planning stuff, and even when poker wasn't going my way I felt great in life cause of gym, and stuff we do together.

Old article
I re-read article from Somnius recently that I changed up for LP couple years back before I quit poker check it out if you missed it back then:

Our objective now is to make the best decision on every action in every hand, and continuously strive, both on and off the tables, to ensure we accomplish that task to the best of our ability. By altering our definition of success and consistently improving, increasing and diversifying our efforts, we can reach new heights.

I think I have been focusing too much on making my life great through poker, and poker went a bit too much in the background, and now it's time to tip the balance poker's way once more. But hey- still a good read if you are on the grind too much side of the fence.

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osgb by Gnarly, October 19

osgiq is now osgb
egle (eagle shipping?) went up 2k% a couple days ago
im waiting for osg to go down to less than a buck before I get in, but I'm not totally sure if it's going to go down there or not.
i want to be able to get into a shipping company that deals with international frieght (water transport) since the lift on the ban of energy exportation has been lifted in america and the first tanker has already shipped out this year for the first time in like 50 years.
the products they are going to be shipping is refined crude?, though to be able to refine that, there needs to be infrastructure, which is currently being built. from refineries to the keystone xl, there is a lot of upgrading already going on. however, currently, there has been a supply block of unrefined crude to be able to be refined. (again, could be nat gas or something, but im sure it's crude) this caused prices of gas at the pump to go up, along with other goods like grains, since the amount of unrefined crude on trains, which is the current method of transporting the commodity until keystone gets built, has cut short the space other commodities can use.
since this is all starting to come into place more and more every day, we've seen prices of gas drop at the pump, and it will continue to drop. I wouldn't be surprised at all if we went under 2 bucks a gallon, and I'd be marginally surprised if we down under a full dollar.
I've said that all of this has an impact on Russia, and that's why they are acting out in Ukraine. I think they want to be able to get a port so they can increase their exports. opec has had a lot of inner friction, which means brics is gonna probably be having friction, as well.
one question to ask is who is going to be buying our share of the market now that we are taking it up? well, that's actually pretty easy: europe. they were already buying from russia, but since the deal with ukraine, russia has been straining its ties with the eurozone.

>actually comprehending this

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PLOOOOO by longple, October 17

Hello guys.

Long time no see, 1 whole year to be specifik.

Im gonna try to keep this update short, but knowing myself it will prolly end up in some huge ranty sea of text. Ive mostly been "blogging" on this swedish forum, u can find my blog (its more like a mixx of a well+blog+thread) there (in swedish), its called "longple". And i thought its about time to make an update over here on whats been up in longplelife the past time

SNE 2013

So i made SNE 2013, and tryed to make it again 2014, but found myself ~mid2014 around june or so very fucking tired and unmotivated with NL, despite haveing a pretty good ~recent year 18-24 tableing midstakes NL on stars.

These arent completely accurate tho, its taken from the swedish forum, where i scrapped together the different databases i could get a hold on (hands from november/december 2013 til august 2014 somewhere), but theres alot of hands missing from other sites and higher stakes.

I def lost alot on 5/10 ring wich isnt there, aswell as some 10/20 and 25/50 shots that backfired.

On another note ive won in somewhat big games on the swedish site, wich isnt added in this sample either. So im not entirely sure of how my results are this year, but they are probably somewhat accurate, def not up more then 100k at the tables tho.

What ever, moveing on.

Quitting SNE / NLrant

So in july or so i just woke up, tryed to get my 4 hours of 18+ grind on, 1/2 fine, 500+400 fine, what ever was running i just wanted to get on the fucking waitlists and get done with the VPPs so i could do something else and had no passion wanting to move up or doing anything else then getting my safe hourly in.

And i realised how fucking miserable i felt about poker, and what type of player i had become compared to the type of player i used to be. The motivated hard working shottakeing dreamer of a pokerplayer that would sit up all night 3 tableing with some regs hu/3 handed/4 handed w/e just for the competition and the love for the game with goals of being the best in the world.

Wtf happened, Im not even that good at the game anymore.

Honestly i feel like 50% of the regs playing 5/10 today on stars, probably are better players then i am. And i dont see how i could find enough motivation to break into the 10/20+ starsgames anymore, every reg is fucking seatscripting GTO-yogis nowadays and they are really fucking good.

No one battles anyone and theres just so little room for a 26 year old dude who isnt that passionated about the game anymore to ever break into that enviorment.

Basically i gave up, and that has scared me a long time unconsciously i think. Thats where my spirit and success has always rooted from as a pokerplayer. The mentality of IF U CAN I FUCKING I CAN TO, AND I WILL SUCCEED.

Realiseing that i just didnt see any future in NL.

So i decided to drop SNE 50% in, and try something new.


Ok, ive wanted/and tryed to move over to PLO for many years, but i always shamefully came back to NL again and again to make money. But now is the fucking time for the real change.

In the beginning of august i started playing 1/2$ PLO and have been doing so pretty much most sessions since then.

As ive said in my swedish "diaryblogg" many times, poker is fucking fun again. People are battleing, people play different, people suck and theres no fucking seatscripts (atleast on the stakes im playing now)

PLO is the shit, the fact that the game is soooo much bigger then NL makes it alot more interesting imo. Theres no clearcut answers in this game and people are all over the place, i mean, NL has 1300 combos, and theres fucking 7000 combos of AAxx in PLO. GG

PLO results so far?

Who cares? Being a noob of the game, and being a student of the game, improveing every day i dont really care about the results as much as ive done in NL. Its just fun to play and i just want to get good, and i dont really have any expectations of winning anything in this game for some time, atleast not in 2014. My real goals are to set myself up for 2015 and just play as much as i want to play, wich so far has been quite alot of hours.

Its fun to drop down playing 2-6 tables again instead of 18+ every session. Its fun to have things to think about, and find out stuff along the way. And people fucking battle in this game, all the time. Its so much easier to start games and get into these oldschool battles that i used to be in NL a few years ago.

anyways, heres the plograph so far

Special shoutout to Joeingram
I gotta thank Joey alot for his podcast, it defenetely helped me to get more inspired and motivated to play PLO, and i think its great for PLO and poker that ur doing what ur doing joey. I must admit i was kinda annoyed by u and made some judgements about u when u first came around with ur Vlogs and popbets and ur blog over here on LP. But with time, hands down i think ur awesome, GW AND KEEP IT UP!

link to his youtubechannel here for those of u who live under a rock:


Im excited for the future. I think i can get good at this game, maybe its a breeze of hope, who knows but i feel overall alot more motivated about playing poker and talking poker. PLO has set me back in time. The game is alot softer relative to NL, i can tell u that much right from the getgo. The spectrum of players is alot bigger and i just like the PLOworld more overall and its given me hope when it comes to my motivation.

If ur bored with NL, and find my story similair. Just switch, give it a few months like ive done and see if u can get as excited as i am.

GL <3

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